And then there is/was this guy.
And then there is/was this guy
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Weren't radio games the best?
Based deranged boomer.
Now that video games are turning into movies, and normaloids are moving on to playing d&d, time has proven this fucker right.
Video games were just a passing fad all along
>Industries that spans decades and generated billions.
Well, to be fair, if I played video games from the 1977, I'd think I'd go back to legos after a few minutes of playing. And I doubt I'd be envisioning a bright future.
That's even below atari 2600 tier.
>mere decades
The videogame industry will be a footnote in the history of visual media
Vidya is a broad and flexible medium once the tech was unlocked. It's like trying to imagine modern cinema based on 19th century daguerreotype photographs.
I hope you're not trying to imply that cartoons are still a thing when virtually everything is animated these days.
Video games were just a passing until Japan came around and showed how entertainment is done.
Why are boomers like this?
Is it bad that every time I see this I hear
Are you born before or after 2000?
m8 interactive entertainment will literally not go away unless humanity kicks the bucket
In 2000.
Because with experience you tend to trust your own instincts more
>35 mm photography
He was wrong about that, too. Isn't 35mm still the standard camera sensor or film plate size?
I mean, he would be right if it wasn't for nintendo honestly
you're a fool to think we'll be using video for interactive games for much longer
or Sega
or NEC
What are we going to switch to, radio?
>you will never buy WW2 GI Joes at toys r us ever again
people also still invest in home stereo equipment too
not sure if truckers and shit still use CB though
Well he was correct for like 2 years
>normaloids are moving on to playing d&d
I refuse to believe this.
It's easy to say that when the technology is still in it's infancy. Look at everyone dumping on VR now (despite the fact that all games will be VR 20 years from now)
No joke, NEC did more for videogames than people realize.
I invite you to substantiate this retarded assertion.
not sure if bait
Take one look at /tg/ and you'll see how absolutely pozzed the hobby has become. There are only ERP and critical role faggots, no in between.
He probably felt very vindicated for a good minute.
Fine, 50 years then.
he ended up being upper management at atari just a few years after that article was published
>upper management
more precisely, he became the president of atari until the video game crash. i guess once you become a CEO of a company you just stay as a CEO even when jumping ship somehow
The worst part? Burying those games contaminated the land for centuries to come.
Based Moon, has Yea Forums and Gamers ever been more btfo?
This guy shouldn't have found another job
Now he runs some shitty "How to be nicer in the workplace" racket that's named in such a way it sounds like a video game company.
>Michael Moon
I wonder if he's related to Joshua Moon?
I would've said the same thing.
How do we know he did not tank the gaming industry the first time out of spite?
We know the cause was mountains and mountains of shit games that overwhelmed demand and that the quality of those games was shit. Do you think he wrote that shit and got to the CEO position just to do that?
have you seen games from the 70s
Reminds me of when Kodak thought that digital photography would be unprofitable and wouldn't get off the ground
Feudalism was just a fad
Look at him and laugh
>nigger memes
I wish he had been right....
The internet was just a fad.
>haven't had a gas of a good time on the internet
Well he's not wrong.
This also seems fake since it's so on the nose about it.
Stone age boomer BTFO.
Fucking Tampa. Why does it always have to be Florida with all the retardary
>In 1984, Hasbro, ending 124 years of family ownership, bought out Milton Bradley. Wholly owned by Hasbro, Milton Bradley continued to turn out games that capitalized on current trends.
rebranded feudalism is still feudalism
Yes it’s very bad. You should be thinking of this when you see it.
Americans have never respected video games for what they are. In fact, they've completely bastardized them over the years.
Only the Japanese had enough respect for video games to turn them into what they are today.
Maybe if you were a moron who had no concept of how new tech can evolve.
personally I feel that vidya are indeed a passing fad and that it may have already passed, but that's just me wanting the days of creative gameplay experimentation back.
on the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if normies moved on from vidya and went back to berating vidya geeks. which would be awesome because the industry that's supported by then would crumble and we'd go back to seeing fewer new vidya with greater variety
What the fuck is ERP. I've heard of critical role from a 12 year old. Sorry zoomer, I don't understand you or your streamer garbage generation.
ERP erotic role play that’s not even zoomer shit. That’s cybering on early chat programs
>no online database will replace your daily newspaper
The video game crash is coming soon retard.
Reminder that there is an official D&D manual wich covers the rules for ERP.
It's called putting on your robe and wizard hat.
Dragon Knight was decent for the time.
Nobody respectable gets their news from the internet.
Holy shit really? That’s even better I was thinking of ERP strictly in a technological sense
It was only a matter of time. Magic The Gathering became compromised. I'm sure 40k is next on the bucket list, if not already.
>roll a nat 1
>premature ejaculate and get it in her eye
>ranger girl has fucked vision and can’t shoot for shit
>everyone dies
Holy shit the dream
>recognized by OGL
I mean I’m still reading this and the cover is gold. But still
To be fair, board games are still considered hip
Holy shit the pictures. THE PICTURES
Would you fuck an experimental gnome?
If you haven't seen this before then you should zoomzoom your way out of here.
The section on fucking dragons is almost as fascinating as the STDS
Seriously this is gold. Thank you user for sharing this
>tfw this is the current state of us based anti-VRfags
sh-should we abandon ship boys?
Photobashing should be illegal. All this uncanny valley.
It’s beautiful. Download that book at the very least to flip through the pictures. It’s chock full of this and more
Hierarchical societies will always exist because certain people will always be more valuable than others. The idea is to give people the freedom and liberty to make themselves more valuable if they choose. Forcing an uplifting upon those less valued just leads to those who take their position and wealth for granted.
Why didn't they just hire artists to draw this? This just screams ugly smelly hippy wiccan. You weren't kidding, though.
Zoom zoom!
And do they always turn out to be wrong? or just often ?
God I wish
Yea, now you buy Fortnite action figures at Best Buy instead. Same shit, different brand.
Value is a construct and not absolute, your logic is flawed to use a relative concept (value) to define an absolute claim (Hierarchical societies will always exist). I'm not arguing with you, just letting you know that you need to reassess your thought.
In 1880, some visionary was asked about the newfangled thing called the telephone. He predicted that someday, every village would have one.
>spoonfeeding a newfag
>I'm sure 40k is next on the bucket list, if not already.
40k's scene was done way before dnd was
>People become bored with videogame games after a month
I mean, he ain't wrong.
>says video games are a passing fad
>goes on to found
What a faggot, too bad my dude is probably fucking loaded having been CEO of several companies.
It's technically not official; the OGL which 3e was published under pretty much let you do anything as a third-party publisher, up to and including stealing the entire system, slapping some bandaids on it, and selling it yourself (see: pathfinder, one of the largest RPGs on the market, which is almost a direct clone of 3.5)
>site still uses placeholder text
he really went off the deep end, huh? Anyone wanna download whatever virus he has on his site to see what thats about?
The point where we value each other equally is a point where we no longer are human or at least more than one human.
While value is relative, the existence of differing value is an absolute. It's an absolute that value will always differ between people because it's an absolute that people have different experiences and build their neural nets in differing ways which weights certain desires more than others. Some of those desires necessarily converge by definition that without the desire there wouldn't be a human to desire it, such as a desire to live.
Doesn't matter when the majority get it from the internet and the news either have to adapt or die.
Too bad these "respectable" people didn't care enough about their news and just watched them go under LOL.
>mobile games are just a passing fad, top console executive says
Can anyone blame those lads? Video games looked like shit in 1977.
Hahahaha...(hang yo'self, ya ignant bich)
>nigger mumbling into the camera about something he's looking at
I bet you listen to hip hop and rap and worse yet, think niggers are 'cool'.
VR games will be in VR when such technology gets developed, your phone strapped to your eyes isn't VR.
>I hope you're not trying to imply that cartoons are still a thing when virtually everything is animated these days.
Black rappers are 100% cooler than any white boys nowadays just how it is gramps
I never thought Star Wars would die either.
Old people have a difficult time seeing the appeal of new media, and the sun sets in the west. This isn't news faggot, being top executive at x, y, or z doesn't make you transcend human nature.
Take this retard equating the internet, which has had as big of an impact on humanity as electricity, and phones, to the fucking fax machine. People just hate some new and unfamiliar becoming common place, pushing what's old and familiar away.
More like Paul Grugman, what an absolute luddite.
Looks like someone's a job hopper...
It's stuff like fucking Matt Mercer and Team Four Star doing DnD shit that's getting the normies interested.
It's so crazy that even my mother now plays mobile games. She literally didn't show a single hint of interest about any kind of video games all her life and now she plays them every day.
Hes not wrong. Even your pic. 70% of it was computer animated
your bull isn't here, you don't need to say that
40 years, a passing fad?...
>Fax machines allow near instant transmission of documents anywhere in the world
>Lol no impact on economics
How was this retarded boomer given a nobel prize?
Bad pic as example for games to take seriously.
Same thing as retards on this site that think streaming games wont ever take over.
Shit will be mandatory in 30 years
>Open up wiki
>"Krugman was born to a Russian and Jewish family"
>Le thinking face
You faggots would agree with this.
I grew up during the late 80s and early 90s when Star Wars was semi-dormant, so if anything the mid 90s to mid 2010s era of STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS being everywhere constantly shoved in your face was off to me.
>streaming service
>when 90% of the US has cans and string for infrastructure
no son, you are the faggot
We tried to get the infrastructure upgrade, but the companies just pocketed the money instead. With no consequences.
He was partly correct, remember the video game crash?
What no one expected was its revival, let alone how popular they would become.
Probably going to happen, surely not in the next 10 years. Not with our current infrastructure
The crash is overstated. It was only a crash of the North American console market. Arcades were still doing fine worldwide, and PC games were doing fine in Europe and Japan.
Yup, and it'll happen again, and again. Nvidia dude knows this.
OPs article is literally 42 years old. Are you actually going to have the most ironic retarded opinion in this very thread?
Do you really think 42 years from now streaming games wont be 99% of all the games played?
Well that's a fact. Faster than light communication violates causality, so for now and the foreseeable future it remains physically impossible for streamed games to have the same signal delay as a game running locally. It's like trying to replace cars with buses. You can have both, but one will never replace the other completely.
>The crash is overstated.
It practically killed the US market i.e the single largest market (I can't remember if they were still greater than all others combined at the time, but I doubt it), what's surprising is that it didn't completely kill any interest in investors.
Not while the infrastructure is shite and the companies pocket the money meant for upgrading it.
games come out at sub 30fps on console all the time and 99% of normies dont care. The percent of people that care about stuff like that isn't enough to stop vidya publishers from taking complete control and only release their games on streaming.
Better than adding to the wojack pile
The US console market didn't become the single largest market until much later. For comparison, over a decade later in the mid 90s, the revenues of the entire US console market were no larger than the revenues that the Japanese arcade market alone was bringing in.
I cant wait to post your screencapped post in 2061
>The US console market didn't become the single largest market
Fuck, I meant "economy".
I was born in 84 and saw A New Hope on laser disc in my 1st grade class (my teacher put it on.) and loved it so much. Read all the books, bought the toys and ships, played the games, wore the VHS tapes out. All those decades of good will destroyed in just a couple of years.
Yeah, not him 90s hip hop and early 00's was good. No need to be an autist about it.
he could have been right if they could have avoided the oil crisis that killed plastic toys.
>uhbudu dududu the only vr is super mega matrix fully immersive neural link vr with literally real life graphfix simulated down to the fundamental particle level
nobody respectable reads the newspaper except people in power who has to read the latest assault on the public opinion performed by the newspaper bandits so they can act accordingly
You're unbelievably stupid for saying this. The market will create what is desired, and there will always be a % of the population that desires difficult/not casual games. Yes, as the average IQ drops, and as more and more people enter the video game market, big multi million dollar games will pander to 85IQ retards. That doesn't mean that the 100+ IQ portion of the video game economy will be ignored, in fact, there's an argument to be made that video game companies will be heavily incentivized to pander to "hardcore" gamers given their loyalty/purchasing power.
It's funny how both Pokemon TCG and Magic are normie central now but only real chad nerds play yugioh.
>even 8ms latency which is god tier is 50% of the frame time for 60fps
>when instead you could use that time for higher resolution/postprocessing/whatever for better quality
>display port gives 40-80 Gbit/s
>network bandwidth 1 Gbit/s for also god tier meaning lots of lossy compression
While frame rate means little for most consumers, quality means a lot. They would need to dedicate twice the hardware resources to provide the same quality and even then there would be a ton of lost quality compressing video to send to consumers.
Maybe if we had a future where neighborhoods/condos shared a little private cloud box for this shit but I highly doubt we'd see that.
He's probably dead now. Isn't it weird that x years from now, a futuristic culture will be reading this?
Yup, "experts"are fucking retarded. Business as usual.
subscription based 3D movies where you do the work you cuck.
Well video games didn't really get decent until SNES times, which was more than a decade later
Oh you silly user.
They will just publish games that require little to none conscious input like those batman games with one button mashing combat.
And they'll all know what a faggot OP was.
>as the average IQ drops
Not this shit again.
He threatened to break windows worldwide until he got one.
fucking do it, coward.
lmao this.
There's some parallel universe where Milton Bradley became a powerhouse in video gaming, instead of a defunct subdivision of Hasbro
Nintendo made the jump to digital, why not MB?
Fucking retard.
Reminder that the first company to distribute the NES in North America was a company specifically founded to produce Teddy Ruxpin after none of the existing toy companies wanted the idea. If it hadn't been for Teddy Ruxpin, maybe the game industry would have never recovered.
Latency can never be solved unless we discover new laws of physics.
For how much people like to screech about IQ being on a bell curve, they sure don't seem to understand what that actually means. Here's a hint: It means the vast, vast majority are average or very near average. NOT significantly below average. It also means that there are no more below average than there are above average.
Traditional games are good for when you're burnt out on video games and/or want to socialize. Another good thing about them is that they can be more easily modified than video games.
Nobody respectable is still living.
Reminder that 90's babies don't even know what the fuck Teddy Ruxpin is without having to google it.
>le iq drop
Literally have sex incel. At least then there would be more alleged 100+ iq people running around.
It will. It's a shitcoin because it refuses to change and the lightning network is a meme. I love paying $5 for the privilege of waiting 30 minutes for my payment to confirm when the network gets just slightly congested.
>2019 will be the same as 2061
Why do you people insist on looking like retards in a thread literally about some retard who thought stupid things about the future?
You're aware gaming is a larger I dustry than Hollywood, yes?
It didn't so not sure what your post is about
I mean when their idea of "video games" was "battleships but it's on a screen" I can see why he'd have that opinion.
That guy was simply talking to his shareholders.
You're right, it got murdered.
it forked years ago you massive fucking retard, use bitcoin cash instead. since it was a fork, if you had coins early on you still have your same coins on both networks
Yea Forums IS that guy though except replace video games with VR or ray tracing graphics.
Based 同級生 bro. 下級生 is better though.
Becoming a rotting walking husk is only technically different from just dying.
>speed of light isn't an issue 40 years in the future
>transmission costs of data aren't relevant because everyone has room temperature superconductors 40 years in the future
I'm an optimist about this shit but this is asinine. There are too many physically fundamental problems with game streaming. We are already hitting problems with the physics of data movement with personal computers where parts are inches apart let alone ones located miles away.
I keep forgetting that Milton Bradley's headquarters is like 2 cities over.
Electronic Battleship is one of the most successful games released, though. Even had video games based off of it. They didn't completely fuck up like the Blockbuster CEO.
IQ is a meme generally used by people who don't know anything about it
>Crotch plague
99% of people wont care
99% of people dont care about the compression on streaming movies and dont get 4k blu rays
>most normies dont care about over 30fps
The number is too small. These companies will fuck over the people that care because they dont matter.
He's not wrong, if only because we will never transmit data over the internet faster than the speed of light in our lifetimes, as such you will never have a streaming service that can match latency of a 240 Hz, 144 Hz, 120 Hz, or even decent 60 Hz monitor.
Streaming will kill consoles though, 100%.
Haha, I guess I hit a nerve. It's clear that intelligence is dropping, whether you want to call it IQ or not doesn't matter. The point is that there will always be a significant portion of the "gaming" community that will have non-casual games made for it. It's sad that you couldn't figure out the point of my post. Maybe I should dumb myself down even more for Yea Forums.
IQ has been on the rise since 1900
>after two decades online
The right man in the wrong place can make all the dif-fer-ence
And I agree. But DQS was the one who placed the standard for galge.
>I have a high IQ because I play hard video games
lol jesus christ
Do you believe that mentally challenged people are capable of playing difficult video games? I doubt you would bet money on it.
>99% of people won't care
>99% of people don't care about 480p TV and don't get HDTVs
Just because people are slow on the uptake doesn't mean it never happens. Hedonistic set point. People will get unhappy with status quo and always look for better.
I agree. Fuck Stadia and fuck Google.
No, it's a more profitable one. Not because of the video games we play but because of mobile shit.
I mean yeah, EVENTUALLY that statement will be wrong.
Keyword: Eventually.
How many times did we say electric cars were gonna happen for real this time? We've been saying it since the 60s or 70s and only in the last half a decade have I started to see charging station for electric cars in an everyday situation. And they're still massively niche compared to hybrids and gas cars.
thats literally the point of this thread.
Electric cars are a bad example. Video games are a digital medium not a physical thing, unless your a physical fag which less and less people are as time goes on. Digital music and Movies are a better example. People here deny it because they dont like it. I never said it wasnt going to be shitty. But its going to happen
>Electric cars are a bad example
>d-doesn't count
Movies and music are a bad example, they don't need the repeated and instant response that video games do.
Cars are a more open thing. There are much more factors like lobbying by oil companies and shit like that. Ford or any other car manufacture doesn't benefit from an all electric world. With video games EVERY publisher and manufacturer wants everything to be digital. No used games, no hackers, no piracy. Complete control from the company and no control from the user. There is no reason why they wouldn't go in this direction. Electric cars didn't even start to go big until a new company came around to push it into popularity with tesla. If it wasn't for that none of these century old companies would have given a fuck about making electric cars.
This argument could be used for CRT tvs. Scientifically a hd tv will NEVER be objectively better than a crt when it comes to input lag. But it doesnt fucking matter because 99% of people dont care. Autists who talk about video games on the internet are the 1%. Fighting games objectively suck ass online compared to local but that couldn't save arcades. Chad doesnt care about any of that shit when hes playing cod or madden. Things are going to be shittier and nobody here wants to admit it because they dont like it.
I can't imagine why anyone would ever read a newspaper.
NYT? Neoliberal trash, if they said the sky was blue I'd look out the window.
Wall Street Journal? If you're reading it there you're a month late to the trend.
Washington Times? Might as well read Twitter, the takes will be hotter and just as bad.