Yea Forums recommends a game

>Yea Forums recommends a game
>it's shit

What's her name?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Super Metroid is a masterpiece. I agree on the rest though.

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>Super Metroid is a masterpiece
Not even close. It's the second worse game within its own franchise, only superior to 2.

What is games that are actually enjoyable but OP is a faggot?

Vampire the Masquerade, or in general, shit that you can only get the appeal of if you're American.

Monster Girl Quest

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lol mind if I save this?

Deus Ex

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Very accurate. Japanese games are a joke.

>Other M, Metroid Prime 3, and Metroid 1 are better than Super Metroid
Fuck off contrarian.

>2 jrpgs
>no pokemon
pokemon is by far the worst most garbage jrpg that gets way more praise than it deserves
>no good story
>no good music
>no fun
but all jrpgs are shit for autistims
>3 metroidvanias
yeah I agree even though I like those games, once you play hollow knight you just realize how much better it is and that those games are outdated

They are still fantastic games, and they truly earned that overrated status.

A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Breath of the Wild
Super Mario World
Super Mario 64

Your favorite game.

Starcraft 2
Street Fighter Third Strike
Dota 2

Basically anything that's competitive and fun, unlike the garbage games in the OP

Other M is unironically the best Metroid game right next to Zero Mission.
Cope, retard

I'm a slav and I love vtmb.

Fuck off Dobson

I actually laughed out loud reading this post. Thanks.

>Metroid Prime 3, and Metroid 1 are better than Super Metroid
Prime 3 is definitely better than Super Metroid but it's a spinoff
Other M is worse but also a spinoff
Original is a mainline game and better than Super

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cancer games

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stfu zoomer

>I don't like metroidvanias!
Then stop playing them.

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Are you sure you understand what this means?

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>metroid twice

Must be doing something right.

Other M would have been better if Samus had jiggle physics. Kind of surprising a Team Ninja game wouldn't have that.

>no good music

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the TRUE overrated trifecta comin' at ya

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Replace metroid with OoT

Deus Ex, Stalker, Fallout 1 and 2, Kotor, Vampire the masquerade

I'm not trolling and baiting, seethe all you want

The biggest issue in Yea Forums is when they say games are shit when they're actually good

I can already tell you have 0 friends lmao

Now name 6 games that you love.

>no good music
That's about the only thing in Pokémon that is good
Although I can't really say that about Gen VI and VII, the soundtracks there are pretty forgettable

You forgot OoT and mario 64

They are not fantastic games,

Two of them (FFVI and CT) barely qualify as games. They're visual novels essentially. People enjoy them for their storylines, which are objectively shit when compared to other medium.

Super Metroid, Metroid Prime and Symphony of the Night are terrible games as well. Once again, people enjoy them for other reasons other than gameplay, like "muh atmospere" or "muh isolation". The gameplay in these games are practically non-existent. The games are so easy and so poorly designed you can breeze through them without using having to think. You just walk from point A to point B facing hardly any resistence.

Even normie games like Call of Duty or Minecraft are played for their gameplay.
JRPGs and Metroid trash is not.

Links Awakening
The dungeons are good, but the overworld is abysmal

SOTN was pretty mindblowing when it came out. It had a fairly large world that was very open and encouraged you to explore. super metroid was similar, but sotn pushed it to another level with equipment and special moves and other shit.

I didn't care for metroid prime honestly, controls felt weird to me, and it was very lollypop style, rooms were just big circles with narrow corridors connecting them for a very large part of the game.
ff6 and chrono trigger get overhyped but they were as close to epics as video games could get at the time of their release, it's not hard to see why they're so favorably received/fondly remembered. Look at ff7 for the same shit but on a much larger scale.

New vegas, Nier Automata, Final Fantasy IX, Metal gear solid 3, Silent hill 2

>Two of them (FFVI and CT) barely qualify as games. They're visual novels essentially.

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>Street Fighter Third Strike
I love 3S, but come on. Way to give yourself away.

these are all great games

its all yours my friend :)

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Metroid 1 is shit though

>Chrono Trigger only barely qualify as a game.
Nani? I agree it’s overrated but at least it’s a actual game.
Walking sims with minimal interaction, like Bendy And The Ink Machine, barely qualifies as a game. Chrono Trigger is a game.

I liked castlevania and haven't played ff6 but I agree on the rest

>any witcher game
>any GTA game
>any persona game

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Not really, Metroid is only praised in shitholes like Yea Forums because you're all virgins and you would play anything with a female protagonist.

Outside your bubble, the games are completely irrelevant, even compared to Nintendo D-Listers like Fire Emblem.

In terms of popularity:

1) Mario
2) Pokémon
3) Wii gimmicks
4) Zelda
5) Animal Crossing
(power gap)
18) F-Zero
19) Fire Emlem
20) Metroid

Dragon's dogma

>No one ever mentions Xenogears in these threads.

A bit closer to Heaven.

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I never saw Yea Forums recommending any of those games, it's always mostly those

Overrated is not a real criticism.

Excellent taste, user

>fzero more popular than metroid
Literally lmaoing out loud

gone home
last of us
all pokemon except snap

sorry for having good taste

these all are games Yea Forums hates with passion

F-Zero sold like twice as many copies as Super Metroid

Super Metroid being a "classic" and a fan favorite is pure revisionism.

I don't CARE if I look like a newfaggot
What fucking anime is this bitch from. She's so fucking cute, tell me what it is.

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Two indicators Final Fantasy VI is an objectively shit game.

First of all, there are entire character stats and status effects that don't even work. Strategical elements are so irrelevant that they don't function properly and the developers didn't even notice it. No matter how much people try to sugercoat it, it is a poorly designed game in which mashing the "attack" command is enough to beat the game effortlessly.

Another sign is that you obtain Espers pretty far ahead into the game. One of the main gameplay elements isn't even a thing for most of the game and it hardly makes a difference. And the game punishes you for levelling up before that point.

I cringe every time I see somebody defending FFVI as a game. Face it, you just like Kefka because he "destroyed the world" and you think that's cool.

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Sup ACfag.

my bad I was creating my own personal cross. Yea Forums has only ever recommended me rain world and I liked that game.

F-Zero was a launch game, that's not really a fair comparison. Metroid Prime sold about twice as much as F-Zero GX did.

It's over rated as fuck. They probably needed another year to finish the game & with no other choice filled the rest of the game with blue coins, chase shadow mario sequences, & hunting down the running man missions. It's clearly an unfinished game & nobody ever brings it up.

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Original F-Zero still beats Metroid Prime

I like MP3 but hell no, the separate planets were a step back from Prime 1 and 2, let alone SM's god tier map.

Golden Sun, Fire Emblem 7 and Mother 3 deserve honorable mentions for having the most obnoxious fanboys

I'll give you a hint. Cannon God Exaxxion

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>Cannon God Exaxxion
Kenichi Sonoda's work?

Still good. Shut up.

Do you know another Cannon God Exaxxion. Look I'll help you out a little bit more. You can saucenao manga pages and even anime screenshots

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3 of those game's are undoubtedly some of the best games ever made.

>it was Gun Smith Cats
Thank you user. I didn't know you could saucenao anime. I don't know why I thought that, guess it was because I used it mainly for /d/oujins

OK pleb.

Xenogears was always in the OP of these threads, it’s just that nobody talks about Xenogears anymore so i replaced it with Chrono Trigger

>lists 4 games

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Dark Messiah of Kicks and Magic:
controls are clunky and unresponsive.

Witcher 3.

Age of Wonders 3

ITT: people shit on popular games to impress strangers on the internet

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Overrated is a worthless statement that can be summed up as "Well its not THAT good" but what they really mean is "All of these are shit, fuck you", its always like that, just say what you don't like about the game you absolute fag, the internet police isn't going to arrest you for having opinions (at least for now)

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