This is a screenshot with vanilla lighting and the HD Reworked Project Mod of Toussaint from developer CD Projekt...

This is a screenshot with vanilla lighting and the HD Reworked Project Mod of Toussaint from developer CD Projekt Red'sThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. This is an area from the DLC expansion, Blood and Wine.

Attached: Screenshot (222).png (1920x1080, 3.3M)


This is a stock image featuring penguins from Windows 7's C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures folder

Attached: Penguins.jpg (1024x768, 771K)

Now THIS is interesting!

Attached: 1336438144316s.jpg (251x192, 6K)

This is a picture of OP and his girl friend from the YouTube channel Barcroft TV. This video is from the series TRULY.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

What a lovely couple.

Looks too colourful. There's sun as well. Grim dark games need to be rainy and foggy and dark 24/7. Shit game.

>A ’SUPER-FAT' woman has learnt to love her curves, with the help of her average-sized husband. Amalie Jennings, originally from Denmark, lives in Hertfordshire, UK with her British husband Sean.
>Amalie first met her husband Sean on an online video game in 2008. Most people in the couple’s lives have been accepting of their ‘mixed weight’ relationship, however they have had to cut contact with Sean’s father.

Sean's father, if you're reading this: you are a great man.

This is a raytracing artwork I did in 3D Studio DOS in summer of 1992 on my dad's 80486. I was 13 at the time. It sucks all kinds of balls now.

Attached: DRAGONS7.gif (640x480, 171K)

seans father sounds like a fuckin lad m8

holy fuck SOUL

>'ate fatties, simple as

>NG+ Manticore Armor

Do you work as an artist now? This is definitely a lot better than what I could do at 13 and I'd love to see what level you're at now.

user this isnt that bad for a 13yo in 92
got more ?

Attached: images.jpg (184x184, 7K)

Still at it. I made it to 'senior 3D artist', for what it's worth. I worked the entire spectrum; TV, movies, print, games. I'm currently employed as lead environment artist at a studio in Denver.

based boomer

Attached: 1525388794348.png (380x349, 77K)

Godspeed, king.

forced meme cock sucker

based and penguinpilled

quit larping autist

stop posting here
this site is not for you desu

Yeah sure but name a better armor set for one-shot critting everything

b.... bros?

Attached: Capture.jpg (341x245, 22K)

Attached: 1556684101064.jpg (759x1092, 85K)

I can't tell what you're pointing out.

Ok first off, I mostly agree with That said, very good work for 92 regardless. It is filled with soal. You could make some bitching retro art if you still have the setup.


Attached: Unavngivet.png (710x738, 368K)

Just use the plain shirt, besides your in Toussaint it's warm there.

Looks like an oversaturated cartoon.

This is a picture of a powerful dark elf sorceress.

Attached: 1565151217918.jpg (764x1300, 78K)

he's in Toussaint you retard, it's literally a fairytale landscape

Looks fucking gay.

>It takes one to know one.