Friendly reminder zoomers will fondly remember this game in 2029

Friendly reminder zoomers will fondly remember this game in 2029

>"Ahhh, Fortnite... I remember being 10 in 2019 playing with my school friends online on my old Nintendo Switch, now THAT was a good game not the trash today"

How does it make you feel? Faggots today fondly remember fucking Modern Warfare 2, that is already pathetic but Fortnite... jesus fuck, what a dark future lies ahead

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Other urls found in this thread: into shit era/

if games in 2029 will be trash to zoomers what would games in 2029 be to boomers?


Fortnite isn’t that bad, you guys are just mean

The fact that Minecraft and CoD is nostalgia'd here deeply disturbs me.

People have already forgotten about shit like PUBG. Fortnite will go as another crappy game takes its place.

>time progresses linearly
what the fuck bros... where did it go wrong?

>wow I can’t believe people will remember an extremely popular video game in the future

I don't know and I don't care, what truly SCARES me is the mere thought of zoomers having kids. Imagine a tard having a supertard kid.
t. zoomers


stop getting pissed about what kids will be nostalgic for in the future

Minecraft was playable 10 years ago.. how is that disturbing? People age

we’ll be too senile to exeperience that honestly let gen alphas fuck them


We're living this right now with Minecraft.
>"Minecraft's gud tho... muh based Notch..."
You are part of the problem.

maybe, but right now all the millenials and zoomers are busy sucking off minecraft just because pewdiepie rediscovered it or some shit. that and they always felt the need to talk about how fucking great it was the second fortnite came out as if they have to compete.


this. stop getting mad grandpas

You seem like an 18 year old who just had the realization that other people experience youth independently from you. I've seen people get nostalgic over shit that came out when I was already an adult for a while now, and it's gonna keep happening. Cope.

there will be a war or a massive recession and this won't happen

>fortnite season 1? Those were the days...

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>in a few days, kids born after the good ol days of 9/11 will be able to vote and legally post here

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Your parents probably thought you were a lil fag for being nostalgic about the pokemans and that italian plumber.

They are acting just like the boomers. "Your new thing is bad, my old thing is good"

My thing is how're they going to go back and enjoy Fortnite again like how I can enjoy Pokemon Red? The server's are going to be down and unlikely it'd have a population for unique 100 player games. Not to mention with all the updates, what will be the "definitive" version?

>falling for the linear jew
Have fun not optimizing your continuity and getting shit gains on your time

I remember the exact same fucking threads about Halo and Modern Warfare 2. Those threads are today completely without any irony.


This happens with all media ever

But games, movies and most music stopped being good over a decade ago, it is impossible to have nostalgia over TRASH

Fortnite is actually good.

t. play it with my nephews from time to time

but it's popular

The grandpa moment already happened to me when I saw older zoomers posting nostalgia for icarly, cool math games, diary of a wimpy kid, adventure time, bieber, johnny test, adventure time, lady gaga, angry birds, party rock anthem, etc.

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Just like minecraft threads on this board, seriously i can't wait for this imageboard to die.

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Mario is quite a bit older than pokemon

Jesus christ what is wrong with you into shit era/

you can't stop people from having shit taste but you can stop yourself from associating yourself with them

until they decide they're an integral part of your community and have a say in matters, then it's time to put them down because they're full of shit

>Fortnite is actually good.
no user, it is not good and most importantly, it is soulless as fuck
>the game is literally free to play, meaning you can legally download it and play for free, you don't have to spend a single cent on it, no effort at all to get the game
>it is a ripoff of a ripoff
>cringe dances to keep kids entertained
>ADHD kids need new content every week because otherwise they would get bored since the game is too fucking simplistic
>that means devs are forced to crunch to hell and back and other game companies must adopt this philosophy if they want their games to stay afloat, thus making the vidya industry shittier by the day
>crossplay with fucking phone players, it doesn't matter if they get brutally assraped as long as they can play the game too, yay?

>meaning you can legally download it and play for free, you don't have to spend a single cent on it, no effort at all to get the game
is this really your primary criticism? cmon nigga

As someone who can't enjoy many popular games after 2010, i need to restrain myself from calling them shit because its so painfully obvious how badly the blanket of nostalgia makes everyone younger than us look retarded. When you are a kid and enjoying whatever was hip in your decade, your child brain is absorbing the fuck out of it until you feel comfort and bliss from it. When you as an adult go back and play a classic your brain remembers that childlike wonder and it gets pumped back into you despite now being an adult. I cant enjoy Fortnite because i pick it up as an adult and i experience a kids game that i just cant get behind because it doesnt bring that pleasure my brain has wired itself off to other games from my youth. Its not bad, but my mind percieves it as such because its not the fix i grew up with. Whatever is popular in 2029 will confuse the fuck out of those fortnite players and theyll be the ones going "wow what happened to games im so old" because now theyre the ones experiencing the same thing. The human mind hates change and it alters perception of things heavily.

user, you mean that every generation has nostalgia for their childhood? What are you, fucking gay?

Remember when you were a kid and your parents bought you THAT game you really wanted, then you popped it in the console and finally could play it? What a magic moment.
Now a kid just needs to give the phone/console to his dad, dad downloads it and in 5 minutes he can play the game

They're having fun. They experiment in creative mode. They do duels.
It's not for me, but I'm not forced to play it it even really deal with it ever. Fucking grow up, dude.

Daily reminder that video games are for children.
You can enjoy playing them, but don't act like it's an adult entertainment.

I fucking hate nu-Yea Forums for being so pro-zoomer. Fuck off. Zoomers are generally redditor newfags and they shit up the fucking site.
This. Newfags don't remember but COD was the fucking plague of video games even as recently as 5 years ago and so was pewdiepie.

It's mediocre. It's got charm.

You are way worse than kids playing Fortnite.

Doesn't make it not true. This website as a whole could use a little more gatekeeping and anyone under the age of 20 should stay on reddit and social media where they belong.

> nu-Yea Forums
> zoomer
> redditor
> newfags
> COD was the fucking plague
> pewdiepie
Are you trying to fit here or something?

This website as a whole is a mainstream shithole, and it ever was, only a bunch of Yea Forums faggots actually imagine that it's deep web muh secret club shit.

> gatekeeping
> anonymous boards website

About the same as current Yea Forums like DaS2 and brown & grIt needs to gatekeep people under 25 so you wouldn't be allowed to shitpost here.

Yes and it is unfortunate.
Are you ESL or just too young to write properly.
I'm 29 and I recognize you, you are the retard who spams every thread on every board.

>people unironically defending Gaynite
Well I've had enough of this world

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16 year old with superiority complex over 14 year olds detected

Go get married

People 10-15 years older than you thought pokemon was the worst thing ever, so this is all a cycle.


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I played Halo and enjoyed it.

What is wrong with liking games?

Yea Forums hates games

Imagine caring about what people feel nostalgia over. On a Saturday night. Must suck to be you honestly.

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You guys remember 7 years ago when "defeners"/boomers verrrrryyyyy brutally hated 2008-2014 pop music and said it was pure torture/shit?

Well now zoomers are posting nostalgia for that era and saying it was the "golden age" of pop, lol.

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Ahhh, Fortnite... I remember being 14 in 2009 playing with my steam friends online on my PC, now THAT was a good game not the trash today

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I don't know about Yea Forums shit but a lot less people tried defended CoD and Halo here, I can tell you that much

why do you always make this shit into shit era/

fortnite is the game zoomers play to fit in
they don't care about the game, they don't think its fun, they just want to be a part of the incrowd so they dont get bullied at school
low iq retards play fortnite because of this and because their low iq media sources tell them to
it will die out like all fads and be replaced with new cancer
who cares what zoom zooms are doing. you arent a faggot are you

So what? We all get old user. Whatever trash one generation loves another hates. Nothing lasts forever.

This nigger is literally 29 and seething over what children and teens play on a Saturday evening. Imagine how his parents must feel lol.

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>why aren't people getting upset over this

Not all of us came here because they saw those rage comics with that angry Yea Forums guy.
Or maybe some people realized how stupid it is to get upset about something that happens every generation

> people will be nostalgic for what they played as a kid

Wow. I bet they'll be shitting on what the kids are playing in 2029

Fucking this. People were shitting on Minecraft solely because of the community and fan base, now they can't stop sucking it off. It's the same shit with fortnite.

>tfw someday people will be nostalgic for the 2030s

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>Friendly reminder zoomers will fondly remember this game in 2029
user... That's already happening we're on season 10 and we have people talking about the good ole' days of season 4-5. Can't wait until season 30

>be born
>many years later you start remembering things

Right now its pissing off leddit, zoomer kids and streamerfags. Its more based than its ever been

>Someday, someone, somewhere, will bump a 200 year old forum thread
talk about necrobumping

MW2 was crap, an fps that basically took out agency from its players

Things that Fortnite does right
>Constant Updates
>Battle Pass one of the best F2P models out there (loads of cosmetics every season and enough premium currency to never have to buy battlepass again)
>Platform agnostic with crossplay and shared progression
>Forced Sony's hand in crossplay controversy
>Constantly trying new gameplay elements while increasing quality of cosmetics
>Big asses and child bearing hips on 90% of female skins

Reasons Yea Forums hates Fortnite
>Seeing kids dance makes them angry
>Associates it with 90% of the BR's that are left half developed and bug ridden
>RNG elements that encourage exploring and looting
>Can't learn to build despite 12 year olds winning $3mil doing it
>Its popular

Day Z and PUBG actually had tangible reasons to be upset with their success and popularity, Fortnite is polished, good and free. Literally the only harm you can credit it for is being used to promote the epic games store.

Isn't it time for your nap little boy?


Friendly reminder that Fortnite and the Epic Chad store are the best thing to happen to gaming in 10+ years. Anyone who claims otherwise is a steam jew and is not to be taken seriously

Feels good. It's a terrific game among the "point at people and shoot" shit ocean

>Mfw children will not relive the exact childhood where I had to bang sticks and stones for entertainment
Shut the fuck up with your fucking "magic" you rose goggle retard

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don't forget that many only tried it just during its raise of popularity, and I remember that during the last january the game was pretty shallow, dull and lacked of variety of situations given by the map. Plus, you haven't mentioned the gunplay side of it, which is indeed kinda bad considering what Epic Games used to make and the competition.

Still, we must recognize that Epic's support to the game has been absurd, something that not even Rockstar has managed to achieve in its terribad GTA online


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*January 2018, mb

>Game comes out
>People who played the last "big game" shit on this one
>Time passes
>New game comes out
>Repeat ad nauseum

I have seen this so many times and it is always the same retards.
CS players, complaining about nu fps when they played a shitty corner peeking mod instead of based arena shooters.
Dota players complaining about the simplification of the moba genre when they are literally playing a simplified RTS.
Halo players complaining about COD.
this shit will never end.


Its good that kids have games they can look back on and be happy about playing.

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Kill yourself

t. zoomer

>Things that Fortnite does right
Well they certainly don't do bloom right

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t. forced meme cock sucker

>wojak edit
opinion discarded

No they wont.
Because first transgender president of US will start nuclear war after someone misgenders xir on some global summit

>This is going to be a kid's first sexual awakening
Based Fortnite

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>the game is literally free to play, meaning you can legally download it and play for free, you don't have to spend a single cent on it, no effort at all to get the game
Holy shit Americans are fucking cucks