What games let me abuse NPCs?

What games let me abuse NPCs?

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That so mean

did they crash

Real life, just slap yourself in the face

Fuck cyclists. Want both perks of being a vehicle and a pedestrian.

postal 2

Modded Skyrim.
Hell what can't modded skyrim do

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i have a diesel truck and i do this to people all the time

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there are fbi plants here user

Can I come to your home and rip out your teeth?

Where I live if you're caught doing that and the victim develops cancer later in life then you are responsible for all medical care costs.

cyclists deserve everything they get

I thought Yea Forums is banned in China?

>Doing stupid shit with something that can ID you in plain view so it can likely bite you in the ass later.

Why are people this stupid? It's like they enjoy behaving like asshate and being harrassed by the police.

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how much abuse are you looking for

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post the one where they grab a hold of the cyclist and he falls into a bunch of shrubs

Fuck cyclists.

Can I come to your home and suck your big cock?

Cagers are cucks.

Why the fuck are cyclists allowed to drive in the road and hog a lane if there are sidewalks nearby? If you accidentally hit a person walking on a bike, you'll cause minimal injury. If you run into a cyclist in the road, they're fucked. You shouldn't be on the road if you can match the speed limit. That doesn't apply to the bullshit in OP, but it still triggers me daily when some slow fuck Lance Armstrong wannabe is holding up traffic because he's too good for the clear sidewalk 2 feet to his right.

Based Hellmoo

kek fuck cyclists

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I'd ride on the sidewalk if I could but after I got a ticket for it, never again

youtube link?

based as fuck, i fucking hate cyclists

>lardasses still get mad about cyclists
Enjoy your thrombosis, I guess

It really is fucking bullshit how much rage cagers express to cyclists. They aren't as aggressive to shitty drivers, and they're much more dangerous. They just are more capable of fighting/harassing back.

Because a vehicle should not be on the sidewalk, designed for pedestrians walking.

Fucking racist.


Is a skateboard a vehicle too?


Nigger if I hit a pedestrian on my bike I'll end up in the hospital and he might just end up in the morgue if we're unlucky

Post the one were they slap the big cyclists girl's ass.

Why don't you have bikelanes?

Because most police hate cyclists too and won't do shit about it beyond laughing.


I have never had a problem with cyclist, they are usually in the bike lane. If their isn't a bike lane the ride the farthest edge for cars to easily pass by at the speed limit.

Please post this

every cyclists i have seen who rides on the road always break the rules. i notice on red lights they will try and go anyways if their are no cars passing by.

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Yes a bike is a considered a vehicle in the eyes of the law. Skateboard isn't. Though despite bikes being considered vehicles, they're not allowed onto interstates as far as I'm aware.
If you cyclists followed the rules of the road like you're supposed to, nobody would hate you. In my ten years of driving, I've literally seen a cyclist signal for the first time this year.

kys namefag

A lot of cyclists tend to be the super pretentious types.
I don't believe in violence, but I've seen cyclists attack pedestrian cars for no reason.

Is this a fatclapper issue? Never seen this kind of abuse towards cyclists in my country.

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What kind of pussy ends up in the hospital from being hit by a bike? I've been hit by bikes, both as a kid and an adult. Unless fucking superman is riding that bike no one is getting anything beyond cuts and bruises from colliding with a pedestrian.


fuck anyone on a bike like that. it's like some of the people in my city choose to direct themselves towards the busiest streets and sidewalks.

when i biked to work it was all parks, alleyways, and side streets and it was RELAXING AS FUCK


Walking and driving are 100% necessary for a productive society. Cycling isn't.


You can hear the cyclist yell 'SHIT' and just the tone of his voice tells you how fucked he knew he was.

Yeah, if the cyclist doesn't go any faster than 10 kph maybe

How much fat fetishism can I get away with in HellMOO? I tried it very briefly but gave up because it was a chore to play

Tony please

We do but retarded cyclists refuse to use them.

My city spent millions of tax dollars putting in bike lanes (sometimes removing car lanes to do so) all over town five years ago because cyclists complained that they had no safe place to ride. Now they're there and the cyclists still insist on riding right in the middle of car traffic and the bike lane just stays empty.

What really boils my piss is when these fuckers choose the road over a sidewalk marked for bikers.

if you live in a big city like NY you'd know what a public nuisance and danger cyclists are, they almost intentionally disregard the rules and will get in your way while driving then be the first to screech for a lawyer when the inevitable happens

since 'fat' has no real mechanical function all you'll get out of it is being gross and fat in your description and emotes. The former is hidden if you try to do anything with real armor, the latter is something that will get ignored or get you griefed.

>retarded cyclists refuse to use them
SPEAKING OF. Apparently the cyclists are cops too.

These "people" got charged with attempted murder

>buffets around every corner
>fatasses shooting up the place everywhere you go
>they're so fat and spiteful they hate cyclists just because
Do Americans really?

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These are normalfags for you

>do Americans really?
No we don't have a buffet around every corner. Maybe if you said a mcdonalds or burger king you'd be sorta right. Ignoring the fact that a vast majority of the US is highways through woods and hills and shit.

even a flimsy ass bike will fucking wreck dudes if it hits them fast enough, nevermind the human-shaped projectile ready to be thrown off onto them

There's more than one buffet in every city I've ever gone to and they're always busy.


wow, bunch of faggots didn't even finish the job

Huh, fair enough. Thanks for the info.

I lost count of how many times I almost struck a cyclist at my university because they were too good to stop at a stop sign.

Source of these?

Still amazed how cyclists are so hated in the USA.
I guess I'm never cycling to anywhere while visiting.
t. someone who lives in a country where literally everyone cycles.

That's hilarious.

America is a lot more rural then you might think.
The "fat" America is the city for the most part.
I didn't see a fast food chain till I was 21.
And cyclists tend to be assholes.

>in every city
>Cities can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of people

Pretty much. Americans fear exercise like holy water. I'm trying to not be fat by biking and taking frequent walks.
In the month I rode in the daytime, I was insulted six times and had one bottle chucked at me.
In the same month while walking, I had three bottles and a soda can chucked at me and received several honks and shouts, but I couldn't tell what any of the shouts were saying.
This whole fucking country is a massive bucket of crabs, pulling down anyone who tries to escape.

remember our media glorifies violence and we gotta be angry and hate everything not america 24/7

source? if that's true, rightfully so.

I want to know where you've been, I'd like to try something that isn't "Chinese" .

They wouldn't be hated if they were not pricks who think they own the road. If you are on a heavy traffic street, you better match the speed limit.

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>Americans fear exercise
Literally everywhere I go at pretty much all times of day there are people jogging or biking. Where were you?

alot of roads were built here without thinking about cyclists
that means you have people driving like 30-40mph (like 60kph) and then they suddenly have to slow down to like a quarter of that speed because a cyclist pulled into the road

>see a cyclist in any game
>instinctively rear-end them into a catastrophic high speed dismount

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Maybe if cyclists weren't self-absored asswipes and behaved on the road people wouldn't hate them so much.

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Also since it seems to be a common complaint here I should clarify that I always ride on the (perpetually empty) sidewalk.
Suburban Oklahoma. Pretty peaceful until you choose to exercise in the daytime. I do all my walking and biking at night nowadays

>I don't believe in violence

You can get a mental illness for being too fat or wanting to be a glutton, although it obviously serves no purpose other than infuriating you.

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eh looks like this is in Cali and everyone knows everyone in this video aren't actually people.

Hes just following the rules of the road like you wanted

I don't want to go to prison again, and I'm too old to want people to hurt.

Well, that seems like a place where I wouldn't want to cycle anyway.
Also I visited Austria and other Alpine reagions in Europe. Cyclists cycling on narrow 60-100 kph roads (usually the only one) full with extreme bends and steepness. I didn't see anyone complain or be an asshole to them.

My city must be bizarroworld then. We had one buffet and it went out of business last year.

Based Aussie.

Driving too slow on a highway is just as illegal as driving too fast.

Going 50 below the speed limit is illegal.

It's not just the US, all the bogan cunts here in Australia hate cyclists too.
>bike to work every day
>always use bike lanes aside when they spontaneously just end for no reason, in which case i just use the sidewalk because I'm not a retard
>still nearly get clipped by commodore drivers on a near daily basis

Sidewalks are for walking, young retard

Can I come to your home and play video games with you?

>You shouldn't be on the road if you can match the speed limit.
riding a bike in cities you can easily match the speed of cars, speed limit in nyc is like 25 or so and that can be pretty easily done on a bike.

You can only do what you can do

Everyone wants those faggots off the road

>Suburban Oklahoma.

Nigger what? I'm from OK and I've never seen a suburb here in my life. Everything outside of Tulsa and OKC is a town or the country.

I've been across a few states on the south and southwestern US. Cali, new mexico, texas. Of course there's always "Chinese", but I see Japanese, Mongilian, 'American Country' and the rare mexican buffet.

>i just use the sidewalk
I fucking hate cyclists who use the footpath

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>t. someone who lives in a country where literally everyone cycles.
Rather commit suicide than live in Netherlands or whatever cyclist-infested shithole where you're from.

>ride off the road
>get shit thrown at you
>ride against traffic
>get obliterated the moment someone speeds around a corner
>ride with traffic
>nobody else can do anything but watch you bike
I know what choice I'd pick. If there's no sidewalk, fuck everyone else.

Nope, if more than 5 people are piled up behind you like that, you are supposed to pull over and let them pass.

I didn't hate cyclists until I moved to Germany, holy fuck they're obnoxious. Even in super crowded areas they go full speed and ring their faggy bell non stop so people move, but people have to literally throw themselves at one another to make room for these assholes.

Midwest City. There's some joggers by the park in the morning but otherwise it's an exercise void.

I average 40 on the cycle.
I walk faster then that cyclists.
He's supposed to be on the side.

Cyclist believe their bikes are vehicles yet still ride on the highway and blow through stop signs. Fuck the fags who do it to act fit and tell people how many miles they biked those are some faggots but the people who ride a bike because they're poor and don't have a car get a pass.

they are used to it
american drivers are quite aggressive, all the time

Why humans are dumbass creatures? These "laws" that humans created are really approved of that? Really? Why fucking made up shitty laws are approved by fucking politicians? Is that a joke? I mean cyclists are not any worst, just humans in general and their shitty """""1st""""" under disguise country rules. Fuck this world and fuck humanity. Why did i born a human, legitimately asking.

Of course, it's a lose/lose situation because I'd get even more shit for staying on the road

So get the fuck off this popular uphill climb you dumb, inconsiderate cocksmoker.

You ride as close to the right side as possible. It gives cars the ability to pass you. Also don't run red lights, stop at stop signs, and fucking signal if you're going to turn. Goddamn I've seen cyclists go straight through intersections with red lights and then wonder why they almost got truck kun'd..

Any recommendations, I rarely find good food outside of my kitchen.

No one really griefs for sexhaving anymore.

>If you cyclists followed the rules of the road like you're supposed to, nobody would hate you. In my ten years of driving, I've literally seen a cyclist signal for the first time this year.
and how many people in cars run stop signs? do you also rage against every single person who drives a car because some drive them recklessly?

>american drivers are quite aggressive, all the time
I'm friends with some French fresh off the boat, working in the US through contracts through their company. They have said the complete opposite.

whoah I don't think that cars are supposed to be able to belch that much black smoke

Is the car ok?

Buck Fickers though

I'll stop riding the middle of the road when car drivers learn not to stop on pedestrian crossings, or stop standing 5 cm from the curb while waiting for the green light or stop forcing the right of way on crossings or stop opening street facing doors of their cars when their parked so close they can wing a cyclist riding past them. I could go on, cunt.

gross, good to know.
u can fist me with those skills any day bb

>but I've seen cyclists attack pedestrian cars for no reason.
I've seen tons of videos of car-owners attacking cyclists for no reason (just look at OP), some just ram the cyclist off the road then get out of the car with a knife.

Cops don't give cyclists tickets like they do people operating automobiles.

Glad that we have bike lanes literally everywhere which everyone also uses. Even in the "rural" places.
Tho we do have the stereotype speed cyclists going full speed and constantly ringing their bells. But these are few and far between.

Real talk, why do people hate cyclists so much?

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Can you stop being edgy for once in your life, attention whore piece of shit. also a normalfag

Yeah well we hate it too, but if we have to pick between dodging a few pedestrians or praying that the car coming from behind us respect the security space guess which one we're going to pick.

I use sidewalks when it can't be helped but while riding slower than my usual speed and generally not asking people to move out of my way if I can just wait a few moments. It's a bother but what else can you do

isn't there a not online version of hellmoo ?


don't do that.

I rage against faggots who don't reasonably follow the rules of the road. Which includes 99% of cyclists, and people in cars who run stop signs.

Well when I was in Germany, I was not only surprised by the presence of bike lanes but was doubly surprised that the people there actually use them and know their place on the street.

In america, you can build bike lanes but no one is actually going to use them.

I live in New England and most people here are terrible drivers. Still, I see more retarded cyclist than retarded car drivers. Some people will just group up on bikes then stop in the middle of the road for some dumb fuck reason. They constantly run red lights more than the average car driver, and they refuse to use bike lanes when they're available. Cyclist are fucking shit.

boomers jerking off over their cars as their only accomplishment in life

>wants to be recognized as vehicles on the road
>refuses to actually acknowledge or follow the rules of the road

t. Tinky_Winky

That's also why I don't believe in violence.
There's always two sides.

I would not call any of them good, they're buffets, after all.

Your fucking point? fucking tripshit

Just llke worst coasters Least coasters aren't people either.

they do though, and the fines are the same since the bike is considered a vehicle.

Fuck the haters user keep rolling coal

no one really plays anymore desu

Be fun.

This. I've had near misses with way more bikes than cars while going about my business downtown. Where there is a dedicated bike lane, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED ON THE SIDEWALK. When your on the street, with the cars YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO IGNORE TRAFFIC SIGNALS. How is this hard? So many bikes just blow red lights and get mad at the pedestrians crossing that they hit.

'Bout time I guess. How are the player numbers these days?

Got me there.

It's a meme.

Based, fuck cyclists. If you want exercise go for a run, and if you want to get somewhere drive.

yet if someone mentions cyclist you immediately jump to rage while i guarantee you don't have the same reaction when drivers are mentioned.

Are motorcycles/scooters okay?

Uses the road, doesn't follow the rules of the road. That's essentially it. Motorcyclists use the road AND follow the rules of the road.

Those motorcycles would've barreled right through if the cops weren't there

What if they don't have a car
I don't have a car

Is /o/ leaking?
I don't like cyclists but if you time you're vehicle to smoke like that it'll be a slow piece of shit and it'll stop working before long.

trying too hard it's just Yea Forums stop trying to fit in.

Do you have an argument?

The closest things you'll find to 'good' buffets are revolving sushi bars, teppanyaki, or something mongolian, where you pay to have limitless food prepared a la carte.

then stop being poor

Most people who hate cyclists live in shitty as fuck cities never planned for anything than cars. So cyclists don't match well. And then there's jealousy, because obviously if you're less than say 30 minutes from your destination there's usually no reason to not bike to it (unless the weather is crap or you have excellent public transports). I assume that the people stuck in the cars I wave at on my way from work at 5 PM wish they were in my position.

Are you in the US?
If so you are a poorfag
If you are in Europe it's cool

ITT fat boomer fucks

Why are Americans so proud that they are destroying the planet?

i live in nyc, i don't see as many of the spandex faggots as much as i use to but i do see a shit ton of delivery drivers on bikes and those motherfuckers don't give a single shit which is worse cause they've pretty much all converted to electric motors by now.

Nah cyclists are cunts.
Riding 3 abreast on the best driving roads

Good, because honestly he could have EASILY died.

True but its rare which was my point

give them a couple years, they'll see it

dumb fucking dog can't even catch the car

in a lot of states riding your bike on the sidewalk is illegal

Literally never saw it happens in my first world country.

Give me some money then

Just get a car you fucking caveman.

>F3 Sims
>Zero results

All you people fucking suck so much ass

Attached: sims.jpg (480x360, 28K)

Cyclists are alight if they also drive and know how the roads work. I hate the fuckers that have clearly never driven a car so obliviously hog the road

>Destroying the planet
But we're not. Our pollution combined with Canada is still not even half of China's.
The one guy said that Paris is worse than India when it comes to vehicles. He has some strange pride in being able to drive through it.

This narcissism is why everyone hates you. NO ONE wants to be you

Why would I ever do that?

I think you're like the first people to even answer op question

Motorcycles are based

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also you're supposed to stay in the bike lane/slow lane unless you're pulling up to turn, not the fast lane shoulder

nah, i'm really just calling you a moron for grouping cyclist together and clearly raging at even the mention of the word because according to you "they don't follow the rules" when you don't for drivers when the exact same applies to them.

someone else mentioned HellMOO earlier

lose weight