based or cringe?
>amd gpus
I have an RX480 G1, vewy happy. This shit is going to last me another 2 years
noVidya and Incel Aviv are cringe and bluepilled
>mfw building ryzen 3600 and 5700 (non XT) system soon
this shitty 5 year old i5 / GTX 770 > 1070 PC can finally retire
From what I've heard (perhaps from mostly AMD shills) is that their CPUs are best and their GPUs are better for pricing. If you like emulation then NVIDIA might be a safer bet.
>full team red
>finally taking the redpill
Good fucking lad.
I have a gtx970 that's lasted me years despite the 4gb laughing Mexican meme. I tried playing Hitman 2 last night though and was pissed I couldn't get over 80 fps. I was gonna buy an RTX meme card but shill me on AMD, I am open to buying one and saving money.
pasted from /g/:
ATTENTION: Graphics card prices are excessive by historical standards; therefore, consumers should delay or completely forgo any midrange to high end graphics card purchases. The gouging has two root causes: lack of market competition and shortage/"new normal" pricing during the mining hayday.
Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>AAA or multiplatform games: Radeon card appropriate for your montior
>PC centric or VR games: Nvidia card appropriate for your display
>Used RX 570s can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
1080p 16:9
>RX 570 8GB - good performance with great value
>GTX 1660 - standard
/g/ has the good shit. Asking about tech on Yea Forums is just begging for intcel retards to start shitting up the thread pushing their mossadware.
rx 5700xt is the only AMD card worth getting in your case. It's faster than the latest/cheapest RTX card (2060 super) while costing a bit less
where are all my Vega 56 pajeet bros at?
>GTX 1070 performance
I would just get a used Vega 64 or 56 Make sure the 56 wasn't modded beforehand though if you go for that and wait out this gen. The next gen shit is probably going to be a lot better.
vega 56 at current price is great value, but that card sucks a ton of electricity.
Actually, don't even bother with used shit is cheap as fuck right now amazon.com
You can mod it to have about 90% of the performance of the 64.
AMD is a leftist muslim company
Where are all my 3dfx oldfags at?
Intel is a leftwing Israeli company. I'm not seeing that as being a much better outcome. Not to mention the fact that the Ceo's of both AMD and Nvidia are closely related, as in uncle/neice. Really activates those almonds.
90's babies don't know about AMD's 15+ years of failure, so they are very excited for all Ryzen stuff. Like a teenager that buys Razor products.
>They made bad stuff after the phenom
>So that means they make bad stuff now
Top kek
>thinks phenom was good
Intcels can't cope lmao
I'm still running a 1060 which is basically the same
I'd love to upgrade but I don't know of any game that would be worth it, fuck
you could have bought one of those cards, used it for a couple years, then resold it to cryptocoin miners for twice the release price.
absolutely based.
For the price it wasn't horrible Lasted me for years. But hey, if you want 20% more performance for 60% more cost more power to you.
3rd gen Ryzen is within a few percent of Intel in the vast majority of games at a much lower price, and the 5700XT is within a hair of the 2070 Super for $100 less. So I'd say they're pretty dang based.