Last boss drops the best gear

>last boss drops the best gear
>there is nothing else left to do after defeating it

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>defeat final boss
>the end screen isn't saveable

I hate when games do this, why even give the final boss EXP then what to maybe get 1 level more before the next phase?

>A bunch of cool stuff only unlocks after beating the final boss
>There is literally nothing to use the cool stuff on except beating the same final boss again.

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Just start a new game+

>You CAN save your game on the End screen
>The final boss doesn't give you any EXP anyway

>save game before final boss
>defeat final boss and the game ends
>go back to save on a quest for 100%

aaaaand completely trapped and cannot go back into the previous room with the only option to fight the boss

>Everything before the final boss is just the tutorial

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Yes, but people would also bitch if the last boss dropped nothing

If Custom Robo was 5 hours longer it would be the greatest game ever

>Beat final boss
>Save game
>Great now time to spend dozens of hours on the extensive postgame content
>all NPCs trapped in a never ending loop of panic telling you to go beat the final boss
>"crisis" music replaces all other music and never ends

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Least favorite part of the BN series.

>Bro, are you retarded? Of course the Earth is flat. What's this shit about a "globe" you're talking about?

That's probably one of the funniest ways to do a plot twist I've ever seen in a game.

>Optional boss is 10x harder than final boss
>Drops best gear in the game
>Even though beating the optional boss already means you can heem the rest of the game

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>game looks like shit but people told me to give it a chance because it had a known studio behind it
>stupid amounts of marketing behind it
>knew the studio has been releasing shit lately
>game is out
>game literally just a compilation of other game stories and ideas put together but far too poorly
>4 hours into the game and i instantly knew this wasnt worth it when the game went out of its way to offset everything it has been building up by retconning it for generic shit
>people make fun of me
>same people stuff around for 60 hours and finally stopped playing when there is 15 hours left in the game

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get fucked blue haired slut

>Achievement for beating the final boss on Hard
>You can just play the whole game on easy and bump it to Hard at the final save point

Nothing in RPGs triggers my OCD as hard as this shit.

dont you have a general to keep bumping you stupid faggot.

I hate this shit too. Also

>Game has an achievement for beating the game on hard
>You can replay the game on NG+ keeping all your upgrades and do it that way
>The game isn't balanced around this

What did he mean by this?

>Game actually is balanced around playing on Normal your first time and then doing the higher difficulties on NG+

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most games that do this make the final boss give only 1 exp

>Get end game gear
>Sit around with your guild outside a lowbie area periodically turning on PvP and just shooting shit with other players
I miss good MMOs

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>user makes a shitpost
>It isn't even funny or succinct

I could do a whole thread of MMOs.

I miss having to communicate and strategize with strangers actually being a necessary part of the game.

I miss starting out and being helped out by some kind dude with impossibly cool gear, then becoming that dude and helping new players who think your gear is impossibly cool.

I miss when everything before endgame wasn't a glorified tutorial you can literally pay to skip, and just reaching the level cap and endgame in itself was an impressive achievement not everyone would get to.

>Hang out in leveling zones as Priest
>Just heal and buff randos as they grind
>Drop in and out of little parties
>Make campfires and hang out until the next group comes by

Maximum comfy.

>game funnels you into getting the best gear before the end
>selecting gear is a core mechanic of the game

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>have to sacrifice your life to beat main quest
>have companions that are immune to the thing that kills you, but won't do it instead
>can't play the game after main quest unless you buy the DLC

fuck fallout 3

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>I miss starting out and being helped out by some kind dude with impossibly cool gear, then becoming that dude and helping new players who think your gear is impossibly cool.
I like how you periodically still run into this though.
But makes me feel awkward once they start asking me out and shit, like bitch, you're not even maxed level and you're trying to flirt with lowbies? Cringe ass shit desu senpai

It depends on the game, but in FF14 there's really no avanue for it because everything in the Overworld is ultimately harmless and all the difficult content is relegated to dungeons which are instanced and you must enter with a pre-formed party. So no more feeling of you and your pals just barely surviving on a dungeon trek and then thanking your lucky stars that a higher level character just happens to be hanging out down there. It's homogenized as fuck

FF14 is an absolute garbage MMO and I'll never understand why it got so popular.

i guess at least i got to use those concrete powers on the final boss itself

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WoW literally ruined the genre. WoW was casual crap compared to everything that game before it, but it broke subscriber and profit records so everything made after it had to be just as bad.

It's weird how now I see people clamoring over WoW Classic like it's some kind of old-school grindfest that doesn't hold your hand, when even vanilla WoW is amateur hour compared to Everquest or FF11

>Boss drops something

>Cutscene starts immediately

>Drops despawned during cutscene

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Because old school wow did a lot of things right, being a grindfest isn't a good thing and is one of the shitty things about korean MMOS.
WoW wasn't perfect, but it was better before they started super casualizing it.

geraldo do rio's game?

It's popular because it's a good single player FF game that happens to have other people in it.

>right before the final boss, your character has an epiphany and unlocks the ultimate power
>the best ending requires you to not fight the final boss, but talk him down

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>Beating extra bosses gives you sweet loot
>But also makes the final boss harder
Tales of Graces had a fucking terrible story, but it absolutely nailed this.

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Red ring rico

I think it had a multiplayer mode on the gba version, but eh.

That game really needed an arena of sorts

I thought it was just me. You eventually get all the cards and build a broken deck that basically lets you have fun just beating the same things over again because there's nothing else to do.

Name 1 post that does this

>enemies can steal your items
>they're lost forever

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>Best weapon in the game only drops beyond the point of no return where you can't save
>Has an extremely low drop rate

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 literally gives you a tutorial close to the end of the game.
I was never so annoyed.

>Get a new power
>Game explains how to use it
>"S-stupid tutorials..."


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>game contains a non telegraphed sex scene
>game is not a sex game

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>Forked path
>Always end up picking the right one
>Can't go back

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>Game has a 6 boss gauntlet where you cannot save and have to start over from the first if you lose.

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>I think it had a multiplayer mode on the gba version

I swear Chameleos and Gypceros's stuff ends up at the cat hoard same as items stolen by enemy cats.

>spend all of your money on items before the final boss because you're not going to get a chance to spend it again
>new game plus
>money carries over but items don't

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>the one time you don't save every two minutes is when you actually need to reload