Does anyone else just not really fuck with that 8-bit style? I don't know. The gameplay looks fun...

Does anyone else just not really fuck with that 8-bit style? I don't know. The gameplay looks fun, but aesthetically these games just look... dated.
The people who say graphics don't matter are absolutely retarded and lying to themselves. Just like with the food we eat or the things we buy, if things do not look visually appealing to our eyes, we will not look at them a second time
>if you have ever done a "no that food looks gross"
>don't lie you have
Graphics are just as important as gameplay

Attached: screenshot6.png (1920x1090, 1.09M)

Okay retard.


That's more like 16-bit

>8-bit style
Unless you are autistic, you absolutely understood what I meant

what game?

hi brainlet

2d games are superior to all 3d games in difficulty and rewards

This is not what 8-bit games look like though faggot.

Another retard. Welcome.
Another retard. Welcome.

>when you try to sound smart by explaining how you're a toddler who needs to be stimulated with pretty colors and baubles to enjoy a game just as much as the game itself

we know what you mean, you're just kind of dumb

>not disproving my point
nice one


Attached: 1559486506571.jpg (530x530, 186K)

>i make a point
>doesn't refute it at all
lol k
Go back to Minecraft son

>Food metaphors

Copying this one for later; good pasta, op

Kek OP is getting shit on. Serves you right, being a retard nigger who thinks ""8 bit style"" games all look alike and have no art direction except for having sprites. Gg downy.

Art style > graphics
I thought school started back up for zoomers already?

You're fucking retarded and cringe. kys.

what point? all you did was carefully explain how you have moronic, surface level taste

Everybody post pics of "8-bit style" games

Attached: 8bitCastlevania.jpg (621x416, 59K)

sure. 8-bit. yeah. you sure you're not retarded?

The 16 bit era was truly the Renaissance of gaming visuals

Attached: Game-Graphics-Hagrid.jpg (640x360, 59K)

Attached: 8bitLemmings.png (320x240, 50K)

8-bit graphics use 8 color palettes you stupid zoomer. This is more like 16 or 32. Sprites are also timeless while 3D gets bumped out with each generation.

>it's another zoomer faggot hates how old games looked thread

it's 32. All games after 6th gen use that. There's no reason not to.

>all this salt about huuuurrr dats nod 8 bid hurr durr durr
this is Yea Forums not /g/ retardos

>boomers who still think their shit 8-bit and 16-bit crap is relevant

Attached: sekiro-shadows-die-twice-screen-01-ps4-us-21jun18.jpg (1920x1080, 786K)

just return to reddit

Sekiro was probably FromSoft's best 16-bit game imo.

it's not even a zoomer thing, plenty of zoomers love this style and even idealize older games too hard
OP is just a gay retard

it's called pixelshit and it's just lazy.

Thanks user. I will use that now. Since you know, we are on Yea Forums and everyone here has brain damage over "OH NO HE DIDN'T SAY THE SPECIFIC TYPE OF BIT IT WAS"
>retards who clearly are still living in their mothers basement

I wish more indie devs went for the low poly ps1/ps2 look instead. Dusk made that shit look beautiful.

How many times are you going to shit your diaper over getting it wrong?

what a retarded incel

Attached: laugh.png (498x413, 141K)

personally i really like it. the simplicity helps designs to stand out more and things to have more contrast. so many "good graphics" games are just muddy and everything blends together, you cant tell what anything is etc.
particularly that screenshot looks great IMO. what is that, earthworm jim?

Just because he was wrong does not mean what he said is incorrect.

maybe just learn the difference and get educated before you spew your retard talk on this board fag.

>actually giving a fuck over the name of some 8-bit shit
What you play sucks. Accept it. Move on.

certain games definitely use this style as a substitute for effort for sure, but there are also plenty that look amazing and take even more effort
OP, as far as i can tell, wasn't making that point though

Prove that I play them.

>trying this hard online
Lol too easy guy

this. OP is a zoomzoom faggot, confirmed.

Attached: 1566091944103.gif (550x352, 96K)

You can take your time, everyone's already laughing at you. Might as well do it right.

my fav 8bit game

Attached: file.png (1244x700, 1.02M)

You are a retard basically OP and nobody on this planet cares what you like or dont like

I wish OP would just die

>laughing at me
>on an anonymous board on Yea Forums
You're trying too hard guy

To do what?

OP must feel super embarrassed right now.

Attached: 1548676991337.jpg (640x640, 84K)

Fuck lazy indie game devs

Cant even bother to create modern graphic games

Get me to care about saying 8-bit style. Lol. I don't care. All that pixelshit style sucks.
>oh no he said 8-bit

check out this 8 bit 40k animation

Attached: d8bhk4l-874c9481-1a55-4d10-91d1-f4d4fd4440c8.gif (684x340, 3.47M)

Dude, everybody's already disregarded your opinion, we're just here to make fun of you

>op in 8 bit graphics

Attached: ode to soy.gif (150x150, 1.07M)

this really reads like a 15yo kid writing

>Does anyone else just not really fuck with that 8-bit style?
unncessary edgy cursing and not knowing what 8bit is

>I don't know.

>these games just look... dated.
unncessary edgy ellipsis

>The people who say graphics don't matter are absolutely retarded and lying to themselves.
not everyone is a zoomer

>food analogy
>damage control before even posting

it's pretty fun, keep posting
hope you do well in school btw

>making fun of me cuz I said 8-bit
>I don't care that I said 8-bit
>still thinking I care on an anonymous board on Yea Forums
You're still trying too hard

Attached: VD09afj.jpg (645x729, 64K)

>said 8-bit
Welcome to Yea Forums ladies and gentlemen. Now I know why I don't lurk this autistic zone

yeah you dont care, thats why you posted this thing to try and get people to validate your opinion
you care more than anyone else in this thread faggot

Still trying too hard

you don't lurk you just comment, brilliant retard.

How many posts will you make to prove that you don't care?

>sprite are super lazy

Look at this lazy 8-bit sprite y'all

Attached: 2IBbvYv[1].gif (320x320, 152K)

you can keep saying it, doesnt make it true. also im not the same guy
what kind of reply would be trying the correct amount for you? probably something that doesnt tell you youre retarded

Bored so much from your AAAss games that you need to troll on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1477771391353.gif (500x500, 2.51M)

OP here
I gotta admit, 8-bit does look good some times, but it's usually shit (like it's gameplay)

>high quality sprites
you never have had a job working on games in your life, right? 3d modeling is literally piss tier easy in most cases and the models can be reused over and over to be pushed out as trash. a good sprite (there are shitty ones and those are fucktarded) needs to be done by hand each frame

hey just because you're game is 64-bit doesn't mean it's any better

but this game IS pleasing to look at.
art style is always more important than muh grafix.

holy fuck is that a giant enemy crab (8-bit)?

Attached: 12.png (449x401, 490K)

most people making sprite based games don't put in anywhere near that level of effort into their visual assets

Here's what an 8-bit game looks like, dumbass.

Attached: tennis.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Looks like OP 8-shit in his own thread.


Attached: 1564276826660.jpg (881x1034, 104K)

Attached: 1521689526425.jpg (302x167, 12K)

Are you retarded? it looks pretty much the same as my pic ()
and i said STYLE

forced animation

Attached: cruise.jpg (852x872, 64K)

You do realize that if you have no interest in the game's art style, you don't have to play it, right?

You do understand this, don't you?

So why make a thread about it?

>it looks pretty much the same as my pic
yeah you got btfo lmao. cope harder op

thats a smooth brain you got there.

yknow what user? you're okay.

I hate that people younger than me are allowed to express their opinions.

i don't, it's pretty funny because it can lead to stuff like this thread

haha COPE
don't you have a girl to be simping on?

You do realize that many people find the retro style aesthetically pleasing, right?

OP here. I gotta admit, having someone pretend to be me sure is flattering.
I didn't know I had such a positive effect on people.
Feels good man. Feels good.

looks way better than the god awful 3d of bloodstained

OP here. This has been fun guys but mommy says dinner is ready

What'd she make us?

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for this laugh. I love seeing loser incels online imitating me.
8-bit style sucks. Get used to it :)

OP here. Anything besides AAA games is gay. I like lootboxes.

I hate that people younger than me are allowed to express their inexperienced opinions and present them as facts.


Came from your other thread, holy shit you're the most pathetic zoomer ever just end yourself now kek.

Attached: zoomzoom.png (1440x803, 912K)

go work out, fatty

Oh and i like to suck cock on the daily
OP out!

it was pretty obvious
bye op

>see people calling me fat
>they are literally sitting on their asses posting on Yea Forums

Attached: lKPaHzp.jpg (575x356, 20K)

The only time graphics are “bad” is when we can’t tell what we’re looking at. If you think graphics are like food then you’re just wrong. We don’t taste or eat graphics. We look at them. If you can’t understand this distinction then you may possess autism

So are you, retard

OP here. mom walked by and saw bad words on here and now I got in trouble for being on sites I'm not supposed to be on. now she won't let me spend $10 off her credit card to donate to my favorite streamer

Yeah, purposely shit sucks.
I love side scrollers, but they should look better.

because they don't have to focus on realism or graphics they can make their art look really beautiful. They also don't have to worry about their game ever looking dated bc it'll always look stylised compared to the AAA stuff that looks super good the year it comes out then super dated any year after that




>doesn't make point
>hurrdurr dont lyk pixel
>called out on it

Attached: morale.png (811x960, 425K)

>trying this hard

I hate that you faggot zoomers can post here. You don't know anything about video games.

instead of 8 bit it should just be called 1 byte

>You don't know anything about video games
>getting this butthurt over "8-bit style"

If you're going to complain about pixel graphics I suggest posting a picture of a game that looks like shit next time.

>Trying to sound smart while taking the bait
