pretty disappointed desu
Pretty disappointed desu
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Cherry's face and hair look bad but everything else about the game interests me. Music is confirmed 11/10.
Why? Aside from the new artstyle it looks identical to the old ones.
I'm just pissed about no Adam... again.
Stop giving him new family members and just make him playable. Adam is the fucking man.
There is hope because of who is doing the music but the songs in the demo didn't sound too great. They sounded okay but when's that SOR classic feel going to come in? The artstyle feels off too. They should have tried to mimic the look and feel of 2 way more than they are doing since this game is obviously meant to pander to nostalgiafags such as myself.
The girl might be Skate's daughter though.
Her name is Cherry Hunter.
Why the fuck would you give your daughter a name like that?
She is still the Adam replacement, who is replacing the previous Adam replacement. It sucks. Just bring back Adam. Eddie and his stupid daughter can get kidnapped or something.
Might be a nickname. For her sake, lets hope so.
that new niggresse character looks way off style-wise
like it was added later as some kind of afterthought
what gives
>blaze not wearing black tights anymore
indeed it is shit
It could always be worse
The leather jacket easily makes up for it.
We ghost hunters now?
Disappointed with the souless artstyle
The big guy is obviously gigganigga, so it's gonna be kinda whatever.
She wore tan pantyhose, user.
>these cameos
>hasn't been in anything, even as a cameo since the original battletoads
Why did they had to make Cherry a quirky guitarist fighter that does Scot Pilgrim with it!? Fuck off with this shit, take that thing off, fix the bandages so it goes around her forearm and hands, give her a pair of knee pads and make her a Muay Thai fighter good dammit.
Fucking guitar, swear to Christ get out of here with this shit.
But it's sooooooo le quirky! xD *holds up spork*
Its a joke about how they were in Shovel Knight at the same time.
Should've let the Dong Dong crew handle it
Shiva's design is pretty good, but it worries me that we're seeing him this early.
Overall not hopeful for this game. Soundtrack is guaranteed to be amazing, everything else, not so much.
It looks fine. Gameplay seems good enough. And Shiva is back
That was definitely rushed to have something on the stage for people to play. Even the sound effects are off and some are from SoR2.
It seems they worked on 80% of the game and only then hired all of those guys that only started working in the ost in the last 2 months
She actually fits with how the new enemies look. But like the other user, I would rather Adam
>it worries me that we're seeing him this early
He was the first boss of 3. He's meant to be a recurring threat.
What a fucking huge callout this was. Sneaking in a plea to SEGA to let them make SoR4 at the end of their fucked up chinese poverty fighter that already uses other copyrighted characters.
The demo stated that it was Stage 6, no at least in the game it's not early, but we'll see.
After Cherry and her fucking electric guitar (sigh) i'm don't have any confidence for original stuff from these guys anymore, all the good things i'm seeing is all old stuff touched up.
Shiva was a stage 6 boss. Still, I want that bastard as playable character
>Music from demos is shit. Better not be what's in the game.
>Axel is some kind of viking now, with matching beard accessory
>Still no Adam, just some awfully designed character named Cherry instead
>There's something off about the sprite work
>Big Ben can be suplexed now
About the only thing that looks tolerable is blaze, and the enemy designs. It's weird they changed Axel so much and added someone like Cherry, but did a 1 to 1 conversion of the enemies.
Definitely pirate it before potentially buying it quality right now.
The game looks fine, you stupid fucks.
shit i made a mistake i need to fucking sleep already.....
you do have a point. character design isn’t bad neither
>No Dr. Zan
>first boss of 3
>never see him again in the true end
nah fuck that shit
penultimate boss or fuck off
he'll be playable, probably without the ghost shenanigans
If they're smart they'll have unlockable characters like him.
And Roo.
>make pp big so it fine
It is a shame they won't allow Axel or Blaze to run. Cherry can though.
>bewbs lmao
>no Adam, no Max, no Kangaroo
>no playable Bartender
>people shitting on cherry using a guitar as a weapon but fine with a lad on rollerblades
People hate fun. It's like they've never played DMC or Guilty Gear
Cherry using a guitar as a weapon is cool, and her clothes and attacks are fine too. I think her face looks like it's from a different artstyle than Axel or Blaze or the enemies in a bad way, and her hair is emblematic of somebody at LizardCube or DotEmu having a big boner for unnatural neon pink hair in character designs that I am not a fan of.
Skate was a retarded character, but at least was designed in the style of the game. I dont know anyone who played as him for more than 5 minutes as a joke.
Honestly, they just need to get rid of her and bring back Adam. The Adam replacements are always shit.
That, and add Roo as a permanent part of the lineup.
He shouldn't even be there tbqh. The main characters are all at least a decade older in their looks so why is Shiva still fighting with them? He should be moving on with his life.
for 2 they wanted to round out the roster and make a fast, but weak character. a kid on rollerblades isn't a bad concept for that.
fighting with a guitar is fucking stupid. straight up.
i mean i'd like to pretend SoR3 never happened either, but so long as the rest of The Syndicate are back, it only makes sense that Shiva will be with them.
>woman using the occasional guitar attack bad
>kid on rollerblades, cybernetic old man and a fucking kangaroo good
Zan and Roo are equally terrible, fuck your ass nigger
>Maxman intensifies
That's a bass though
>no boomer adam or grown up skate
>big guy with the mechanical arm might be a relative of max or zan (or just an older version of one of the two)
I'm fully expecting this to retcon the hell out of 3. I'll be extremely surprised if the final boss is someone other than Mr. X.
Not cyborg X, not clone X, not X Jr., not brain in a jar controlling a spinning robot X. Just plain ass Mr. X with a tommy gun shooting his henchmen.
Zan, Ash, and Roo/Victy sucked too.
In a good timeline, Adam would be playable and his special would be calling the cop cars of 1
hell the core gameplay is based on 2 instead of 3 despite the latter adding depth.
Nigga don't talk shit bout rollerblades
Adam was the fucking man, and my favorite character. t. white guy.
The first SoR had much more subtlety to it, in everything. Adam was the "muscle", yet only had a very slight reach and power advantage with a very slight speed disadvantage compared to Axel (the control variable with neutral stats), same with Blaze but vice-versa, which made them fun to play, because you never felt like you were completely losing the speed/reach/power rock-paper-scissors game, just that you'd have to pay a little more attention to spacing, or timing, or combos. The characters were all roughly similar human heights (except for bosses because they're video game bosses and have to look extra imposing), and had similar proportions. There were little to no super powers, and the plot was like a typical '80s light-cyberpunk action cop movie. By SoR2, they started trying to make everything more "video-gamey", which some people prefer, and some people don't prefer.
I got sidetracked there, but I miss Adam because it's awesome being able to play a mostly-balanced character whose focus is a little more power and reach, without having to play as a heavy, slow, lumbering, human gorilla, like in almost every other fighting/beat-em-up game. Also Adam had a cool style and color scheme that fit with the rest of the cast and wasn't too gimmicky.
Despite my problems with the characters and narrative (both versions) of 3. It's a vastly superior playing game in all aspects. Also it has the best soundtrack.
So it sucks they are going the MM9 route with this, and degrading the gameplay just to be "nostalgic".
The negress brought my anticipation for this from "will buy it if it's pretty good" to "will buy it when it goes on sale if it's very good."
Rash was literally the best "throwback" guest character of all time. I was actually surprised to see that they kept all of his cartoony animations, proportions, design, and over-the-top, too-rad sayings and voice acting. It was the perfect homage. Killer Instinct doesn't even have a coherent enough lore to make him too out-of-place in the game either.
Obviously a Battletoads game itself would be even better, but as a cameo and homage, he was perfect.
This is the most spot-on correct post in this thread. Good job, user.
In this timeline if Adam was playable his special would be calling the cop cars then getting shot.
Why are two of their names synonyms for pimple?
you left out the part where he reaches for the cop's bazooka
You're a good person fellow Adambro, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise
Hell I like everyone in this thread, anyone that is passionate about SOR is ok in my book.
>Spinning Machine, Tunnelway, and Bad End
>Fuze being a poor man's Expander and being used every other level
>best song doesn't play unless you get the bad end
nah fuck SoR3.
He was in shovel knight and KI
They are all named after skin conditions. There was a common folk-saying in North America (in the 60s-90s), that if you touch frogs/toads too much you'll get warts. Toads are most commonly covered in warty bumps themselves, and these are, in fact, the Battletoads we are talking about here.
Also Battletoads, as a Ninja Turtles competitor, differentiated itself by being a little extra vulgar, with slightly older teenage audiences in mind (note their extra-edgy spiked armor designs), so gross-out humor and sexual humor were present at times.
My favorite playable is Electra in Streets of Rage Remake.
Likewise. Doesn't have the soul factor at all. All the """"journos"""" are praising the soundtrack yet I think it's absolutely garbage
>her clothes...are fine too.
I don't have as much vitriol for her as others, more worried about the music, but I feel her color scheme is the least coordinated.
Axel and Blaze hogging the stand out and simple colors of blue and white, red and black as their dominant colors leaves her with only so many other unique choices that won't look jarring. Adam and Skate were the yellow one so I feel like they went with that for her design, but it doesn't work as well for some reason.
I think there may have been intent to have Cherry mix Axel (Blue jeans, Yellow shirt and guitar face, White wraps) and Blaze (Red hair, Black guitar back and shoes) colors in more than Adam and Skate, but it just doesn't work.
Maybe if her hair was Black, shirt and shoes Yellow, jeans Blue, guitar Red and her wraps and jean tears White it would look more harmonious.
That or just bring back Skate who was rocking a garish but fitting combo of Red, Black, Yellow and White just fine. Throw in some blue elbow and knee pads and you're gucci.
>Maybe if her hair was Black, shirt and shoes Yellow, jeans Blue, guitar Red and her wraps and jean tears White it would look more harmonious
I want to see that.
Streets of Rage Remake will still be superior.
Hey faggots, just your old- OH GOD NOT THE FACE!!
*phew*, good to know you remember me too.
As I was saying, it's me, your old pal Garcia. Just reminding all you fucks to stop pronouncing my name with a weird Japanese accent.
Seriously, "Galsia?" What the fuck even nationality is that? Garcia is Spanish, and I grew up in cyber-New-York, you fucking pricks.
It was a translation error, just like how they called that other game "Gradius" when it's supposed to be "Gladius", you know, like the sword? Holy shit.
This. Made a nice tribute to the trilogy by giving us a final masterpiece.
Stop running at me with a knife asshole, and tell your friends the Signals to stop throwing (and sliding at) me too.
>The first SoR had much more subtlety to it, in everything.
>shittier sprites
>obnoxious game stopping specials
>music is more primitive
>less color and detail in everything
>worse hit detection
Fuck, I think you might be retarded.
Game looks great.
People forget several things about the remake. Everything from the sprites, music and gameplay were built from the ground up. There were so many unlockables and reasons to keep playing, but yet it never felt like a chore because of the smooth gameplay.
Not to mention, Sega knew for years the remake had been in development, and sent their C&D letters to bomber games the day the remake was released....because sega purposely released Streets of Rage 1 for ios in an attempt to steal the hype. Fuck Sega, and also, who the hell are those companies making SoR4? I haven't heard of any of them, which is a bad sign.
Fuckin cops, holy shit.
Dance for me fuckboy
It looks shitty. The art style doesn't fit at all, especially since they're throwing in Genesis audio samples. It's a fucking weird clash. Cherry is also a terrible character.
Not to defend SEGA with the SOR Remake, but they at least waited till the game was out in the wild before C&Ding it
Better than some companies at least.
>Not understanding what "subtlety" means
>Lashing out with insults to save face
>On an anonymous image board
You are capable of better.
Tell my daughter...
She dresses like a fuckin whore...
>acting like a pretentious faggot on a chinese rice picking forum
Get a load of this guy.
Well, it was more of a dirty underhanded tactic by releasing SoR1 on ios on the same day Sor remake was released. SEGA knew the hype for the remake was pretty big, and they simply diverted the interest to their own port, which was released without much advertising and build up.
For the record, is Adam actually deconfirmed at all? In the most recent interview they said their is "plenty of playable characters to come" alongside a few things about the composers being hard to get but worth it. Isn't it likely Adam will be a post story unlockable?
10 years in paint.
slightly better
cheers user
Much better. Thanks user.
>calling the cops in that elevator stage outside of the buidling
It's certainly possible. Fuck being unlockable though, he should still be playable out the gate.
Massive improvement
the knee shit looks retarded
if the new battletoads had the artstyle of the new KI and some of the slight edge the arcade game had it could work, hell i don't even hate the new artstyle but it looks so damn slow and sluggish gameplay wise.
Works well as a contrast of jeans' colors and textures in real life, in paint pixels not so much.
anyone else here have Remake? for whatever reason mine is running at 4x speed
SOR remake is my favorite SOR game.
My question was: Why aren't their names Wart, Zitz, and Rash, since a pimple and a zit is the same thing?
Stop looking so hard into this ya fag. Pimple and Zit are different words even if it is describing the same thing.
Maybe they were worried about calling a Frog character Wart? Since Nintendo and all.
Honestly they probably just thought those names sounded cool, no more, no less.
It's worse..
>10 years of development
>they finally made a fourth sprite
>boomer memes
>no Ash
>we removed ash because he was offensive
>we put ash in because leaving him out is offensive