Monstah Hantaa Warudo:Iceborne threaddo
Monstah Hantaa Warudo:Iceborne threaddo
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fast post leaks before fucking capcom finds you
Eat my fucking cock, faggot
Stop making threads
List of problems with Monster Hunter World:
>Healing while running; dodging while drinking, sharpening, eating; moving while shooting
>Traps are placed almost instantly
>Weapons in general are more mobile and stronger, think adept + brave movesets from XX combined
>Overall DPS for weapons was raised up to G rank levels in a High Rank game
>Mounting can activate after only 1 hit, guarantees a mount or two every hunt
>Environment recovers health, puts the monster to sleep, paralyzes it, damage, etc., almost never benefiting the monster
>You have access to your full box even during hunts
>The temporal mantle automatically dodges any attacks that would launch you the same way adept did but without player input
>Other mantles can give things like a full health bar
>Monsters have been given more generous weakspots, like Diablos with a 40 MV in its horns for blunt weapons, as well as a new 45/63/40 weakspot on its head
>THE CHANGES ABOVE AREN'T INHERENTLY NEGATIVE AND WOULD BE FINE WERE THE GAME DESIGNED IN A DIFFERENT WAY, however, the monsters themselves are slower and less aggressive when compared to old gens, they rarely string moves together and have slow and predictable attacks in general, Pink Rathian is a good example
>To add challenge added tempered monsters, who are just like regular monsters (slow as ever) with inflated damage, that's it, it's difficult to even notice the difference for most monsters
>And then there's Arch Tempered monsters, which have demonstrated that Capcom, when tasked to make existing monsters more difficult, instead of making them more aggressive or faster, will instead double down on their shitty gimmicks (Vaal), raise their damage do simply absurd levels (Kirin) give it one badly designed move (Nerg) and/or make them spam AoE attacks (Xeno). These are badly designed monsters made just for challenge’s sake, not a proper way to address the difficulty complaint
>Everything has an element it is weak to, good raw weakspots are always good elemental weakspots
>Though you might have trouble finding an elemental weapon worth using, considering the game leans too heavily on fire element monsters, resulting in a boring roster of 34 monsters, of which most are tutorials (Great Jagras), gimmicks (Zorah, Behemoth, Kulve), irrelevant (Dodogama) or straight up garbage (Lunastra, Vaal)
>It can't be overstated how awful Zorah is, it might surprise you that it was the monster the team worked the hardest on, requiring a separate division just for it
>Lavasioth was changed from a fun fight to a half assed attempt at giving it the Agnaktor gimmick but without anything that make both it or Lavasioth great
>And Behemoth specifically is a fucking disgrace and a representation of everything wrong with World. AoE spam, annoying gimmicks, inflated damage, tremors, awful design, you name it. It's attempts to imitate the gameplay styles of MMOs failed completely simply because Monster Hunter wasn't designed to be an MMO
>Extreme Behemoth is everything just mentioned above except 2x worse, much like the ATs, it’s challenge for challenge's sake without the thought needed to make it fun to being with
>Leshen is the exact same as Behemoth except somehow worse, this time it doesn't even attempt to be like a MH monster
>And Kulve is a massive waste of potential. What could’ve been a fun and challenging fight against a huge monster similar to Ukanlos ended up being a gimmicky mess that could take you from 20 to 50 minutes of attacking a barely moving damage sponge just to reach its true phase, where the fight actually begins, and you don’t even get to kill it in the end
>The rewards for killing it are weapons barely any better from the ones in the game already, and are in no way a replacement for the relic system in 4U, but they also happen to be the best weapons in the game
>it's a timed event monster as well
Reminder that zinogre is in
Reminder that I am in
>Xeno is yet another damage sponge final boss
>Their attempt to fix it with the AT resulted in a damage sponge that spams so much AoE that it looks like it would fit right in a frontier game
>Chasing down the monster takes a lot longer than in previous games, it’s not a matter of just going into the loading zone, now you need to follow it through the entire map as it makes its way unnaturally to another zone, you can throw pods into the monster to stop it, but this results in you fighting it in basically a corridor
>3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, turf wars take you away from hunts, basically a cutscene that triggers in the middle of the hunt, and are always very unnatural and robotic, Bazelgeuse is specifically designed to interrupt you, forcing you to waste your time throwing dung pods and waiting, it gets old very fast
>Most of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it, only a few of them become original models later
>New skill system removes negative skills and makes so you can both fit in a ton of skills, contributing to the power creep and that using full sets almost never worth using, making the classic “fashion vs optimal armor” battle even more one sided
>No gunner armor. Alpha and beta armor are not replacements to the old gunner / blademaster dynamic because both usually have the same skills on them and look almost the same
>They went for a generic orchestral soundtrack that fails to match the quality of the older tracks, this includes the music for past monsters, which was changed for the worse
>Pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC
>Event related emotes and stickers cost money as well
>Event quests only available only during a certain timeframe. This means essential, end game gear, are going to be locked behind a time frame, like the gamma armor from ATs
>Guild and village quests were merged worsening multiplayer and lowering the amount of quests
>The lobby system is awful, it's so bad that it needs a list for itself, but I don't think that's necessary, as everyone who has played the game can see for themselves
>Playing the story missions with other people requires you to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal and only then having people join
>Only way to reliably play with randoms is to use the SoS system, which means you will be fighting with people you know nothing about who will leave as soon as the monster is dead
>SoS system doesn’t work though, most of the time you search a quest, you don't find anything, implying that there is no one fighting that monster, however, if you try to search for it again immediately, you might end up finding open quests that you should have found on your first search. You can also end up finding a set of quests the first time you search, search again and find a different set of quests. The game never shows you all quests at once, it makes finding quests for less common monsters and specific investigation needlessly complicated. The system is broken, and it still hasn't been fixed
>They killed all sense of comradery the older games had thanks to the many changes to the way multiplayer works, people don't talk, don't interact and aren't even visible to your outside of the quests most of the time
>No way to play offline without turning off the internet
>Loading is much longer than before, with quests needing two different loading screens
>You can't pause the game
>Armor fusion removed, new system limits the player on what sets they can wear based on event quests that may go away at any time
>Only 1 palico, no different classes
>Seasonal events are a joke, their armors are not worth using, the emotes cost money, the changes to the hall are superficial and the event quests are mostly worthless
>Item sets are hidden behind a number of menus, radial menu is tied to the item set loadouts, can’t see what monster parts you have from the box itself
I don't like World, but I'm not sure why. Either way I don't think I'll ever play it again.
What's a good send-off for a mediocre game that I spent 60 hours on? Do I just uninstall it and stop thinking about it?
Deadeye Garuga/Ebony Odogaron edgy turf war when
>Deluxe kit necessary for new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo layered set
>This confirms that the awful layered system still hasn't been replaced by a proper armor fusion, and the timed event quests are back
>Banbaro doesn’t do much outside of charging at the player and hitting its head on the ground. Continues the World tradition of annoying tremors that combo into hits.
>Beotodus is Jyuratodus reskin with snow instead of mud and a few new moves. Easy, as expected
>The monsters above use the same animations in their turf war as the Barroth vs Jyuratodus one
>Nargacuga has been neutered, tail is now a weakspot, does little damage, cannot keep up with the powercreep of World, dead within 5 minutes. It felt like an early game monster similar to Tobi
>Tigrex now has awful hitboxes, likely intentional, as a way of adding artificial difficulty to an already easy fight. It has been slowed down tremendously and its roar only does damage when its enraged. In the demo, it was given inflated damage values, a sign of things to come.
>Velkhana looks like yet another reuse of the Kushala skeleton
>The weapon models still look like bone and iron metals with monster parts glued to them. The iconic Nargacuga IG has been replaced by a generic iron model, all the weapons in the demo are bone and iron reskins
>It’s obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected, and so is Tigrex’s
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, and there are new moves for every weapon. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart, on top of felyne insurance
Don't bother adding more to the list, stop making these threads
World is fucking SHIT
Why do you need a send off for a game
Friendly reminder that spam is a reportable offense.
Friendly reminder that World is a fucking dumpster fire trash casualized piece of shit disgusting disgrace of a game and everyone who has ever even thought of playing it should die in a fire
How do you actually pull off axe attacks with striker style CB? Do you just spam the GP and hope you get an openings?
youre a gay nigger :)
this, if you enjoy world you are a massive fucking retard who should tie a noose and get it over with
adding to list
>created (you)
To bring me closure? How do you do it?
It's not shit. I just didn't like it.
Man, too bad PC is only getting Iceborne in February. It won't even coincide with my vacation.
t. zinogre
Not obsessed faggot, just spreading the good word
You didn't like it because it was shit
I'm going to purchase monster hunter world iceborne. Say something nice!
Friendly Reminder: Only incels and idiots don't like the handler
buy GU instead
much better purchase
Enjoy the best MH game.
When you die, nobody will care about how bad your taste in games was.
>monster hunter is new expansion monsters are in
no I want the new monster, that one I want is more big and cool like the one i see sometimes in the youtube, now i don't sure what name it has but i look very cool. now only i need tell sega maybe by email? hahaha. only they not read emails today! i think maybe i find phone number and send it to them by telecom company, maybe like this they will know and understand what i mean, best regards
someone call the tard wrangler
This better be worth it, i'm afraid after what the Squadron did to the last guy
Godzilla confirmed?
>people say actual criticism on World
>listfag goes nuclear so everyone who had the sheer fucking audacity of even suggesting that World isn't flawless is associated with him now
Evil Mastermind
>Killing YKK in less than 30 seconds solo arena
Beat that.
Monster hunter world iceborne will be lots of fun and I am excited!
For the record, I'm not listfag, but I 100% agreed with him and he's paying me to keep telling people the truth about monshit huntard turdld in his absence because you faggots got him banned wrongfully
The fuck is up with all the shitposting lately? One second everything's fine and then the next thing you know one guy mentions the clutch claw and then just "ICEBORNE IS RUINED EASIEST GAME EVAH MORE LIKE BLUNDERBORNE LMAO XXDDDD" is this really all just him doing this shit?
Remember to report and ignore.
People were saying that the clutch claw is overpowered(it is) so Listfag thought it would be the perfect moment to strike
Just curious, what does everyone play World on? Personally I use Xbox
Hope you enjoy it.
Don't worry user, World was already irredeemable garbage, Iceborne won't change that :)
Jesus he's really lost it
Every time I was thinking about getting a PS4 half the games I wanted got PC ports announced, I just gave up on the damn thing after Nier Automata got a PC port.
Suck my fat fucking dick you semen slurping faggot
>(it is)
I don't play World because it's a fucking trashfire dumpster baby game
Why do you care so much if you don't like it?
Why does everyone like Zingore so much?
Like I mean hes alright, but like people really, REALLY like him.
The clutch claw is an actual flaw and i really don't know what capcom was thinking
The rest of the expansion seems good for now and i hope it wont be ruined by this mechanic.
From the trophy list it seems that you unlock it somewhat late in the game, they should still nerf it tho
>listfag is going nuclear again
>check sources
>turns out there were Iceborne leaks today
Huh, neat
He was the flagship of the most popular PSP title in Japan
Also he was the only Fanged Wyvern before World so he was unique for a really long time, still is since Odogaron, Jagras, Tobi, and Girros still don't really fight anything like him.
Is it worth it to buy the PC version and go through your PS4 save of 600 hours side by side, giving your fresh PC save roughly the same state as your veteran PS4 save? Anyone did this autistic undertaking? I just want them sweet unlocked framerates, bros...
Everyone who actually played the game will tell you Clutch Claw is perfectly balanced because if you try to spam it you're just going to get tossed out and BTFO
How do I git gud at switch axe?
Do you mean the Zinogre leak or was there something else leaked?
Zinogre was confirmed, anything since then?
Wait, I thought listfag was pro-World? Or do we just call every console loyalist listfag now?
learn how to iframe through every single one of the monster's attacks with sword mode's gimped rolls
When you can just turn your ps4 save into your pc one? Nope.
well for one his fight is pretty hype, because he's basically a badass wolf howling in your face and charging up his super saiyajin mode ALSO his music is pretty gud
Some TA faggots did exactly that against Velkhana and could just spam it thanks to rocksteady
>Guiding Lands
It would've been more astonishing if he hadn't lost it. Then again people are also losing it over clutch claw spam because TAs use it.
World is fucking TRASH
Nope, aside from the final boss yesterday and even more proof of zinogre, nothing else.
There was some plot leak? in jap, but again, yesterday.
tell me of one person that has CFW on their PS4 that he is using actively to play video games
>speedruns are just claw grappling into finishers repeat
no....not like this
Listfag doesn't play MH
Is it overpowered in the sense that it ruins the game or is it just based off more speedrun shit?
The listfag salt is amazing! Have fun!
No, listfag is the guy who lost his mind when MHW was announced and has been shitposting it in every MH thread since. You've got your shitposters mixed up
the changelog for iceborne look pretty good, but why they nerfed gs true charge damage ofr the first 2 levels?
You literally ignore the entire fight and kill the monster by grappling to it's face
clutch claw
Are you retarded? The nigga has been shitposting World for two years. The only time he doesn't is to post bing bing wahoo.
maybe they want critdraw to be a playstyle again
IN order to people to use the other charged slashes, they nerfed the tackle>tackle>levels 1/2, so if you want the full power of TCS, you either commit to level 3 or you get nothing.
>clutch claw spam
>ZSD spam
>TDS are a bunch of weird looking Germans
No no no... this is all wrong
So the bing bing wahoo posts are pro-Nintendo?
What the fuck happened to this place? I mean, MH threads were always worthless casuals IMO, but goddamn.
So they move from ledges to claw. Don't really see the issue.
>expecting trannyrunners to be good looking
Mantles are banned in actual TAs at least
Honestly I knew mantles were a terrible idea from the start and now clutch claw is showing exactly why
anyone have the apparent BGM leak?
The Handler is the goofy sidekick mascot character. How can anyone not like her?
*disconnects you from the internet*
He isn’t pro anything except pro-shitting up threads. Just report all of his spam. He will get dealt with like he always does.
Is there a video of Orochi's SA vs Velkhana run?
They're not pro-Nintendo or pro-anything whatsoever. Dude is just a massive retard.
He falseflagged in order to start console wars inbetween list spamming, then he broke and started calling people anti-listfag the same way XV-kun started calling everyone that disliked 15 KH-kun. He's also the guy that spammed play a real MH with the same GU picture over and over for two years.
Your game will die before you finish to charge your genkidama
best monster
You can blitz the story and then just use mods to put every item into the store and buy everything you had on the PS4, then all you'll be missing is sidequest flags.
Up to you if it's worth waiting a couple extra months for Iceborne though.
List fag, its one person that hates monster hunter. post's here, game FAQ, reddit, you name it, he's freaking out thanks to the hype for ice born, he know's he lost. these are his final days, the last screams of a dying man.
but most of the time is pretty difficult to get a lv3 true charge since it takes so long, they could have just buffed the other charged slashes and left 1/2 as they were so you can still fall back to those if you don't have enough time. depending on how much they nerf those levels gs gameplay may become more about the first 2 charge slash and only use the true charge whenyou have a big opening.
This, but unironically.
Seek help.
Easy fix : you can't use claw if you have mantle on
Someone forward the message to Ryozo thanks
get fucked
You should always be aiming for level 3 anyway, it seems uncharged has the same strength as a level 3 normal charged slash.
True, sometimes I just let go at a lv1 TCS after tackling a roar to get a hit in, I guess the devs caught on to many players doing that and decided to nerf it. Good choice
Wait for Iceborne
Clutch Claw
Strongest weapon in the game
>cats being dumb as hell
>cats falling from the sky
>wacky old man trying to stop things from blowing up
This is peak MH
>sperg got nuked
I know. I blasted through half the game with hammer and it was great.
Sliding down slopes, flying into the air and bashing in the monster's back is the best.
I hope it's still fun in IB.
>they could have just buffed the other charged slashes and left 1/2 as they were so you can still fall back to those if you don't have enough time
They did buff those in the same update they added Kulve, IIRC
Draw Charge and Strong Charge are just as strong as they've always been and Iceborne is buffing them further.
Watching clutch claw absolutely rape Velkhana is pathetic. Most of its moves don't knock you off
What is up with the 4th gen dev and adding in retarded overpowered shit that ruins the game? Iceborne isn't looking good right now
The nerfs/buffs are honestly pretty spot on overall, like everything related to bow.
Except hammer that only got even more stun buffs.
Install the font fix.
All we need now is singing catlolis.
Leaker-kun of the pool, give me your wisdom, what will happen to augmented r6/7 weapons once they get upgraded beyond?
Like this future garuga LS for example
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let me guess, it was listfag again?
They should just make the monster knocking you off not affected by Rocksteady or Tempura, kind of like how you can get thrown off during a mount.
>You should always be aiming for level 3 anyway
true, but you could not have enough time for lvl3 and using lvl1 and 2 wasn't that bad
>it seems uncharged has the same strength as a level 3 normal charged slash
where did you see this numbers? because i remember true chrage 1 being like twice the damage as nomal 3
Please tell me Capcom will fix this
The fight is fun and it's one the most smug monsters in the series.
The design is an eyesore tho.
Even without mantles you still spam the claw. Its way too good not to spam.
>slugger 3 gives 40% stun
>hammer charged attacks have higher stun values
Now us hammerbros can get 2 KOs in multiplayer!
I like World, 3U, 4U, GU, and Freedom Unite
I bet the review copies just came with files that start at MR.
The optimal hammer playstyle is claw spam. Enjoy.
Someone commented on demo stuff in one of these threads.
It seemed a good compromise but I don't know if it's true.
Have fun!
>yfw instacharge is back
They didn't. I actually saw a poor fool in low rank in a server a few days ago.
I love all the mh games.
Mh2 was the best in my opinion, though.
KO and other Status thresholds don't seem to scale as harshly in multiplayer if the PS4 demo is to believed. It's not the same as singleplayer like it used to be but it's also not the same multiplier as the HP boost monsters get anymore.
Pls respond
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>someone uses clutch claw with rock steady mantle to spam ZSD in a demo build
>clearly this means the claw is overpowered for all weapons and SA is ruined forever
I've been meaning to learn SnS in GU after never using it before.
Anyone got any tips? Recommended weapons for early village?
I have no doubt he's going to be based on Deadeye Garuga, who had fucking windpress on its charge but the charge has an actual startup animation.
He could still cancel into pecks though.
kill yourself asuka avatarcancer
>sending a felyne to mine for you with a big ass bomb in the farm
I always liked the dumb felyne shit and the somewhat dumb shit with characters like treshi. The handler, on the other hand...
Listfag could use his power for good if he spammed emails to capcom to tell them to fix clutch claw
I would love to see the end of XX done in world's style
>Meowscler chef keeping the handler away from food while all the hunters and cats that work with the food dance
>the admiral and commander doing a dance with the 5th fleet hunters while the 3ed fleet master and the old huntsman shake there heads
>great jag run's away from a jo in the background only to come running back into frame as a greatist jag chasing him.
Just report and ignore so they get banned again.
>introduce new MH to the world on simultaneous release, create bland dinosaurs because you don't want to go too crazy and scare your new audience with funky designs
>tone down the over-the-top wackiness and cartoon humor
>overall a grounded color palette
>13 million? Fuck it, bring them all back, we don't care anymore
Doomposters are getting really desperate with the hype Iceborne is having
I have literally never ever used anything but Hammer in World
You're probably gonna want a SnS for each element but iirc the Najarala one is good for general use with Paralysis.
They did. You can see some press footage where they have fat 9999 stacks of all items, including attack jewels. Also, even among the ones with the public profiles on the tracker sites, not everyone finished or even played vanilla World before IB.
Grugs of the New World, unite. You have nothing to lose but your Big Bang combos.
asuka is best girl though
You don't even need rocksteady. And spamming ZSD is the highest damage you can do. Its a really bad mechanic that makes normal gameplay irrelevant
Striker style, use round force 2 as it charges super fast and gives you a ton of iframes. Use chaos oil too. Standard combo of r1+x,x,x,a,a,a applies. avoid that third x attack, it's slow and shit.
As for weapons, who cares, it's low rank. you should aim for the deviant weapons but those take a while to reach.
>>overall a grounded color palette
That was confirmed to be them actually fucking up how brightness settings worked
If you look at the Iceborne footage it's less washed out, upping the brightness would actually desaturate the game before.
>Next gen development is very hard, purease understando
Thanks for renaming your images this time, anti
What's this shit about Zinogre being "leaked"
looks like you need the mantle or good luck to not get knocked off immediately which is right up that speedrunner's alley desu
Apparently people found his BGM or something like that
Wasn't around to see it myself though, so I can't confirm
With reshade world looks a lot better.
Dalamadur is a kinda boring and drawn out fight.
I want yama tsukami back.
>or good luck
Certain moves give more than enough opening for a claw + ZSD everytime
Keep in mind this is a brand new monster. Once people learn the moveset its going to get even worse.
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His theme has been copyrighted on Japan's Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers. The composer also has under his name other themes in Iceborne.
>spamming one move for the highest damage is a really bad mechanic
ZSD is one of, if not THE, attack with the highest commitment in the game, and is extremely unsafe.
Where the fuck were you with your shitposting when GS just spammed Crit Draw attacks?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm no.
OK i'm actually a huge worldfag but even I can't defend clutch claw. This shit is broken. I want to fight the monster, not spam the same OP move and instawin against everything. This 100% needs to be fixed, either by nerfing it to shit or outright removing it.
The leaker of the final boss said zinogre was in.
Then we got a picture that matched exactly the description the leaker gave for the final boss.
And then we got some bgm list with his track.
Thanks for the tips, will get around to learning SnS next time i boot GU up.
Is there any surefire way to find a first wyverian? Or should I just head out on expeditions and hope I get lucky? I want to find one to look at weapon popularity.
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Japan has this big ass list of all songs that get copy rites, monster hunter world's version of zinogre's BGM was added to that list. Pretty much 100% confirms it
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!
So is having general threads on Yea Forums, and yet here we are
You can shave off a good chunk of his HP by smashing his shoulderblades when he coils around the pillar
The top of his head is also a massive weakpoint but good luck landing on it
This sounds like a bunch of shit, but I believe it.
>I don't want the boring and drawn out fight
>give me this other boring and drawn out fight instead
Thanks to the Clutch Claw, its now much more safe. You can start it from anywhere, and then just move to the monsters head.
People will just figure out what moves are a safe ZSD, then spam it. The claw is a terrible mechanic if it gives you your highest DPS move.
if it's just certain moves then how does it not require a certain degree of luck to get more ZSDs in
so Zinogre Is basically confirmed right?
World ___ __ ____ ___ ____ ___ ______
I enjoyed Lunastra though. Great revamp that justified the improved movesets. Behemoth _____ ____ __ ______________ __
Even if you find one, he might not have the weapon popularity info. Just check the spots he spawns at. Also, I'm not sure about the exact mechanics, but I think in my experience he only told me the weapon info on Quests, but not Expeditions. But this might just be observation bias, plus I didn't really talk to him all that many times in total.
did they reveal the full list of new monsters in iceborne?
whoah wtf my bad words got deleted
Is there a way to change my palico name? I just thought of a better cat pun
>World has flaws but is overall quite enjoyable!
>Behemoth is challenging but still fun!
This is clearly what you meant to say, right user? No need to thank me.
Do you even understand what you're saying? What does latching onto the monster's ass have to do with ZSD safety? You want to move to the head to do damage, and you will stay at the head for the duration of the ZSD animation, leaving you vulnerable to the monster's attacks, most of which hit directly in front of them and throw you off when you're on their head?
Same. No shame in being an Xbro, no need to hide it.
We all know that's just you falseflagging, Nintentranny. I would suggest for you to go back to Resetendo and re-strategize, you gotta play it tactical after all.
ZSD was balanced because it required you to land a slow attack with a short range on the head.
ZSD now has:
>clutch claw range
>doesn't need to hit the monsters head, you can just move to after
Its unbelievably broken and makes the rest of the weapon useless in comparison. People will figure out what monster moves allow free ZSD and spam it.
>Sonic cat
The PTSD is kicking in...
On PC you can change it, not sure if consolebabs can do it though
How? Is it a mod or something?
>all this talk about ZSD spam
>no footage
I don't like her, but not because she is "ugly" but because she is so fucking stupid man
Don't you think life as a lower-class species is hard enough without you bullying them with demeaning nyames?
>What does latching onto the monster's ass have to do with ZSD safety?
You can move to the head after. It makes it much more sense. Before the claw, you had to land a slow attack on the monsters head.
Now you can just spam it whenever the monster uses a ZSD safe move, which there are plenty.
No monster allows free ZSD spam because every monster has a move where their entire body has a hitbox.
What are you talking about.
I'm so sorry.
Lmao god i wish i had that one image of the g rank frenchie with fatalis gear walking into a lobby with his sonic cat.
memory editor like cheat engine
ok, and what makes this different than finding what moves you can punish with ZSD normally, because it's pretty obvious you can't just claw whenever you want
if you ZSD AT Nerg's head it won't be any different than clawing at him and hitting the ZSD on his head because in both cases you'll just get dunked off
Ugly. Stupid. Annoying. It's like they took the IQ of the Moga Sweetheart, the personality of the Handler in 4U and the looks of Mike Tyson's wife and put them all into one.
>posts a knight.
>No monster allows free ZSD spam because every monster has a move where their entire body has a hitbox.
But many of their moves don't. So you spam ZSD during those moves, and youre done before they start the next move. We just saw them do that to Velkhana.
I haven't been paying attention to MHW shit since when it released in early 2018. What do I need to know about Iceborne aside from the fact it's releasing soon and I plan on being there day one?
K thanks
I havent fought him in forever so i forgot about that lel
Might pick up 4u again just to fight him one last time.
Avatarfagging is against the rules
>ok, and what makes this different than finding what moves you can punish with ZSD normally
Because normally you have to land a slow attack with short range on the head. You don't have to do that anymore. As soon as the monster starts a ZSD safe move, you immediately claw and ZSD. Doesnt natter where you are, positioning doesn't mean anything.
>its harder
>more to do
>flashpods have been nerfed
>use GL
>hunts take at least twice as long
>tedious as fuck
Fuck Yea Forums and its stupid favorite meme weapon.
Okay, do you have a video?
avataefagging is against the rules
Again. Moving to the head later does not make it safer a bit. It just wastes more time as opposed to latching directly on the head. It also drains stamina really fast.
>Before the claw, you had to land a slow attack on the monsters head.
So you never used the SA in World before, but you think yourself an authority on weapon balance? SA can transition to ZSD from a circle attack almost instantly. Definitely faster than stopping and putting out the slinger in IB. You don't ZSD from neutral.
She's basically a dumb moeblob but with realistic instead of anime idealized looks
On one hand that's a terrible character but on the other hand weebs wouldn't hate her so much if she wasn't "ugly".
Flash pod radius is nerfed and all monsters will temporarily become immune if you spam too much.
What kind of gl ate you using?
The one in Rotten Vale is easy to find. Spawn at the lower camp and go up the vines. Right after dropping down from the ledge, before climbing the vines right in front, turn right and you'll see him standing on a ledge above. There should be a mining spot close by for reference.
Imagine still using melee weapons in 20 fucking 19. Jesus christ.
GL is the perfect example of a cool as fuck concept with a crap execution, same as SA.
Ok what got leaked?
its just speed kill of velkanda using clutch claw into zsd at every possible opportunity to kill it super fast
How would you react if they added UNKNOWN and Zerureusu from Frontier into mainline?
>the guy who would love to be in the smashing the head is on flashpod duty instead of a gunner
I don't get it
All frontiershit needs to stay in the trash
>more shitty story that everyone hates
>a new monster that is just ice fatalis but with cool mechanics
>a lot of old monsters come back, barroth, bracydios, nargacuga, tigrex, and more to be announced.
>No zinogre or lagiacrus thos lol
>Basically G-rank since same monsters let you crafter new armors + the new monsters
>You can mount and use little monsters as horses
that's it i guess.
The Clutch Claw makes it 100 times safer. You can now do it from anywhere, on any part, with extremely long range. The optimal way to play will be to memorize what moves give you enough time to ZSD, then just spam it.
We've already seen it done on Velkhana. SA absolutely destroyed every other weapon by a huge margin. I main SA but don't want this retarded boring playstyle
Any worthwhile all-purpose SnS in MHGU? Crafting a weapon for each element seems a bit gay.
I actually had high expectations for iceborne. It looked so good. Capcom should realize that one garbage mechanic can truly ruin a game. Clutch claw was a mistake.
>Chinese interview comes out weeks ago confirming transmog isn't in
>everyone ignores it
>German capcom rep says it's not in
>people finally start to listen
Germans > Chinese, I guess.
>>No zinogre
Nigga he was just leaked and was always extremely likely
If you don't plan on crafting all the elemental weapons you might as well play a different weapon. Raw SnS is a waste.
Crimson Fatty
>the new world
>brings back old monsters
Najarla SnS iirc.
Won't be as fast as actually grabbing the correct elements though.
Clutch claw needs a cooldown of 30 seconds.
Wow I just fixed it.
Iceborne devs are too dumb to do this.
how did they make an entire game without realising an infinite supply of pin point accurate flashbombs that are stupid easy to farm and craft was actually fucking stupid?
They only used the new shtick and soft reboot facade to pull in normies.
Repeating the same thing over and over doesn't make it true. Clutch claw has zero effect on ZSD safety. The only thing it changes is the range at which it can be initiated, which is a pretty big change in itself. But you will still do 0 damage, and just take some damage yourself, if you get shaken off right after you land your ranged claw/ZSD "mount".
Still not seeing any footage.
I double dipped and play on PS4 and PC. Have different friends on both platforms so it wasn't too hard. I prefer PC though and with it had release parity with consoles.
Maybe if the new monsters weren't such lukewarm and/or pushovers this wouldn't happen.
Seriously almost everything new are shit low tier monsters like Jagras and Pao meanwhile the more relevant monsters are old world elders, old world flying wyverns, and nerg.
Same problem as 4u and a reason why 4u is a bad game.
There's absolutely noting wrong with that. FUCK flying monsters.
Yea Forums loves to use shit weapons/armor/abilities in every game so they can feel """""superior"""" to others while really still just being shitters.
blame expansion fags
If Iceborne was a G game many weapons had actually new movesets and the clutch claw would never existed
>Continent based on Elder Dragons
>0 returning Elder Dragons
>gets herself in danger every time
>does nothing
>likes to eat a lot xD
>gets the credit for doing nothing
>Acts like she helps you. at least she cooks for you
>steals your items from the chest
balance it out, give me some good stuffs about her
>Clutch Claw has zero effect on ZSDs safety
It increases its range by over 50 times.
It allows you to hit any part and still move to the head.
It makes it much more safe and spammable. Anytime the monster uses a ZSD safe move, you get a free ZSD.
The entire premise of the story was finding out why the fuck Elder Dragons are traveling to the New World more often.
And like 80% of the monsters in the series can fly.
Just don't use it. Unless it's hard not to, like sliding down slopes.
Yeah, I would actually be more excited for IB if it had LESS shit
>no Glavenus
>no Garuga
>no Clutch Claw
>only 2-3 monster recolors, no more
And I'd be all over it, it'd be fucking amazing. But all that garbage just lowers the overall quality to mediocre.
So can we now all agree that iceborne SA is the new shitter weapon
>does nothing
clearly you haven't done the Witcher quest
name one thing she does to help
a single thing
a fucking cat it out here pulling more weight
PC obviously.
can't miss the mods
They already made Tempered and AT Monsters immune to flashes for the rest of the hunt after 3-4
Extremeoth can only be flashed once, and Luna and AT Kushala don't even fall out of the air when flashed.
I'm actually interested in how they'll explain the sudden appearance of new (old) monsters in existing maps, probably chased out by Velkhana ice
Yes its OP as shit, clutch claw is the flying mount of monster hunter
The best pc mod is the one that removes the handler.
>want to buy Iceborne for ps4
>remember 2 minute long loading screens
A big smelly turd > Chinese, just facts.
Get a SSD
Weapons are getting changes though. Really I like most of what iceborne did so far but the claw is irredeemable and didn't need to exist.
yeah all the post launch content fixes it because they actually realise what bad design it is
MH threads have been full of garbage posts since 4U but yours is one of the worst, most retarded and baseless posts I've ever seen, congrats
>Doesn't work in story missions
I just treat her like a crazy stalker, like that fag in Oblivion.
buy an ssd
Kjarr Bomber
What retard sat in a room and came up with the Crutch Claw
what are you talking about what does she do? i don't remember her doing anithing, except talking for you since you're busy doing the actual work.
Well gee user guess that’s how feedback works.
Does it make that big of a difference on console? If so i'll get one.
Contrarian weaponfags used to play SA because of its 1% usage and underpowered state.
Now it's the most overpowered weapon in iceborne.
Bros how will we recover?
Substantial for MHW at least.
>tfw a cat pulls his weight more than a woman
I'm already writing a letter to Ryozo to nerf the shit claw
Is this some new shitty bait?
it should not have made it to the release
it took like aday for everyone to clock how OP flashbombs are
>One 15 minutes DLC quest > 400 hours and 300 quests
ok user. guess she really does suck
>DB has anime spin move
>everyone has grappling hooks
I get it now. Those jap fucks have been reading Attack on Titan. Next game everyone will get gas canisters to move around with.
people got to fight Velkhana at gamescom, and SA brutally raped every other weapon with by far the fastest time
Cuts it down by quite a lot
Still not as fast as PC cause of CPU differences and whatever but it's a hell of a lot better than a HDD.
Really? It does some solid dps. Never felt it was weak at all.
You didn't see her fighting the Leshen?
>Clutch claw needs a cooldown of 30 seconds.
Wow I just fixed it
I'd extend it to 1 minute.
World 2 should get rid of temporal and rocksteady mantles (more stuff like gliding mante and less "the game plays itself" ones, please) and add a cooldown to the clutch claw. And yeah, underwater combat, but that's going to be in regardless.
>world 2
will it release before or after skyrim 2
>Haven't touched World in months
>Don't know wheter to start playing in preemption of the expansion, or save my enthusiasm until then
I fucking hate expansion limbo.
what the FUCK are you talking about user.
He's a dumb furfag pay him no mind.
We had like 4 already.
hes one of those furfags perpetuating the pukei handler meme
tfw all the potential good fights iceborne could have had are now going to be
>wait for monster to attack
>use clutch claw
>fuck him up
why oh why
They're not though.
So don't use it.
Are you fags actually falling for this clutch claw shit?
You have anything left to do? Anything like mantles that you didn't unlock? If so, go back when there's like a week left and finish those things off. If you don't have anything left you care to unlock then just wait so you don't burn yourself out.
This is like complaining about Rocksteady, Evasion and Temporal mantles. Don't use them, motherfucker.
They are. If your weapon has a good claw attack, its optimal to spam it
Where the FUCK are Fatalis and Chameleos?
they said every monster has shitzones and you have to use it
please just nerf this, this game could be great but as it stands we wont have the opportunity to find out
inb4 they will start designing the game around clutch claw instead of making it an irrelevant crutch
Okay shh shh.
Post a video of this clutch spam. Show us.
>use clutch claw
>do piddling damage but weaken the monster's defense
>keep using clutch claw afterwards instead of going ham with your strongest attacks on the softened monster parts
Spamming clutch claw is like aerial IG. Sure it's fun but you do way more damage on the ground.
>guy uses rock steady to spam ZSD, takes damage several times and had to heal (indicating he would've gotten hit off otherwise)
>when the mantle runs out he uses para knives
>then gets a literal "use claw now" opening somehow
>and gets a head stagger (knockdown)
>and a boulder knockdown
>had to be revived because he was pretty shit with SA regardless
>still got knocked off several times anyway
>also got lost on the way to where Velkhana sleeps
>this "sub10" run was considered praiseworthy and/or cause for panic regarding clutch claw
they make like a dozen mon huns before world so why does world have so much stupid poorly designed shit?
did they learn nothing?
Fatalis is in the game
Chameleos is in the trash where it belongs
I just bought world on PC after playing ~300 hours on PS4 using only GS. I stopped playing around the behemoth release. Should I play GS again on PC or switch to a different weapon?
>the image that broke iceborne
Fighting this guy for the first time and I can honestly say he's a far bigger dickhead than Khezu.
Every game has a bunch of stupid poorly designed shit
>Chameleos is in the trash where it belongs
>and you have to use it
No you don't. Maybe in an eventual tutorial, but outside of that... nah.
Delete this right now.
>demo clutch claw TA fags
lmao people actually falling for this shit
For me the only huge flaw in world is that the weapons reuse the same bone or iron model so much.
Do the new weapons also do this?
This man singlehandedly killed all iceborne hype and the illusion of balance.
It's one faggot trying to shitpost
do heavy bow gun
Get out with that furry shit.
Just tell me what happened without *accidentally* namedropping some e-celeb I don't give a rat's ass about.
You don't understand. Some weapons can do their strongest attacks from the claw, like SA ZSD
By the ending of their trees, it seems they will mostly end up with new models.
no he wasnt
No, I was pretty much unlocking weapon trees for the sake of it.
I could get the rest of the trophies, but that's something I could do when the expansion hits, as far as gear goes, I'm okay. IIRC I got some nice Kulva weapons.
I also think these shouldn't be in the game
Hey I think I was level like 50 or something before I stopped playing. Did some of those really hard Deviljho fights and had fun, but just kinda stopped after a while.
What level should I grind up to for this expansion?
Fuck you! Everyone told me that attack was shit, so I never used it. Never should've trusted you.
and pretty much all of them being fake
I'm convinced it's mostly SA hipsters afraid that shitters will flock to their weapon
The other best runs we've seen were ~12 minutes. A brainless retard who doesn't know the weapon, spammed claw and got sub8
This is going to be the same thing as World demo and Rocksteady.
probably worldbabs that dont realise SA was a shitter weapon since day 1
>How to fix the Handler
bring back the drinking minigame
It used to be shit bcause it was hard to land. Noe you can start it from anywhere with clutch claw range, and teleport to the monsters head
no lagi no buy
nah there was official confirmation earlier today
Only one of them is questionable. The other three are solid.
You're already well past the intro for the expansion. The expansion begins immediately after the story at HR 15.
If you minmaxed at all you're already over geared for the intro.
>AT nigger
>almost dead
>going well
>until he keeps comboing me
>gets in the air to do the aerial big slam
>accept my upcoming faint
>mfw my kinsect fucking kills him in the air
What's with the "please clutch claw me" flinches
He achieved the absolute fastest velkhana run by almost 5 minutes by only using clutch switch axe zero sum attack
Their meant to give you a free knockdown by shooting slinger into the face
Isn't the fastest velkhana run 4 minutes with GS?
I honestly do his fight well until (this means I randomly die once) he goes to sleep. I don't know if it's the room or whatever but I have to waste time getting him to the bigass plain he runs to the first time after the crystal cave.
Otherwise I get killed really fucking fast.
What's a Velkhana? The ice fatalis? Wasn't that fight all about jumping on platforms to get near? Can you just claw past the ice?
Everyone keeps talking about new footage or a leak, anyone got a link?
How many monsters need to team up to take down Godzilla?
apparently Zinogre's theme was found on the Iceborne site
>making a team for monster hunter
>with a youtube channel
>taking pride in your cringe 4 man speedruns
>it's actually somewhat successful
No, its the 3 minute and 30 second one with the Hammer
Post the link, this is false. Cantaperme times out against velk with hammer
His nest is tinier than the others areas, also he gets more aggressive as soon as he goes in the volcano, fainted once there because I kept getting comboed then ran out of stamina. The crystals falling in his nest don't help either, if you're careful and want to absolutely avoid them it makes the are even tinier
MH really attracts the TA autists, for better or for worse.
Canta doesn't have the fastest times against velk.
I don't know who that tranny you just name dropped is, but he's not the one who got the time.
refresh your page they just got 3 min 10 sec with DS
There's no proof of this hammer run. It is a mid tier weapon and a bad matchup against velkhana
Where are you finding this info senpai
He doesn't cast spells if you get aggro
flash it or gain enmity dummy
how many people have the chance to "speedrun" this and get it on video?
>first mounting
>now clutch claw
for fucks sake
now it will take until the next game for the claw to get nerfed just like mounting
I don't mind the volcano aggressiveness, always gets me killed once but I'm already used to that and I go back to eat anyway since I'm slow as shit against nergi.
>Random starting locations on the map
>The monster's behavior decides how quick the fight goes by
Always baffled me. Some people will turn fucking anything into a competition.
Post proof.
>tfw 30 to 35 minutes no matter the weapon
>lol fast flashes and loud noise Dx
God, if there is one person I want to feel excruciating pain for the rest of their life it is "TerminalCancer" Jeremy.
Just solo it.
You've got 13 flashes
And charybdis is a free opening for your big attacks.
That's my time with my best weapon, and the only one I can use against him really.
But I love using GS so it's not going to change.
please capcom i just want gore magala with graphics ;-;
My record was like 18 min on Hammer but I only did it solo 3 times, the rest was with friends which obviously took longer due to AT Nerg being a massive sperg who can't stand still for 5 seconds.
Just plunderblade him.
wasnt there a leak list that everyone pretty much ignored because it had yian garuga on it
does that mean that list is real now?
it even had gore and zinogre in it
i just want rajang tho
im just fucking with you baka
>The rest of my team after I farcaster to take a whiz
being hopeful isnt bad but being straight up delusional is
A text list of monsters doesn't mean much, a thousand monkeys shitposting on a thousand typewriters will eventually type out the correct roster.
Glad it isn't your world anymore, grandpa.
>tfw 13 minutes with GS no carts no mantles
damn i'm so GOOD
What does Baka mean desu
Electric Guitar hunting horn is all the reason I need
I started on ps4 and then switched to PC the second it released.
It goes without saying i won't be going back, not even a late release is enough of an argument.
>they added a mechanic that I don't have to use
>wow this game is shit because I have no self control and cheese every game I play
You're a faggot
That argument only applies to listfag, mhxx and arts/styles.
PS4 Pro. Maybe if they release PC with parity next time I’ll get it there.
I know. I hate when they add stuff and update it. Grrrr, I wish the game would literally just go back to MH1 and all the moves would get taken out.
>needing more than a few monsters
>not wanting 80 recolors
fucking FAGS
Trying too hard, here's your (you)
Even if I don't use it it still rewards shitters. Should I still trust them not to move the game towards that? Should I trust them not to slowly creep it into the core design?
i dont know i hear it in my asian animation all the time though
Go slowly walk off a ledge to avoid initiating a jump.
The game should be challenging. You shouldn't have to gimp yourself to make the game challenging.
How the hell can people play this game in 20 fps?
A couple anons a few threads back admitted that theyvllay this game with everything on low with 20 fps.
How do you even manage?
Japanese for nigger
The same way console players manage at 20fps
Also very cute!
Why is he so angry all the goddamn time?
Shit framerate doesn't feel that bad until your frame of reference includes good framerate to compare it to. This is also why so many people defend console slideshows.
Demonstrably false.
My PC runs the game fine but in general a steady shit framerate feels better than a fluctuating framerate.
I'd much rather have a game that runs at 25 FPS and never moves once from that then one that's ping ponging from 30 to 50 constantly and fucking up my timings.
It doesn't reward shitters because if you spam it the monster will easily knock you off.
Don't even pretend for a moment that that is a high bar.
Do any of you fuckers even use SA, I main it and if you don't know, even something as benign as kulu will knock you the fuck off if you zsd most of the time it's up. You have to time it perfectly to find a move that doesn't knock you off, or do it when it's stunned/down. The same thing goes for the clutch claw, the only way past this is rocksteady and the baby blanket. So help me God if I see Reddit start talking about SA being the new meta.
>the monster will easily knock you off
Velkhana doesn't and the fastest Velkhana kills involve claw spam
Its a really bad mechanic.
get your cat up his ass
listfag is getting really desperate, trying to make the Clutch Claw seem like the thing that will break MH forever
I think another monster reveal might break him for good
I have over 1000 SA hunts and behemoth solo
Claw spam with ZSD looks like the optimal playstyle. It simply does way more damage than any other option, much easier too. Youll John st have to memorize what moves are ZSD safe, then instantly claw when the monster starts those moves.
What skills should I get for HBG in World? I haven't done AT Xeno yet.
>much better purchase
>he actually believes this
GU is shit. If you wanted to suggest a good MH game with the over used Tri style combat, at least suggest 4U or 3U.
You can start ZSD from a claw with huge range, then move to the head. Its 100 times easier to land, and you can just use it when the monster starts a slow move.
Not that user but got a link to the video? I wanna see.
aaaand there goes the thread
4u is shit tho
? I'm simply saying if you wanted to suggest a MH game that wasn't World, suggest a good one.
Dude, there is no video. Holy fuck, you guys keep getting baited by this dude who has no proof. How is it this easy?
>You have to time it perfectly
Not with the claw you don't. You can teleport to the monsters head instantly from anywhere. Its such a dumb mechanic.
Video was already posted, faggot.
People spent hours grinding Velkhana and nothing even came close to Clutch Claw discharge spam
>this gay shit isn't as bad as the previous gay shit so it's okay
shut up faggot
>People freaking out over fucking demo TA strategies
Who the fuck cares? TA is for a very select group of people and if its broken then they will fucking nerf it like they did with Slicing Ammo when the game came out.
>Clutch Claw's gonna get nerfed into the ground because some TA fag abused it
Sorry user but that makes too much sense. You should keep arguing with a brick wall like the rest of us.
>TA run in a demo build is indicative of the entire game's difficulty
>If its broken they will nerf it
It took them over a year to nerf mantles.
Crutch Claw is their pet mechanic and they won't nerf it for a long time.
>try to replay 3U
>it feels too clunky too enjoy
World ruined me bros
They need to port the old games to PC with some of the QoL stuff that World added
Good, we never needed it
Also worth noting that the guy still died anyways and had Para knives to use
Doing nothing but claw spam is about as viable in an average hunt as ledge hop spam
New mechanics should be entirely on the side of the monster, not the player.
big if true
This isn't TA, they're using mantles. Even for a shitter retard like that player who admits he sucks with SA, he can spam Claw to annihilate anything.
Seriously, I hate how this fanbase acts.
Yes, clutch claw spam is stupid, but if I can beat a monster without it, then I don't really care that it exists.
Clutch Claw spam is on the level of Aerial GS ledge spam, in the sense that it's a niche TA strategy and most people will just get bodied
oh right, my mistake
>a non-TA speedrun in a demo build is indicative of the entire game's difficulty
What patch nerfed mantles?
Hmm yes, just like how the demo wasn't indicative of CB becoming unga spam or mantles being absolutely broken
No, it's actually easier
All you need to effortlessly kill a monster is spamming clutch claw while wearing rocksteady and you'll do it in no time, ledge spamming actually requires a ledge
Lets get this thread to 500 posts so we can start over with a comfy MHXX/GU thread.
Post killscreens from MHXX/GU.
jesus christ, 3DS games were awful looking
God we need a new monster reveal
The Handler was made for handling.
ok listfag
You just got Garuga and Zinogre being basically confirmed(as if it wasn't obvious)
It's beautiful when you consider the turd it's running on.
In the sense that you need luck and many resets to get a good run for it, since most of the time it probably won't work.
Hell, it didn't even work that well in the clip, the dude died the second he got a bad one.
Rocksteady was more liable to get you killed than help against Tempered and AT monsters and you didn't even get it until the end of High Rank
The only thing it really made broken was Cluster HBG
You should do AT Xeno and tell us what ammo you're interested in using.
Well, that's supposed to be displayed at 240p.
Seeing a disturbing lack of arguments
Should I solo AT Xeno or try and get a group?
>2 weeks before release
>already have 20 monsters on your plate
>unironically thinking they won't make a G-rank version of Rocksteady with at least one slot for you to gem whatever defensive skill you want
not going to get roped into a bad faith argument with doomposters, sorry mate
The contrary is true, more often than not
While I'm at it, I'm still waiting for Garuga screenshots from World.
I mean another one so we can get away from people arguing results over a demo.
It's just a easy mechanic for shitters who don't want to deal with flying monsters that becomes more useless as the monsters get more difficult and they're getting nerfed pretty hard in Iceborne.
>clutchclaws you and creates a weakpoint in your defenses
Wait, is that Brachy is world?
Yes, down>up, looks less made of literal plastic.
Need Zinogre to get confirmed so the coping shitposters can finally off themselves
>thinking you'll be able to do this when IB comes out
>Reddit gonna be rocksteady mantling with clutch claw into zsd
>crying when they get 2 hit carted off
>but in the demo it was easier D:
I'm done replying to you fucking retards, or single fucking retard if it's the schizophrenic
They were the best looking games on the 3DS
No plans to go to PC
What's your issue here exactly?
It's a faithful recreation with a lot of added detail
>everything is clearly distinguishable at the blink of an eye
>muddied grafix memeshit that makes the gameplay worse for the sake of more detail
I wish the literal zoomer grafixfags would fuck off.
I'm sitting smugly in my chair watching you worldfags finally admit how terrible world is for the franchise
World was a mistake
It has always been a mistake
It's a good thing that Monster Hunter S will take Monster Hunter back to its roots
Do you feel in charge? I can sense desperation
What weapon are using? He's very easy to trip lock solo if you have a weapon that can hit his chest when it's glowing. Also has several one shots so you might not want to share your carts with randoms.
Post a session if it turns out solo doesn't work for you.
>any of this retardation
Nergigante hit harder in the demo than he did in the actual game where you first kill him, what proof do you have of any of what you're saying other than extremely wishful thinking?
I'm pretty good with Hammer, SA, LS, SnS
Brachydios is now a lanky fuck when he used to be muscular before.
I'm sure the first thing they'll do after wrapping up their most successful title to date is to try to figure out a way to undo everything it did and go back to the roots.
Just report him, no point replying. He already keeps getting deleted
We have no idea if the upgraded mantles do anything other than add a couple slots.
Not seeing it, have any other examples where they're in similar poses?
Why are you replying to spammers. Are you mentally disabled?
Except you are limited by the mantle use and while using clutch claw you can still take a lot of damage, easily dying, like he does in the clip.
>Have multiples of every single deco
>even have a couple of Handicrafts and 6 Attack
>still no fucking Shield
I don't want to buckle and just cheat to get it but this RNG grindfest is starting to get to me.
>report anyone who doesn't like the clutch claw!
you honestly have shit eyes what you see in either is muddied
do you read what youre gonna post before you send it because this is embarrasing
Just look at the right arm on nu-Brachydios.
SA and LS should have an easy time hitting the chest.
Remember that his chest trips when he's glowing and his forelegs trip when he's not. Also 3 tremor resistance cures that fight of cancer.
These are some garbage kill screens tbqh
Wait and see if Iceborne lets you craft more I guess. You can live without Guard Up on most fights, it's just a convenience skill except for like Jho and Xeno.
a retarded consolewarfag. Ignore then, they don't play MonHun although that was obvious when they didn't even use their own screenshots
Just plunderblade farm him after beating him the first time
Blame GU for ruining the art style
>Iceborne almost released
>shaping up nicely
>thread must become shit and pessimistic anyway
Fuck Yea Forums and fuck /mhg/
Get beheaded, zoomer retard.
Let's see you do better then.
Don't reply me with a World killscreen. A killscreen from any PSP game or Tri will also suffice.
People are just too gullible despite the multiple bans happening ITT
I agree, how dare anyone criticize the clutch claw.
>shaping up nicely
looks worse and worse with every bit of new info they release
Still pretty good for a handheld
More like fuck the faggots who hate life and everyone in it (themselves most of all) and who want to wreck everyone else's good time.
>Don't reply me with a World killscreen.
Try and stop me FAGGOT
It's not gullibility, it's straight-up retardation. You have to be low IQ as fuck to constantly respond to the same shitposts.
oh no, please stop criticizing my favourite game
it's the only thing I have, you are attacking my person and I feel offended >:(
How dare they like Iceborne!
These crossovers are getting worse and worse.
hey listfag im about to open MHW on steam
what are you gonna do about
There's no point catloli, the thread is gonna turn to shit anyways.
Nice rock blood, idiot.
hoes mad
Bait thread, feel free to ignore.
older than you doublenigger
I wish these threads weren't full of obvious falseflaggers like listfag so the flaws the game has could be discussed without hyperbolic shitposting.
>lot of monsters revealed, balance to elemental, buff to weak weapons, guiding lands confirmed a full map
>one thing is strong not even in the final game, but in the beta before release, which means pretty much less than jackshit
Yeah fuck man Iceborne is ruined
Shitpost free thread
It's anuda Fatalocuast!
>Get low effort shitposts back
>Reply anyway
You’re part of the problem.
>many of those monsters revealed are just shit
>World at least partially tried to shittiest parts of the last generation but now IB is regressing back into the worst habits and qualities of MH
I don't even care about clutch claw. It's not like I have to use it.
>Say that a new feature in the game is op in any other game thread
>Normal discussion
>Say that a new feature is op in a monster hunter thread
I said it once and I'll say it again, we have Listfag because we deserve him for being like this
So leakers it's time to confirm or deconfirm Transmog , ain't gonna trust that german cuck
>yian garuga
>no kawaii kut ku
I get hes kind of a beta, but he's always been a flagship. Why didn't they add him?
>First MonHun was world
>Play older titles without problem
They're arent that bad
>>many of those monsters revealed are just shit
Nice bullshit, I'm sorry the monsters are to YOUR specific liking.
He's just not a serious enough threat imo, he might be in there though, but he's not really needed.
Devs themselves answered before the german.
He's shitposting you fucking absolute retard.
He's literally not a flagship
Thanks, son. It's a real shame they destroyed the promising foundation they built. No MH will ever sell anywhere close to what World did.
>go to the monster hunter stores in Tokyo
>literally dozens of stickers, cookies, shirts, sweaters, plushies, keychains and figures of him
You can't be this naive. Did you actually start with world, or the wii?
hasn't school started up yet?
"Flagship" means "was on the boxart" and nothing else.
If you want to say that Kut Ku is popular then yes you'd be correct but the word you're using doesn't mean what you think it means
final boss iceborne
Being popular doesn't make you a flagship, you literal retard
Kut Ku fags are all fucking subhumans jesus christ