I can't stop playing Yea Forumsros

I can't stop playing Yea Forumsros..

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redpill me on this game

People are memeing about it, but it's really good mix of Souls formula with guns.

>Yea Forumsros

neck yourself

Anything else?

>Souls formula


Someone gift me this game so I can play it.


You played 79 hours just this week? Didn't it come out on Monday or Tuesday?

is this comfy with a controller?

Yes. It's fun even without friends.

No you fucking idiot. Only retards put in the Souls-like tag because they're fucking idiots.


Look at that mad soulsfag haha

just watch this


im glad you found a game you enjoy

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all the reviews are saying there are enemies and bosses that are nearly impossible solo. is this just urinalist shitty gameplay or is there truth to this?

kinda wanna buy, but if i can't play solo won't be worth it.

>against it being compared to Souls shit

you fucking idiot

They haven't found a broken build yet. Bandit + Devastator makes everything a joke, especially on normal.

game gets repetitive really fucking fast

Thank you!

Stop being rude to me

Maybe for reviewers. Game is totally balanced around soloing stuff.

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everythning I've seen says yes to this.

Do you just back roll shoot shoot back roll shoot shoot?

I've only been playing Solo and haven't died once. You just gotta know how to dodge properly and that's it.


How is this different from Destiny?

I like to collect new weapons and shit. Gameplay is fun enough for me, so I'm not getting bored.

Now that's good deal seller. Just what I need a game without friends.

Pretty fun.
Guns have good feelings and very good audio.
Later in the game, you can get more fantasy guns, like insect-based or element-based.
Game is dark, it's a dungeon crawler but the design works, and the game still adds in several different ways.
Neat little secrets, simple RPG mechanics and a material-based upgrade system. I'm having a lot of fun with it so far. Very good surprise.

Guns have a good feeling*
Game still adds variety through several different ways*
Sorry, not a native English speaker.

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I'm glad you found a game you enjoy playing

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i really they didn't just throw a shit ton of mobs with the boss to make it harder.

some of the mobs are really cheap.

gonna torrent this now hopefully i enjoy it thanks for showing me OP

>procedural generation

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don't forget that you can play online with the other people with the cracked version.


nice shill thread. this game is trash
>procedurally generated
>rogue-like elements
hard pass

With controller you cant aim for shit or use the hotkeys. Literally the pleb experience

the procedural generation is how the bosses are placed but you will always play the same bosses at one point but it keeps it interested due to having another weapon mod that someone doesn't have cause they didn't get that boss yet.

rogue like elements are fine.


I'm enjoying it a lot. Might be GOTY for me

>18 burger tokens
Is it worth it? Looks interesting

5/10 mindless zoomer game. Very little in the way of actual design, just procedurally generate some shit levels no one really likes, give people a fuckton of materials and trash so they can craft more trash and watch the numbers go up, throw some Souls stuff in there, some roguelite stuff in there, BIGGER NUMBERS.
games for people like this guy

god why is everyone using zoomer now you guys are such faggots.

any lewd armor in the game?

That's a real video game.
The point is to beat enemies and get stronger, not watch 150 cutscenes.

if my friends and i both have the hoodlum repack downloaded what else do we need to play online?

here's your reply, little user-kun

kill yourself faggot.

if you have discord i can help you set it up user but it's pretty easy.



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It's repetitive as fuck. Imagine Warframe levels bolted onto Lords of the Fallen.

but that sounds fun.

pirated it so im stuck playing solo. its not very fun. walking around feels clunky, melee is really bad, environment is pretty lame (at least at the start of the game, saw lots of cool looking places in screenshots), first boss was a reskin of a big guy i killed on the way to that boss, second boss was a horde mode, shotgun is satisfying to use, sniper rifle is satisfying to use, enemy variety is kinda bad (standard enemy guy, big guy, teleporting guy are the 3 types ive seen). biggest 2 complaints that i have is that the combat kinda sucks and the loot pool sucks so i dont really have any desire to continue playing

Yeah from what reviews I've seen there doesn't seem to be any kind of inspiring catch, you just shoot and equip better items. The environments themselves look completely featureless.

You should go play Destiny or Borderlands or The Division or Anthem or Warframe or some other "loot shooter". I bet you would love them.
Again, pretty bad design from top to bottom BUT you get a bunch of garbage and can jerk off to numbers. That's all zoomers need. Terrible levels, uninspired world, boring classes, mediocre gunplay, mediocre weapon line-up, terrible enemy roster, ho-hum bosses and not a single original idea in sight. None of that matters. Only the LOOT does.

Yup, you got it.

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tranny wojack.iso
Yeah... you're so based....

Yeah I like how that sounds.

We are talking about game design, why are you bringing politics and trannies?

So are you some sort of scorned Destiny 2 player or something? Give us the lore on that.

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I heard you can't hipfire at all. That seems like something I'd really want to do at all times in this game so I've held off on buying it.

One of the worst games I've seen Yea Forums shill here in a while. Like, I get the autistic DMC, Monster Hunter or Resident Evil fags, at least their games are good, albeit not anything amazing, but this? Pure mediocrity.

its just harder since there's no one to watch your six and enemies can flank you, but its manageable

>there’s fog and spooky monsters it’s just like my favorite game dark souls

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different in literally every way, its not even FPS

oh nononono no

Doesn't work, zoom-zoom. Even if I was a VN reading tranny of the highest order that still doesn't make this game anything above mediocre. Gunplay, combat, level design, none of that matters to you. You just want to collect a bunch of garbage materials and watch numbers go up.

Correct, they shoved a 3rd rate melee system in there instead.

Yeah I don't think so

remind me why you're all (assuming there's more than one) emotionally invested in making this game appear bad?

Nightmare mode really shows how shitty this game really is with RNG and the procedurally generated garbage design and the terrible sound design where bosses just throw out a 1 shot through a wall with no audio cues. On nightmare fresh no reroll solo about half way through the game or earlier depending on boss/weapon/mod rng you have to farm ammo boxes to even sustain since you'll end up spending more ammo killing adds than they even drop and there's still a chance that they don't drop ammo.

Sometimes fights can be drastically easier if the shittier adds spawn instead of throwing out elites at you and sometimes the game just breaks and they don't even spawn at all until the boss is at 25%. Most bosses can usually be manipulated into attacking the adds but then you reach a cancer boss like Canker and its just a total shit show.

>nightmare fresh
nightmare is designed for ng+ second runs

Not impossible but dumb and tedious. If they're playing on console then maybe it's 3 times as hard because you can 360 no scope enemies behind you in a split second.

If that was the case why even have it accesssible at the very start instead of just having NG+ cycles like most games.

If I were to buy it, would anyone like to play with me?

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To be fair you might have enough gear level and traits to skip Hard and tackle Nightmare if you coop enough. It's primarily a coop shooter and not a single player experience.

How does the game handle multiplayer anyway? More enemies or just more bullet sponge?

>would anyone like to play with me?


Ah, nice! What is your discord user?

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what's the best secondary? I know the beam rifle is really good, but i need something to compliment it.

>More enemies or just more bullet sponge?

Is latency a game breaker for multiplayer? (Brazilian here and considering if I should pirate or buy based on that)

Kek, you're so based.

I just picked this game up on recommendation and the game gives no indication that its specifically designed for co-op but after looking up some interviews I think the devs actually did intentionally design it for co-op so maybe I'm just retarded for even wasting my time.

Even so nightmare is feasible to solo even fresh but it's just the fact that you have to farm ammo boxes to even attempt the boss and the amount of RNG that can either fuck you over or trivialize encounters makes it feel shitty.

i'm not a faggot user , sorry

Then how the fuck do you VC with people?

>bonfires reset enemies
>titanite upgrade system
>estus flask
>fog gates

answer me in order to save an amazon forest tree!

its p2p depends on who you play with

I mean if having high latency will make the game unplayable.


Let me just ask you motherfuckers the magic words that will make everyone here get the game.
>is it easier than dark souls?

>2 hours in: this is pretty good
>6 hours in: this is getting a little old
>11 hours in: shit I need to find this weapon
>25 hours in: I need to find every single secret
>40 hours in: I can't fucking stop

upboated XD

I knew it. I fucking knew the post sounded too reddit. I shouldn't have posted it. I should have fucking deleted everything once the thought came into my head that it sounded too reddit. Why the fuck have I done this

Played it for about 90 minutes and it was very boring and basic. Easiest refund of my life. There was nothing new or interesting in the game at all

It's fun as a time killer.

The guns feel nice, there's a story there but it doesn't matter in the least, sometimes there's music but it's not worth listening to at all so you don't even hear it, environments arr rook same, procedural generation means you will miss out on certain loadouts/traits due to the random placement of NPCs (for instance you can either get one of the best guns in the game at the beginning of the first dungeon or not, or miss out on some fag merchant that has a quest line that gets you one of the best traits in the game or not), all the boss battles play out the same with you kiting around an arena vs endless adds, there's "loot" but not really who cares, there's an illusion of build variety, the guns feel nice.

Honestly it's fucking awful but if you want to run around and shoot shit for half an hour or something it's pretty good. It's not remarkable in any way and not shit enough in any way to be seen as a guilty pleasure, you just play it for no real reason while operating at a low humming state.

Think Diablo as a third person shooter (no cover system besides auto-leaning over things if you crouch behind them when aiming) with Souls healing and checkpoints, and a implications plot instead of a really cinematic one. And instead of oodles of duplicate loot and drops, all of your gear is earned by boss kills, finds and sidequests.

The real question: How is the fashion in this game?

I got the hoodlum pack too, how do I play online?

Dusters, Mad Max and later on magic bones with glowing lines.

hoodlum has a miner

Post proof.

>making up nonsense in a desperate attempt to try to scare people from pirating your mediocre game
Pathetic faggot. Private scene trackers don't upload miners.

>want to keep playing
>more often than not people are doing the last boss
>quit out
Im sorry, I really am, I would help but I have fought that shit about 10 times now and get nothing for it, and It has honestly made me just move away from the game, that boss is so fucking bad holy shit. They need to do something about it. The first stage is actually fine and even a bit fun to fight with how its attacks work, the second stage puts me to sleep
>it only has 1 fucking attack and you spend most of the fight just walking around goofing off because you arent allowed to attack the boss and the boss cant hit you because its so predictable
Desperately needs a change, it feels like a fight from a completely different game.

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Some of the armours are nice, but it desperately needs more gear. I know they intended to keep adding more content but its an issue now and I can only judge what I actually have. Also why do the starting armours have the option to change their color palette but nothing else does? More options like that would be appreciated.

Sleightly related where but where do you get the headpiece of the very first armour in the game (green jumper) I noticed there is 3 pieces for it and I only ever got 2, you also never get access to the medieval looking sword outside of the prologue either.

>exit game to go get food
>start game
>don't reawaken from where i left off
>have to do a bunch of shit again for no reason

How do you even change the starting gear palette? I'm still in Scrapper shit.

dark souls with guns. probably the best one to do that concept yet. also a mix of resident evil combat with shlooter elements. it has some glaring flaws such as no firing from the hip and it runs like ass. probably worth the 40 bucks because its still really well made but that no shooting from the hip is one hell of a poor judgement call and knocks off at least an entire point off its score.

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No shooting for the hip makes sense. You can immediately attack for melee if enemies get too close, but have to aim to hit things at a range. If you could hipfire it would make the risk of taking aim or using your melee moot because you could just shoot your shotgun point-blank at everything in a heartbeat.

>do dumb thing
>suprised when dumb thing happens

reminder to not support chinks

fair enough, but could they at least make the melee key not default to left click? it makes me swing my melee weapon when I expect to be able to shoot and it gets me hit half the time

>exit game in the same way i do every other game, especially ones with persistent world states
>in every other game i reawaken in the same spot i quit out at
>this one doesn't for no reason other than the devs are retarded
fuck you retard

In inventory swapping equipment is says "press X to change palette" or something to that effect. The scrapper gear swaps skin to the same gear but all painted up. The ex cultists set gets a nice white coat and hat, I pretty much use it exclusively despite the set bonus.

I keep hearing this, yet all the studios involved are western. Why are people saying this?

Where can i find more guns? It start to get boring

Kill bosses, explore.If youre still on the first zone you have not killed any bosses or done much exploring, it isnt a looter shooter, enemies do not drop gear, it is in the area to be found or dropped from bosses and can be made in the hub.

We're experiencing infinite loading with a friend trying to play online with steam, is there a fix or anything help that can help us ?

We're living in the same country and we both have no pc/net problems

it only happens when we play together

Is one of you cheating or using a pirated copy?

>game crashes as i go into a dungeon boss encounter
>all the way back at home base, all progress through the dungeon lost
holy shit who the fuck designed this dumbfuck retardation

nevermind im a little retarded there's an option to go back to the checkpoint but still jesus fuck why would i not want to go back after a crash

Are they going to add in game voice chat? There's really no reason to co-op unless you're playing with friends.

I can't stop playing Yea Forumsirgins....

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we're both using steam version and we aren't cheating

tfw you will never play the 1st days of transformice again....

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>infinitely spawning adds with infinite range
>boss has infinite range shotgun that staggers you for 3 seconds even if it does 0 damage
>like 4000 hp to make sure the fight drags on forever
>low profile and repositions so often it's impossible to keep track of when also trying to deal with 4 adds all shooting at you
this game wasn't made to be played solo, was it?

I finished it solo fine, the ads come to drop ammo. What boss is it?

Have you been upgrading your gear? The scaling works based on the highest item you have, make sure to upgrade everything to the same level, dont just upgrade a weapon and leave everything else because thats akin to playing and mmo with a max level weapon and using starter armour, you will get plastered.

>shotgun nigger
I'm guessing brabus, he's a bitch solo but just stick to his ass and dodge his shots

brutus or some shit, he's a gang leader or something
ammo isn't my issue, it's that i can't actually put any fire on the boss because there's always at least 2 other fuckers plinking away at me while im trying to aim
yeah, everything's at like +4 or so
i put it on hard when i started, was that a mistake?

I beat the whole game solo, didn't even fully upgrade my gear. Some fights are kinda hard but I think the most I ever died on one fight was like 7 times. This was normal difficulty though.


Normal is for solo, Hard is for multiplayer, if you arent going to play multiplayer playing on hard just makes things a bit of a hassle as you havent the gear to properly kill ads and withstand damage.

If you got that far on hard you could reroll your campaign and catch up very quickly, rerolling keeps your character and all items and just creates new maps and starts the game from the start.

Uhhh, should I not buy it right now?

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alright i guess i'll do that

Is there a good shotgun?
I'm still on the +6 starter shotgun.

Is there actual coop or is it the same shit as DaS?

Actual coop 3 player though

Pirate this shit retard

I heard this was connected to the Chronos world. Did anyone here play that, too? I loved the shit out of it but sold my Rift and have been itching to dive back into that world. Pic related was such an awesome area, and I hope it's in this too. There were Pan enemies and a Pan boss, and the music was pure kino.

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Where'd you get the sword? Looks like it came with a shield too.

Dedicated coop, drop in drop out.

They are in the same setting yes, confirmed by devs. The dragon from the end of Chronos is one of the bosses even.

Normal is good to start off and get gear, hard is easy to solo afterwards.

That's not my screenshot, I grabbed it off another site. I just wanted to show the area with the Pans.

Anyone who says this is dark souls with guns should neck themselves.

Ah so virtually every reviewer and their community manager, cool

Reminds me of hellgate london but you're not in sewers 99% of the time.


>can't even beat the first "boss" with its constant teleporting+regenerating and its adds 3-shooting me
Am I just suck or is this not designed for solo

you am just suck

This, its Resident Evil through and through, calling it DaS with guns is just to hook people who are persuaded by buzzwords. Its shitty because it has spread around expectations that the game is something that it isnt, so going into the game thinking its like DaS leaves you judging everything against it, when its fucking nothing like it in terms of actual gameplay. Lords of the Fallen is a Dark Souls rip off, it is trying to be Dark Souls and fails at it, this is a different game with ELEMENTS from DaS, it is not simply DaS with guns. Limited healing items, difficulty and checkpoints does not equate to a Souls game.

debating this game right now. How important is co-op? Is there a hub / easy way to group up w/randoms? Or is souls-summon bullshit?

Don't use zoom-zoom, its hard to agree with you when you sound like a faggot.

I had problems with that boss till I upgraded my gear a bit, dont neglect that. Also use the lever action rifle since it tends to teleport far away at times and you cant do shit with the other weapons at that range.

It's more like Resident Evil meets Diablo with bits of Souls. Or if you really want to make the comparison, a less polished Evil Within 2 with more RPG elements and roguelite.

You can jump into games from the main menu, you dont have to summon.

And multiplayer.