Just started playing this, and so far its boring as shit

Just started playing this, and so far its boring as shit.
i got to a bit where i am slowly driving a wagon and i hit a rock causing a bunch of stuff to fall off. i had to get off to put the stuff back on the wagon. i turned the game off.

Is this game this boring and tedious all the way through or does it get better?

Attached: 5bc9c521ae653a5fd7677389.jpg (1080x1080, 208K)

If it's anything like RDR1, then it's boring as shit all the way through.

Ya gotta play through it to be a better person though, user. It's like reading a boring schoolbook.

What answers do you get to expect here? Here, I'll just give them all:

PC user who can't play
>no it's fucking shit movie game lol, enjoy the slog ANIMATIONSSSSSS
>secretly just wanted to play though

Nintendo user

>yeah it's fun and really well written, starts off slow until you can explore and still may not be for everyone. You can turn the animations off by going first person


It gets better, I would say in chapter 3 and it stays pretty good till epilogue which is ultra shit again (not counting god tier final mission)

>driving a wagon and i hit a rock causing a bunch of stuff to fall off. i had to get off to put the stuff back on the wagon
And to think I was about to buy this I just want to gunsling shit.

It's garbage, and the story is normie tier.
t. used to have a ps4 with all the exclusives but sold it and got a pc

Go back to Fortnite, zoomer.

Attached: RDR2 gunplay.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

It gets better but it's pretty tedious for the whole length. Has some fantastic moments but for the most part it's pretty dull

>t. used to have a ps4 with all the exclusives but sold it and got a pc
What a retard.


Attached: insist.webm (1280x720, 320K)

Zoom zoom

Attached: RDR2 gunplay 4.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

Just starting a 3rd playthrough now bros and gonna upgrade the camp while everything's still comfy

Its not bad, but it is boring. If you feel thr setting and atmosphere all the milking the game does it great, but if you aremt immersed its awful
Taking 10 seconds to do any action kills most peoples enjoyability
I finished the game, but id be hard pressed to play it again

Lmao stick to fortnite

Sup, zoomie.

Attached: RDR2 gunplay 3.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

I wish they made it a bit less detailed and used that money to make shooting less outdated. It really feels like it regressed from max payne 3

another pleb filtered

Attached: RDR2 MC.jpg (1080x857, 174K)

That’s what I did. Just got to the third chapter right before you have to bust Micah out and never advanced further in the main story. I just travel around the world for weeks and come back to the camp to hang out and take care of some chores every now and then. Quite comfy

ikr it should feel like I'm firing modern guns lol

just wait until you play red dead online

2nd playthrough, chapter 6. Been taking my time this playthtough, having a lot more fun. Sure there are some parts that are tedious but I find RPing as an outlaw makes it more enjoyable. Hunting, camping and visiting towns to sell goods and get drunk at the saloon.

Is this webm supposed to look good?

weekend Yea Forums strikes again

Attached: RDR2.jpg (949x580, 112K)

its impossible to shoot someone with auto aim turned off


It is good, zoomer.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption - Dynamite kill.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

>thinks one part of a mission at the start of a game is how the entire game is


git gud

where is the weewee

game is buggy and I think it skipped a section because Dutch kept going on about Fiji and I know about this from all the spoilers and memes on here but I never completed a mission where Dutch introduced his plan

>Game has an overly pretentious opening that shit exposition to the player for an hour before the "real game" can start
There is nothing more cancerous than this shit. Only Metal Gear can do this and get away with it, because at least everything in that series is so fucking insane, it's hard not to keep your interest during it.

>overly pretentious
lol blow it out your ass

kys nigger

I love this game for being such a great zoomer filter.

RDR2 is about just being present and enjoying the small moments.

Im sorry that 20-in-1 minigame collections are all you understand. We forgive you for playing the PS2, but please, please, emulate actual games on non-sony consoles.



Attached: games.jpg (2704x2028, 597K)

It's one of the shittiest games ever made. Not even sure if it should count as a game since it's obviously trying to be a movie.



For you maybe

It's very slow paced, and you need to take your time with it.

I think first chapter is pretty weak, as it's basically a tutorial. Also I was appalled at how absolutely terrible it controls and how the shooting is worst it's ever been for a Rockstar game - I don't know how they managed it. By that I mean the actual aiming with a controller, not how the weapons feel.

Chapters 2-4 were for me perfection. Great mission ideas that keep changing up (even if they feel restrictive and overly scripted), story lingers and meanders all over the place but it's enjoyable to see all the characters around you.

Chapter 5 and 6 are shooting galleries, they introduce new characters that you don't give a shit about towards the end (indians) and it gets very dull very quickly. Story also becomes very retarded until the end of chapter 6, and even then it feels very hollywoodsy and clumsy.

Epilogue is also very outstretched except for the final mission.

[spoilers]It should have been very short and more to the point. It's cool that John works on the farm and doesn't indulge into violence. I liked him building his house and such. But it would've worked much much better if Sadie comes to get him suddenly and unexpectedly, as she found Micah and only then does John resort to violence. It would make the final mission even cooler, as they could have saved up the American Venom music theme until then, along with the cool shot from RDR1 cover as he stands over and shoots Micah. Now they used both on the farm with John shooting a random guy in the face, wasn't that impactful. [/spoilers]

It will grow on you story and character wise, but the gameplay will be tedious shit. It has it's "kino" moments and Arthur is a great character.

Chapter 6 is when the game's at its best lil zoom, god forbid a shooting game has shooting in it lol

If you have trouble shooting without auto aim, you must have brain damage. I'm like 12 hours in and havent even died once, massacring suckers with slugs. Sincerely, faggot, git gud.

>an hour
This is how I know you haven't even watched someone play RDR2, let alone played it yourself because then you would know that the RDR2 intro is more like 4 hours, not 1

Sounds like an amazing experience



Shotgun kino

At least now you tacitly admit you do, in fact, suck.

>Sonyfag trying this hard

Lmaoing at your life

It really is maybe the best shotgun in gaming. I can't wait to get the pump action.

I dunno, the tutorial mission from MGS5 did it pretty well. What does RDR2 have to offer to beat that experience?




Im another dude, popped in to hear some Rock starlet brag about how his game has no challenge and simple mechanics with no punishment

Nice redditspacing

close range shotguns were ok to use I guess. i tried to complete most of the game with them as they require less precision and less bullets. cant shoot precise without mouse sadly

On horseback it's extremely hard but not on foot.

It's pretty hard to get gold on each mission bud

Is this while avoiding the game mechanic of slowmo, gimping yourself to a single weapon, and never dying once? I mean, that speaks miles about how well crafted the game is, with challenge that requires you to use all of the tools at your disposal.

Yeah given you can't use health items and slo mo is on a timer

Did my criticisms offend you?
Objectively, the game is not an active one. That doesnt make it bad, but to a lot of players it makes it boring.
I finished the game, and enjoyed it, saying its not boring is lying to yourself.
I'm 25 btw

Cry harder zoomie

You literally just got out of the tutorial section.


You haven't even made it to the free roam sandbox part of the game where you can do whatever you want to idiot

He's a false flagger who is obsessed with this game. Every time you criticise rdr2, he'll post the 3 shitty webms. Ignore him.

free roaming is the boring part

Nah there's constantly shit to do and stumble upon

Not at all what i said. If your game is good, why not defend it?

Xbud here, you watch your mouth pardner. We still have the best version of RDR1 thanks to BC+4K

Im convinced xbox doesnt exist. Just like people in west virginia

I am, you're just crying about it

We're too busy playing games

But I enjoyed the game, I just want you to acknowledge the faults

I never said it was perfect, your criticism is just shit

West Virginia is nothing but trees and mountains dont try and fool me

Shouldn't it be Sony and Xbox?
Oh wait I get it now

You didnt address it tho. Why is it shit?
It takes too long to do basic things and a lot of the game is boring horse riding. Thats all i said

Why is it too long?

Too busy being useless. Why buy on Xbox when I can all it's games and more on PC?

Why is the horse riding boring?

theres coal mines and motels too
no towns though

not him but mashing a to keep up speed gets fucking old

Not him but not only do the horses have a slow-top speed, but you have to tap the sprint button 10 times a second to reach it and maintain it

It is even worse during the boring story missions where you have to listen to some faggot talk for 10 minutes, and the top speed of the horses is even slower

Ya how is that boring though?

i didnt say its boring
i said it gets old

How is that not boring

Everything gets old but back up the original assertion

I had fun with it.

i told you i wasnt that guy you fucking retard

only big brain people can enjoy and appreciate rdr2, i'm saying this completely unironically

Then you have shit taste and you like shit games. Stay away from me

Sounds like you're the one who can't handle criticism


Well, I own everything since I am a human being and not a leech.

It's well written but has tons of ill fitting content and arc that serve no purpose and often times contradict the themes of the game. It starts off really well, in fact the beginning and end are the best parts.

Exploration is shit since all you can find are collectibles and typical Rockstar meme satire "quests".

>collectables suck because you collect them

lol ok

Not op, but is there anything I should know or do before certain chapters, Seanjust died (rip) and I’m worried I missed a quest or 2

just camp missions
you know, stuff you do with companions
just hang out at the camp a lot and you shouldnt miss em

Should I make sure to do them before chapter 4? I heard you can’t do camp stuff after a certain mission in that chapter

err not sure but i would just do em to be safe

I am that guy
Its horse riding
For minutes at time
Id appreciate a real discussion

I’ll do that then, thanks

im the guy that retard thought was you
by the end of the game i used cinematic mode pretty much every time or just took carriages

too much horse riding to get around in this game

no problem
how do you like the game so far? were you a fan of the first game?

it's always tedious. IMO some of the firefights make it entirely worth it and then some.
>going through the mansion
>blasting fools with my sawed off
>every room is a combination of environment and furniture, blood and bodies
>getting the slo mo when you take a chunk out of a doorframe and a square foot of wood flies into a guy's face as his body is riddled with buckshot
>on the train, headdhots all around with my handcanon
>some npc throws a Molotov
>shoot through the Molotov, headshot, and game goes into slow motion as the bullet goes on to hit two of his friends
Worth the tedium imo.

Wasn't for me either. Great game, great production values, but exremely "hey matey this is an american game ya?"

It screams it was made by americucks, even the jokes are extremely hollywood-like

that said, I wish more games were that pretty, walking in snow is kino

So xbox has no complaints?

Sonybros are worse than marvelfans at this point.

i mean its the spaghetti western genre in game form so it should be "hollywood-like" but i can see that turning you off
nah were busy playin games

I like it quite a bit, the environments are really nice to look at and Arthur’s a fun protag so far sucks since I know what happens to him. But I actually haven’t played the first game, I’ll probably buy it some time after I beat this one

>It screams it was made by americucks
so a typical rockstar game

Oh no horse riding in a horse riding game how bad lol

Arthurs a good guy. I can only imagine that playing the first after the second is going to be a huge letdown, though. Not that it isnt a solid game that holds up, just in terms of visual downgrade.

>get shot
>lose a 10th of your health
>shoot an npc almost anywhere
>dies instantly

Which are, of course, written by Scots.

movies belong on


He’s best boi. And yeah, especially since I’m a graphics person the first game definitely won’t be as appealing for me to look at, but I’m sure its still a great game regardless

Collectathons as a game concept should have stayed in the 90's where it belongs as a boring, outdated annoyance.

>bad taste in video game consoles
>bad taste in vidya
>bad taste in pc hardware selection


I played it twice, thoughts
>the story comes off as strong but it's severely lacking important meaningful character development, relies too much on telling instead of showing. Game only takes the time once to show why Arthur follows Dutch to his own doom, and was not enough to convince me as the player to rally behind Arthur's choices later in the game.
>graphically amazing, should have come out on PC first. Might have fixed some of the
>complaints with the shooting, it's tedious. Twin stick is just annoying with free aim and auto-aim turns into left trigger + aim up + right trigger to end majority of shootouts
>rpg elements tacked on just like GTAV which makes replays a "ugh gotta do this shit again"
>side quests are good for the most part, really show Arthur's personality a lot more than every other main quest
>side content is boring shit for the most part, challenges are nonsensical and must be completed sequentially which leads to moments where you have to repeat something you've already done
>bounty system is overhated, it works perfectly fine and you have to have a brain the size of a peanut to not understand it's quirks (albeit psychic AI gets frustrating to play around sometimes)
>world is phenomenal, so much weird and unique shit to discover, even if it is a bit superfluous
>gibbing people with shotcunts is great, but the physics overall is a step down from something like GTA IV where there was AI to react to bullets in limbs
>online just grindy shit designed for SHARK CARDS

Wait for a PC release with mods imho and don't pay full price

something feels missing in this game. a lack of historical context, maybe. doesnt feel like the backdrop of 1899 america is very important.

>Game only takes the time once to show why Arthur follows Dutch to his own doom,

Yeah didn't see one trump hat really rockstar

Your statement requires corroboration

>Is this game this boring and tedious all the way through

Play the game

I did, the only time we we're shown any kind of positive meaningful character bond between Dutch and Arthur is the boat singing scene, any other time both characters are onscreen it's usually Arthur going "I DOn'T THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA DUUUUUUUTCH" and Dutch going "THE DOUBTING ARTHURRRR"

Almost like it was at the end of their relationship or something

Same. I loved the first game but hated playing RDR2. I liked the story but I'd rather have just watched it on youtube to not deal with the boring gameplay

>pc release
look at this guy
get a laugh

you're supposed to enjoy the visuals, atmosphere and dialogue when there's no action.
if you have ADHD and can't stand a couple of minutes without shooting maybe some other game like Fortnite would be more to your liking

Also like I have no reason their relationship had any genuineness to begin with because it was never shown (only ever shown once counting the boat scene).

Small talk between characters chatting about how good things used to be is poor storytelling. The game could have shown off how good things were with a prologue and everything proceeding would have been so much better off for it.

But I guess they'll just milk that for RDR3.

When will you people learn RDR 2 is multi-plat?

>not realizing how hard youve just told on yourself with this post

Attached: IMG_20190627_121534.jpg (861x683, 54K)

When you show that xbox owners are a tangible thing.

Rockstar makes boring games with bad controls. They're slightly better than most open world games in that there's side content but the side content is always shit.

> /thread

>Small talk between characters chatting about how good things used to be is poor storytelling.
No it isn't

>theyll go back EVEN FARTHER for rdr3
i hadnt considered that possibility before now
i hope youre wrong user
i think id rather just not have rdr3 than that

lmao enjoy your "4K"

40 million people bought it user
do you want to see a picture of mine

I've actually encountered a strange problem where I could focus on slow things as a kid and teenager and early 20s. But I'm 29 now and can't focus on things that arent constant action.

Whatever helps you cope

>thought of buying RDR2 when the PC version finally gets released
>lose all interest because of all the awful .webms spammed to this website supposedly showing off how "good the game is"
You'd think that the videos should be doing the game a favour, but it had the opposite effect


The game is more interesting than webm's will ever give it credit. Aiming sucks dick on console as well, I expect kb+m to improve the gameplay quite a lot.

Attached: deadringer.webm (1920x1080, 2.77M)

No it wouldn't

the aiming is just fine
im sorry you havent mastered dual analog after 20 years user

Primarily play on PC, don't usually use a controller for shooting, only for racing games.

So, a casual

Always figured consoles were for casuals but whatever

updoot fellow redditor

edit:thanks for the gold guyz

lol cope