>there are people out there that cry at video games
There are people out there that cry at video games
Other urls found in this thread:
Real men cried at Ending E.
>t.an emotionless faggot
There's a difference between manbaby crying like in the OP image, and crying due to an emotional story or someshit.
Play Nier Automata
MGS3 ending every time :'(
Is this Consume?
Look at this tough guy here.
t. lanklet
Men don't cry. Maybe boys do.
you need to go back
Imagine having emotions and not being jaded and cynical like me.
>Men don't cry.
that's a stupid thing to say. there's nothing wrong with crying for the right reasons. you shouldn't cry over every little thing but never crying isn't good either.
Real men didn't finish this pretentious garbage.
You're a boy so get those bitch tears going.
Better not to start it because it's bad.
The right reasons are few and far in between. I think even once a year is too much. For me it's been nearly 20.
Look dude I get that they told you guys "it's ok for men to cry XD" but it's really not.
Last Guardian got me.
Only one that ever has though
Real men didn't play this weeb trash
People with aspergers have difficulty expressing themselves.
>I think even once a year is too much.
it's not about frequency. not experiencing some emotions is going to have negative consequences down the line. it's just as bad as the people who act like they never get mad until they explode one day.
Actually a manlet you retard. Also, when you sign someone use the meme arrow, new fag. You just called yourself a lanklet.
Automata is such garbage.
>Trico struggling to climb up the ledge after he finally heals his wings
>The ending as Trico crashes in your old village
>I doubt it has long to live
>Automata is such garbage.
Says the guy who cried playing last guardian lol
Crying is a childish act to garner attention. It doesn't mean that you stop having emotions.
>Crying is a childish act to garner attention.
Who hurt you so much that you refused to let yourself cry again?
I'm completely ruined by the witcher 3. Skyrim completely feels like going through the motions to get gold and pointless shit now. Nier is probably a graduation from that nonsensical take that Japanese devs took on RPGs around 2005. Complete with cutting to a battle rathat than being seamless. I'll keep that assumption.
>Crying is a childish act to garner attention.
it can be. that doesn't mean it always is. if that was true then there wouldn't be so many people who only cry when they're alone.
>be me playing overwatch right now
>playing mercy
>suicide dive in and revive rein
>do it just in time to allow them to revive and ult and kill everyone
>some weird basedboi beta over mic replies for me and immediately says: "no problem youre welcome"
I think we've reached levels of autism not even thought possible.
Ive never in my life had someone else say thank you for me.
I feel like I watched a dog rape someone in the mouth and they enjoyed it.
Just observing my nephew being a cunt. It's like, you have legos, fries and a smart phone and no responsibilities at all. Why are you crying? Quit being a cunt.
>people who only cry when they're alone.
Schrodinger's Crybaby
Do people who react for YouTube genuinely act this way to corporate movies like Avengers and Star Wars?
I've never seen a YT reaction to Call of Duty or something like that where these guys go full weeping soiface.
Come now.
i cried ;_;
Only time I cried at a video game was during Danganronpa 2 when Gundham got executed.
It's baffling to me honestly. Plenty of things have made me say "oh that's sad" or even made me mildly upset, but the only time I genuinely cried was something relatively silly and inconsequential.
They’re rare but yes they do exist, nostalgia goes a very long way so beloved childhood IPs like Marvel and Star Wars are bound to have lifeline fans
Mother 3 is the only game that's made my tear up
Cried when I had to get my dog put down
symptom of low t
>Actually a manlet you retard.
Absolutely fucking based
You can get emotional but if you actually cry you're a bitch
The epilogue for BF1s story mode got me melancholy for the better part of an hour after seeing it the first time
It would’ve lasted longer had I not decided to frustrate myself playing the multiplayer getting killed by bombs over and over again
That's fairly legit. I didn't but I was sad as fuck.
It doesn't make you a crybaby. It does make you a little bitch though.
>there are "people" out there resubbing to WoW thinking all their favorite times will come flooding back by playing a 15-year old MMO
If you unironically start sobbing like a bitch over a god damn poorly written video game then you're a fucking faggot.
t.high estrogen
>real men
yeah seems like the real men identity is fucking gay
I used to think that
Then I played pic related and it broke me. Don't underestimate this.
If I ever had to wear glasses I'd honestly kill myself/
What about contacts?
the worst thing is that they'll blame either blizzard (even if it's ported 1:1) or "zoomers" for their disappointment, while being stupid enough to think a video game is capable of turning back time
>some shitty anime game made this cuck cry
wew lad I wouldn't give a fuck
only cried when i beat rdr and rdr2
and really rdr2 ony made me cry because it reminded me of rdr
Just because I enjoy watching my bf fuck other women doesn't have any bearing on that game.
Isn't this the board that's constantly raving about hurr durr le soul?
Anyway watching NEETs try to make some psychoanalysis on society is always interesting
It's okay to have emotions, it helps remind you that you're human and not an emotionless robot.
>>there are "people" out there installing emulators thinking all their favorite times will come flooding back by playing a 15-year old platformer
heh cuck
>you have legos, fries and a smart phone and no responsibilities at all.
So the average Yea Forums user I take it
you're a bitch if you haven't gotten enough control to choose when to cry at certain things because you see the benefits
>smart phone
there's the problem
miss me with that gay shit the flesh is weak
Quick Yea Forums, post the last video game that genuinely made you tear up
Single player games not outdated MMOs. What kind of ultrabrainlet even draws that parallel?
Yeah with contacts people won't even notice. Unfortunately for me they get itchy every hour and I can't just rub them.
t. 22 years with glasses
Ew oh my god stop posting this picture it's draining my life energy
Nice fucking literal nonargument nigger
praise the omnissiah
I doubt many people could get through the ending of pmd explorers of sky without shedding a tear. That game was better than the entire series its a fucking spinoff to
ff15 was fairly trash but I did cry
according to Yea Forums it's ok to sperg out in a blind fit of anger when a video game isn't 100% tailored to your autistic expectations, especially if you shit all over a board about it
>Single player speedruns are the same experience as old MMOs.
Here's my argument: You're retarded.
Good luck refuting it.
You probably need a better brand or prescription, these contacts work on my eyeballs pretty well with the only issue being that sometimes I can feel wrinkles I can’t fix
Then again I use the 1-month brands for well over 2 months in order to save money and get more mileage per pair, so that problem's my fault
Sisterhood > Brotherhood
You're a fag, Lol!
You aren't providing any argument you double nigger
>hurr RTS is not FPS
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me
a Tekken streamer was crying when Knee (best tekken player) beat him 20 times in a row
I thought it was honorable in a way, most would've stopped playing or smashed their controller
*destroys your computer with u inside of it*
heh get rekt retard
Mass Effect 3 is the only game that legit made me cry
And not because the ending was bad.
Why are some of the girls see-through?
I've never cried at a piece of media but I've had that heavy hard feeling of swallowing a rock at some feely moments, most recent memory of this happening was with Telltale's Walking Dead season 1
There's a little vagina growing on its face
I only played it recently, but there were a few moments towards the end that made me tear up a bit, though nothing that made me actually cry. It doesn't take a lot to make me tear up though, even if it does take a lot to make me cry, though there were plenty of very touching moments here all the same even if I probably would have teared up even if they weren't handled as well as they are.
>If you didn't cry at X, you have no soul
There's a difference between playing an old game that take 4-10 hours to complete, as opposed to a fucking MMO people have wasted DECADES of their life into. "Starting fresh" on an MMO that you've played your entire life, there's nothing to be gained. An old single player game is nice little snack of fun and test of your skills to see how far you've become. If I've played WoW for 12 years and try to start anew in classic, it doesn't have even close the same ring to it as picking up something like Disney's Hercules for the PS1 and playing it through in one sitting.
So longplay jrpgs aren't allowed?
What a fucking arbitrary parameter
>played WoW for 12 years
Imagine not leaving at Cata
Sometimes I well up when the music is really good. Doesn't even have to be from an emotional context. It's not even crying, just a knot in my throat or misty eyes.
Is that normal?
I cried when my dog died.
weebs are not real men.
Real men don't play weeb trash.
Yeah. I cried at the Darkness and The Walking Dead
Music is typically one of the biggest influences on emotions, so that sounds pretty normal to me
>Being capable of empathy and egaging with a story is a bad thing
Nah faggot, its a sign that your more well rounded human being. Theres a difference between a story making you shed a tear, and bawling your eyes out when you hear bad words.
Kill yourself reddit
Do what's best for you, James.
I've never played WoW, so starting at Classic would be perfect opportunity to possibly experience it with new eyes.
you called for help
but nobody came....
>Please don't leave me alone
god damn dude
How did you cry? If anything it was terrifying.
Not trying to be edgy here, legitimately what game is so good or heartwrenching it could bring a normal person to tears, movies are already a stretch.
I don't think I video game has ever even made me almost cry. Sad definitely (Halo reach ending come to mind), but never close to tears. A few movies have almost got me though (fucking Pixar). I think I've only actually cried once in the past decade and that was because of anxiety about my life.
The only time I cried, was because of that "game" To The Moon. And only because it was a shitty manipulate visual novel.
I really can't think of anything games never really hit that emotional level
I will admit that I felt something when the choir kicked in.
Femanon here, omg.. C-Can I date you? EEEE Sorry you're just so imposing! >_
no regrets, I cried like bitch
It just gave its life to save its mom. T_T
fuck, user don't remind me
It depends on you user. You wont cry if the story and it's character motivations are foreign to you.
Try pic related though
The game was just okay but the part in chapter 6 where you get your horse shot out from under you hit pretty hard.
>Crying over a fucking POKEMON game
You make it hard not to take the onions meme seriously user.
I think it's because it was my very first time wearing them. Maybe it'll get better if I do it more often.
reported for toxic not shilling for blizzard behaviour,
banned for life. no recourse.
Don't knock it 'till you've tried it man, even if i'm a sucker for the type of self sacrifice for a greater good that ends up erasing you from existance Like Nier or KH:CoM
>all the contrarian zoomer replies
People sacrificed so that I could be victorious.
I sat there for almost an hour deciding if I should make the same sacrifice.
>Crying over fucking POKEMON
fuck off zoomer
>calling anyone else a fucking zoomer when you start bawling over fucking pokemon of all things
The lack of self awareness of unreal.
how does it feel being emotionaly detached?
wow that post is just embarrassing
What always got me was when be talked to the nun before she left on the train, incredibly sad moment.
>you're emotionally detached if you don't cry about fucking pokemon
>Calls others zoomers
>Cries over a pokemon game
What did he mean by this?
Not him, but id deem you too dumb to reply to, as well
Incorrect- there is no difference
all this samefagging
I'd say it's fine when you're a kid but that guy cried at a game that came out a decade ago, which makes him a zoomer or an adult that cried at a kids game.
Is this nigger implying that kids don't cry over pokemon, but grown men over 30 do? That's just retarded, if anyones going to get emotional over a pokemon game its children and the mentally handicaped.
>Half the posts are within a minute of each other
>Every post bumped the thread
>He doesn't know how to check for samefags
More irony from this election tourist zoomer.
don't even care if you found a pokemon game emotional or not, your comeback just sucked
complete brainlet automated response
ive never actually cried to a video game but sometimes a story moment gets to me and i get a sinking feeling in my stomach
I feel like a retard for actually believing that a pokemon game was actually going to have a bittersweet ending even moreso because I already fell for it in the original mystery dungeon
kids aren't cynical and take things at a face value, what a tragedy
holy fuck you're a retarded faggot. fuck off to reddit you fagbag idiot
lol fuck off retard, stop getting mad that people think its fucking embarresing to get emotional over a game for children.
Me too.
Death of Anderson and Thane
>I have a home
There were a few tear jerks.
nice photoshop :^)
Nice NPC response.
nice meme response
>A single user photoshoped the (you) and the themes, then posted them both within a minute meaning he also has Yea Forums pass
Wow the dedication, takes my photoshop at least 20 seconds to open, got us a speedrunner on our hands lads. Or maybe just more than one person laughing at a retard crying over pokemon.
keep samefagging retard
>he doesn't have 4chanX
I remember when I was a kid and people said they cried after Aeris dies in FFVII. Still find it pathetic to this day.
>if you don't cry over pokemon, you're emotionally stunted
Stop arguing you retards, i've seen friends cry over the dumbest shit, being emotionally invested in a story is nothing in comparision
Were it not for the fact that i knew there would be an extensive postgame due to having played blu it would probably have hit harder, but i can't say i, too, didn't wish for them to have the guts to actually remove the MC and force you to play as your companion
>imagine not being able to samefag
You know what, I'm not upto anything at the moment and so fuck it, time to be autistic. How to spot a (lack) of a samefag.
When copy pasting in photoshop or paint you'll mostly just copy and paste, the brainlet way. This is what this pokemon crybaby has done. The result is faded pixels at the edge of the paste, as you can see on the right side (The photoshopped image) he has taken a (you) and pasted it. Its the same across all four responses, meaning he is the pokemon crybaby as none of the responses are his.
On the left, you can see there is no faded pixels, because its an image taken directly from the source. You can test this by taking an image of any of your (you)s and zooming in, you'll not see any faded pixels. Take a typical pokemon crybaby attempt however, and you'll see the trickery.
Have fun!
based autist
i'm gonna make this a pasta
You're accusing me of photoshop right? I just use 4chanx.
user, I...
pokefags btfo
Sick of seeing this /TV meme here.
>continues to fight against the autism
>didn't even clean up those pixels
user don't you have a pokemon plushie to be crying into right about now?
Why would you shop it when you can just edit the text directly on the page like this?
>Why would you shop it when you can just edit the text directly on the page like this?
Not sure, ask the guy who did it.
user, I could (You) the entire thread in the amount of time it would take an autist to photoshop it onto 5. 4chanx has had this function for years now.
>user, I could (You) the entire thread
You wouldn't dare.
>user, I could (You) the entire thread
anons please stop, I was just shitposting
I wouldn't because that actually would take too much time. The pokemon crybaby left the thread a while ago, it should've been obvious when his IP stopped showing up. I just like doing the I'm (You) and (You) shit whenever someone gets accused of samefagging because newfag don't know about 4chanx.
(You) cannot close Pandora's box
I am one of five people on this board that played Crisis Core and loved, and let me tell you. I fucking cried like a bitch at the ending.
You can all go fuck yourselves
You enjoyed being cucked out of your thanks?
The chapter 6 riding sequence fucking slays me every time.
What? No it was the complete opposite of cucking.
It was like they were so broken inside and never did anything right ever that they jumped in out of nowhere in a desperate hope to obtain some sort of positive human input towards them.
Like they did another kids homework and then snuck in a hidden camera feed into the house so that they could record the other kid's father telling them good job because they would never hear it from their own father.
Then they play it over and over at night while crying curled up in a ball.
It was just so awkward and and just I dunno fucking sad.
This is all your fault.
Which means you're a heartless fuck. Your dick ain't getting any bigger by pretending you don't cry, faggot.
i cried when i lost my life savings of 4m staking at the duel arena
>When Ash finally beats the elite four
I just.. I couldn't hold it in.
>I’m afraid...
Genuinely a heartbreaking moment. Imagine spending the better part of 40 odd years doing all manner of dirt for a guy you called a father figure, all of the robbing and stealing, and the blood on your hands is absolutely thick with countless murders. Then, and upon knocking at deaths door, it suddenly hits you that all you’ve ever done in life, your whole damn legacy up to that point won’t amount to a hill of beans. Shit has to be fucking soul rattling
Fuck, that one got me too. VC4 wasn't that great as a game, but it really got you to care about the characters toward the end.
Stand tall
Dumb fucking misanthrope
>Ew I hate cockroaches
>Oh you must really love humans
Yeah? So what bro?
look at this fag
Why mention a dog over a family member?
Because it's a less extreme example?
Maybe he hasn't experienced that yet? I was like 24 before my first relative died.
I unironically respect addicts, wife beaters, and mass shooters more than "men" who cry.
I cried at the good ending of Bioshock 2
Stop posting this faggot, that thing on his face grosses me out.
Yeah, I cried at FFXV ending.
Especially the part with the photo you choose before last mission
I'm addicted to crying while beating off to my wife and shooting my mass all over her face, ironically
big sister is underrated waifu material
>try to think if there is any video game announcement that could make you cry
>genuinely can’t think of anything
I guess if feminists and journalists had absolutely no pull on how the games turned out... maybe MM Legends 3? Even then, I don’t think I’d cry.
A really good DaS remake?
There really just aren’t many new games I’d want.
I got it.
It would never happen but a DMC4 Directors Cut with the whole second half of the game, Nero’s cut weapons and DT, the cut enemies and bosses, and the story redone the match closer to what the original was going to be (like Gloria being a fully realized character).
If something like that happened I’d get pretty emotional.
>tfw actually teared up at this scene
I don't have a picture without the edit
>student tells me, unprompted, the only time he's cried is at the end of Battlefield 4's campaign
you teach highschool?
What have you cried to, big boy?
this shit gets me every time
sometimes i get worked up just thinking about it
how could they do my boy so dirty
You got it.
Plenty of good books and films, the rare video game once in a blue moon. Just not a horrible FPS campaign.
how do you like it?
Fuck that always hit me so hard. Even moreso that now that I'm married.
You must be so exhausted...
When Emil remembered everything during the desert fight was when I cried.
>Isn't that right, Kaine?
Like what, user?
I played this for the first time around the release of the HD rerelease as well.
God damn, the series probably has some of the most innocent characters have some of the worst fucking lives. It was almost kind of comical just how shit a lot of these lads' lives were.
teaching highschool
im considering getting started on the path to being a student teacher
>>you made me happy.
>Showing emotion in a private safe space you have for yourself is wrong!
>emotion and feeling is wrong!
Remember kids, this is Yea Forums, everything here is a joke. It's okay to cry. Anyone who believes it isn't is a fag.
Oh and yeah, never show that kind of emotion in front of your girl, or anyone else important in your life or else you'll look like a pussy ass bitch. But yeah tearing up a little and getting the feels is ok at some things.
Namely Blade Runner, Kratos and Atreus, Infinite Warfare campaign (that Ethan scene man...) Oh and the Max Payne series. You gotta be a real loser to full on sob for nothing. If you got issues then go ahead. It helps.
Announcements that made me feel the emotions had to be kinda GR:BP (because I've waited so long for a new TC game), Halo Infinite (because childhood nostalgia), the BbAll trailer felt badass and finally that little bit of BR2049 trailer that made me feel again.
you have my respect for saying that, edgy retard
T. Cont
Oh and I can never forget the MGS games. Tear up from memories playing and that damn story.
>heh, i'm a DANDERE. i don't GET sad
>crying over a video game
>calling anyone else a fag onions cuck
Top fucking kek.
nobody called anyone that
pretty silly insult desu~ sempai~
fuck you anyway
Seethe more, onions.
are you trying to call me an onion or is that just the word filter
i really like onions user
I didn't cry, but man did I feel empty.
It's like a negative version of finishing a book.
>He was a good man. He deserved to be happy. I wish I could have told him that, at least
It came back
i have cried over dozens of anime and even manga but a game never
>you can't be excited for anything anymore or else you're CONSUME PRODUCT
>you can't be sad/cry over X or else you're soi/a pussy
>you can't show happiness over vidya or else you're a shill
>you can't be upset over anything or else you're a casual/autist/falseflagger
At this point can anyone show any emotion other than just indifferent shitposting about everything, or has the tism in this board gotten to such a nuclear critical mass that it's gotten too out of control beyond even what [r9k] is like?
It was cruel for her to do that to Hana.
>he doesn't cry out of grief
that's called a tantrum you fucknugget
Oh sorry, thought you were the other user replying. I love it man, it has its ups and downs but if you teach in a state that actually gives a fuck about teachers and has a union, it's a great gig and pays well. (Don't believe the memes about low teacher pay across the board.)
>there are people out there that cry at video games
>there are people out there that cry at movies
>there are people out there that cry at music
>there are people out there that cry at art pieces
>there are people out there that cry
Imagine being a man and crying haha wouldn't that be funny and pathetic, like haha imagine expressing emotions like a functional human being lmao what a faggot
I cry everyday because 9S isn’t real
any chance youd know how California is in regards to those issues?
Yeah what kind of retard would cry at a video game....
>sociopath respects other sociopaths
>I always wanted my life to be an adventure. But not without you
This is P U R E love
were these games actually fun?
California is usually in the top three for teacher pay. Granted, cost of living is crazy in certain areas, but still. As far as I know, they also have a fairly powerful teacher's union. Honestly as long as you're in a blue state life for teachers is pretty fucking good.
My advice if you go into it: don't be afraid to relocate or work in a smaller district to work you way up. I went to college with so many people who only wanted to teach at their nice cushy alma mater in the suburbs and refused to relocate or work their way up. I started in a rural high school, got some experience and connections, and then got hired at one of the best districts in my state. Teaching is definitely a gig that requires you to pay your dues and work your way up, so don't get discouraged.
I'm one of those 5 and I came here to post this. Going into CC you know exactly how the story is going to end, but the way it was executed- the way that you had to play through Zack's death and the way that gimmicky roulette wheel of friendship thing started to flicker out until Aerith was the only person on his mind before the end... It was one of the best marriages of gameplay and storytelling I've ever seen in my years of vidya.
My nephew gets excited all the time playing whatever games he's playing. He sounds downright autistic, but he's having fun. The only emotions I have is frustration when playing team based games, and sometimes mirth when someone does something inappropriate or makes an incredibly vulgar joke with zero context. I think I'm broken lads.
thanks dude
>Catherine? Please don't leave me alone. Catherine? Catherine?!
Anytime, I fucking love chatting with prospective teachers. The world needs more of them.
Different user, but why do so many teachers remain as teachers while also being incredibly miserable all the time? "THINK OF THE CHIRRIN" is all well and good, but fucking stupid if you neglect your one psychological health.
IMO there is quite honestly a martyr complex in the profession. People work way more than is expected as them and sacrifice their own well being and their families. Part of it is commendable because they do want to be good teachers, and it takes time, especially if you have huge class sizes and a ton of kids. (I have about 150 every year, give or take.) But others are just straight up inefficient or need to put their foots down, because if certain aspects of the job cannot be done in the time allotted,. that's a flaw in the profession and attention should be called to that.
I've worked in my district for awhile and generally have my classes nailed down as far as what I want to teach. Grading can be a bitch when I have a lot of papers do but I use my prep time and before/after school efficiently and I know some of my colleagues do not and then wonder why they work until 5:30 each night. My family is more important than finishing grading papers a day or two early, so I just do my best and if that's not good enough anybody complaining can gob my knob.
I cried at the Kenny ending, didn't even cry at Lee's death but this scene... It's too fucking beautiful to not cry guys
Came here to post this, great game
Recently got prescribed glasses, it's really not that bad, I had no idea you were meant to see this clearly
The only ending that made me actually sad and let me feel something for the main character.
cool trailer
too bad the game was pretty blase
i liked it anyway
Clannad was also the first non life related thing to truly make me cry too, I was 13 I think. That shit is incredibly depressing and comes after a ridiculous amount of build up and character development.
My niggas.
My man I start student teaching next semester, unfortunately I live in a state where teachers have continuously called out sick to protest for their pension, shit really sucks over here.
Good luck, user. I hope things get better in your state.
On the plus side there are a ton of job openings, especially for history teachers. Probably gonna get better after the governor get kicked out.
Another one of the 5 here.
I also cried at the ending of Okami, even when I replayed it years later on PC
Man, the mainstream stuff never gets me, but these 2 instances were kino af
I think you have to be a teenager to cry at games. I don't mean that in an insulting way your emotions just seem to get dulled as you get older and while you'll feel sadness during a well done moment you won't actually start crying
Fuck you, I got misty eyes just thinking of the slot machine glitching at the end.
That's nice. Retard.
Absofuckinglutely kino usually.
real men don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks, you tryhard pussies.
>I'm completely ruined by the witcher 3.
i'd be ruined too if i'd played that trash
Huge Hurt 2: Huge Hurt Falls and Can't Get Up
>There's a difference between manbaby crying like in the OP image, and crying due to an emotional story or someshit.
>there are people who have (((emotions))) and (((feelings)))
Nah, the narration voice is awkward but it did make me replay it for the alt endings.
Why is the underwater ending so unintuitive to get?
For me, it is….
Halo Reach Ending.
Did not cry but it did feel sad.
I know that he was a 4ft tall genetic hellspawn of rage and he spent 2/3's of the entire game hellbent on committing planetary genocide due to his family being wiped out by government shadow ops bullshit. But, when push came to shove he let go of his anger, fought just as hard in a shorter amount of time to make things right.
The piano playing in the background as everyone recounts the events that just happened, the 'Live and Learn' sendoff, and final visage screen of Shadow imposed on the Earth was the closest a video game, a fucking Sonic game at that, came to making me shed a tear for a fictional anything. If the Sonic series has just ended here, that would've been fine.
>disses sh2 and mentions halo in the same breath
fuck you
DMC4, Never Surrender / Credits made me feel a little sad. Great game overall.
MGS, Boss' Death, Naked Son, Microwave Hallway.
Halo Reach: Jorge's Death, "There will be another time". Say what you will but Martin O'Donnel composition for Reach was godly.
As of late, Horace.
Now, name games that tried to be emotional but ended up being awful:
Heavy Rain.
I don't understand how anyone could have cried at that game.
>Your party members backstory is largely tied to DLC
>Your fiance has no personality and is generic as shit
>The villain was painfully cliche even by FF standards
Mending the mourning king of Ascantha
Being honest senpai.
I think even homecomming hospital ending was somewhat sadder, or Heather finding her dad dead, or most endings for SH: The Room even.
Also James is an asshole, who are we supposed to feel bad for? His wife?
real men don't play weebshit faggot have sex
Zero's dead is pretty sad.
In MGS, it sucks when a mother base member dies, I will give you that one.
lotta gay cunts itt desu
what be this meme of wide face characters looking at of screen?
I find it annoying to see non wojak or pepe
have intercourse
fuck your mother bitch