Games that made you realize you outgrew the target audience of that series

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Other urls found in this thread:

You don't outgrow the target audience. The publishers and devs get a new one.

Well, I guess they targeted retards with Persona 5. Actually, that makes perfect sense since I've read people on Reddit really like the game.

I feel the game lacked alot. Mostly in the Confidant stories. Instead of really solving their problems you just kind of hanged out with everyone. Also didn't like how a lot of the months were sped passed. I could have been doing momentos the fresh maker in the mean time or finishing Confidants.
I'm hoping P5R addresses this.

Are you me? I loved Persona 4, but struggled to finish this one. Either P4 was much better or I got too old for japanese games writing.

It's a case of 4 having much better writing (for obvious reasons - 5 had Hashino who's an amateur and too many cooks) + the fact that you got older.

Well you're a retarded redditor for sure so they missed the target

This was the game that made me realize getting older was a meme


Duke Nukem Forever.

>4 having much better writing
All Newsonas have about the same level of writing. They're all inconsistent as fuck, with 4th having the shittiest ending by far. 5th struggled at the end too, but at least the presentation was nice, while 4th actively ruins itself after Adachi with awful reveal and clearly rushed the last dungeon.

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>clearly rushed the last dungeon.
I felt like P5 last dungeon was more rushed. Adachi was also better villain than Shido who was a joke.

Yea Forums is mostly built on former Redditors these days so I fail to understand what point you're trying to make.

syle over substance xd

>good writing
4 has comically bad writing. I'm not saying P5 is good, it isn't, but P4 is trying really hard to drill through the bottom of the barrel.

>make a social sim game
>none of the characters are interesting

What did Atlus mean by this?

P3, P4, and P5 are all equally redditcore.
Nocturne and Strange Journey Yea Forumscore.

Futaba was interesting, at least her social link that dealt with real problem. Rest was quite shitty.

P5 last dungeon had a nice narrative about main characters essentially going around lobotomizing people putting the whole game into different perspective, 4th after Adachi was about some shitty fog ball putting people to sleep because we live in a society and Izanami Izanagi bullshit no one cares about

Same as you, OP. Loved all previous games but the only thing I liked about P5 was the actual gameplay. I had more fun fucking around in Mementos and fusing than with the main story/confidants. Also good character designs, shame their personalities and issues felt so goddamn boring and same-y.

That you have to be retarded in order to enjoy the trash that is Persona 5.

I mean the main cast is a bunch of high school kids. It's realistic that they aren't that interesting.

The only reason why Futaba was interesting is because it followed the Persona 4 shadow-self formula.

I think a lot of people love this game

>Persona 4 shadow-self formula
oh you p4kids

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I don't know how people can like P4 and not like P5 when the latter is better in pretty much every regard

>more = better

Yusuke and Ryuji are pretty interesting. Ann has some interesting qualities too.

P4 came out 10 years ago, so naturally these people are less interested in a game about teenagers. That's why every thread about suggestion to future title is the same old dumb shit about non highschool setting.

We get it. You suck cock and you want everyone to know.

highschool setting is so overused. They should really go with something else once in a lifetime.

When did I say that? What did P4 actually have going for it? It had a couple of alright characters and the fundamental Megaten gameplay was enjoyable like in previous games, but the story was trash and the dungeons were super repetitive. 5's story has issues too but it's not as bad, and the dungeons actually have level design.

>Personafags still seething that P5 put every previous entry in the series to utter shame
Stay eternally mad cucks... or in alternative, grow some taste (but I realize that's asking too much from people who unironically deem P3 to be better than P5)

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You can always play a different RPG series, there are plenty of them.

Fine. I'll be the one to say it.

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If you think P5 is mature Death Note will be sage wisdom for you.

Duuuuude, shittyt adults amirite???

I liked P4 better. P4 had better characters with more consistent character development, that actually felt like they were all friends. I also put a lot of value in the social link stories, and P5's confidants were just terrible. The plot of P4 was also better if solely by the merit of being less derivative. P5's plot and twists are basically completely recycled from P4. Seeing this stuff twice back-to-back gives me a much worse impression of P5.

To me, the gameplay improvements in P5 are marginal. Dungeons still suck, combat's basically the same physical skill spam with occasional buff/debuff, and the graphics are a generation behind contemporaries either way so who cares.

Finishing Persona 4 made me have a hollow feeling in my chest for days.

Finishing Persona 5 made me go "that's it?"

How did I know this faggot would be here? Cutscenes/story don't make a game not a game

When your game has 44 hours of cutscenes, you have fundamentally failed at making a game.

>this strawman for the last year

Persona 3 fanboys are absolute fuckwits. The game is a boring VN where you watch the combat play itself. 4 and 5 follow the same formula with improvements in each one.

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P3 is the patrician's choice of Persona and arguably the best game ever made.

Persona 5 was the best (actual)JRPG this gen, but that's not a really hard ladder to climb.

Innocent Sin is the only good Persona. Change my mind.

This. That's why I said I outgrew the series. I'm not a teen anymore. You have to be a teen in order to enjoy the Persona 5 "writing".

I want to fuck teenage girls.

P3 is edgy and immature, sure. P5 is the quintessential edgy and immature game with a lot of style but no substance.

Sounds like you became a rotten adult, OP.

The story and characters in 5 are terrible compared to 4, everyone agrees on that. However, I think the Confidants were actually better than 4's Social Links. Makes sense considering Hashino left the Confidants to the writer of the previous games. They actually reflect the theme of the game and struggle with negative public perception while the main cast rambles on about evil blueberry guy and the other cartoonish villains.

Smash Bros. I don't think I even want to finish WoL. The game is well made and all, but it just isn't my kind of game anymore and I regret buying it. Probably because I got into actual fighting games

Persona 3 is a great game.

Persona 4 is the quintessential Persona game and a 10/10 JRPG.

Persona 5 is a 5/10 game and the biggest disappointment of this century.

All Persona games bad

>the biggest disappointment of this century.

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>P4 had better characters
Stopped reading right there

>Persona 3 is a great game.
Kill yourself.
You don't even play it.
There is no story for 40 hours. It's LITERALLY grind xp for the next moon boss, even the characters say this.
Tartarus is probably the worst dungeon ever in a jrpg. Most uninspired shit.

Shut the fuck up, P2faggot. Nobody remembers your game. The only reason people remembers it is because of Glasses Hitler.

>the worst dungeon ever in a jrpg.
That's the TV World.

SMT/Persona fans are FFfags that see it as the secret club underground JRPG series proving they're legit, they're one step below normalfags
Talk to them about any other JRPG and they get confused before spewing out Matador memes and the same Persona jokes from 2007

Persona 2 has the best characters, story, and atmosphere

>Stopped reading right there
No problem, it wasn't for zoomer like you after all.

how come no one ever talks about the original Persona
Is it that bad?

I feel like persona 3 and 5 are mature enough in theme that as an adult I can enjoy it.
But persona 4 with it needing it make everyone love you and be a wacky adventure just puts me off.
I'm not a lonely weeb who needs to feel loved so persona 4 not making me work for it feels fake and unenjoyable.

I'm gonna have to disagree completely on the confidants. The vast, vast majority of confidants are meandering nothing followed by the introduction of some cartoonish dick which you brainwash to solve the problem for the person in question. They say absolutely nothing interesting to me whatsoever. This is especially apparent with the romance links, where it's like Tae, Hifumi, whateverhername teacher, the fortune teller lady, and the journalist are all exactly the same setup - brainwash some jerk in exchange for sex.

>There is no story for 40 hours.
This isn't a bad thing considering how they are. Sometimes you just got to know your limits.


P3 had little story events every month, you got multiple objectives and multiple fakeouts and twists. Not to mention your party members actually had sidestories that ran through the whole game because they hadn't started making the dumb decision to tie the entirety of a party member to one dungeon per.

It's not even true.

There's a reason people say that Persona started with 3

I think this is why I ended up preferring Xenoblade 2 over Persona 5, even if Rex is technically the less 'mature' of the two leads (easy since Joker has no personality). A fantasy story that ended up being deeper than I expected was much more appealing to me than a story about society that ended up shallower than I expected.

I'm just too old for that 'rebellious teenagers' aspect that Persona goes for.

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THIS. And P3 had better character development because it died to the CALENDER system and not fucking social links.

Watching everybody praise this piece of shit was painful

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>you got multiple objectives and multiple fakeouts and twists.
The most obvious fakeout in existence that the game wouldn't end in November and nothing else, even when the awful ass Strega was introduced barely anything changed
I'll give you one thing, at least that fakeout wasn't as bad as the literal filler arc that is Mitsuo in P4

Was tied to*

>they hadn't started making the dumb decision to tie the entirety of a party member to one dungeon per.
Seriously what is up with that shit? I can't tell if the devs are being lazy or stupid with the calendar system.

>Best Fallout game
>Painful to see it get praise
Are you ok user?

I like all the Persona games I have played guys.

Kill yourself

The calendar system is awful, period. Thankfully in Fire Emblem you can skip ahead and don't actually have to run around every single fucking day.

It also helps that adult characters like Morag and Zeke are directly involved with the plot and not just side supporting characters.

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That game wasn't highly praised though

Man I forgot how fucking awful it was watching that game succeed to the extent that it did.

Not as painful as watching it get rereleased a dozen times

any nintendo game on 3ds. its just feels like a chore to play. wish i got used a psp instead

>Best Fallout game

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It didn't get showered with praise from critics like Bethesda's previous 3 mainline games, but it sold as well as any of them.

It's not like you can't make it work. Just don't make an 80 hour murder mistery or heist story set on a calendar when those only work in 2 hour movies or something.

Just reading that image made me cringe fuck. Personafags are all retards.

I couldn't even finish 5 and I loved 4 in 2011, it's been a shit ton of years since then so I also assume it was because I outgrew this series.

Persona 4 is actually written from a point of sincerity about real human struggles. The characters go through the same type of shit a bildungsroman protagonist would go through. They don't play dress up and go beat up shitty adults, they actually have human problems like Yukiko not knowing whether to inherit the inn and live the same life as her parents or break free from those pressures and escape. Every character faces and issue you're likely to encounter irl yourself, just a different variation.

P5, on the other hand, has characters that are "oppressed" by shitty adults for a total of 2 minutes and then they play dress up and drive around in a car.

I didn't play P5, but I did pirate an uncensored copy of TMS #FE and ended up liking it more than Persona. It doesn't drag on for 80 hours with social link shit or the calendar system. I can't stand those now, I don't think I would enjoy P5 if I played it.

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I feel like a game like Persona 5 has nothing against something like Danganronpa 2, which isn't even that great, just decent, but holy shit, the amount of filler P5 has is insane, the characters are uninteresting, there's no motivation to keep going for those 90+ hours.

Ironically I ended up playing more TMS than P5 even though I had 0 hype for the first one.

I only did the main cast, politician and the doctor fully. The rest I skimmed so I'm not an authority on Confidants. The maid one did seem more like comedy and pandering to weebs, kinda similar to the nurse from P4. The nurse did have a lot of depth to her situation by the end so many that's the case with the maid too, idk.


ima try to find an iso for cemu

Agreed. Persona 5 feels like a game a teen would show to his parents to prove he's mature. XC2 is just a comfy JRPG an adult plays to relax and enjoy the music and atmosphere.

Xenoblade 2's soundtrack shits on Persona 5's. Is this a controversial statement? Because it sure as hell shouldn't be.

It doesn't work cemu. You have to play it on a Wii U. Atleast that was true back when I played it.

reading some rom sites saying it works now

ima give it a try, hopefully the torrent is healthy

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XC2 was definitely more tolerable to me, and the ending was fucking great.

But damn, most of the game was pretty fucking boring, I don't know why I kept forcing myself to play it, I don't do that anymore since vidya isn't supposed to be a job.I don't know if Chrono Trigger and the old FF games had better stories or is it that I can't enjoy stuff like this anymore. At least not to put so much fucking effort into it, like it would be playing 70 hours of an J-RPG.

Well, I did all of them because fortune telling in P5 is fucking broken (again). Your teacher brings out a tardgic backstory and a couple of douchebags come out and you brainwash them so she'll polish your pole. I do not think that counts as depth, it certainly doesn't exhibit the same character as the P4 devil.

Seriously though can we talk about what a terrible decision it was to revert to P3 vanilla style free action fortune telling? What the fuck were they thinking? They already fixed this in FES.

P5 has more filler than DV3 even. And that game could have been half as long.

Link me some good XC2 songs. I don't really like JRPGs so I didn't play either one, but I do quite like the Persona OST.

>not zoomer
People need to stop misusing that term

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It's pretty good, but I feel like the game is too fuckin long. I'm at the very beginning of the 6th palace and can't muster up the energy to get up and finish it. I'm probably not gonna buy P5R for that reason

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Everyone's always seething over P5...

I thought it was a fun game, the dungeons were more than just a series of hall ways. I appreciated the effort to a point but some stages did turn into a hunt for switches to open doors. Persona 4 is better in most other ways though

P1 and P2 weren't high school dating sim memes and had actual adults join the party
P3 was where they exclusively targeted fat high school otaku

>had actual adults join the party

the story premise of this game is kinda autistic (Phantom Thief)

Never played a Shin Megami Tensei / Persona game before. Is it worth a try?

As I said - it's the most disappointing game I've ever played. I'm less mad about it now, but it still pisses me off. I wish I could kill Hashino for what he has done with this game.

>Is it worth a try?
No. None.

This game baffles me. The writing baffles me. You literally go into a magical realm to beat people up so that they magically are forced to become good people.
I was quickly put off by this being the entire basis of the game. What makes it even worse is that it's brought up SEVERAL TIMES throughout the story that what the Phantom Thieves are doing is kind of fucked up and ridiculous, yet any time anyone brings this up it's hand waved either with "We're in too deep to think about that now" or "It's fine, don't worry". The game came so close several times to delving into this only to back out like a pussy every time.

Not to mention the entire final act of the game being so fucking forced so they can have some 'fight god' scenario. I did not give a fuck about anything that happened in the final act. The "Do you Believe in the Thieves?" scene was cool, but they could have easily put that in Shido's palace for the climax instead.

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Pirate one of the older games to give it a test run, or just pirate the game itself if you can run RPCS3

Yeah, it's worth it. Maybe you''l actually like 5 if you start with it. Don't start with 3 and 4 because 5 will be forever ruined that way unless you're a combat-first type of guy.

>the dungeons were more than just a series of hall ways
Really only two of them were. As soon as you get to the Bank it's nothing but boring ass hallways. Space station and cruise are ridiculously egregious.

>Not to mention your party members actually had sidestories that ran through the whole game because they hadn't started making the dumb decision to tie the entirety of a party member to one dungeon per.
Fuuka, Akihiko, Ken, Shinji and Mitsuru are relevant for like a month lol

The fact that we have to discuss how "mature" a game is (while also implying that that alone makes it a better game in the process) proves that we admit P5 and the likes are aimed 100% to teenagers.

There's absolutely no point in looking for deeper themes in a game like Persona 5 because it's not intended to be deep.

>it's the most disappointing game I've ever played
But it wasn't. Start thinking for yourself user and stop following the hive mind.

The fact that we have to discuss how "mature" a game is (while also implying that that alone makes it a better game in the process) proves that we admit XC2 and the likes are aimed 100% to teenagers.

There's absolutely no point in looking for deeper themes in a game like Xenoblade 2 because it's not intended to be deep.

The fact that we have to discuss how "mature" a game is (while also implying that that alone makes it a better game in the process) proves that we admit SMT and the likes are aimed 100% to teenagers.

There's absolutely no point in looking for deeper themes in games like the Shin Megami Tensei series because it's not intended to be deep.

Yes I agree, but now I know I'm dealing with retards since the first reply I get is console war bullshit.

That's really not true, they made a point of making everyone have something, even if it was really, really dumb like Fuuka's brown slut bully-friend that lasts way too long.

It's good because it shows that your party members are characters outside of just being your party members. It breathes some life into them.

How is P3 edgy

I hate that aspect as well. In 4, the characters faced their inner shadows, which is an actual psychological term for your subconscious complexes, and faced them resulting in character development. It's the same type of thing we saw in Celeste last year, and it follows real life principles, even if the TV world / actual confrontation part is just a metaphor.

In P5, what Phantom Thieves do just doesn't make any sense. How does one even jump into a subconscious mind of a different human being? Why do they go silent afterwards? Which real life situation this actually mimics?

almost like it sucks

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It turns out I actually don't have autism, I just had Stockholm Syndrome until I tried these.

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El Blanco....

go back to Yea Forums

No one is arguing that. Persona 5 constantly gets paraded as some mature story when it's fucking pathetic. It's worse than Xenoblade 2 which got ridiculed.

>Persona 4 is actually written from a point of sincerity about real human struggles.

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lol mad

>Persona 5 constantly gets paraded as some mature story
By who?

>implying being a trap isn't a real human struggle for zoomers

It doesn't matter how mature the video games you play are if you behave this way user.

That's not even remotely true
Teletubbies didn't change its target audience but you sure as fuck outgrew it

reddit i assume

In parts. I wouldn't say it's edgy per say, but it deals with a serious topic and lacks maturity to explore it in a meaningful way.


>tfw more and more people are finally waking up to how bad of a developer Game Freak is
>tfw too many people still like having stockholm syndrome

I pray to God this doesn't happen to me with S&S. The last Pokemon I've played is Black and White 2.

>but it deals with a serious topic and lacks maturity to explore it in a meaningful way.
Explain further

>implying I'll ever outgrow Teletubbies

>How does one even jump into a subconscious mind of a different human being? Why do they go silent afterwards?
I thought the ego death/psychosis angle was kinda interesting. Too bad it was written by 12 year olds.

>They don't play dress up and go beat up shitty adults
But they do instead of beating up shitty adults they beat up their friends shadow and play detective while having wacky SoL events while a serial killer is out in town.

>societal pressure
>social status
Yeah, I'm thinking P4 is sincere and explores its themes well, while P5 is all style and no substance.

P4, on the other hand, has characters that are "affected" by their insecurities for a total of 2 minutes and then they play dress up and go have fun on the beach.

>taking Yea Forums bait seriously

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Style is substance

Every character in the game has lost someone and the game tries to present how they struggle in that but only a few characters actually confront that subject and it's late into the game. The rest of the game is fighting the apathy syndrome and going on school trips or just big holes of no story at all.

Tokyo Xanadu. I picked it up because I liked Trails but was disappointed by Cold Steel and got convinced by /fg/ that Tokyo Xanadu was more like old Trails.
The game starts out and you get warped to another dimension with a hot girl in the middle of Tokyo. Then the first chapter is two girls crying to each other about how one has more potential in karate or something. It was such teenage drama schlock. I couldn't care about the characters and the plot was nothing so I just dropped it.

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But high school is boring as fuck
At least go to college

>I pray to God this doesn't happen to me with S&S
Why would you want to waste your money on another set of the same core gameplay with less content than prior releases for 20 USD more a pop? Actually, why would you want to get back into the series at all after leaving? Just play showdown or some shit if you like the turn-based strategy side.

boring for you

DS 358 1/2 days was kino

They're saving people who would otherwise get killed and finding more information on the culprit... Did you even play the game? It's Persona 5 where the villains are picked randomly and the whole scenario feels contrived.

Innocent sin is the only persona I can stand.

>Yea Forums hates P5 now
What the FUCK went wrong?

Been meaning to go back and play this, but the social sim shit ruins it. Should I pick it up again?

Yeah, that's how it should be. Not go inside the mind of shitty adults (picked randomly by the "story") and beat evil blueberry man who then goes silent for no reason at all.

Back of the line I was here 1st

>P3 and P4 are limited in options for the sweet older women
>P5 is basically half and half teens and adults
There you go, they finally caught up to my tastes

Ar Tonelico and Nosurge both do this much better than Persona ever has.

I know it would be like that. I knew they would try to trick me. I knew Xanadu would be like Cold Steel. And so I avoided the game.

I'm a pirate so its free for me.

People shilled the game too hard and it got exposed to people outside of its target audience. Smash Bros. also did it no favors.

Meme answers:
The series started with 3
Real answer
Poor localization, SMT set in high didn’t come to the west for years

>goes silent for no reason at all.
It's implied psychosis. You were essentially crushing that character's whole personality.

Smarter man than I am.

Help with advice plz

Persona 5 is mostly hated by the Persona audience. The others simply think it's a cool looking game so it must be good.

People who are not hardcore sony niggers actually played it.

That's the problem, ya dip - the "older women" are now younger than you.

Okay I just finished listening to them. The last song you posted was the best one. I'm almost tempted to try XC2. Almost.

How does that make them better in the long term? In the Confidant stories (Mementos stuff), the villains became the good guys once you defeated them.

>Every character in the game has lost someone and the game tries to present how they struggle in that but only a few characters actually confront that subject
You mean like how Minato has no reason for living because of his parents' deaths, drawing inward emotionally, and was drawn by Death back to Iwatodai, eventually finding a reason to live?
Or how Junpei has no reason to fight beyond that he likes it until his girlfriend sacrifices herself to resurrect him?
Or how Yukari tried to find the truth behind her father's death, only to fall into despair, then reconcile with the actual truth, then fall into even greater despair at the end?
Or how Mitsuru tried to pay penance for her grandfather's role in causing mass death and then tried to find a reason to live after Ikutsuki murdered her dad in front of her?
Or how Akihiko wanted to fight to prevent anyone from ending up like his sister, then chose to fight for Shinjiro after Takaya murdered him?
Or how Ken lived not knowing who or what killed his mother, being forced to grow up as a result of living alone, only to finally find the killer and try a murder-suicide, only for his mother's killer to give his life protecting him, so he realized how it was a mistake and he should live for both their sakes?
Or how Shinjiro couldn't control his Persona and it killed an innocent person, so he took drugs designed to suppress his Persona and dropped out of school, only for the drugs to slowly kill him anyway, only returning to pay penance because the woman he killed's son came to live with them?
Or how Aigis couldn't kill Death and was forced to seal it inside a small child nearby whose parents were killed in her fight with Death, then was manipulated by Ikutsuki to try and kill all her friends, then failed to kill Death once more and so could not prevent the end of the world, finding no reason for her worthless existence?

Yeah no confrontation at all

>finding more information on the culprit
That would be nice but they don’t get any info on the culprit until it’s info dumped onto you during the last 3 dungeons.

>Did you even play the game?
Yes 4 times to be exact.

>where the villains are picked randomly
But it’s not.
Kamoshida isn’t.
Madarame was chosen after the first mementos target told them about him and they wanted to save Yusuke.
Makoto wanted them do Kaneshiro
Futaba forced them onto herself.
Okumura was rigged against thier favor.

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I didn't say there was no confrontation, rather that it all happens irregularly leaving large holes in the game where all you do is follow a shitty anime plot about apathy syndrome. I think the way the game dealt with loss was great (much better than P5 did anything) but it was so spaced out it made the shitty anime parts stick out more.

>Persona 5 is mostly hated by the Persona audience.

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I liked Persona because of its story, characters and music.

P5 had shitty story, characters and music, but the gameplay is a little bit better.

>much better than P5 did anything
Why P5?
Persona 4 doesn't do anything right besides the SoL moments. Nanako dies for like 5 seconds.

It got popular

Style is substance

>How does that make them better in the long term?
It's like giving them partial brain damage lmao.

My first vidja disappointment. FUCK YOU, UBISOFT!

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Because obviously things lead to a head on the full moons, where the central plot mostly happens, as well as generally focusing on one or two characters at a time. In the time between you are asked to raise your stats, equip better Personas and weapons, climb Tartarus, and follow the lives of the friends you make in order to acquire stronger power.

All of that basically sums up to "Here is your deadline for the next large central plot event. Please be ready for it by then." If you choose to you can sleep every day and skip everything but the central plot, but you won't be ready for when you are demanded to fight. Persona from 3 onwards is about balancing the mundane with the supernatural, until the two intertwine.

>Nanako dies for like 5 seconds
P5 pulls that shit like 4 times, with Morgana, Ryuji, Sojiro and that kid in Tae's confidant.
How the fuck did anyone think it was acceptable is beyond me.

At least Ryuji should've died on that boat.

It explores its themes better than any other game in the series? It's the quintessential Persona game where every element fits perfectly?

>P5 pulls that shit like 4 times
It only did once and even then it wasn’t the main reason for the cast wanting to kill a dude.

>where every element fits perfectly?
Sure loved that static 80 hour murder mistery. what a great idea.

Osakatrash will be Osakatrash.
KH2FM was the last good game in the franchise.

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It was a mediocre side-game like most of them.

Imagine the seething over here when P5R comes out.

>Persona 3
5/10 not worth playing, the story is good, but you can watch the entire story in an 6 hour anime, it actually develops characters better, gameplay in 3 is shit
>Persona 4
7/10 gameplay much better, but still unpolished and repetitive, only 5 locations to visit outside of dungeons, characters are boring af
>Persona 5
Objectively the best one 9/10, they polished every aspect of the game, dungeons are great and gameplay is smooth af

>the biggest disappointment of this century.
fixed that for you

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>Sojiro and that kid in Tae's confidant.
But it didn't.

>How the fuck did anyone think it was acceptable is beyond me.
I don't know how you think what P4 did was acceptable too.
The cast went full OOC and (almost) got away with killing a man not to mention how picky that entire scene was.

I wish I was a teen again

It's had exactly 0 rereleases though

why? No money, no sex, no freedom. Oh wait.