>kill a female enemy
>get a boner
Kill a female enemy
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What game is this?
You get a boner from killing ? ma dude seek help ASAP
fbi get in here
>choose not to kill a female enemy
>get multiple boners
whats her name?
>walks around in the hood with those clothes
She looks like she fucks Black guys like all good looking, white women
>tfw no cute natsoc gf
Why is she carrying a boner?
pretty much only reason i'd play gta is to run around murdering women
keep coping while white women keep lusting for bbc
Imagine getting a boner to that mom ass
Science does not cope. Science just shows the facts.
Just go to your local trailer park and you might find your princess, I believe in you user
She was always the best looking one. Laughing Octopus was a close second for me.
Someone got triggered.
I said a natsoc gf, not a larping inbred neo-nazi from muttland.
for me, it's raiders in fallout 3
do you have everything set on low?
She's black though
>He didn't run over to get a wolfencutie
What are some games with enemies that make your peanus weenus happy?
Got a real toaster.
>go to my country's nearest equivalent
>they're all commies
What now l*f***d???
pls stap
I see two bowling balls together haha.
This is what happens when you are a really pent up, awkward virgin but too afraid to talk to women. Your mind unconsciously gets attracted to women that pose no resistance and you end up like this.
>tfw in every gta game i stalk women and kill them.
what’s wrong with me
what are some games that give me a boner?
Para mi, es el forsworn en el videojuego El Pergaminos Mayor V: Skyrim
Do you think a slave is smart enough to tell that? Really?
>nig doesnt like science
checks out
>Woman is covered head to toe in armor
>Become even more aroused than if she were naked
You can't explain that.
Kill yourself
>kill a female enemy
>get a boner
>start nuzzling her firm, shapely ass while it's still warm
>forget that corpses no longer have bowel control
>feel the dead body take a huge shit against your face through her too-tight pants
>realize that there are other Nazis around and they've all just seen what happened
>some of them have cameras
>now Adolf Hitler has footage of you touching yourself while your face is pressed against a dead woman's shit-covered ass
>social life is ruined when he uses that footage in anti-Allied Powers propaganda
>dishonorable discharge
>wife leaves you
Next time jerk off BEFORE deployment, like a normal person.
It's not necrophilia if the body is still warm!
Just go to dark metal concerts in Germany.
>this is witnessed and reported to the fuhrer
>Adolf visits you personally, gives you a thumbs up and gets you promoted
If God didn't want us to kill women why did He make them so killable? Really activates the almonds in the brain and the nads.
what game?
Retard here; explain how this works. The chart is claiming percentages responded to. So just using the top-left as an example, what the fuck is the process?
>Ask black women if they like blacks
>9.3% say yes
>this is the highest response rate
>meaning less than 9.3% said yes to the other options, so at best 9.2% said yes to the others
>if they were only allowed to pick one option, it means only 36.9% of women said 'yes' to any option and 63.1% do not find any male of any ethnicity attractive
>if they were allowed to pick more than one option, more than 90.7% of all sampled women do not find blacks, asians, latinos or whites attractive
I laugh at the image but seriously question the science here.
>he haven't killed whores in Deus Ex Mankind Divided and then dragged them in various positions of your choise and then proceeded to masturbate to them
I don't blame black people for going after white women. Black women after fucking crazy animals.
theres no difference
Brainlet take. Power is sexy, everyone knows that
What games other than GTA, Postal, modded Bethesda games or the op can you do this?
>Empties ammunition into her vagina thinking about the whore that said something nasty to me 15 years ago
gta v
Sucks to be crazy
The Forest
I have so many screenshots from sexy bodies
Black bois BTFO by every single race
This is the first thing that came to my mind.
Faceless bodysuit women is the patrician fetish.
Blacks are the lowest of the low, even when they are propped up as much as they are no one wants them.
good taste
>have fart fetish
>tell girlfriend about it
>she just laughs about it. later rips a fart into my mouth
>tastes far worse than I thought it would
>>kill a female
>>get a boner
Big Boss
>MGS4 frogs
>play female character
>get swallowed whole
>insta boner
>substituting the nazispoitation sexpots with ugly dykes who are easily unmistakeable for one of the protags in-game
Why are Swedes such fags?
>that responding ratio of female vs Male
women are complete cunts.
Legit terrible choice.
The fuck did you expect?
>haha yeah guys FO4 and Skyrim totally suck lol too casual for me haha
>play for hundreds of hours as a serial killer raping bandits
>the numbers shown represent the percentage of people responding to a "yes" on Are You Interested, by gender and ethnicity of both parties
>think I have scat fetish
>real fucking horny one night
>take a bite out of my own shit
>no longer have scat fetish
You know, things have an odd way of correcting themselves.
You guys need Christ. For fuck's sake, those fetishes make no sense
That answers nothing and the issue remains the same that either near 60% responded 'no' to all options or up to 90% responded 'no' to all options and I struggle to believe 60% of the female population is asexual.
what mod is this.
wow user, fetishes don't make sense? who knew
You can understand where the attraction in most fetishes comes from, like with footfags or S&M. How the hell is literal shit ever attractive?
>kill an american enemy
>wants to kill another one
user the data is from a dating site. The users look at lots of different profiles and select no or yes to each one. There is more than one of each race to choose from.
You are hopeless
>playing Fallout
>kill a bunch of raiders
>find some females among the dead
>pop a boner
>start waving their corpse around and cutting off their limbs
>boner intensifies
Well they actually make sense and a shrink would explain you that, because yes, that's what you need, not religion...
why would you get a boner from that?
>die as a female
>get a boner
I'm curious as to the explanation, then. And did you take the "need Christ" joke seriously? Come on
Ah, that's the issue then. Giving an incomplete data set means the numbers are meaningless from an objective standpoint. Still a funny joke, but means literally nothing since 65% of women could've selected yes to some option we aren't shown and we have no idea how many selected no period. Thanks for clearing it up.
>play horror game with a female protag
>intentionally die to every monster to see all the different ways she can be brutally murdered
>Like Every Kojima game
>create female character
>try to find sluttiest most revealing armor/clothes and dress her up like whore
the 2004 Catwoman movie gave me a gut punching fetish