How come suddenly everyone are cyberpunk experts?

How come suddenly everyone are cyberpunk experts?

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It's like art you know it when you see it but it is hard to define.
From what we have seen so far I don't know what it is but it sure ain't cyberpunk.

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cyberpunk is not the same as neon-noir. people like him literally cannot understand this though.

that's the disconnect. 2 groups have 2 different opinions on what a sub-genre is.
(hint: if you like synth-wave and ryan gosling and pink and blue lighting you're probably a neon-noir fan)

>It's cyber
>It's punk
>Hint: It's not cyberpunk

Yeah fuck the sun.

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it looks lame and gay

The problem it doesn't look like High tech Low life. It's just modern america with some slightly advanced tech.

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Imagine giving your video game a title that is just the genre name. I can't wait for the sequel "steam punk 1800".

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low iq post

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it IS a stupid name though, and CDPR chose the wrong Cyberpunk setting to base their game on. Everything about it is just retarded, I hope they don't show or acknowledge the more absurd aspects of it like certain technology advancements like gene splicing and the fact that the city was fucking nuked once which apparently was retconned or something?
And its even worse that the game takes place in 2077 when the tabletop took place in 2020 where all this outlandish tech is already available.

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>The problem it doesn't look like High tech Low life. It's just modern america with some slightly advanced tech.

Night City has more advanced technology than any of the settings the Cyberpunk (genre) wikipedia article references except for Altered Carbon (a recent work that didn't define the genre) and Blade Runner (similar tech overall but has replicants and space travel)

If this is cyberpunk than so is GTA.

>If this is cyberpunk than so is GTA.

You literally don't know what you're talking about.

Urban Cyberpunk settings are supposedd t be extremely grim , dirty, and filled with degeneracy not filled with sunshine and and clean street.

Hate to break it to you

I wonder if Case would have posted on Yea Forums

I can tap this = game is good
I cannot tap this = game is bad

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I wish they went for a more fantastical, retro-future approach than a more realistic one. It kinda just modern Cali with some neon

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GTA don't have high tech low life.

>Urban Cyberpunk settings are supposedd t be extremely grim , dirty, and filled with degeneracy not filled with sunshine and and clean street.

You literally don't know what you're talking about.

Because whats punk & what isnt is meaningless and always has been

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>GTA don't have high tech low life


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i hate gta online so much