Just finished Fe3H and loved it, it's the first tactical rpg i've ever played, what other similar games should I play?

Just finished Fe3H and loved it, it's the first tactical rpg i've ever played, what other similar games should I play?

Attached: monica_fire_emblem_three_houses_52.jpg (210x239, 14K)

I want to fuck Monica ironicall

I mean yeah she's a cutie.

The other fire emblems

Did you finish all the routes?

Devil Survivor

Advance Wars

Non-3DS FE games
Devil Survivor games

Shining Force

>Just finished Fe3H and loved it
>it's the first tactical rpg i've ever played
it shows.

Okay pleb.

Devil Survivor
Final Fantasy Tactics
Luminous Arc
Stella Glow

The other good FE games, in this order:
>Path of Radiance
>Shadow Dragon
>New Mystery of the Emblem

Suikoden II

Der Langrisser is quite unique.

Ogre Battle or Tactics Ogre.
Exit Fate (free)

Advance wars if you want more tactical without the waifu

I am gonna buy it soon as well since I need something new for my switch.
it's going to be my first FE game

Tactics Ogre, the PSP version being the best one.

>no FE4 or 5

I haven't played 1-5, so I'm not going to bring them up.

Everybody get a load of this faggot.

You're in for an incredibly addicting experience.

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>Advance wars if you want more tactical
sounds fun
>without the waifu
ehh, dropped. Heard Valkyrie Chronicles is pretty good though.

yeah even the bonus dlc

Attached: file.png (642x330, 388K)

how do you get that scene?