Yuri games

Yuri makes any vidya better instantly. Every game should have yuri in it.

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get off our white internet and got back to your shitty hut in south america you spic

But they are sisters user

I agree.

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yuri is the lowest test fetish a man can have besides being an outright cuck

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I can't take any game with an anime artstyle seriously. Name one game that has an anime artstyle with zero waifufaggotry, fanservice or unnecessary sexualization.

Protip: You can't, because the Japanese are a kumbrain race.


I love this pairing so much, almost as much as yuna x rikku

that just makes it even better

of course.

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>Yuri incest makes any vidya better instantly. Every game should have yuri incest in it.

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I wish yuri was used more often outside mobile games.

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I wish we got more games that didn't mess around with shitty subtext.

When you're right, you're right.

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Them being cousins got retconned lol
IS are cowards


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Water is wet and the sky is blue.

This is news. When was it retconned?

i don't mind yuri shit, i just hate that they always put some airhead that likes to scream a lot

go back to your containment board faggot.

God I love yuri.
Depends what you call waifufaggotry. Waifufaggots will waifu literally fucking anything.
2hu is literally just cute monsters doing cute shit. Same with most bullet shells.

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I forget where, but apparently Mikoto and Arete were so close that they considered themselves sisters instead of actually being sisters

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>apparently Mikoto and Arete were so close that they considered themselves sisters instead of actually being sisters

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Say what you want about gacha mobage but some of them are pretty great for yuri

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