Yuri makes any vidya better instantly. Every game should have yuri in it.
Yuri games
get off our white internet and got back to your shitty hut in south america you spic
But they are sisters user
I agree.
yuri is the lowest test fetish a man can have besides being an outright cuck
I can't take any game with an anime artstyle seriously. Name one game that has an anime artstyle with zero waifufaggotry, fanservice or unnecessary sexualization.
Protip: You can't, because the Japanese are a kumbrain race.
I love this pairing so much, almost as much as yuna x rikku
that just makes it even better
of course.
>Yuri incest makes any vidya better instantly. Every game should have yuri incest in it.
I wish yuri was used more often outside mobile games.
I wish we got more games that didn't mess around with shitty subtext.
When you're right, you're right.
Them being cousins got retconned lol
IS are cowards
Water is wet and the sky is blue.
This is news. When was it retconned?
i don't mind yuri shit, i just hate that they always put some airhead that likes to scream a lot
go back to your containment board faggot.
God I love yuri.
Depends what you call waifufaggotry. Waifufaggots will waifu literally fucking anything.
2hu is literally just cute monsters doing cute shit. Same with most bullet shells.
I forget where, but apparently Mikoto and Arete were so close that they considered themselves sisters instead of actually being sisters
>apparently Mikoto and Arete were so close that they considered themselves sisters instead of actually being sisters
Say what you want about gacha mobage but some of them are pretty great for yuri