THQ voted best company at GamesCom

THQ won the vote for best company at Gamescom. Deserved Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes. If just for the salt from fagera’s thread

For posterity.

We keep on winning boys!

bruh look at this forum


>entire page full of User Banned (3 days): drive-by trolling

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Reminder that BFBBRH will sell millions, and there's nothing resetrannies can do about it.


what happened with THQ and 8ch?

THQ posted porn of the fagEra admins fucking children on 8ch

They did an AMA. No seriously that's it. They weren't even the only people to have done an AMA over there.

If i remember correctly, a PR guy made a thread there

I'll agree with the fags that it was a stupid move on THQ's part but god damn the company did the pr rounds and they need to get over it already. Just like Yea Forums and the stupid soap bottle drama.

Weren't THQ at the edge of bankruptcy at one point? How did they turn it around?

The head of marketing. You can check his Linkdin

>How did they turn it around?
They didn't. They got bought out by Nordic.

They were bought by Nordic, which is run by a money genius. At 13 he started a company for second hand comics and made the equivalent of $30k a year. He established Nordic at 16

Considering the controversy got people to learn about the company's existence, people who evidently don't give a single shit and just want to play some cool games you can easily file it under "no such thing as bad publicity".

The company went bankrupt and dissolved. Nordic games bought the THQ trademark but that was it at the time. Later though they acquired Koch Media, which owned Deep Silver, which had bought a number of THQ's old IPs when they sold off all their assets.

They really want to be THQ but better huh?
I don't have a problem with that.

Yup but the trannies hate them cause they don’t bend the knee

They apologized for it, dumbass.

Bending the knee means paying for kids to get their dicks cut off and firing/ punishing the people who held the ama.

But keep losing tranny. It’s fun to watch you squirm.

>no timesplitters

cripple cucks just like THQ because of the free publicity it gave them, Mark was very candid about that.

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Nordic are slowly becoming the best publishers right now, they just need to reign in the retards at koch media.

they've made no good games or any games at all for like 4 years, everything coming from them are remakes of old games, of course its not desrved

Based its fucking happening

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we HATE publicity, being in the media for shitstorms is what killed the site, why would we want MORE faggots to know about our site and shit it up? mark is a fucking kike

I can't believe nazis won

>I don't even know what it is they donated to so I'll just keep parroting whatever my retard brain has read here

Wasn't everyone "canceling" THQ for posting on Infinity chan a few months ago?

It was via attendee vote. Cope some more.

Rehydrated isn't based until it fixes the floral patterns in the sky. Way too disgustingly faded and nothing like the cartoon/original game.

It's pre-alpha and shit can change. It's still 1000% based for including Robo-Squidward, Patrick's Dream and Glove World though

This is what happens when gamers rise up.

>Supporting kids becoming trannies

jesus christ,just look at that same thread on resetera.

just look at all those supposed "drive-by-trolling" bans. it's beyond pathetic.

first, those motherfucker admins and moderators on resetera don't seem to know what drive by trolling is.

second, i've never seen a forum disrespect its members as badly as resetera.

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where the fuck is that game?

>they've made no good games or any games at all for like 4 years
DSIII was pretty decent for what it was.

Yeah, we'll see. There's been a trend about these remakes (Crash, Spyro, and CTR) and it's that companies never listen to reasonable feedback.


that mod is fuming


>80 games in development

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The dev has made 0 games before.

What's that supposed to mean?

>drive by trolling

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They are more likely to listen to feedback unlike the devs that made the other games you (or another user) listed.

Who cares, awards mean nothing nowadays

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>"gaming forum"
>its a thread about politics
>anyone who doesnt talk about politics gets banned

You're a piece of trash. Get fucked.

And the faggots say this place is a hugbox.

I miss 8ch and it’s AMAs

>we HATE publicity,
then why do you fags keep posting your manifestos? Not like you have to worry about that anymore.

This, with 8ch gone no one will ever go on a killing spree again.

Not true, Yea Forums still exists

Will Austria save us and save Switzerland, bros?

what happens when we are gone?

honestly it didn't feel like anybody even tried

It’s coming back soon

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Yea Forums accepts trans and minorities and isn't full of bitter white incels

It's funny but having 8ch up makes it easier to catch these guys. The FBI already located the guy after he posted the manifesto. It was just too late since he did it right before the shooting

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eyo when is desperados 3 coming ?
shadow tactics was pretty fun and one of the games i actually finished.

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How come in the past couple days I keep seeing Yea Forumstards accusing companies they don't like of "paying for kids to get their dicks cut off?" Not just the usual vague trannyposting, but that exact phrase every time? Did I miss some kind of happening?

>can go back to the comfy DQ, SH and RE threads in two weeks
Thank God, the nightmare is almost over. I thought I'd have to room with tasteless normalfaggots for months.
I can't believe how low half/v/ has fallen in recent years

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>thinking massshooterchan will ever come back

just go back reddit where you belong

I just want them to make a red faction 1 remake. God please

Shouldn't you underages be live streaming your suicide to /r9k/?

Yeah that Toronto retard mentioned this site before his van of peace attack and this place is still here.

The worst that would happen is the board gets frozen for """"""""maintainence"""""""" like that time some robot livestreamed himself blowing his head off.

Ion Fury apologized for saying criticizing parents that transition their 4 year olds, so they donated to a charity that supports that.

That's just getting a port. From Limited Run, of all people.

Oh, that explaains it. Why were the devs commenting on that sort of thing to begin with?

IIRC one of them encouraged people to pirate the game (it's only 95Mb) or something.

>Most Wanted game
>Best multiplayer game
Oh yeah baby, the king is back

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So what caused THQ to go from a shovelware factory with 2 decent IPs to the best mid sized dev studio in recent memory?

The lack of other mid sized studios

Nordic ate all the mid sized studios not owned by Focus and Focus may be next on the list.

Their discord and it was just one dev just relaxing with some players who brought up all this.

>Shouldn't you underages be live streaming your suicide to /r9k/?
Shouldn't you since your hugbox is gone now? It's honestly hilarious that you think the infamous empty/v/ (formerly full/v/) will ever return, and that you'll ever be able to spat your gutter tier opinions ever again without people getting ddos'd or earning a 9 year long ban for calling out your horrendous taste

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>Reinhard and Phillip
Wtf Germanybros, I thought nazis are dead? Everyone has to be named achmed or tim!!11!!!!

Desperados 3? Holy shit what the fuck?

>le stupid move
typical c.uckchan cocksucker

>Banned (3 days)
Oh fuck, they're banning everyone

Any time I ever think "it must be an exaggeration, ResetEra can't be as retarded as everyone makes them sound," I see that's it's the truth. These "people" are fucking pathetic and I can't believe they genuinely exist. It's bad enough that those retards have been invading
Yea Forums for years already

Meh, not surprised, I'm somewhat interested in a few of their games and most of this outrage shit is just an autism spat between ResetEra and Yea Forums.

But 8ch is up right now, I can see their Yea Forums RIGHT NOW.
>Xeno games discussion
>Pirate Thread
>SMT thread
>Ion Fury 3D Realms cuck out thread
It seems to be alive

>tor back up
This is like you're bullying me user
I never used tor before and now I'm locked out because I'm always unprepared.

>People getting banned for mentioning that resetera will be disappointed
>resetera's inner circle members expressing disappointment for THQ not being universally hated as NAZIS

That thread is surreal.

I can't wait for the weekend plays, 4/v/ never plays vidya together anymore.
The closest we got was SCP, and that got banned due to autism.

>65 of those are shovelware

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Shame that never got too big on 8ch. It's just autistic enough to maintain enough attention for a monthly game.
And knowing Yea Forums, there'd be LARPers trying to keep it serious.

I don't understand.

I, genuinely, can't understand.

They, knowingly, associated themselves with 2x4chan, a website well-known for being a haven of pedophiles and vile individuals.
The gaming press didn't react. At all. There was no coverage. And I find it impossible to believe this non-reaction could be explained by ignorance.
I'm not naïve: I guess that they aren't that many gaming websites willing to risk their relationship with such a huge company. It is all about the money after all. Everyone hopes that this thing will be forgotten, swept under the rug. And it is working.
I am ashamed of the gaming press. I am furious against the ones behind this event. I am thoroughly disgusted by this company and by the general apathy displayed by people who are aware of this event and prefer to shrug it off.

I will continue to denounce their actions. I have blacklisted this company, and I will not buy a single game developed by them ever again. I will keep on hoping that, maybe, someday, this will come and bite the ones behind this event in the butt. These people don't have my sympathy.

>this is what Gamer culture looks like
>THQN will release an official self congratulatory statement on the other forum and Stormfront
>Get ready for that THQ Nordic AMA on Stormfront
>people already forgot that they hold an AMA on a website that cheers terrorists
>but this site is not seen very positively by other places, and they associate that outrage with this forum

what is the deal with insectoid modern trash and this washed up color pallets ?
literally evry AAA garabge has that brown/metallic/grey color pallet. its disgusting.

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Why do Reeesetera think so highly of themselves?

White privilege

Only thing I saw from them was the Spongebob gameplay video. I never saw anything about Destroy All Humans. Did they have a new build?

The fact that there are people and even game devs out there that take anything these overly sensitive retards say seriously is kind of horrifying.

>Mega yikes
>gamers not giving a single fuck. Because gamers.
>What an actual joke lol
>It‘s perfectly fine to condemn and boycott them
>I guess accountability is an old-fashioned notion.
>Jesus christ, the message couldn’t be any more clear. Disgusting.
>using a website that is known primarily for its support of child pornography, as well as for support of Neo-Nazism, doxxing, and other extremely damaging behaviors


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Based and wokepilled

>their ethics and marketing... oof...
>This is annoying me on ways I can't describe
>Sends a great message that it's okay for publishers to pal up to Nazis, terrorists, racists and pedos
>it's going to be such a long time before this industry ever sees the kind of change it so badly needs
>Sad world we live in but not surprising
>8ch stuff probably helped them get votes
>It's wild that a major publisher interacted with 8ch and came out unscathed
>because gamers don't really give a shit about Nazis and pedophiles
>Which is why it’s a shame the media didn’t make more of this.

holy shit it’s a banning bloodbath this has to be a fucking joke

I wasn't prepared for this.

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First page looks like a mass shooting aftermath holy fuck.

I want my /asmr/, /strek/ and /arda/ boards back, I've grown far too accustomed to having a board for every interest to not feel suffocated by the limits here.

>It's ok for publishers to pal up with terrorists, racists, and pedos.

I guess, since a lot do post on resetera.

You should try out reddit, they have subreddit system just like the one on 8ch

So many boards I miss
>Yea Forums
>the thinly veiled femdom board, /anita/
>the dragon ball board that had posts going back to when Fukkatsu no F got revealed
>fucking /hgg/

I mean, EU doesn't have many game publishers and THQ is the biggest one.

Devs really should learn from this shit.
Resetera holds as much power as you give them.
Look how incompetent and fuming they are now.

This and /htg/ were my go-to for downloads, I can't stay up to date on projects anymore.

No. But nobody else really deserves it either. Make Kojima Pro.

Don't forget /delicious/
Tons of western artists only posted their loli porn there.

>>but this site is not seen very positively by other places, and they associate that outrage with this forum

All I need is Red Faction and THQ Nordic becomes my favourite publisher for the games releasing in 2020

this is bullshit. reset era is just one hub of this leftist mob enforcement.
the majority of the industry is concetrated in california one of the most degenerate places on earth. as long as this remains gaming will cater more and more to femminists and non white militants. (at least reactionary jewtube vultures can farm money and content out of it) sad.

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that picture is cringe. borderlands is so fucking gay

Biomutant looks cool, but when are they gonna patch Battle Chasers? Shit crashes every fucking microsecond.

holy shit. this looks gay as fuck

I love this cover.

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Imagine making it your life's mission to get justice for a game company hosting an AMA on a website you don't like. What's this sort of pathology called?

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they didn't give an exact date but they're aiming for around the end of the year


Isn't that the excuse used before Crash and Spyro came out and they didn't change anything in either of those games?
People doing remakes WANT to change things to feel like they had a hand in the creative process when they didn't. It validates their existence.
This shit isn't going to get fixed and everyone knows it.

>they didn't change anything in either of those games
Nigger, go back and compare the first footage of both to what we got. There were indeed changes. Not over the top major mind you, but enough that you can notice a difference.

Threads were ResetEra cannibalizes itself are always the best.

So which has been the better comeback?

it was first announced at least a year ago dude. shadow tactics devs are working on it.

Gender Dysphoria Syndrom.

THQ. SNK was bought by the chinese

Thank god Yea Forums isnt full of girl fetishists

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Don't hold your breath just yet. They could still do something retarded like make some games epic exclusives.


Yeah but the users of reddit are no different from the users here so they are all shit.

Half Chan Yea Forums was shit when I left but it’s fucking horrible now. People can’t talk outside of braindead memes and buzzwords.
Every thread is some faggot with shit taste with a bait meme op,

>Resetera SEETHING

Comedy fucking gold, isn't resetera asshurt about anime porn posted there or something?

Yea Forums is reddit. 8ch is the last place online that actually feels like pre election Yea Forums. The fact that you are even on this board means you are reddit.

>>using a website that is known primarily for its support of child pornography, as well as for support of Neo-Nazism, doxxing, and other extremely damaging behaviors
Why are they talking about themselves in that last sentence?

>pedosite calling anyone else pedos

/cow/ is the best board because it catches and leads to the arrest of actual pedos.

>A place swamped with politics shit was the closest it got to pre-politics v

Whatever you say, schizo. Don't shoot up a mall.


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I barely see politics on 8/v/ outside of the Gamergate general, which is a miniscule note since there are 15 pages of threads there.
Posts on 8/v/ are actually usually well thought out and there is genuine discussion. Barely any twitter screencaps either.

I don't think redditors make daily loli threads or call each other faggots, faggot
>Half Chan
I guess 8gag is Empty Chan now since it's fucking gone

But it wasn’t. You are a retard that doesn’t realize other boards besides /pol/ and /leftypol/ exist. This Yea Forums is filled with off topic political garbage, 8/v/ was not.

>b-but we say faggot so we are hardcore
Lol. Retarded newfag.

Not for long considering the mods ban people for racism now.

And will be back in 2 weeks.

When will CYF be released?

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>THQ was so based they announced a new fucking Destroy All Humans right there on 8ch
Name a single more based thing a company has ever done?

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THQ until SNK prove themselves with a new Metal Slug that isn't shit.
If they fail then THQ, if they succeed and it at least rivals MS2 then SNK wins that round.

>Put a Rammstein song in the trailer for said new fucking Destroy All Humans
Admit that that was fucking stylish.

Speaking of DAH, just looking by on images this is what the collector's edition has
>includes all Crypto skins

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Why would you add a funko with a good looking model?

I like the old camp movie poster version better, but that's not bad

so what improvements did they do in the DAH remake?

>add a funko
That's a stress relief thing
You squeeze it and the eyes bulge out. It's like an alien stress ball.
>Can use psychic at the same time as firing
>can dash along the ground with jetpack
>water isn't insta kill, but it does drain your shields quickly
>Can change altitude in saucer
>When you are disguised as someone, they are frozen in place
And I saw in an IGN interview they confirmed transmogrify (Psychic power on objects to get ammo) and that you can point directly downwards with any saucer weapon.