pixelshit sucks. get over it.
Pixelshit sucks. get over it
Other urls found in this thread:
I like it, kiss my ass.
Bad pixelshit sucks, good pixelshit is good.
Where the fuck is chapter 9
Celeste's aestheics would had been worse if they didn't go for the pixle style
if it has no style or effort like most generic indieshit yeah
>OP got absolutely and undeniably btfo with no hope of recovery from his apocalyptic asshurt in his last thread
>makes another one and tries again
Celeste is great, get over it.
Recently I liked Dead Cells, sprites look kind of prerendered, which I like.
Celeste looks like shit, but apparently it's good gameplay wise.
Pixelshit implies badness. Games that use good pixel art appropriately shouldn't be called pixelshit.
>I don't prefer this art style, so it's terrible and so are you.
Stay mad, tranny.
pic related: one of the best games I've played in 10 years
Is that 8-bit, OP?
september 1st
rate my pixel art anons
I think shortcuts in pixel art are fine, as long as the game itself is good. I know alot of people feel conflicted about pic related for example, but I liked it.
don't you mean, 8 bit?
you're such a fucking faggot making this thread again holy shit
you got eternally BTFO and were all umad this and that and now here you are again
it could improve
technically everything on a screen is pixel shit.
Link to said thread?
it's substance over style
get over it
Not all sprite games look like that retard.
Just search for 8-bit on the board, it's still up.
For a game like Shovel Knight, there are clear reasons why they chose that particular art style. Shovel Knight's gameplay content is specifically inspired by 8-bit era NES platform games like Mega Man and DuckTales. The pixel graphics reinforce that theme (and the art style specific imitates it). You can say the same thing about Mega Man 9. Celeste on the other hand is just pixelated arbitrarily. Why? What's the point?
imagine weighing this much
go to a gym
Guys. Pixelshit still sucks. Be butthurt all you want.
you mad
Guys. Tendies taste good. Be butthurt all you want.
you can't please everyone
It does not need to have a point you retard
Guys. Pixelshit still sucks. Be butthurt all you want.
>celeste gets its art-style changed to match the character portraits used in dialogue
Did I fix it
You didn't answer the question.
I'm not OP and am genuinely interested to see why you think the art style in Celeste is good and specifically why using faux low-resolution pixel art is a good aesthetic.
thanks for the advice
i love chrono trigger btw
That game is so ridiculously polished.
I am also Ezlo's #1 fan.
The problem is indie game artists are bad at making art and their game designers are bad at making games.
I got some bad news for you... you might be autistic
>not capcom
based retard
having a restricted "grid" and palette means amateurs are better able to produce consistent art
t. amateur trying to produce consistent art
Real question is why do indie dev keep slapping bloom on their pixel shit? Always looks out of place to me
That game is an exception to the rule along with Fight N' Rage. Both made by third worlders who actually love retro games for how they play and not muh pixel art look like indie west coast developers in the US.
Because it's better for getting a large amount of details into a small space. Since the main character is so small you can't add detail easily without turning into a garbled mess
see this is a perfect example of a game that would look good if you simply zoomed out and scaled it to the screen properly
that's literally all you have to do and it would look good
This is not even GBA levels of detail in the sprites it's somewhere in between GBC and GBA but it's also not made to run on handhelds in the first place
Terraria is one of the only indie games that seems to understand the importance of scaling a sprite based game to the screen
Celeste doesn't have great detail though. Her lack of a face is particularly uncanny.
Yeah now imagine how fucking weird it'd be if it was vector graphics or whatever. The whole point is that sprites play nice with detail on a small object
Every game on the switch is pixelshit if you think about it, because the resolution is so low you can see the individual pixels.
guys stop bullying him, it's just 8-bit too much for him
hard to imagine without seeing it. The point though is that most good pixel art designs the sprite to look good at that resolution. Mega Man's face is clearly visible. Mario has the big nose and mustache. Shovel Knight has the barbute. Meanwhile Madeline just has a blank face, in theory you have the distinctive red hair (which changes color etc.) which isn't bad but the blank face is still distracting.
Her face is about 3 pixels tall by my count. Please explain to me how you can fit a face on it.
You could make the face bigger but that changes the proportions. You could make the sprite bigger, but now you've just changed the whole game to satisfy your autism
eye vomit
Why is this game such eye rape?
Yea Forums's all for creative freedom
Die fag
I'm not saying they should put a face on her I'm just saying the entire design just looks off because of it. I'm saying that a game that understood its art style would have designed the character differently from scratch. Maybe turned the face sideways or something, it's hard to say. Or maybe used a higher resolution style that would have allowed a little more detail on the character.
if pixel art sucks so much why do 2d animated games that aren't cuphead get shit on the most and all called 'cheap flash newgrounds bs'? Game audiences have a bias for pixel art because muh childhood, you know it.
why wasn't the art just hand drawn? madeline has a cute drawn face
You can make a character with 1 fucking pixel if you want, it's fucking shit and autistic to do so, so that's why it's retarded to consider it. You have hardware that can handle it, 30 years ago they made it happen, you have zero excuse to be lazier. It's thanks to these niggers we got the term "pixelshit" from zoomers to begin with. This term only appered when indies made hyper low rez sprites because "incompetent programmer art with medicore gameplay, with CHARM!!!~".
>bad stuff is bad
Who would've thought
Thanks for sharing your opinion with me but why would I kiss your ass?
>You have hardware that can handle it
handle what?
it's almost like this entire thread was made for the purpose of bait and arguing for the sake of arguing
oh wait
It probably was because actual discussion is not understood by human beings any more
NO! its pro murder propaganda
2D art > 3D models 95% of the time. I could count the amount of good looking "2.5D" games on one hand
Fuck 3D ruined everything. And now no AAA company had actual animators on staff anymore. Fuck, capcom's new fighting games are forever more doomed to look like shit
Too retarded to even be real. It's amazing you can even use the computer. Hell you're likely on a smartphone based on how braindead you are.
This is unironically the best platformer ever made.
hardware that can handle what precisely? reread your post and stop fuming about others' creative choices while you are at it.
what the fuck i love celeste and never heard of this. Thank you user's now i have something to look forward to.