Video game YouTubers 2009

>Video game YouTubers 2009
>Titles are very to the point and professional ("Halo 3 review" or "BioShock gameplay")
>AVGN, Irate Gamer and Mega64 were the only big ones, everyone else was in it to spread awareness of new games
>Videos were mostly well argued reviews, or gameplay footage with no commentary

>Video game YouTubers 2019
>Videos are always between 15 minutes and 1 hour long
>Always starts and ends with them sucking some corporation's dick for sponsorship money
>Always either shitty gameplay footage with some flavor of the month Instagram "star" talking over it and being some cringey douchebag

Why is this allowed? It used to be there were maybe like 100 good video game related videos tops, now there's literally an infinite amount being posted every day by every schmuck and their grandma.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>Videos were mostly well argued reviews

>Videos were mostly well argued reviews
now take the nostalgia goggles off and try making a real comparison.

Alright guys, what do you prefer? The low-effort AVGN ripoffs of yesterday, or the pretentious rambling video essayists of today?

I would rather watch all those AVGN rip offs than the Dunkey rip off cucks that infest my recommendations today

I wish I could go back.

I remember pretty much anyone could get youtube fame. I remember uploading a few video game videos and one of them got over 100,000 views. Even a lousy game intro that was uploaded improperly got something like 50,000 views. I ended up getting like a $50 payment from Google. Man what a time to be alive.

The video was pulled like 6 years ago or something and I deleted the channel. Now they want you to use a gmail with your real name attached to it just to make an account. They also don't give you any money since it's copyrighted.

Essayists just for having no skits. Jesus fuck, some of them were painful.

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>that youtuber you liked but deleted his account
>no one reuploaded any of his video

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This was around 2006-2009. I really wish I capitalized on uploading video game trailers while it was legal to make money off of it. I had a bunch even from obscure games and they would get at least 10,000 views. The problem was my channel wasn't consistent. It had other bullshit on there like school uploads and some other corny crap I made using Windows movie editor or whatever it was called.
All of my videos have been reuploaded since by other people, so I'm glad they exist for everyone. If I had hindsight I think I could've built a company like that channel movie trailers and made money out of it. But I knew nothing back then, I wasn't a delusional retard who thought I could make a career on youtube.

because youtube and the internet overall was not just about money, almost everything was made for fun, same with games, but after some time Corporations saw how big the internet is and will become, and here we are now, corporations almost control the entire internet, shills everywhere, politics, propaganda, etc. Not a surprise gaming industry also is garbage.

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What 2006-2009 lacked in mainstream culture, it made up for with Internet culture. It was the last period with any soul remaining.

Literally anything from 2012 and prior is better than this instagram normie culture shit we get

I miss good jewtube reviewers

At least that's funny, essays are just 15 minutes of them droning on about whatever they were paid to and then making an "I was wrong" video afterwards to bait more views.

I hope you realize that the roots of that culture go back to 2006. 2006-2009 still had a kino Internet culture overall, but the signs of the culture of today began in 2006.

>to the point and professional
>Shit Pickle

Yes, you have eyes. Good job, user.

>late 2010s
>"Video game review"
>Person proceeds to talk about the entire game from start to finish while trying to be funny, thus giving you no reason to play it.
That is not a review.


You forgot something important
Back then videos were few minutes long
Now videos are 9+ min long for ad revenue

>At least that's funny
Nope. It was painful.

Fraser is such a faggot.

Its basically just pic related (which has yet to be refuted)

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You're probably a very bitter person if you can't find some enjoyment in that stuff, even just to look back on for laughs.
The truth is more creativity went into gamedude than the most popular video essays. They were riding their own wave and that's something I'm appreciating more and more as time goes on.

>At least that's funny

i miss 2011

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It's bad enough that now I'm actually having to subscribe to decent channels just as way to filter out all the garbage. What we need is a wiki page or just an info.jpg with Yea Forums recommended channels.

Here's something that would be more to your liking.

Attached: cringe compilation.png (939x623, 429K)

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(Cross-thread) (OP)
Anonymous 08/24/19(Sat)11:03:18 No.475316945 Archived (Cross-thread) (Dead)
Lads, it's a bit of a masterpiece.
Anonymous 08/24/19(Sat)11:05:07 No.475317103 (You) (Cross-thread) (Dead) (You)
(Cross-thread) (Dead) (OP)
It is, I wish I bought it when it came out.
Anonymous 08/24/19(Sat)11:05:37 No.475317148
Lads, its a quirky VN with puzzles for little kids.
Anonymous 08/24/19(Sat)11:07:05 No.475317273
(Cross-thread) (Dead)
There is no difference between buying it when it came out and buying it today.

It is still the same amazing game.

You just felt a taste of delayed gratification.

- SP

this can be said for most internet related things
>more accessible
>more normies
>more normalized
>more children
>children are annoying faggots

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Literally money.

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I hate that hippo. It was the original "suggested video that won't go the fuck away" from before youtube really worked like that.

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Youtube Poop in a nutshell.
>Sub 300+ channel with some great videos
>Viacom B& or just suddenly closes down without any reason
>No Archives because it was before people realized this would become an issue
>Can still find old URL's through Wayback Machine

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That was a great thread.

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It just fucks up a good video more often than not. Spoony's ultima retrospective is a god tier series only ruined by him breaking it up every 10 minutes to be an autist. Thank fuck for that edited version.

More like
>videos are always 10:01 long

>2011 Yea Forums memes
>Feels guy & sad frog
>Ainsley Harriott
>Ancient aliens
>I'm glad it's over
>Shamefur dispray
>Meme templates everywhere

>2019 Yea Forums memes

Please, for the love of God, just nuke this entire board so I can have that one final push to commit suicide.

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Sometimes they'd get a few years older than when they made the channel and delete everything out of embarrassment. I did that with three different channels between the ages of 12 and I think 16. One of them was youtube poop, another was stop motion with my toys, and the other was pivot animations.
Now I wish I hadn't gotten rid of it all but it's too late now. I'm guessing that's usually the case when a channel randomly gets deleted by the owner. Especially if it's something like a poop channel.

Despite the immature constant cursing,
despite the obvious acting and fake rage,
despite the beyond retarded skits and Family Guy-tier lolsorandom violence that takes up nearly a 1/3 or even 1/2 of every episode,
despite the constant callbacks to shitty old jokes,
I still kinda like AVGN

Don't forget
Why is this place so obsessed with legitimately trying to fit in all of a sudden?

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holy shit i forgot about this guy
didn't he sing the butterfree song?

what happened to him, why'd he give up his channel?

Kiwifarms targeted him after he started becoming a Drunken Wreck on his streams. When he caught wind of it he tried to ask them to stop to which they told him to "Embrace" his life as their new "Lolcow".He Killed himself a few months ago.

dude fuck kiwi farms

>video game youtubers 2009
>shitty quality stretched or cropped gameplay recorded with fraps at 30fps on low settings on someones shitbox pc, a recording of a TV screen, or shitty emulator footage at non-native resolutions

>videogame youtubers 2019
>based autists who present their gameplay in the highest quality at the correct aspect ratio, at 60fps and on original hardware

For all the shit videos we get now, there are channels knocking about now that are infinitely better than youtube circa 2009.

what the hell is kiwifarms?

and did he really kill himself or is this just fake rumors?

>"Video game review"
>barely even touches upon the gameplay or talks/explains it
Every fucking time.

It’s unbelievable how much better this UI is from the current one. Just as an example, you don’t have to go to your own channel’s page to access half of the shit that is available on the top row here.

He actually killed himself last year.

It was confirmed. But I got it wrong, this happened last year.

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so i did some research and supposedly his name is alex mcdougall. i own a subscription to a few sites that let me look up information on people, where htey live, their phone # etc.

there are a ton of alex mcdougall's and only 2 are deceased. both of which are way too old to be this guy (they're 50+ years old).

either this isn't his real name or he didn't die and just faded from the internet under another persona.

They're the obsessed retards that have been stalking Chris Chan for over a decade by now.

he was the best

In addition, here's the initial reaction on their shitty forums.

Attached: Reacting to suicide in 2018.png (925x763, 171K)

The prospect of creators making money ruined it, like most things.


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they will probably be the next ones. edgy niggers

imagine all you are good for is preying on the mentally unstable and boasting about it.
i like edgy shit but these fuckers are something else

How's this any different from old Yea Forums?

Seethe with the simpblade.

But not everybody kills themselves, fuck off Kiwifag.

Besides the fact this isn't anonymous boasting but people with actual Identities which they most likely use outside of the forums?

they probably have their own demons
even old Yea Forums seldom celebrated civilian death, excluding the obvious shitposters of the time

Like how Yea Forums does with trannies? Let's not pretend this place is too different now.


>because youtube and the internet overall was not just about money
youtube has been about money and e-celebs since lonelygirl15.

>essays are just 15 minutes of them droning on
if only. now these pseuds drag their essays out for 5+ hours of nitpicking so they can milk the most adsense money they can.

>TFW the only way to get big on youtube is to upload daily, no matter how shit the quality is the youtube algorithm will reward you if you upload videos daily
This is what killed youtube. Yes there are channels that exist that still prefer Quality over quantity but since youtube wont promote them you will hardly know about the vast majority of them.

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There is this one MGS4 essay "review" that is absolutely dogshit. It's some fucking zoomer who constantly shoehorns in contemporary memes and anime and it really comes off as cringy. He doesn't even talk much about the gameplay, he just basically explains the plot. That is basically what modern game reviews are.

At least the AVGN clones talked about the gameplay and gave their opinion on the game. Sometimes the humor would be too much but it was still more often than not at least tolerable.

Is it safe to say things when to shit when video advertising became a thing? You really shouldn't be able to make a living doing something like that and it just led to people degrading themselves with click-bait tactics in order to maxmise profits.

This is the only good current vidya youtuber.

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Pretty much. No surprises that google didn't help matters either.

It isn't. Old Yea Forums was garbage, just like current /pol/.

And yet these assholes feel more human to me than what we have now.
How wrong is that?
That's dishonest, afaik Yea Forums doesn't single out or harass trannies.

You mean this one?

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>Well argued reviews

As for the titles you can blame the combination of retards who always click on clickbait (while paradoxically complaining about it) and the youtube algorithm

>can you beat bing bing wahoo coinless

Channels that make good gaming documentaries:




Gaming Historian:

>A filter bubble is a state of intellectual isolation that can result from personalized searches when a website algorithm selectively guesses what information a user would like to see based on information about the user, such as location, past click-behavior and search history. As a result, users become separated from information that disagrees with their viewpoints, effectively isolating them in their own cultural or ideological bubbles.

>small time youtuber randomly brings out his AVGN/Nostalgia critic-like side character for a lame skit that you aren't familiar with when you just wanted to know if a game sucked or not

Don't forget
>thumbnails are always someone screaming

>hey guys welcome to another coolguy video
>but before that let me spend 5 minutes shilling this shitty mobile game

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I'm not sure if you're refering to the the old time limit or abusing the ad system