How do you feel about Nintendo focusing most of its efforts on anime artstyle games lately?

How do you feel about Nintendo focusing most of its efforts on anime artstyle games lately?
Sure games with Cartoony artstyle like Mario and Kirby sell alot more but it seems Nintendo wants to make more anime like games from alot of the resent titles that came out and most of the titles coming soon feature an anime like artstyle

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>most of its efforts on anime

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ok furry

Good, they should keep doing it

It pisses off Smash fags so I'm okay with that

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Depends on if it goes on for too long.
But otherwise I'm all for it.

DaemonXMachina is third party and doesn't count.

Unironically me on the bottom.

I hate anime weeb shit. I'd prefer if they made less weeb shit. I hate how they turned Zelda into a weeb anime game now with cringe voice acting and whatnot. The N64 Zeldas are the best ones.

>Japanese company
>wtf why are they making games that appeal to Japanese tastes?!

Listen here. N64 and Gamecube didn't have this abundance of cringey weeb anime basement dweller games.

>How do you feel about Nintendo focusing most of its efforts on anime artstyle games lately?
but they aren't. most of their effort is going to wii u ports and cardboard.
fire emblem is a dumpster fire with hardly any effort put into it, and astral chain and daemon x machina are third-party games.

Rent free.

Sony has given up on that niche so it's ripe for the taking.

>Smashtranny is upset that Nintendo is stepping out of their BING BING WAHOO! comfort zone.

Says too the Tranny Kongfags that pulled a massive victim complex and a "war" because of a fat incel croc not being in Smash 4.

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Currently playing FE3H, DQXI demo and waiting for Astral Chain.
It's comfy.

I wish, you fill half the catalogue with your autism with Smash

3H was great and I'm really looking forward to Astral Chain and Daemon x Machina. Haven't tried Zelda yet though.

>posting two games that aren't even Nintendo
what the fuck are you doing? Shit thread.

>How do you feel about japanese weeb company focusing most of its efforts on weeb anime artstyle games lately?
Fine. I wouldnt buy a fucking Japanese handheld if i hated weeb games.

How is bottom so based? I hate smash and even I am tired of you pathetic little cringy swordsmen

Because he and you are nu-males.

Nintendo has this phase once in the middle of the WiiU era with all the anime artstyle characters coming to Sm4sh from Palutena to the FE Awakening characters and Rosalina and Shulk, plus Bayonetta 2, Fire Emblem Fates and #FE, Hyrule Warriors having those lewd designs for alot of characters, Xenoblade X having the make your own waifu and the outfits.
We got lucky Treehouse was able to censor most of that shit and piss off the weebs because Nintendo went back to the fun cartoony characters for a while but they are bringing it back again and this time they aren't censoring which sucks.
I miss when Nintendo made colorful cartoony characters and not generic boring anime garbage like the rest of that degenerate island.

Soul vs Souless

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Nintendo only made one of the games in your pic.

>There are turbo faggots that still think censoring is a good thing and think the Wii U era was good
No wonder why you faggots get so triggered if a Nintendo game steps out of your BING BING WAHOO! Comfort zone.