Recommend me some games with cute ducks

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Timesplitters series
oh wait you said CUTE ducks not KILL ducks

Suikoden 3

kingdom hearts



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is that the supreme champion?

Megaman Legends 2, you get to ride around on a duck

What kind of duck is he?

Gravity Rush 2

The supreme champion kind.

Duck Game

There is a dedicated button on the controller for quacking

looks tasty

Blazing Beaks

Can most non domestic animals enjoy being pet like this? It seems cats dogs and other conventional pets are made to enjoy it but would a wild tiger enjoy it's ears getting the same attention as a housecat?

Rollercoaster Tycoon

Quack Champions

Animals love being pet. Especially things that can't reach their bodies with their limbs, like sharks.

Viva PiƱata
ducks are cute

S4 League

Most animals enjoy being pet.

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Duck Game

Can you fucking imagine not being able to scratch your head properly?

It's a pretty universal sensation. Most people like being "pet" too.

Gravity Duck

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I had no idea

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That old Sega mega drive game where you have a gun controller and shoot ducks

I dunno about petting my head but rubbing the back of my neck feels amazing.

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I'd get a pet duck if it weren't the the shitting everywhere.

corkscrew penis


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>this thread

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Harvest Moon

>hold its beak

Dink Smallwood

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Is that an underwater suit of armor?

Is he not afraid the shark will obliterate him in seconds at any moment?

this duck sucks

He maxed his HP before going diving

They're feeding them and have been around sharks a ton. It's like any animal, if you know them well enough there's generally going to be very clear signs before an attack happens.

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Deep sea technology is still in the middle ages.

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Literally all creatures, humans and plants included if they have the correctly wired sensory layout, will enjoy petting. It is not even that the sensation might be a positive one in majority of creatures but merely the sensation of something being there.

Twilight Princess has some cute ducks and you can even talk to them

Chainmail helps prevent sharks from ripping your shit apart.

A golden retreiver will maul you in seconds yet you are willing to pet and love it, same for cats, they're able to kill a grown man with relative success.

Sharks don't go for humans if they're fed. Just like dogs they don't want to hunt you for a fuckton of reasons.


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king of dragon pass

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I have "wild" trashpandas that enjoy getting pet

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Ducktales Remastered

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Personally I find the lack of duck games revolting.
Come on, game devs, do your job for once.

thank goodness they still had Alan Young for Scrooge. the new Ducktales cartoon voices are fucking awful

Play Animal Crossing and go for all ducks

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Is that the Supreme champion?

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>that head tilt

>can swim
>can fly
>can waddle with authority
It's impossible to balance. Devs know that no other animal can 1-v-1 the duck.

I miss my ducks Yea Forumsros. Once I get my life back in order I'm building a new coop and getting some again.

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super rub a dub

>that one thread on /an/ recently where an user helped a mother duck's eggs hatch while she nested next to his house in order to save them from raccoons

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How easy are ducks to raise?

that looks similiarto how my parrot used to look at stuff,i'm pretty sure they tilt the head because they can't move the eyes

>tfw narrowly avoided pasting one of these on the drive home the other day
I think I nicked him but no blood or anything. Little retard.

Still, it's cute as hell

Yea,and fun as fuck to see them suddently raise their head and wobble up and down trying to look at something

Found it

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We just left it in the backyard and clipped the wings every now and again

Aw I remember that thread but I didn't stay around to see how things ended. That ending makes me really happy.

I found it pretty easy but I also had help. The breed I had were Khaki Campbells which were too heavy to fly so I didn't have to put a roof on the run or clip their wings.
One warning I will give is water. Ducks love water, like, a lot. I gave mine a small kiddie pool I had lying around and they absolutely loved swimming in it. It was cute as fuck to watch, but the problem was they utterly soaked they ground it. I mean they practically emptied the pool within minutes by speed swimming in circles. Now that might not sound like a problem if you're letting your's roam free in a garden or their run has plenty of space, but for me this meant the ground was ruined. Because when the soil is wet, the ducks live to dig through it with their bills searching for insects. This means they completely tear up the grass nearby, as well as the wear and tear of you walking in and out on rainy days. Admittedly I could have helped prevent that by taking the pool out every so often, but I didn't know at the time.
This is also true for their drinking water container. Sometimes I thought they only stuck their heads in just so they could splash some on the ground and mucky the whole area. You can get around this by moving the container to different spots every day but depending on how much space you're working with, that might only prolong the inevitable. Or you could place it on some bricks or something. Also they bring their mucky bills back into the drinking water so don't bother filling it up too much since you'll only have to empty it to clean the dirty water anyways.

That was a long segway and it's not that big a deal, but everyone should be made aware of how much harder it is to regrow grass than it is to dig it up.

Also they're afraid of frisbees. Like terrified. They really freak them out.

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My ducks used to do that whenever there was a plane overhead. Apparently they can identify birds of prey from their silhouette in the sky.


Ducks are the most pure and high integrity animal in the world

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I miss having ducks too user, those ducks got me through my toughest days.


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Based Hitlerducks.

Fucking americans

based ducks

Torso seems too long

>cats, they're able to kill a grown man with relative success
i'm going to say no

that shark is in pain though.

Release WHEN?

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they are also kinda polite when you try to feed them compared to most other animals


Watch it son. We'll fuck your world up. Quite literally

animal crossing

I like ducks, but ravens are better.
