So Amazon is making a Lord of the the rings MMORPG...
What are your hopes and fears? Can they pull it off?

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Actually kinda bummed it's unrelated to the new show which is going to be 2nd age shit. If it's just going to be LoTR 3rd age shit all over again what's the point?

>Tolkien universe

there is no hope.
there are no fears.

i despise MMOs, I have no faith in Amazon as a publisher of good games, after the books and the movies i don't really care about LoTR but it won't get ruined by one more failed game.There are no fears, there is no hope, only detachment.

Isn't there already a LoTR MMO? Will that get the Star Wars Galaxy treatment then?

probably because it's long been free to play
i played it for a bit before it went free to play, i remember the raids were pretty hard at the time

It will be based on the movies since the Tolkien estate will forever refuse to license its IP again.

yes but it's over 10 years old now. It was really nice back in 2007, but it's very dated now.

it was a lot of fun
for a long time i only played as a creep, lots of good times with people there

Will it be woke ?

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I sleep.

>movies rights and books rights have different holders

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going to be garbage and most likely ESO 2.0
>zero lewd armor
>western devs are lazy retards when it comes to CC so no sliders everyone is the same height and body size
>going to take the safe theme park trail
It will get popular because of the franchise just like shitty final fantasy but it's going to be another boring nothing new MMO with bad character customization.

shut up spermbrain

I'm female

shut up tranny

I'm female (female)

Aren't they already making a different mmo?

It better be free w/ prime or at least discounted

No you're not.

okay whatever you say I'm leaving the thread now don't @ me anymore. bye bye

The LotR MMO was fairly successful when it came out. It definitely made money.

But it's old and dead like other MMOs of that era. Except WoW.


>Publisher with no development experience making an MMO
Oh man, is it 2007 again?

>tfw you were a beta tester for LotRO
>tfw you remember the very first magazine article describing the game before it had even been NAMED LotRO

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Games for this feel?

>Unironically calling niggers orcs
Sometimes I enjoy this circus

>What are your hopes and fears?
Both are related to the class system, I'm still waiting for a game to re-introduce the initial MMO class pentagon of tank, healer, buffer, DD, debuffer/CC instead of using the shitty trinity we have now.

choose your character

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i'm surprised to see it's had 6 expansions, the last of which was only two years ago

itll be soulless pozzed up shit
100% guaranteed with amazon at the helm

Because who the fuck cares about what happened before and after the movies?

Hobbit Burglar

Idk maybe people who are interested in the world and the build up to what happened in Lotr?

so literally nobody. got it

just literate people you fag. read a book.

Human Captain, of course

I wish they'd stop bastardising Tolkien's work.

>you'll always have subpar spell attack bonus and saving throw DC
What. There's a hard ability cap of 20 in 5e, so by level 12 even a half-orc with starting INT of 14 can have max intelligence.

Amazon themselves? They've canceled like 3 video game projects, and I believe that includes the New World survival MMO plus the Lumberyard engine they developed for it.

I actually don't see much wrong with this.

Niggers. A movie like LoTR could not be made nowadays; niggers have to be in everything, it's like it's the law or something.

Source that they abandoned New World? I know they cancelled some games but not New World

another shitty mmo i won't play

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What games has Amazon made?

There isn't, but running 2 MMOs at the same time seems like a massive waste when you could just restructure what they have into a Second Age MMO like the show has to be

Wait does that mean two LotR MMOs are in development while a third one is out for some years now ?

I cant wait to ERP as a futa orc

No, this announcement is like a month old.

I knew that some chinks were making one but not that they partnered up with Amazon so i assumed that this another one

Okay, but what is the MMOs tax policy?

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None yet - their other MMO project looks to be in development hell.

playing as an elf ministrel atm