Whas the most prententious videogame you ever played?

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Persona 5

Pokemon Blue

why does lain shoot herself?

Did she die?

and you don't seem to understand

Play her game

other m

Flower Sun and Rain


The Last of Us

It's an interesting setting and the zombies were pretty cool but the actual gameplay and story are pretty mediocre

Game could have been much better honestly

>putting the gun in your mouth and shooting straight back
Great way to start living with brain damage

good pick

spec ops the line

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Celeste and Dead Stranding welp if you consider the last a game of course, lol.

Unironically this one

You haven't played death stranding lmao


doki doki literature club, if it can even be called a game

the last of us

>having an opinion on a game that isn't even out yet
Yea Forums in a nutshell

The Witness

Pretend. It's literally in the name.

Battlefront 2

Snoy movie shit in general.

You guys don't seem to know what pretentious means. TLoU is alright at best, but it never implied it was anything more than what you got.

>Yea Forums is one person
reddit in a nutshell

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you know there's a thing called a brain stem right?


>people posting stuff with actual gameplay
A truly pretentious game is so up its own ass it thinks it doesn't need to have an actual game to play. You need to focus entirely on the walking sims. But I would say sunset takes the cake.

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>a ton of good reviews means it's pretentious

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>playing weebshit

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Seconded. Putting in quotes from people smarter than you in a mishmash does not make your work deep or compelling. Hiding your tutorials around the map does not make your puzzles more difficult. Forced perspectives to gain collectibles is not puzzle-solving, it is obtuse and where's-waldo tiered babby design. Fuck everything about that game.

>implies X isn't one person whilst implying Y is

it took itself way to seriously and so did its brain dead audience

>Lain is pretentious
You know, some opinions are worth beating somebody to death for.

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>gambling on a chance that you miss the brain stem and wind up with brain damage
Great way to start living with brain damage


Souls series and I like them as much as the next guy.

why would the wind blowing up give you brain damage.

The concussive force of a point-blank gun alone would vaporize anything back there, especially in a soft little girl.

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Firewatch, except I didn't even play it or buy it
I watched a playthrough and still felt like refunding it

why the fuck are you shooting a soft little girl?

Bioshock Infinite


where'd you find out about the game and why is it pretentious?

I never got around to watching Lain. I heard that the game was finally translated.

why she die

to set an example for lainfags

Persona 3

Death Stranding will take its place. But I won't play it.

Is it bad that I want to fuck her corpse?

I remember one particular indie title with that shitty artdirection which has literal stick-pixels for characters (you know which one I mean).

Can't think of the name right now though.
Generally you can be sure it's shit when it has that artstyle though, since it seemed kinda popular a few years back.

>game has a neat ending and gimmick
>ruins itself by taking itself too seriously and wrapping it up in needless and irrelevant themes
What a joke.

How would a teenage girl get a gun in Japan? Come on.

Celeste isn't pretentious, though.

It's the future.

>tries to echo games like myst in it's atmosphere
>is just a shitty puzzle game where puzzles aren't linked at all to the world itself
So fucking pretentious.

probably yume nikki

it's a good game but the fanbase is cringe, i've seen lain and it was good too but the fanbase is also cringe

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She gets it from another suicide victim

I think you guys are confusing pretentious with overrated.

So how is The Last of Us pretentious?

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Pretends to be a daddy simulator when its just zombie shit

You are all little babies. Watch this.

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>thumbnail made it look like someone had just came on her face...

I need to laid off the hentai flicks for awhile...

>it's another "muh wife left me for Tyrone and now I have to express the loss by making a videogame" episode
Every fucking time.

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"The Graveyard" with a really long lead above everything else.

>The Graveyard is a very short computer game. You play an old lady who visits a graveyard. You walk around, sit on a bench and listen to a song. It's more like an explorable painting than an actual game. An experiment with poetry and storytelling but without words.

That's the description on Steam where it costs $5 by the way. Stuff like Dear Esther isn't even bad compared to this.

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see Takes itself too seriously. It forgets that it's a game and tries to be a movie, except it isn't even a good movie.

No I'm not, but The Last of Us IS overrated as well

These games aren't what they try to be though, and that's the whole point of pretentious
The Last of Us isn't a videogame.
Celeste's simplistic gameplay is only lightly related to it's core themes and isn't intertwined at all with them, but holds itself up as if it does.
Xenoblade hits it's mark, it doesn't try to claim that it's a high point or artistic statement, and it hides it's themes behind light hearted story telling, not noticing it's themes doesn't make the game any lesser of a game, but the game in every facet of it's being goes over them again and again, except in it's gameplay, it doesn't huff it's own farts and try to make such a claim.

>is just a shitty puzzle game where puzzles aren't linked at all to the world itself
How far did you get before forming that opinion?

papo y yo
shit game with an awful story

i don't know if you know what pretentious means

you need to lay on your English teacher's dick.

I can't even remember its name but its about a reporter that goes of Afganistan.
Alternatively almost any walking simulator.

Not in the same way as Myst they aren't, if you made it a series of puzzles connected by only menus, there would be no difference.

Nier Automata
I love Platinum and I'll play most of their games but this made me cringe so much, I hate how this game is congratulated for its "deep philosophies" when really it's just base nihilism
The game itself is barely decent also


The game pushes itself as being something far greater than it really is, unless being purposefully pretentious is the point.

Automata isn't really nihilism, most of Yoko Taro's other games are and the Yorha play is but Automata itself isn't.

I'll go on to say most Square published games are like this where they'll present a concept that's studied and then dumb it down to its base form
Then try to present it as deep and mythical
It's shitty

Final Fantasy Tactics
Vagrant Story
Final Fantasy XII
Tactics Ogre

Basically anything made by Matsuno, the biggest hack in the industry.

For some reason the most autistic weeaboos praise these games thinking they are less weeaboo for doing so simply because the characters have no personality and therefore they're not anime archetypes.

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Yea but my point still stands.

came to post this


Sounds like it's not these games that's pretentious, but instead you.


I just had to refute the nihilism, slam the game all you like and rightfully so it deserves it.

>Nobody posting any game made by this individual
Im disappointed Yea Forums

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Anything made by Nina Freeman

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Pinstripe. $15 for 2 hours of moving right until it turns out your daughter is dead because you're a drunk or something. Gets by purely on indie cockbait art style and British accents

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Life is Strange

It goes without saying user.
Though I hope Yozora is good, whatever that ends up being.

I will say that I liked Type Zero and found some parts of XV enjoyable but come on. We're talking pretentious, not downright terrible.

Not out yet but Death Stranding looks like it's trying way to hard

Metal Gear Solid V: TPP
Life is Strange Before The Storm
Hitman: Absolution
The Final Station
Far Cry 3

Yeah, I think automata is a good game but before I played it I kept seeing "best RPG", "best story" and so on. The game is barely an RPG at all and the story has it's moments but many parts later on feel forced to just take a shit on the characters for drama. Gameplay is fine but not amazing. The soundtrack is probably the strongest part of the game.

Does anyone even remember this shit? I remember it being one of the only games I ever used my piece of shit Move for and it was boring, short and tried way too hard to be weird so far as I recall

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Matsuno is the bigger SE hack

>Not understanding Kojima's genius.
Meming aside the game is almost guaranteed to be an absolute shitheap, hen the guy called the mascot of his studio Homo Ludens I figured whatever chance his games had to be good was about to get eaten up his own ass.
How long ago was Death Standing announced how?
As far as I've seen in this industry, if a game takes longer than three years in development passed its announcement trailer its inevitably gonna be shit.
Very little in the way of exceptions.

I can feel the reddit radiating from that image alone.

>homo ludens
That makes sense, that whole game makes sense now, it's alright.

Phylomortis. Nothing else even compares.

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i don't remember seeing this scene in the og anime, was there more lain anime?

Damn, chris really lost weight and changed his hair.

>not pretentious

everything was fine until it started doing that stupid "haha messing with your computer files so scary" shit, also the game tries too hard to look weeby

It will be good but not what Kojima has hyped it up to be. Focus has gone from "creating an entirely new genre" to celebrity appearances and ambiguous art trailers. They should've just advertised it as an action-survival from the beginning desu


Life Is Strange.

Killer 7 is probably the most pretentious game of all time but its actually great because of that

I donno, I feel like the whole thing has a perfect storm of just never being good.
Everything good I hear about the game is countered by two or three more things, add into that all the artsy trailers and we arrive at the position we are in currently.
The first real gameplay we have involved a guy having a piss.

At this point, even if the game is good from a technical standpoint, aces the gameplay and presents an incredible narrative, its gonna bomb.
There is an unreal amount of expectation on that.

Probably one of the only correct posts in this thread.

I think that's the point. its supposed to be a parody of Visual Novels and anime tropes in general with the characters being obsessed with you to the exaggerated point of breaking the 4th wall.

Thread should've stopped right here.
Christ this game had a whole lot of words and meta bullshit that went off the RAILS towards the end. It's like the devs were trying to make an "epic" story with themes/mechanics related to games they liked growing up but missed the point completely of what made those exact things special. This is the Lost River of video games.


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tries to shit on mario while copying mario

To be honest I have to admit I loved it, the gameplay was shit for sure but I find myself still thinking about it a lot. It leaves an impression for sure.

>"haha messing with your computer files so scary"
Fucking every indie horror ever. Off the top of my head: DDLC, Undertale+Deltarune, One Shot, IMSCARED. Hello Neighbor has an ARG and "traumatic backstory" thrown in at the end of its fucked dev cycle. "Pretentious" is using gimmicks in place of substance.

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Your favorite game

night in the woods

>tries to shit on mario while copying mario
But is that even physically possible? if you were copying someone you could only move when they do and jump when they do so you land when they do. how would he position himself to ensure the shit he's taking lands on mario?

Braid or Fez
Or maybe that black and white one about kids dying in car crash

>puzzles aren't linked to world itself


The stories in the game and anime are different.
The Lains are different too.
Here's a link to the game if you want to play it: laingame.net/

Suicide victim?
I thought the person shot someone else.

Did anyone even play the game?

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dunno but for the love of satan i really tried to like lain

Hurts to say it but, I agree. Hell, all of MGS series really.

why didn't you like it. did you not seem to understand?

The fact that it's french and made in RPGMaker makes it even worse.

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Any “game” by Tale of tales, really.
And Sunset actually managed to take down the studio, despite raising 60k on kickstarter and constant shilling from certain groups of people.

Why did the car disappear

God I wish that were me

pretentious = thing i don't like

MGS2 obviously.

This, without a doubt. Failing that, I'd pick any indie game like Celeste or hollow knight.

>that car just unceremoniously driving past her corpse without stopping

Hideo Kojima games.

I don't blame em. Sometimes you just got shit to do and don't have an hour or two to spare dealing with the police. Someone else will find her

MGSV is worse. At least Kojima was actually trying with the underlying themes before, in V it's shallow and pathetic

i played it didnt get tooooo far but, it was ok ithought. little things they had you read were neat. didnt fucking care much about a story.

spec ops the line

To seem deep and mature because otherwise the anime would have no appeal whatsoever. No fleshed out or well-written characters, garbage nonexistent story, it is the epitome of pretentiousness. If the main character wasn't a little girl no one would even pretend to like it.

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goddamn your taste is shit

aw he's smiling :)

That's not from the anime, it's from the game.
If you're going to shitpost make it a little less obvious.

W-why is he so happy looking at the camera?

Fpbp, couldn’t even finish it.

Probably Detroit Become Human or Bioshock Infinite

Bioshock Infinite. The fact that it gets so much praise despite being the worst in the series makes me unreasonably angry.

Unironically the pic related in the OP.
>Misses the point of the anime completely
>Appeals to Lainfags and doesn't develop the actually interesting shit from SEL.
It's basically what every retard Lainfag thinks SEL is. Kind of like how every Evafag thinks that Evangellion is a religious metaphor.

SEL is honestly more like the Deus Ex of Anime. Everyone keeps saying it's deep but misses the point of what actually makes it interesting. You're wrong about the lack of appeal though, the art-style, atmosphere and symbolism is pretty appealing.The story is there, but it's mostly hidden alongside rather prophetic predictions about social media like Facebook, which most Lainfags never notice because they are too busy looking at the least interesting shit like the waifufagging

I'd argue there's far more pretentious anime out there. SEL is only pretentious because its fans miss the point of it.

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>rather prophetic predictions about social media like Facebook, which most Lainfags never notice because they are too busy looking at the least interesting shit like the waifufagging
people wrote about this shit way before the Internet existed

They did. But I feel SEL captured the feel of uncertainty and strangeness of social medias, which I haven't seen most other writers do.
There's something foreboding and alien about how the people are in the Wired. It depicts them as vaguely human yet not as perceivable as humans. In a way it's how you can see evidently a user using a human-username and displaying human characters traits but still being mere text and vague personality before you. I might not be explaining it correctly, but what I am trying to say is that SEL captures the cold machine-like ambience of social media to a T. I am not saying SEL is some revolutionary anime, but people give it both too much credit for what it does wrong and not enough credit for certain things it does right.

If you want an actually good philosophical anime, then Monster as an anime is far deeper though and underrated as fuck.

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>So lemme tell you about the time I had to wait two hours to get a cloud to move...

At least in terms of the arthouse thriller spectrum it leans more on the entertaining side of weirdness instead of the deep overly emotional side. The worst thing a pretentious artpiece could be is boring.

This makes me want to kill myself so bad
It just looks like complete relief and peace