Monster Hunter

Hammer stands unshaken with each game. Why haven’t you picked it up?

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for console war faggots need to kill themselves

But how do I cut lizard tail if hammer?

Holy fucking BASED.

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I play hammer but holy fuck is it boring. Also fuck sliding on every slope.

And anyone that replies to them. Even if its for making fun of them, learn to report and ignore

Buff Switch Axe

>shitpost free
not for long unfortunately

>i play hammer
>fuck sliding on every slope

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Two more years...

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Sometimes I just wanna super pound man.

What weapon should I play if I want to feel like a special snowflake but also don't want to play hunting horn?


Ancient Leshen is hard, random people die ;_;

they did
i wish there was a option to go into slide or not with a button press

Not everyone who criticizes clutch claw thinks the game is ruined forever or other nonsense. It's simply a bad mechanic that needs fixing

Switch Axe

>People love LS and it's apparently super popular
>It hits like a wet noodle
I don't get it, what am I supposed to be doing with this thing? I've got red gauge but I'm still doing pathetic damage, I'm gonna go back to hammer.......

Is CB still popular? If not, then there you go.

>I play hammer
>fuck sliding

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You can still do a regular jump while sliding, and that's pretty much a superpound.

I've been trying for two night to beat the stupid behemoth. Fucking kill me. I just want the final fantasy armor my dudes.

>tfw im a bow cuck

Lance is a rare weapon with a proud fanbase. Learn it


It will be nerfed, its a demo m8.

>Not wanting to do your literal strongest attack

Gog set with +12 dragon atk charm
If only gunlance's pokes were actually good.

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funlance is for looking cool my man fuck being efficient


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Use Foreskin Slash and your Spirit combos to stay mobile and attack while looking for openings, then Helmsplitter for bigdick damage.

When the fuck does MHW take place? These people don't even know what a pink rathian is?

Are you on PC? Post a session and we can clear through it real quick.

I can't wait for Iceborne

The biggest true.

Shitpost-free thread

Playing GenU with a friend right now. Anyone know a good endgame set for Aerial IG?

I'm on ps4. Thanks for the offer though user!! I'm sure tonight after grinding for 4 hours i'll have a good party at some point

>hit monster with charged attack
>it flinches 500ft away
>doesn't matter because I can clutch claw it now
>hammer stun values also got buffed

It's a good time to be a hammerbro.

its nowhere near as strong as people make it out to be, you take full damage while on it, cant be used while monsters are enrages and is nowhere near as strong as mantles were specifically temporal

>using foresight slash, counter, or helm splitter

Fade slash and spirit combo are all you need.

I aways use Hammer and GS, nothing else compares.

this. it's the only weapon that can't cut anything off.

>Fade slash and spirit combo are all you need
t.20 minute hunter

>Woah! This hammer slide jump is EPIC! Who wants to learn situational moves? I'll just do this over and over again! Damn, I could never get into older MH with its obtuse combos, but World is just AWESOME!

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>i'm not a doomer trust me
>instantly goes full doomer mode

this picture does not encompass every case like this retard, not to mention clutchclaw is nowhere near as powerful as people think

Golf Swing vs power charge superpound

If you hit Powercharge and then don't move the stick it stops your slide
Or just do the jumping superpound instead of the spin by hitting dodge, it's faster

Because nothing makes me feel as good as switchaxe.
God damn what a beautiful, versatile and satisfying weapon.

>obtuse combos

Attached: hammer best weapon.png (578x450, 318K)

>gunlance is weak in the beta
>buffed in the final game

Oh, no, I'm not him. I'm just sick of hearing that defense.

Watch literally any Iceborne speedrun.

I don't care about the LS nerfs, the Iai slash allows me to go full weeb and that's all i need.

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it’s a painful existence against AT nerg and his insta slams

What nerfs? All they did was make it so you can't abuse Foresight without gauge right?

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should i buy the switch version while its on sale?

Wasn't it more like they were suprirsed to find one in the New World at all?

Yea fuck monsters like deviljho who stagger across the damn map.

Yeah why not. It’s on the easier side overall besides some of the endgame stuff, but there’s a lot to do in it.

It's the only game I've preordered since Bioshock Infinite, fuck yes it is worht it.

Less iframes for Foresight if you dont have spirit bars, slight nerfs to spirit combo damage and certain affinity skills don't activate in some attacks i think.

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Get cancer.

GU? I like it a lot, it’s not for everyone though.

Yes, yes and yes.

>insane replayability with over 93 monsters, EVEN if you remove subspecies; also more than just wyverns, has insects, snakes, spiders, frogs etc.
>deviants are simply better than subspecies in every way. much harder fights with their own distinctive movesets.
>actually challenging endgame, has some of the hardest quests in the series, tough as nails shit to test your mettle as a true hunter
>virtually no cutscenes in gameplay ever. you can, however, unlock ecology videos of the elite four plus valfalk by beating their village quests.
>you can pause the game while offline.
>online lobby system is the good old fun of actually joining a room, talking to people, exchanging guild cards, chatting inbetween hunts, taking turns posting quests, sticking together for many hours... it's what makes MH online great
>catlolis which are very cute. the bherna and airship gals are also cute as well.
>actual weapon design variety; tons of weapons to craft and they all look different and unique so it's a lot of fun even when they're not viable.
>endless amount of weapon+armor+style+arts combinations, opening up so many possibilities. option to play guild/striker without arts like classic MH exists.
>lets you use the transmog system instead of keeping it only for specific DLC/event armor
>rebalanced new weapons: insect glaive and charge blade DPS is now more in line with other medium-sized weapons. charge blade now force you to utilize more of its axe moveset.
>sword & shield has oils that turn it into a pure powerhouse with amazing utility in KO and partbreak.
>hunting horn can play double notes by hitting the monster, encouraging a more aggressive playstyle and discouraging deadweight corner horning.
>gunlance has a heat mechanic that utilizes shells in a meaningful way and separates it further from the normal lance
>you can play as a palico

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>people are making full-game considerations on the beta AGAIN
Yeah bois, like when people where saying MR Tigrex had less HPs than HR monsters.
It turned out to be totally true

Is Axe mode for SA actually usable now?

>light nerfs to spirit combo damage
It didn't even do good damage in the first place what the fuck. Guess I'm playing Lance in memeborne

no u


Unless every last fully upgraded GL has lv 5 shelling and the weapon suddenly becomes much faster, then nothing has changed. Nobody cares about all those silly new explosive moves when slam > sweep > quick reload infinite grossly outdamages every other style of play.

t. GL main

Lol listfag

Oh God, here he is

It's time to give in to evade window 2, user.

I'm just going off the top of my head so i might be wrong.

It might even be optimal. What a strange weapon

Seriously the fact every gunlance doesn’t have lvl 5 shelling is rediculous, it’s like hunting horns with fucking white notes or lacking attack up in general.

Anyone remember beating Nerg in Wildspire with their rarity 3 weapon?

I thought poke shell spam was the highest damage playstyle for gunlance. I'm a nub so I'm probably wrong.

>Bioshock Infinite
I'm so sorry.

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>be hammer player in Wurld
>monster walks near a slope

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valor hammer was so freaking fun in MHGU, I was sad to see how they destroyed it in MHW
Weapon changelists are near the bottom.

A R R infinite morph combo still outdamages it.

>zinogre confirmed
>20 monsters already in
>guiding lands confirmed to be a full map with regular fights rather than an arena
>elemental buffed
>shelling buffed
>hub fixed
>unique final design for all the new weapons
>Bazel Variant
Fuck doomposters and console warriors, the hype is still high.

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Like any other valor weapon it was a risk free casual, but admittedly, fun ride.
Hammer shouldn't have defensive moves though in my opinion, it doesn't fit the style of gameplay.

>you can play as the fucking cats
>infinite pickaxes and bugnets
>can place traps
>they don't get tired
>you can cart like 8 times
>no need for paintballs
So good for those fucking filler quests.

>bazel variant

no new monster parts lol

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It was OP as shit. World hammer is very strong as well but a little more reasonable.

Anyone know a good endgame set for Aerial IG in MHGU?

Great lance here feels good being immortal and unbreakable

>Bazel Variant
wasn't that a fake?

Does it make sense to use the full drill / explosion move of the SwAxe in GU, or am I better off comboing away in Sword mode?

I just want to chain charges and uppercut

>>zinogre confirmed

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more like crutch claw amirite

You're playing 4th gen SA. Go full Kratos and mash X in sword mode.

Well I got some tf2 hats so it wasn't that bad, I'll never preorder anything again unless I know what I'm getting.

World zinogre theme copyrighted.

>not opting for maximum DPS 100% of the time every time

You guys are such a bunch of fucking scrubs

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Speaking of SA, whats the current optimal combo? Just the one into heavensward slash?

I will not stop fighting this war until everyone migrated to actual MH. Only then Capcom will cut their losses and release MH5 with 110+ monsters.

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Because carving up monsters with a great sword is just so satisfying that I can't go back to hammers

>Rarity 12 weapon
Also if Jho gets a variant, Bazel gets a variant too to be on the same level. It's not hard to predict.

Capcom copyrighted the new theme for Zinogre in Japan.

I dropped it in World but it's been good in every other MH I've played.


We've been over this. Savage Deviljho is not in the base game.

>Awaken Sleep weapons
based retard alert

Ever since i started playing monster hunter i've basically only used the bow.

I love the playstyle and its what makes the game fun for me, but i feel like i'm losing out not learning other things. Should i figure out greatsword, hammer or lance?

>Savage Deviljho is not in the base game.

>G-Rank game with Jho
>no Savage Jho
Have you ever played a G-Rank game before?

What are you doing? Praising XX is illegal
Do you want to be hunted by Ryozo's fish ninjas?

Hey, he just listed off good things of GU. What's wrong with that? It's not like he constantly shat on World in his post, or something.

That's for amping the sword. You want to avoid heavensward since it takes so long to recover. YYB or YYYB are better for damage.

Base game. You fucking troglodyte. He's going to be post launch like many other monsters

>We've been over this. Savage Deviljho is not in the base game.
Source: My hairy ass.

>unique final design for all the new weapons
I'll believe it when i fucking see it, of course Tigrex has unique designs but i'll never ever believe that they'll give unique designs to Vaal Hazak's charge blade or similiar

Nearly everything in MHGU was op as hell and it was not a problem.

MHW's hammer is just boring in comparison

Why do you want the exact same monsters over new versions of them? Don't you get bored? MH6 will probably also be on nintendo consoles anyway.

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Yeah, savage jho is in every g-rank game since jho was introduced. Like how the cursed metal raths are in every g-rank game perioed.

So... Do poison weapons even make sense in GU? I read up on them and the damage it inflicts over time just send super negligible. Am I not seeing the bigger picture here, or is the effect just not that great?

He's a shitposting faggot and needs to go.

You either spam power phial or aim to land wild swing morph finisher as many times as possible because it has an absurdly high motion value.

>can't be used while monsters are enraged
This is wrong. You can still use the claw on enraged monsters.

tri tri tri circle repeat maybe throw in a ZSD

Why would it be that way? What suggest anything like that? Even the leak showed the "Seethe with Anger" quest in MR5

It doesn't mean anything. They're digging deep for ideas that are just being thrown around. Remember how Oroshi Kirin and Alatreon were datamined to be released in base world?

They're good against Kushala and literally nothing else

That's it, i'm calling the mods on you

The new clutch claw counter really helps in certain hunts too. Can't wait to tear Legiana's asshole apart with it.

Are we allowed to post our accounts? I wanna make huntan friends :3

Because I can't doot with that.

>"Seethe with Anger"
Those were for Elder Dragons. It most likely referred to Nergi.

It's not great. Okay on monsters that spend a lot of time charging or flying out of your reach I guess, at best it's just supplemental damage.

Yes. His G rank quests have been DLC in every game since 3U.

>Glavenus has no turf war with Rathian
What the fuck is even the point of referencing the fight in Generations then

No. It's an hunt quest, kill or capture the target. It was not an ED.

>hammer can't cut tails
>needs tails as mats
It's an abstract kind of feel.

>You are a true Monster Hunter World Game of the Year Edition
God damn title drops, I swear.

in Tri poison was okay against Jho if you were a shitter

I think that Savage Jho is in but im pretty sure the MR5 Quests leak was a fake.

I hope you like spamming clutch claw because that's all SA is good for in iceborne

It would have been, but they buffed ZSD too. The optimal playstyle is Clutch Claw ZSD spam, if the monster allows it.

It was a problem sice it turned 99% of the roster into jokes. Only super endgame stuff could even fight back and that's because they were full of random oneshots.

>tigrex, narga, zinogre, brachydios, banbaro, namielle, velkhana

>glavenus, beotodus, garuga, ebony odogaron and coral pukei and every single fucking recolor
>clutch claw
>riding monsters like horses
>anime cancer like iai strikes
>not redesigning old armors that look absolute shit like that Teo clownsuit that keeps getting posted by some user in every second thread

It's mediocre at best.

Impossible, it's not a slay quest

Will you fuck off?

thats hilarious actually. im surprised ryozo went with this

thats just retarded and stubborn

does he have one with rathalos where he gives him a nice manicure?

I can't do any ATs with pubs. Slot in effluvium resistance if you're gonna cart to val u fucking faggots.

Poison is used to completely dab on Kushala Daora and Teostra because it shuts down their auras for the entire duration of the poison. Elderseal wishes it was as useful as old poison.

Opinion discarded

To be fucking honest Valor/Brave was a fucking mistake
Literally every other style combined with the difficulty of the endgame would make sense, but not with Valor so they scale it with that in mind

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He has one with Rathalos where he doesn't use his tail, like how Brachydios doesn't use his fists in turf wars

>Hunt Quest
You okay?

You're certainly not unallowed to, but nobody usually does. If you're brave though go ahead, and /mhg/ has rooms up most of the time.

Savage Jho was in Caravan Quests in 4U

On a downed monster you should use YBB.
For building amped charge you can use Heavensward.


Ah. Alright, thanks guys. We wondering if I was taking crazy pills.

We are still missing a few more monsters, mostly from Tri. Also, a good opportunity to introduce new Deviants.

Giving the final boss of your videogame generic bone weapons was also retarded but whoopsie fucking doo why make unique weapons when you can fix it later

/mhg/ and Yea Forums does the usual post guild cards close to release, no one's tempting you to not do it if not for gatekeeping autism

I love my hammer brothers!

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>glavenus and ebony bad
>using buzzwords as anime

Doesn't poison do % health damage so its good against shit with huge health pools?

I'm stoked for garuga, he's been my favourite monster for years. Never thought they'd stick him in before kut ku honestly.

Clutch claw spam with ZSD is really good. Why does that make you mad?

>triple pound
>not Big Bang

Glav is good. The "recolors" have completely new movesets. Probably the highest effort G game so far. The only significant flaw is the claw.

It's Yian Garuga. Garuga is notorious for being one very pissed off bird. Judging from the new trailer where it flash kicks the shit out of Jho, we can assume that Garuga is getting huge health and damage buffs to be more in line with other tier 3 monsters.

it was a progression system that was admittedly not handles the best it could, what youre saying is still retarded and stubborn

Say it with me

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>big bang
>not brutal big bang

They do really need to give Poison a secondary effect if they're gonna just keep it stacking duration instead of stacking severity.

>that user getting buttmad about the definition of flagship in the other thread

Better check the dictionary on if it includes "package art" :^)

>Jun 12
Go watch the gamescom demo. Clutch claw works on enraged Velkhana.

Guiding lands? What guiding lands?

Use a boomerang

wait they have a iai strike for ls in iceborne?

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Sure thing Ryozo, i'll stop once you show me that unique charge blade for Vaal Hazak or unique lance for Odogaron

Yes, as a high rank quest. You had to either go through everwood or wait for his event quest to fight the G rank version.

>fucking recolor

You fucked up son.

An area called Guiding Lands is in the leaked PS4 trophy list. People thought it may have just been an arena, but other leaks have said its an actual area.

Glav is one of the most polished Brutes in the series

Have you been hiding under a rock

>guy uses rock steady to spam ZSD, takes damage several times and had to heal (indicating he would've gotten hit off otherwise)
>when the mantle runs out he uses para knives
>then gets a literal "use claw now" opening somehow
>and gets a head stagger (knockdown)
>and a boulder knockdown
>had to be revived because he was pretty shit with SA regardless
>still got knocked off several times anyway
>this "sub10" run was considered praiseworthy and/or cause for panic regarding clutch claw
You niggers already tried in the beta, no one can do clutch claw into ZSD reliably because Tigrex will just fling you off for 50% of health with his charge or, god forbid almost oneshot tailspin. I'm quite unsure since the rocksteady in the Darkside run seems to negate a lot of damage, it could be the "+" version of mantle you unlock way later and against the base MR5 Velk rather than the intended tempered or whatever tier it's in the endgame.

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I'm sure Kut-Ku is in as well. Takes minimal effort and they can chalk it up as plus one monster, like all the subs and variants.

>You had to either go through everwood
So he was in the base game as G-Rank
Or everwoods don't count?

lol this guy is fucking retarded

Just give me the webm

What's the point of fighting a Kut-Ku for the first time when you're already G rank, though?

I hope there are a lot of new monsters, user. You've got me hopeful!

It wont work against every monster. But for a lot of them, Claw ZSD spam will be viable.
I don't have one, just watch this instead

You can clutch claw enraged monsters, it's just a very bad idea because they attack so much quicker that you're almost guaranteed to get knocked off

i havent really been following the new moves dont wanna spoil everything, but shieeet if they adding moves like iai strike i might have to take a gander

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Literally just google iai slash mhw

You could fight him on other quests in 3U as well, but his specific quest was an event.

>"Claw ZSD spam will be viable" says increasingly nervous user

So basically, TDS got the privilege to restart a lot of times
Thereby getting the RNG where a lot of shit just lines up and magically get a lot of knockdown during it, not just clutch claw
Yet people screech at ONE SPECIFIC thing as the sole contributor of a TAutism

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You can Clutch Claw enraged monsters. You're retarded.

They might make some low HR missions for people who haven't made it far enough in the game but purchased it. Who knows.

>clutch claw can be strong
Wow guys
A mechanic is stronger than others in a MH game? That's unheard of.
It's not like HBG was busted af in GU, or Valor style in general.
It's not like GS was OP as fuck in 4U
It's not like IG was retarded in vanilla 4
It's not like HBG, GS and HH could steamroll monsters in FU
That never happened

You being stubborn and retarded is only working to your detriment, not mine.


Same as fighting a Pukei, a Kadachi or a Paolumu. Bloat.

If it's a super endgame strat or not really doesn't matter, if anything fighting what is supposed to be the end all be of the game by cheesing the fuck out of it is worse
This just proves that mantles are a fucking tumor that should be burned to hell where they belong, the crutch claw isn't even the biggest offender in this situation

aw shieet just watched two seconds of the first vid google gave me

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Because I'm a DB nerd.

Because loooooongsword is loooooooooooong

TAustism and speedruns are the cancer killing MH conversion (not the games themselves though)

It's nowhere as busted though
t. Kelbi bow main

I'm at least glad they're fixing the washed out color filter for console versions

>"Claw spam won't be viable" says increasingly nervous redditor, while claw spam sets records

Less talking and more working Ryozo, i expect unique models for those juicy 40 monies, and for EVERY monster

Welcome to the club weeb brother

>claw spam being viable
*enrages your path*

God the heavy bowgun looks so cool. I don't know why i've never tried it. I love how the "ka-chunk" sounds and those satisfying explosions..

user, I've been saying his QUEST was not be in the base game. Everwood is technically not a quest. What's going to happen in Iceborne is that you will rarely run into Savage Jho, but that will be your only opportunity to fight it until his event quest comes out at a later date.

In fact, Savage Jho's first big event quest in 3U wasn't to hunt Savage Jho itself. You had to hunt a Qurupeco that would summon it. Savage Jho's quest did eventually come out even later.

You could clutch claw enraged monsters during the beta, too. You're retarded.
>but its a beta!!!

>rocksteadies into lifesteal augment

Should I main IG or LBG?
Feels like I never do anything really exciting with LBG but that might change with the wyvernblast counter. Plus it's fun to heal people with recover ammo

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Don’t get too comfortable with it or you might get sucked into the baby mode vortex.

Sounds fucking amazing
Might pick a switch just for it
Has Capcom said anything about any new old-style game?

Oh no no no, people are criticizing MHW! Shift the topic to how Handler is an ugly goblin with absolute doodoo for personality!!!

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>he thinks enrage stops clutch claw
Poor retarded user

Also, rocksteady and life augment exist.

>Kelbi bow main

How are those 15 minute clear times treating you?

heh, nah kid ive been in the club

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>Plus it's fun to heal people with recover ammo
Immediately get rid of this mindset, other people don't matter, the only thing that matters is the monster's death

Why is it baby mode? The people who used ranged on my team always seem to struggle getting hit just once. Seems more difficult, but i guess you're probably right.

She looks better in iceborne for some reason.
Did they alter her appearance?

Imagine the smell of a room filled with infinite handlers

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and youll get it, stop being retarded

>can be used as a counter to avoid Spirit Gauge consumption
That sounds really good. Given that it benefits from three skills I wonder if it's going to be worth it to spec specifically for Iai.

>its a bug, they'll patch it!
The absolute state of capcom bootlicking redditors

Maybe? to me she still seems to have a potato face

>Might pick a switch just for it
You know you can emulate XX, right?

More steel/bone reskins

MHW isn't very different from older titles outside of QoL shit, "old style" isn't a thing.

Played at gamescom and can confirm that you can claw enraged monsters. They're just attacking more quickly so you're more likely to get knocked off

Is SnS finally not going to be shit?

Monsters back:

Stygian Zinogre
Savage Deviljho
Raging Brachydios
Lao-Shan Lung
Gold Rathian
Silver Rathalos

It's listfag samefagging

>it's in the beta so that means it's true
Just like vanilla world right? 2/10 poor effort.

No, beefy monsters just tend to be weak to it. It's flat damage.

Screw that, I'm not gonna let someone die on me in a 2-cart investigation if I don't have to

i'm sure everyone outside of pathological liars knew that you could clutch claw enraged monsters

I love how it goes like
>list of old monsters
>list of variants
>new name for whatever monster

That is why you never do your high tier investigations with other people
I still have nightmares about Gold Deviljho and my friend literally dying as soon as he got close to him

It was in the beta, and the demo, and the game releases in two weeks. Its working as intended.

Can't wait for shitters who refuse to claw and take 20 minutes to kill anything. If you're not clawing, you will get kicked from good players' lobbies.

>everyone saying Zin is back
Where is the source?

There's still a few days before the release. Will there be a new trailer?


>it comes out on the same day as IT in theatres.

Its gonna be a good day, anons.

SnS was good in 4U. World just ruined the weapon.

Vanilla World didin't remove any kind of comparable mechanic

That's not the real list

Could just be the lighting. She's still a gremlin.

based retard

Because I'm a great sword chad

His battle theme and chase theme got copyrighted for "monsta hunta aisu boon"

What's the weapon that just instantly clicked with you, lads ? For me it was the Switch Axe, everything just felt incredibly smooth

Copyrighted music, leaked icon months ago and the fact that he is fucking ZINOGRE


Should be.
Arekkz has a Guiding Land videos up on 3rd supposedly
So expect 1/2nd to be a trailer encompassing the new stuffs

I've only ever used bow. I love the idea of the hammer but can't use it worth shit. Great sword is alright.

Might try the heavy bowgun next, or give the lance a try.

>dead on arrival because of the beta
lol make sure to shill GU when the day comes then

I know i was just making fun of the typesetting

Official stream on September 3rd.

Just search god damn user you have Google

I remember some guy shitposting about how the hammer was the hardest and most IQ intensive weapon to use(lol) after that i got curious and tried it, love at first sight


Unironically, use a boomerang
I don't actually know how it is in some of the newer games, but in FU it didn't matter what type of damage you did to a tail, you only needed to hit it with a cut when it was damaged enough to remove it

>long sword tree leak shows a weapon that needs what is obviously fulgurbugs

Fucking Christ. That leak tells us everything.


>Arekkz has a Guiding Land videos up on 3rd supposedly

Back in my day we didn't have any fancy transforming weapons. I just picked a long, pointy stick and started hopping.

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Attached: 1403088328583.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

>new name for whatever monster
>he doesn't know

my 2 favourite indie games are getting updates in september
it'll be a good month

I kept randoms alive through ancient leshen. only took me 300+ buffs


Attached: 1521068377453.gif (540x357, 1.53M)

To date this is still the only generic area theme that makes monsters actually seem intimidating

>recover ammo
stop playing with baddies, if you said demon ammo you might have a point

Go home, weeb, you're drunk.

Which games?

Are we getting any new species in Iceborne? Did World have any new species?

I remember seeing people on Gamescom day talking about it
By logic, that means embargo is lifted around there and Capcom must've released their own trailer before it
Makes sense too considering it's very close to release

nobody cares

I've come to make a formal apology to Nintenbabs. Styles may be crap, but the Claw is worse. I just tried the demo this week and it the claw absolutely ruins gameplay for some weapons.

They need to add a big cooldown or something, because right now Iceborne is looking really bad if this isn't fixed

slay the spire and risk of rain 2

Hunting Horn's simple swings brought me in, encore swings sold me.
I fucking wish for some unique hh models to show up from iceborne leaks though, just to give me hope.

>Wasted this song on Gigginox
What a shame

Attached: 20190825000237_1.jpg (1920x1017, 143K)


Unironically fits Gigginox more than Barioth

You're going to have for World 3 to get some fun weapon designs.

Iceborne already shown unique designs, get better bait



Attached: 1566689763002.jpg (959x540, 311K)

nobody cares

Go back to posting GU screenshots, listfag.

Wait, seriously? Is there any proof?

Hh in 3u honestly. Like the feeling of power and relatively quick attack speed and great mobility just made the weapon feel nice to play, and I love the reach it has.

I'm worried, its a game ruining mechanic if left as-is

I think its both really well.

Handler's cute, you shut your god damn whore mouth

We've literally seen only two MR HHs and they both have unique models.

>4 hours
That's being hopeful. It took me more than 10 hours with randoms because I don't have friends

Why don't you post some, then?

Morudomunto is a thing

Attached: morudomunto.png (85x85, 18K)

Barroth horn for life

I don't play jap CoD.

>everyone say lance is immortal god mode
>I love lance's design
>struggle against Jagras and Barroth when I try it

Hammerbro till the end.

Hammer is always my fallback weapon. If I just absolutely have to beat the shit out of something as quickly as possible I'll go hammer, but if I can swing it with greatsword I'd rather use that because landing perfectly timed attacks with that has to be the most satisfying thing in any video game ever.

I forgot where they mentioned it exactly but yes.

>jap CoD
That's Pokémon

Yeah same here, i just jump from server to server trying to find random asians who hopefully feel like it. :<

Post your guild card user.

>having taste this shit
You should be embarrassed.

Reminder that if you genuinely get mad about the handler you're 99% likely to be an incel

Just beat Lagi for the first time in tri, it's surprising how gutted he was in GU without underwater combat.

Attached: 20190825003119_1.jpg (1920x1017, 351K)

>it's an Ice Gore

Didn't know about that

I'm going to do a FU Horn run. Any advice so I don't want to kill myself? There are zero guides on this shit online

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Attached: 【MHWI】武器アクション紹介動画「狩猟笛」.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

I feel out of the loop.
The only one I can think of is the MR anjanath horn which has a skull instead of the vespoid wings.

>criticizing GU
RIP user


Great maccao's theme is too good for the monster

Are we gonna ignore on how this thing swims through solid fucking rock

Don't be fucking racist, user.

If it means anything GU is still my favourite, I'm sure Lagi would have been shit in World too if he got added.

Attached: 20190824221737_1.jpg (1920x1017, 216K)

I am actually looking forward to the clutch claw. It will make flying monster fights much less about spamming flash pods(they also got nerfed). Clutch claw is something that always should have been in World imo.

>if you genuinely get mad
I don't get mad, but that doesn't make her not utter trash.

still felt called out though lol

If given the choice i would 100% ally with Velkhana just to kill her

Yes, but that's not the only switch game
Worth a try anyways

Also you can't make them run into a wall when enraged.

Don't bully him

Attached: aXJxF0F.png (647x603, 22K)

I thought you're supposed to get knocked off?

I also noticed that if you use the Lance claw counter you can't get knocked off.
Fuck the claw, OP piece of crap that can be spammed

That thing has amazing armors.

Attached: DeVi4TvUQAAzlXK.jpg (1200x566, 118K)

Insect Glaive
I love flying unga bunga



Attached: 1563771470882.png (1057x699, 763K)

Man that's neat.

Is the player character supposed to be the best hunter in the new world?

don't reply to him
don't engage him
just report and ignore

He'll get his head ripped off by Garuga

Nice servants, I'm going to roll for them now in FGO

Announcing reports is against the rules

He didn't announce that he did it. It's pretty lenient.

God would you just fucking die already
How pathetic must your existence be to be posting this shit every day?

Attached: 1542073649796.gif (512x512, 601K)

Would you instruct other people to report but not do it yourself?

Yes. You were canonically hot shit in the Old World as well, they delayed the entire fifth fleet to wait for you to get back from a hunt.

That doesn't make the monsters sound scary, at all

Remember when people were freaking out about Rocksteady, and then it turned out you couldn't get it until after you already beat the game? Then it ended up being worthless anyways.

Attached: DeBMsjAVAAAyu8m.jpg (1187x1450, 401K)

If you're announcing that someone needs to be reported, that's announcing a report

Post one non-Elder Dragon theme that does make a monster sound scary.

>I thought you're supposed to get knocked off?
It won't knock you off unless it attacks
Lance's claw attack has armor since its a counter and can't be used while moving
please keep up with the news retard-kun

Attached: 2.png (99x88, 15K)

that's common sense, which our local autist has issues with

Fucking hilarious its already fading away. Everyone will forget about it by tomorrow

What If the guy posting
>fuck off listfag
Is actually the one posting the list in an attempt to derrail the thread?

Does the claw have a cooldown at least?

>post le wacky nint0ddler image
Cope nincel, we dont want you itt either


>Bazel Variant
But it's a shitmonster, how is it a good point?
How will a variant redeem this worthless flying wyvern?

Just saying that it has worked for me without the post getting deleted. Better than having the thread derailed by having everyone reply to a shitposter.

it's tied to your stamina so sorta but it's freely open attack, why would they limit it?

There he is! There he goes again! Hes bringing him self up again! Dumbass

She's not real, user. She's not going to have sex with you for being her valiant defender.

What the fuck ate they thinking then? That's way too good, depending on the weapon

he kind of does that when everyone ignores him, unless that's you right now

Bazel is good

One thing i'll give Frontier, now that its dying, is that some OST were really nice.

Attached: 1562261415113.png (1600x900, 689K)

They managed to redeem Odojobber, they can do it with Bazel too

it's really not

should i farm for gamma gear or just wait for iceborne?

Attached: 1562641564220.gif (320x407, 116K)

Hammer and SA get some extremely strong moves from the claw

Frontier's music is pretty good, the problem is everything else

Reminder that bazel is better than seregios

Just wait, G-rank gear is going to be better anyway. No point in getting burned out before the expansion comes, go in fresh and ready to hunt.

Pretty good

Attached: 1566177726976.png (378x390, 357K)

We can agree the crutch claw is a major gamebreaker that developers won't nerf

But can we discuss more serious issuss instead, like why are they still forcing the fat pig called the Handler on us?

Attached: __handler_monster_hunter_and_monster_hunter_world_drawn_by_chamaji__1453974b76b02b39587ce6737b4cdf8a (1500x1614, 156K)

>not being a glowy Kaiser hunter

just wait for the wellfare gear we get on the 4th

Gamma gear will make Iceborne easier for a little while, so if you want that go for it

i'd get the layered at the least, that'll be evergreen

Hammer's move isn't that strong and SA's attack isn't strong either unless you're talking about ZSD but you'll wind of getting knocked off if you spam it

>we can agree
>on something we don't know anything about
>based on show floor demos where everything is easier
It really is rocksteady all over again.

Because her being ugly is "cute and homely" and you better like her, baka gaijin. Watch her be wacky and stuff her fat mouth again as she sits in camp all day and shares credit with you from your hunts.

You see, unlike Bazelgeuse Seregios has a moveset

>We can agree the crutch claw is a major gamebreaker that developers won't nerf
It's what we needed to make flying monster fights more fun.

>that scene in iceborne where the Hunter is knocked unconscious
>Handler drags you the tent and huddles naked with you for warmth
>nourishes you with her milk for a week
What did Ryozo mean by this

>We can agree the crutch claw is a major gamebreaker

You might its design and theme but it doesn't make it a better monster.

Attached: You Are Dead Wrong.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Does nobody remember the TCS animation cancel from MHW beta which lets you kill literally everything in a minute? they're not gonna let this slide, especially from all the balancing and mantle nerfs they've been doing

Attached: 1519352666055.jpg (526x700, 81K)

don't reply to listfag

Just counter every time the monster moves and you're halfway there, you can pick up the nuances as you go.
t. lifelong Lancefag

Are you implying Rocksteady isn't ridicolously broken

>Punished Hunter: A man deprived of his pride
>I'm already a demon

Okay these are pretty good
This is unironically the worst song in the series though. So fucking repetitive.

>removes any form of stagger, leading to instant deaths
go try it with Nerg

You mean the literal chainsaw glitch?

>non-Elder Dragon
Fug, I want an excuse to post Kushala's GOAT track.

Are you implying it is? Rocksteady is fucking garbage and everyone that uses it ends up getting fucking killed almost instantly.
The only actual broken mantle is temporal.

>finally get through Ancient Leshen with randoms twice in a row
>first time have two SnS users that apply buffs regularly and know how to flash
>second time is a complete carry by some level 999 LS user who kills the Leshen on the 2nd final Jagras call
I'm just glad I don't have to deal with that bullshit anymore.

Watch us get another FFXIV with Marlboro

>tank his attack and hit him instead, probably breaking his spikes and giving him brain damage
Now what?

I agree, layered Origin is peak aesthetics, it looks so damn good.

I got a webm to support it. This is gone from the release after beta.

Stop with this fearmongering, it'll be gone in the release. Just be glad it won't be on the release for everyone to abuse

Attached: GS POWAAAAAH!.webm (1280x720, 2.03M)

I have my doubts considering how barebone its moveset is but who knows.

Meant for


nice proofs.

That was sick though, CB should have chainsaw move

Are we unironically comparing an extremely specific glitch that can only happen in certain circumstances to something working perfectly as intended and just being overtuned

Getting hit should reduce Rocksteady's duration like Temporal.

There, fixed.

Attached: CtuKeLlUsAE1_hV.jpg orig.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

it actually does

It can be useful in some occasions, but it can easily lead to horrible deaths.
A noob using is 100% cart

People that use rocksteady will already be dead before it runs out.

>Hunt is going badly
>Used half of your potions and you're only halfway through killing one monster in a 3 monster hunt
>that song comes on your playlist
>Go full retard mode and suddenly the monster is limping
What song is it user


except the guy speedrunning velkana spamming clutch claw like never got thrown off

It does now

GS is strong!

Alright, let's make a deal.
The Handler is fucking dead.
Your favorite monster in the game dies with her and is cut.
Yes or no?

Attached: 1565662188340.png (480x480, 148K)

That's stupid and defeats the purpose of rocksteady being a double edged sword that can both help and fuck you over


Fuck off, if you want a chainsaw you use a SA like the rest of us. CB has more than enough already.

i'll experience the handler for about 6 hours before using her as a quest board then my favourite for about 100
so no

I choose the third option

>TA Velk
>in the easy mode demo build for the gamescom showfloor
Okay. I guess Nerg never throws off ZSD SA because you didn't get flung off from him in the World beta except when he did his superman dive.

>CB should have chainsaw move
CB does have it. But it's exclusive to a game that also features a pause button.

Attached: Ripper Shield.webm (854x480, 2.95M)


Behemoth is already confirmed for not getting a G-rank upgrade so deal.

>Are we unironically comparing an extremely specific glitch
nice downplay. It'll still be gone. If you want even more, Nerg was easily trapped in the Wildspire constantly, especially that area where Diablos sleeps. They fixed that by not bringing him there. Even more, bomb damage was nerfed because it was nuclear-tier in the beta, and with 4 players it was tsar bomb all over again

Just stop, man.

I "main" SA, it's more like a drill than a chainsaw

This isn't Gen/GenU, Retard-kun

Yes, you're supposed to use Rocksteady to get a hit in during the monster's attacks
Room temperature IQs think it's supposed to be some kind of second temporal and since they're incapable of properly using it they think it's shit when it's the most broken mantle

Silly user, that's clearly a circular saw, not a chainsaw.

It's in iceborne too, buddy. Feeling dumb already?

>comparing literal bugs to features
What has happened to these threads, there used to be intelligent life here
Literally the only non subhuman iq argument you made is the bomb one since it's not a fucking bug

>weapon has cool thing
>Cool, let's add it to CB, the one that has a multihit slam already
Why are you people like this?

Buddy I think you're the low iq here. The TAs on Velk were done with a bug involving clutch claw and not being kicked off, leading to constant knockdowns. I assumed you knew this

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Are you some kind of barely sentient fungus or what? they were using Rocksteady and the monster only kicks you off if they're either charging or attacking using the part you're on, Velkhana has almost no attacks using it's head

It was added in order to buff CB's elemental capabilities, which was clearly lacking outside of one cheat weapon.

>that staggering desperation ITT
What happened? he used to be a force of nature derailing MH threads instantly. Now he's just a footnote in the discussion

I've been finding myself missing the swamp themes lately.

But aren't vials and the sword charge already in place to buff your elemental output?

I miss swamps, the ancient forest is a fucking cancer


Is this that autist that latches onto a game and shitposts it relentlessly until it comes out? I know the Mods have called him out by name before.

>he used to be a force of nature derailing MH threads instantly
Don't think so highly of yourself.

Attached: 1524879320240.gif (200x155, 2.91M)

Attached: v was so autistic a mod had to confirm it.jpg (1213x362, 119K)

>another Horizon Zero Dawn colab
>no Thunderjaw or whatever other robot for us to kill

Attached: Platinum_Theme.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

The Axe is where CB's outputs most of its damage from.

Sword Charge is a useless feature in a game where AED shortcuts exist. It might be more useful in Ichinose's spinoff series though, since they always take out AED shortcuts in favor of ED2 spam.

At least I get another LBG that looks high tech for my collection that will probably suck

Nobody cares about ugly Gaijiin ogre game

Not in game right now but that's the most recent I have. I won't even attempt extreme behemoth

Attached: 20190721083845_1.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

>Horizon SJW Dawn
Nobody cares fag. Actual MH has the better open world collab.

Attached: Diks_KVWkAMbdXO.jpg orig.jpg (1024x512, 109K)

I miss when mods actually engaged in discussion instead of being shadowy assholes like they are now.

Have sex

Don't Stop Me Now - Queen

The drooling idiot slipped up

Attached: listposter exposed.png (1101x364, 82K)

Ah, I see the GS is finally working as intended.

No way. No fucking way. Please tell me this is an edit

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Is gunlance gonna be super good in iceborne? I haven't seen anyone talking about it.

>EGS shitposting threads were made by the same guy as listfag
How does ANYONE have the time to shitpost multiple fanbases? I understand one, but if he has this image, then there's a high chance he has a folder full of shit like this

what am i looking at

Defintion of insanity

Sorry guys, I think I'm gonna be a bit late to the party!

Attached: espenis.png (805x702, 24K)

I don't think it's that popular but it's in a much better place than it was in base world

It's real. It's the implicating evidence IRC user needed to send to the mods.

His mind and body work seperately

yeah but give me the quickest rundown on it

he accidentally posted an image common to Epic Store shitposting threads instead of the usual MHGU images he spams.
here's an example

Nobody invited you espingas or whatever your name is

Oh that’s ok, you weren’t invited anyway. Sorry S-Penis.

>World is shit

Essentially listfag is a guy that spends upwards of 14 to 20 hours a day shitposting on Yea Forums and /vg/.

Attached: Aubergine Dash.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

This kind of explains why I never seen the original spam that used to plague threads back then. Was wondering why its cleaner than usual

Attached: 1566249790836.jpg (458x486, 14K)

He’s been shitposting in every MH thread since World launched for like upwards of 12 hours a day every day. It was outed recently by the kids that it is in fact one guy and he’s also responsible for spamming EGS shitpost threads and several other games he obsessively shitposts over.

ah yes
just what the people crave

I'm gonna assume he's also the dude behind CDPR shitposting threads? that one did post similar list comparing TW3 and Skyrim. I think his name was TheBull

Attached: 1477585491331.jpg (350x338, 70K)

So what makes this thing different from Diablos or Rathian?

that exact same argument can be used for posting about said fictional character in every fucking thread you retard

Notice how the faggot bailed the second we started talking about him?


welcome to 8 hours ago

With World I've somehow just become completely unable to use the Hammer correctly. I just can't seem to connect at all

It’s very much possible it was him. He has a very distinct posting style.

Attached: s_what.jpg (531x321, 45K)

>quickest rundown
I don't even have the most updated one
I think it's better to just leave it as is and carry on with another discussion rather than keep bringing him up, it gives him power

Attached: 1563491548607.png (1571x2725, 1011K)

>Zamtrios acquited

Attached: 1563992873626.png (810x939, 493K)

hammer chads rise the fuck up
horn bros join us

damn another caramel, this kind of pressurized autism can create diamonds

This but with FU.
Super charges end up hitting the neck if in stead of the head if I'm not a mile away from where I think I'm supposed to position.

>be playing 4u
>first time fighting raging brachy after having the quest staring at me for a long time
>20 mins later kill him
>get immortal reactor
hell yeah brothers
is any of his equipment good? i have the ig but don't know if i should spend the reactor for the final upgrade.

i want to fucking sock whoever posts this picture in their dumb nigger mouths since theyre always followed up by the most retarded comments

Pic related
it's a picture of you at the beach

Attached: latest[1].jpg (754x416, 51K)

His base form honestly isn’t that much different to either of them but his sub and rare species get tons of new moves to differentiate it enough into being a unique fight.

>Snoy and BINGBINGWAHOO by the same guy
>along with shitting on World and previous MH games
I feel physically ill.

Attached: 1478844825233.jpg (242x283, 17K)

Literally White Monoblos

>Its all the same guy

During the beta I found the thing to be pretty matchup dependent. It was useless than half the time against Tigrex cause he’s always attacking.

Little more aggressive, and you have to be more alert since sometimes he really will just go instant Diablos charge. They better keep it if he does end up coming over.

welcome to 2 months ago. Why do you think everyone warns to not reply to him?

>"We have been tricked, backstabbed and quite possibly bamboozled"

Wow, you don't fucking say

It's okay to be late user

Welcome to 2 months ago, we don't talk about it now since it's literally irrelevant to MH discussion

This, It's a real goddamn help for beta Rathalos and 'Baro but you can't clutch worth shit on Beotodus and Tiggy

Attached: 1563964860388.jpg (3000x1687, 1.75M)

What if Listfag is also Barneyfag?

Attached: 239661.jpg (225x350, 30K)

Nah Barneyfag is someone different

Considering we got another Horizon collab it's very possible we could get another FFXIV one

Dont compare based barneybro to him

Yeah if they were to bring him over to mainline they’d need to incorporate stuff from his subspecies, rare species, HC forms and maybe even his Zenith to make the fight unique enough to bother working on.

>I haven't seen anyone talking about it.
If you haven't seen anyone talking about it it's certainly not going to be super good, user.
It's going to be considerably better, don't worry, but it's not amazing yet.

woah, what a fucking faggot

so are Barioth, Tigrex and Narga basically just reskins of each other?

they all do the same shit

Given how you react we sure are getting a very real reaction out of it, however.

So is the LS's new anime move even good? What does it do?

You can crunch numbers but the execution will still be different
All we know is Lv6 shelling along with the buffs GL got will elevate it to good tier, not considering x factors such as viability against Lavasioth-like unrevealed monsters etc.
I for one, am optimistic.

Attached: 1512682910662.jpg (236x329, 22K)

You might actually be right. Here's an example of the thread and here's the pic that was spammed back in TW3 days

Now I don't care about whether TW3 is good or not, but this phenomenon is almost 1:1.

Attached: 1449263090519[1].jpg (1019x1195, 339K)

But why is he called S-Penis?

Narg and Tigrex are complete polar opposites you fucknut nigger

A good cancel move out of last spirit roundslash
Might stack with the Iai skill on Velk armor, Frostcraft

Low IQ post

They’re similar but have a ton of unique moves and behaviours between them.

You're comparing Nergigante to Fatalis

No they fight completely differently from each other
That's like saying Legiana, Rathalos and Pukei all fight the same

given your response, you clearly dont understand how annoyingly offtopic it is, assuring you will always get a response since it has little to nothing to do with the game at hand

Espinas is Spanish for ‘spike’ or ‘thorn’. That’s literally it.

Guys. All the monsters do attacks, they are all basically the same.


Attached: esbenis subsneedcies.gif (805x702, 366K)

Theyre all reskins of kushala so who gives a shit lol, enjoy fighting the same monster 30+ times

>listfag has subspecies and variants too
Didn't know MH threads got a G-rank

Attached: 1462148964168.png (225x227, 119K)

Pukei is literally a Rathian with a brap attack it never uses

No you retard, they all use the Jagrasdrome skeleton

Espinas el Negro

Guys. All the monsters are monsters, they are all basically the same.

Iai slash is a stance move, from there you can use a quick swipe move that slow builds up spirit gage or an actual slash that uses 1 level of spirit bar and also functions as a 1 frame counter, however if you get the counter timing right you won't go down a level

>Theyre all reskins of kushala

Attached: 1562277348315.png (502x444, 198K)

You are a reskin of a muslim dog, you have the same IQ as one as well.

Are you a fucking mongoloid? Clearly they all rehash the Kelbi skeleton.

Well Rathalos did fucking steal one of Kushala's attacks out of nowhere

Guys, monsters are monsters

>tfw no Peco

>implying muslims dont use the kushala skeleton
lmaoing at you rn

You get a special sheath animation (you can even do it after your Spirit Combo) that lets you either do a quick slash that builds meter like the helm breaker's effect or a strong counterattack similar to Critical Juncture from X/XX

>This is unironically the worst song in the series though. So fucking repetitive.
That's why it should come back so they could remake it and spice it up

Monsters, Anons are Anons

prove it

I think Zinogre is not in iceborne.

I have have no strong feelings about Zinogre

I think zinogre smells shit

Ive never fought you but i hear youre basically a los/ian with thick skin that needs a fuckton of sharpness to fight effectively, is that all you bring to the table or do you have any other gimmicks or quirks that can increase your appeal?

Attached: BlSf386CQAEsHKo.jpg (596x785, 42K)


Rocksteady gets you instakilled by any attack with multiple hitboxes.