Does Xenoblade Chronicles have the best party in any JRPG?

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>MC who is stronger than entire party
>a boring useless healer
>a tank
>a dodge tank
>two DPS
>one shitty jack of all trades

No, Legend of Dragoon does.

play more good jrpgs
xenoblade 1 party is alright personalitywise though

they're okay but not the best
Dunban, Riki and Melia are utterly based, Reyn is okay, the rest are shit

No, but XC2 Torna does

No. Next question.

The party mostly lacks character development and agency, so no.
Dunban is still based tho.

LoD is one of the shittiest JRPGs ever


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That's only true if you have shit taste.

Persona 5 does.

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Having shit taste is a requirement to enjoy LoD

It's not even the best Xeno game party

No. They're reasonably charming overall but nowhere near the best.

Nah, Berseria is.

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Fiora and Dunban are perfect

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> Gothic FF13 protagonist
> Annoying kid
> Retarded Samurai
> Smug Pirate
> Some Jester Bitch that uses a weird weapon
> Goody-two shoes chick

yeah no.


Fiora was kind of dull and needed to be a bit more than just "Shulk's girlfriend: the character", and Dunban deserved a bit more closure regarding that plot point where both of his friends ended up being huge dicks that tried to kill everyone.

>Stronger than entire party
No thats Riki

>Shulk's girlfriend

Riki is mid tier at best

No The Last Story does.

Do your research my man.


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>doesn't end up with anyone in his team despite having 3 top tier cuties

Second game has a better party. Also Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, Tales of Berseria and Final Fantasy VI

Yes, you're right, how awful. What Berseria needed was a generic shonen protagonist and his generic childhood friend love interest instead. That's so fresh, after all.

Melia a shit lmao

Time to check the redflags
>shitty mascot
>loli shit
If that girl cooking is some sort of waifu-robot then she also falls under a redflag, so yeah trash party

thats not tales of abyss

Nocturne has the best party, just you and your demon minions and Dante™

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Riki is a respectable family man you cretin

The fuck? Everyone but like Guy was a dick the whole game.

xenosaga does. It's a miracle when a jRPG has a good child character, saga has 2

HD remaster when?

Blocks your path

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It's definitely up there as one of the best imo.

These games have a great cast of characters, and you get to know them REALLY well.

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Why is that man showing more skin than the women? Is this a game for gays?

Because topless men look better than topless women. Bottomless women, on the other hand...

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i want to go back to 2012 when xenoblade chronicles released after operation rainfall. I want to go back to being a recent graduate of high school and attending college while working part time and living with my parents. I want to go back to when you didnt realize the drudgery of retail work is the exact same thing as the "professional world" just with livable pay.

Any party where the lead is either an idealistic boy hero with a strong sense of justice or a nice bubbly girl can never be that great.

>Because topless men look better than topless women
Only if said woman is a chestlet. Otherwise I'd tell you that you have shit taste, but then you did post worst pegapony.

what about this slut?

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No, it's the other way around. Women have breasts and men have balls, it's the other way around

Women should be topless and men should be bottomless

t. Lewd

I think Shadow Hearts 2 had one one of the best group of characters ever and the gameplay was great too. Too bad we will never see this franchise ever again.

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>no loli


No, men and women should be covered from head to toe. This is the way God wants us to live.

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>idealistic boy hero with a strong sense of justice or a nice bubbly girl
Good thing Sky trilogy doesn't have either.
Play the games before opening your mouth



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Here have loli you degenerate pedo

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>Fiora was kind of dull and needed to be a bit more than just "Shulk's girlfriend: the character"
She won a lot of points with me for not angsting about her sick new robot body. She basically tells Shulk "yeah it owns" when he asks about it and only really starts to get sad when it's obvious Meyneth dying means she only has a few months left.
Good choice. I feel like smaller parties have a huge advantage for banter.
Also good. I like how they at least TRIED to keep everybody relevant throughout the game.

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Xeno games unironically should've been adapted into animes instead of these garbo single-player MMOs.

>no u

I think sharla and reyn are kind of superfluous and unneeded, both in terms of plot relevance and social niches filled
The rest are good though

Haru and Makoto both fill the same archetype
Morgana and Futaba also fulfill the same niche
Rest are solid