The next President of the United States is the MC of the last game you played

How screwed are you and the world?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Warrior of Light from FFXIV
Well she's an almighty powerful champion who cares about people and protecting them.
If anything she'll solve all the world's problems

>Ashen One from Dark Souls III
Gonna hollow and RISE UP

Probably pic related he cares more about the world than his sister.

Attached: 1.png (400x464, 297K)

>builder from DQB2

Fucker can build the wall himself.

>last MC of the game I played as a sexual deviant samurai
The US of A is going to get a lot more kinky.

>United Empire of America
>will get rid of lizard people
>will then turn around and get rid of jews
how can one woman be so based


Attached: Tina.jpg (500x703, 166K)

>Rallen of Spectrobes
World and the system are saved from extraterrestrial threats so that's cool.

uncle death from let it die damn we are screwed.

> Goes into office
> Uncle nukes California
> she then purges him and all
Best timeline?

But user, I just got done playing Metal Wolf Chaos.

>artist makes Edelgard a foot taller

No, that's where the molepeople live.


Attached: Shion.png (170x494, 85K)

Why did you say she'll get rid of the same thing twice?

>Super Crate Box
No idea. It's not like there's a deep character there.

Massive improvement.

Corveu from dishonored. Eh. Seems like a nice guy.

How fucked we are lads ?

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It's lesbian Hitler though, not an improvement
Also >Noble Six
I think he would do just fine.

>Adam Jenson
He didn't ask for this...

Step aside peasants, it's mask time.

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That was actually my guess of how the sequel would end

WoL is male. Fuck off with your faggy shit.


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>invade Europe
>invade Asia
>world turns against you
>America gets turned into a wasteland
>allied forces closes in
>take alien steroids to turn you into a magical xenomorph
>still get your shit pushed in
TBQH Dimitri just wanted to make America Great Again without resorting to complaining about muh sexism or inequality.

He will reach out to the truth and make America great again

I guess FukuJun will have to go from Joker to Lelouch in the same character arc

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I think we will be fine

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Civ VI playing as Teddy Roosevelt. So time travel. or a clone? Either way, I'd pick Teddy R over any 2020 candidate

the president doesn't do speeches anymore

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The only reason Edelgard lost was because of Byleth. In all routes other than BE, the kingdom, church and alliance gets their shit pushed in during the timeskip when you're asleep. The only reason they defeated the empire is because you came back.

W-wait she turns into a Xenomorph? The fuck? From the other FE thread I thought she was the MC or at least best girl or something.

Tony Hawk.

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You can say the same shit about BE. You think that without Byleth, the psycho isn't going to get offed easily by slithers?

>"This is what I was made for? Alright. Lets do this."

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she isn't because the slithers are pushovers that you can beat in 1(one)(uno)(一) map

Yeah, with Byleth.
It's the only route you can't prove she'd beat them on her own.
And they have nukes when she killed the one thing that can fend them off.

What is it about office wear thats so sexy?

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The Arisen?
We're in safe hands, motherfucker killed a dragon

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The sheer silky soft pantyhose

slithers nuke has a long cooldown and they already used it on arianhod

Kiryu would unironically be the best world leader ever. He would go into the UN and just beat the shit out of everyone with chairs and tables.

He's gonna make a law to make everyone a cuck while this Chad goes around fucking people's girlfriends/wifes

>Artemy Burakh
Honestly sounds fucking great he can cure my country's plague any day of the week he isn't starving to death or collapsing from exhaustion.

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Canonically the real routes where she eventually dies is that the two kingdoms casts out their traitors and eventually form and alliance against her. Dimitri did not change by you alone, Rodrigue had as much influence on Dimitri as Byleth. She expanded too rapidly, and overextended which lead to her first defeat in Gorugier field regardless if you were involved or not.

High-quality clothing that tightly hugs the body in the right places.

Good ol' Geralt of Rivia.

things will be ok

Well, the hair color fits.

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Things would get pretty crazy and sexy, to say the least.

>The Nerevarine.

mite b cool

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>Alf Landon from Hearts Of Iron IV
I dunno.

>The Luminary
I dunno. Is he President but do he's just my proxy and I'm the one REALLY in control?

I was so fucking disappointed by the ending of this

We goin to mars boys

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>just shut down Koikatsu

Hide your daughters.

>The Arisen

You mean he keeps nodding at everything and changes his job ever 2 minutes?

All routes are real routes you tard, there is no canon

BE route is not the real route, when 3/4 of the route Edelgard becomes the bad guy then then her route canonically becomes null and void.

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>Monster Hunter World
>Me, but with a sick pompadour

I would be assassinated.

>honey select waifu
boiiii, she can command me anytimeeee


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>hired a hitman to try to murder a bunch of teenagers
>hitman gets confused and ended up trying to kill you instead
This bitch is obviously a fuck up.

>Link from BotW

>>will then turn around and get rid of jews
She's a jew puppet and sexually exploited by them during her childhood

Post an official source.
Dimitri is an incompetent bumbling retard in 3/4 routes and Claude is a greedy crypto kike in 3/4 routes

>Dead Cells.

His...last political run didn't go so well.

Dude your waifu literally turned into a xenomorph, her route isn't canon she lost that canonability when 3/4 of the route she is either the final boss or the mid boss.

Hunters are literal Super Humans. You'd be fine desu.

>lays down blueprint
>all of US will automatically build the wall themselves


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>The american sniper from Sniper Elite 4

And Dimitri turned kids into monsters, get over yourself blue cuck


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Female bruja from vampire the masquerade bloodlines
Had her side with the anarchy people, America's fucked

Dimitri didn't do such thing, sure he got a little depressed/edgy/suicidal but in none of the route Dimitri did anything monstrous. Not like your waifu.

Dimitri literally makes monsters you tard. That's canon.

that's why she gets rid of them in her ending right?

Not of kids you fucking retard. They were all at least 21 and all of them volunteered.

>M-muh big boss Hitler did nothing wrong
Yikes and cringe!

CnC generals zero hour as Shin Fai

Karl Fishburne, I'll be fine.

>all 3 choices they were totally annihilated
>her route
>w-we will get the people that killed your father sensei, anyday now but right now we still need the CI-A err the evil terrorists to err well we need a buggieman for reasons
>but we will get rid of them eventually
And thus the war on the slithers progressed on for decades under her rule.

Go back to /u/ nobody fucking likes her in Yea Forums anyways.

>B-b-but volunteers!
Yes very humane, forcing people to volunteer to die for you

tfw ksp2 was announced. THE THRILL MASTER IS BACK BOYS

Cry more baby

you find out that slitherers are not actually destroyed if you marry Claude, and Dimitri stumbling like a retard and accidentally killing Thales is not getting rid of the slitherers

Fuck in the Byleth epilogue with anyone it said they were destroyed you fucking retard. I mean at least to the point that they have to retreat deep underground for possibly thousands of years. The only epilogue that was ambiguous about their destruction was, shockingly ELxBy.

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Better than slaughtering innocents and torching towns.

*inb4 Rhea did it as well

Yea fuck Rhea as well, stop trying to compare garbage(Edgelord) to another piece of garbage(Rhea). At least Rhea was insane during the time, Edgelord did it to cripple any nation that still have any resistance to her reign.

El made her sacrifices for the greater good and brought peace and prosperity to the continent

At the expense of millions of lives. She's not even Hitler at this point, at least Hitler loved his people. She's closer to Mao or Stalin at this point.

Millions of lives aren't that big of a deal in the greater scope of things.

She killed millions to improve the lives of billions

We're saved

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Industrial Revolution 2: Electric Boogaloo

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t. David Icke

I'm not sure whether healthcare would improve or deteriorate under his presidency.

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As far as I can tell the Manager is a good person. Some sacrifices will be made though.

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Its either Bonds Nanashi who killed God and freed the universe from his rule or my ng+ Nanashi who is being an ass to everyone he talks to for no reason.
I think the world is going to be okay either way.

Good Canadian leader

>Neku Sakuraba
Having a mind reader with a massive array of psychokinetic abilities as President sounds pretty based

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The world trembles in awe and fear.

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If Edelgard was the president of the USA there’d be no one on here cause they would all be made into MEN by now

Or we'd all be turned into monsters or better yet dead.

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>We police now

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She did nothing wrong

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What the fuck has to go wrong for someone to become a *character*fag in the first place? Jesus Christ you're all so fucking stupid.

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Perfect, she cares about carrying capacity too

that gives me memories

She did lots of things wrong, but ultimately made a better world. Claude on the other hand did lots of things right and made a better world, and Dimitri did lots of things wrong then tried to do things right at the last minute and kind of just put things back to square one in terms of fucked-ness. If you seriously want to pick a lord in terms of who makes the most good decisions and leads to the highest benefit, Deerfaggotry is the way to go. Otherwise just be a normal fucking human being and play the route that you think tells the best story.

Did you even do the Dimitri route? You know her motives there, and literally:

>if we kill all of the weak only ones left will be the strong
>therefore there will never be anymore exploitation in this world

lol this is some leftist fucking bullshit right here. Even if there are no longer any weak people, someone will still exploit people or give birth to them. Heck the moment a long lasting peace occur weak people will be abundant again. That is just war and the cycle of life.

>>>>>get rid of lizard people
She can't even do that

>did backdoor deals(CIA) with lizard people(Muslims)
>few years pass
>calls them terrorists
>muh lizard people with the help of the Goddess' chosen people did Duscur
>we need a war on terror
>decides to attack people that had shit to do with Duscur
If anything she's the closest thing to whatever the fuck we have here in the US.

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Only end card where the Jews are present. Cope.

I've got Doomguy as well. He will MAGA

It’s shockingly accurate
>it’s 4D chess she’s working with the Jews to get rid of them later trust the plan trust Hubert

>open borders and multikekturalism is a good thing

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>How screwed are you and the world?
it's a secret to everybody.

No she's literally working with the jews to get rid of the catholic church because she just doesn't like them based on lies that her jew uncle tells. lol this is fucking retarded. My point was the church really did nothing wrong, its the nobles that exploited the church that is at fault. The same nobles who continues to be in her inner circle.

>EDF 5 heroes aka civilian aka rookie aka storm 1
He deserves it.

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Fodlan sucks cock

>the church did nothing wrong

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>Solves world hunger
>Terrorism is a thing of the past
>Racism is done
>True equality is achieved
>Big businesses are broken up
>No more giant family run conglomerates

Attached: fire-emblem-three-houses-review-1564131118201.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)


Doubt he would be a solid ruler but god damn could he SPIN

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KILL THEM ALL! I'm down for it.

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>I'd rather betray the world than let the world betray me.

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Your president wanted to kill this, think about that for a moment.

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Almyra is a nigger shit hole, they have nothing worthwhile to offer Fodlan
Claude is just leeching off a continent he doesn’t give a shit about for the benefit of his own people

>Wario World
Uh oh

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I spared lysithea and even saved her with lindhardt micropenis

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>some trash-collecting Artifex from the caves of Qud
He'll like industry I guess

>one went and offed herself
>other literally begged for her life and is up to you to spare/kill her
this means you fucking killed Lys you fucking monster!

Is this what FE has become as of recent?

Yea the picture was just the artist mocking it. Everyone calls Three Houses, Persona Emblem.

Whats his tax policy?

just stop with ep1 and we'll all be ok.

Riddle me this Yea Forums
In real life people says monarchy sucks an everything but in every media monarchy/kingdoms are romanticized and shown in a good light while republics shown as corrupt and decadent.

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What's missing for it to be a rip off?

Everyone knows what we have now is shit tier

Because a good monarchy>>>>>>> a good republic and a bad republic>>>>>>a bad monarchy.
With monarchy you flip the coin every 50 years, and it's either +100 or -100.
With democracy you flip the coin every 5 years and it's either +10 or -10.
Would you trust RNG that much?

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Everyone who is a mongoloid.

Just like in real life, she’s a jew puppet that does exactly what they told her to do.

Last game I played was this game of life, so I guess I am the president.


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Nobody is screwed and everything is gonna be alright.

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These two would unironically make great presidents

Uhh.... at least we are safe from any alien attack!

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Would your president cancel a meeting with the Japanese embassy regarding wildlife protection to save America?

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>the main character
looks like we're having an election

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The most fun presidency ever!

Attached: download.jpg (215x234, 13K)

>good monarchy means king is omnipotent and omnipresent and does everything himself
god you're so fucking retarded you can't even comprehend how retarded you are

Heroes III with everything randomized, so I guess we're stuck with a swamp witch and are going to have terrible health care despite it being her pride and specialty.

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I see no problem with that.
Me, on the other hand, is the mayor from Animal Crossing. That promotion came by pretty quickly.

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Are we fucked?

He'd bomb every coalplant of the country and then invoke Bahamut 0 on China.

pic related

Double the gun, Double the fun

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i was on a nostalgia playthrough

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>Agent 4
I guess we're deciding laws via Splatfest now?
It's like voting but more fun

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Because a good king is a sight to behold and makes good times, weak men come out of good times because they aren't given perspective and that's how you get the King's son no one likes. The little shit brings about the very same mess his father or grandfather cleaned up before.

>MC of FGO

Can we use servants to stop wars or will that violate the Geneva Convention?

>Kyle Hyde

Hell yeah

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Looks like the wall is being built after all.

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>Some new upstart faction leader in starsector
I guess he would do okay. He's got max skills on leadership, tehcnology, and industry. With a little bit of combat sprinkled in. If he can bring blueprints he learned then even better.

The Nerevarine

With Azura's guidance he will strike down the tribunal(illuminate NWO) ruling the USA

>man of humble working class origins
>worked in multiple industries, has run actually successful businesses
>Army veteran
>first-hand experience in healthcare field
>runs educational facilities for the youth, emphasizing physical health as well as mental acuity
>willing to put in hard work to get representatives of other nations to cooperate, whether it be long, convoluted quests or beating the shit out of a bad guy hypnotizing people
>protects the environment, keeps urban and nature areas clean
>literal superhuman abilities, if he ever needs spec-ops shit done he'll probably just do that shit himself and just stomp America's enemies to death
>takes cheap ass vacations, takes a tiny ass plane with Peach to Isle Delfino, takes a bus with Peach and Luigi to that hotel in Luigi's Mansion 3, probably a workaholic anyway

Mario's a pretty solid pick for the job.

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Oh you have no idea.

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>He fell for the bad republic is better than a bad monarchy meme
Just kys, you were born stupid.


Rising storm 2 vietnam
I guess if anybody was the protag of that war it was the president himself so that would be interesting.

I feel like under bowser unemployment would be very low.

Moving from right to left until you hit a wall and then repeat for 8 hours a day is as good job as any of them.

It's hard to be unemployed when everyone of working age is being put towards a total war effort for their incel king and somewhere around 1 out of 8 of us is gonna be stuck patrolling the platform in a castle that drops into a void or lava or toxic waste once Mario runs by and triggers the trap.

but edelgard isn't mc

>actively tearing apart anyone in their path
>comes back after being assassinated
>armed with flamethrowers, cannons, and martial weapons of all kinds
The Hunt is on.

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>Cole McGrath with good ending
I don't even know

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true, but in that position she'd be doing most of the work.

This could go either way with everyone at the castle as her cabinet.

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>loses Florida because he couldn't beat Putin in a dance battle to Bad by Michael Jackson

Not gonna lie. He'd probably do a good job bullshitting his way through his term. I also have a feeling Nick became president through some freak accident.

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couldn't possibly be more fucked than we are with trump

Deacon St. John from Days Gone.

He's kind of a goofball and doesn't have much in the way of political experience but he has demonstrated some leadership qualities towards the end of the game and he is, in the end, not a bad guy. I don't think he'd do a great job but at least he'd be better than Trump.

He didn't do anything.
The apocalypse is in the lefties head.

>player from medal of honor frontline
Pretty good

His first four years will be filled with darkness
This second four years will be awesome AND we'll get to go to the moon.

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Incoming shitshow

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GW could use some fucking freedom i think....

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>Lloyd Irving
Well at least he’s got a pure heart

Well fuck. The whole country is his harem now.

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>South town team
I must say, I can't see any difference from usual, except maybe USA having great diplomatic relations with Japan and Russia getting serious competition in shirtless president department.

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>tekken 7
>One of the mishimas
We're fucked

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>Wei Shen
We're in good hands

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the last game i played has no main character, take that fag

who is the MC?

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mr poopy of poopy industries god help us all

>Garrett from Thief
He might try to create some communist paradise and take everything from the rich and give to everyone else but he can also just use this position to fill his pockets.

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>big boss
He'd quit day one and fuck off to cuba

>uncucks humanity from the stench of the gods
>literally spares countless villiages and towns in her arc as long as they surrender when she doesnt have to
>doesnt even do anything to the alliance after she takes them over, as claude pretty much leaves it up to her as he dies
>but turning people into monsters is ok!
>but torturing enemy soldiers is ok!
>but siding with a psychopathic dragon god with a mommy fetish is ok!
Dmitricucks cant even realize their own hypocrisy

>Divinity OS 1 Source Hunters
Well every major action we take will be decided by really intense rock-paper-scissors matches between the president and vice-president. I get mind-gamed by my coop partner a lot so it's not going to go great for me.

Yep, that one's going in my pantyhose folder.

To be fair he could become emperor if he married Alfin

Pretty good actually.
Alpha-chan for everyone!

edeltards got fucking obliterated in the other thread. why do they even exist.

Honestly I trust this lad with my life.

>Punished Dimitri
I can't wait for Crawling in My Skin to be our new national anthem.

He dies early in his term and Vice President Rutger becomes the best president in US History

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He becomes unpunished by the end though.

What's President Rutger's tax policy though?

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I want to bang the First Lady

President Rutger has consumed so many boots that he can go to diplomatic meetings by foot

>Doom Slayer is president now
Mmmh, how does this work out?

>julius caesar in civ 3
someone is screwed, but it's not america.

Already a massive upgrade from Trump.

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>plague doctor from DD

>Played Air Raider in EDF5

We're pretty good assuming no giant monsters, bird like creatures, and thread spitting monsters appear. If they do then he'd airstrike every building for max collateral damage.

Considering one of the ending is fucked. I think we are donzo

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>Evil Cole from the first inFAMOUS
Things aren't looking so good

>Mussolini from HoI IV

Prepare for trouble

>the world?
Classic American arrogance.

I played the engineer from TF2
It'd be... Something, at least

Lindhart's gotta be part dragon, just look at his sleeping habits


Attached: 3061198-arthur portrait transparent.png (1024x1448, 2.21M)

>Splatoon 2
>Last played as a Veemo
I can see this going very poorly.

Muh lad Henry

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>The Ubersreik Five
I'm down for this wild ride.

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the schizo ramblings are going to be fun, at least

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>Palmfists and kills everyone who disagrees

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>A2 from Ending E of Nier Automata
somehow, I think everything's gonna be ok :)

This might be fun

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Spider-Man. well he'd be lefty but I think he'd be good

>implying the president has any power


kazuma kiryu
dont think that would be bad but probably a lot of people would ask about his birth certificate

>It's a solar powered plane

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Civilization doesn't have main character. If you mean last leader I played, it's Frederick Barbarossa.

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Kat from gr2. nice

Huh, my wife would be best friends with the president then....

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>my self insert in koikatsu
oh fuck oh fuck

>my fallout 4 character
She is very kind, compassionate, and intelligent so I think we will be fine.

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All the girls in this game seem like war hawks so buckle up user, you're getting conscripted.

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The ultimate chad.
Being a virgin is now illegal.

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>my farmer from Stardew Valley
My first order of business is to convert the entire countries GDP to the artisan goods of wines, cheeses, home brew and jams.

Jon Dino from ck2
great genes
ashat though

At least she'll certainly make me stand at attention

I had already recruited them and my president and Lys got very close and bonded over the fucked up shit that happened to them.

Marianne also hates crests.

>Sen III
The fuck they did to my boy Lloyd?

>Minecraft Steve
At least the fucking infrastructure is getting fixed.
Getting a wall put up will be super easy.

Jesus Christ why did you have to use this pic oh my god muh

He's not the main character, you are

>Orange man sad

>Dong Zhuo
Sounds based

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Lol same
>Until the four years are up anyways.

We're fine. He might even encourage a little self-sufficiency in this coddled generation of snowflakes.

Attached: SteveMinecraft.png (700x931, 155K)

He actually tried to do good.

>So, why do we need to deport this, Terry Bogard, Mr. President?

oh god imagine the smell of her pantyhose clad feet

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Somehow it would work out.

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I don't know anything about Guilty Gear lore so not sure how good things will be.

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It wouldn't even be out of place in the game to have a chapter based on this scenario

>The ultimate chad
Oh boy you're in for a ride.

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doesn't matter when you alienate everyone else so badly you have to run from the capital

>Ushiromiya Battler as the president
Beatrice would start a Twitter movement or something to get him impeached.
#incompetentpresident or something

Attached: Ushiromiya_Battler2.png (921x1219, 623K)

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That's a cute Maya ya got there.

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Beatrice isn't real

>He doesn't have omnipresence.
Look at this fucking loser.

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you aren't fucking real bitch

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It was a bait and switch. They introduce her as an MC but she's actually the villain of the story. Pic related.

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>played raceroom as myself
I guess it's a promotion and an interesting point in my CV

Hmmm, well his thing is that he beat up a diverse group of women who wanted to save the planet, he could probably handle anything anyway

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I wish they would have committed to letting the player go down the villain route with her rather than just half assing her route

Why does she look like Raiden with shoulderpad lasers strapped on here?

Based and paperclippilled

>all these people not born in the United States
>Becoming president

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Looks like we're gonna be building that wall.

>my autistic self insert character in mount and blade
It's basically like a mongol version of me. It would go poorly.