is it actually great in gameplay wise or just cute girls
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I'm with the secondaries in this one, the fighting games and fan arranges are more interesting than the shmups.
gameplay is great as long as you aren't a casual
Clearing touhou games is kind of a waste of time because
>1. Zun will keep rehashing the same engine for new games until eternity so you will never truly "finish" the series
>2. If you're going to put in the time to master a masochistic shmup autism fest then you're better off emulating the great Taoplan, Raizing, Cave, Psykyo, Takumi, Seibu Kaihatsu, Capcom, any fucking thing else Classic Arcade shooters with far better balancing and production values of the past.
Do you think it has a billion doujins because of the good gameplay
Also Taito, Konami, NMK, Success Corporation,
There, that's enough shooters for a life time, all of which play far better than Poohou. Imperishable Night was cool in 2008 when westerners had no way of experiencing the Japanese arcade experience but now that you can easily emulate MAME, Dreamcast and Xbox 360, why even bother.
Flan and Remi are such pretty girls
The girls aren't even cute outside of fan works.
Zundrones will unironically defend this art style and say it has "soul"
It's pretty great. Lots of creative patterns and I think spellcards gives the game a lot of personality that other great shmups lack.
It's an inside joke, nobody actually thinks that shit looks good.
it does, you retarded newfag
got better gameplay than JRPGs, VNs, SNOY exclusives, Cowadooty, EA Sports games, etc...
Cute girls, but the spin offs and fan games have some winners. There's a platformer that's pretty solid and the ERA games are balls to the wall if you like that sort of thing.
Mushihime and Espgaluda does the same divide-boss-attack-patterns-into-health-segments thing which is basically what a spell card is.
he's good at designs, his technical skills are... something else
are you serious?
Don't trink the primaryfag kool-aid bro, the porn is the main reason why this series stayed afloat.
Wanna know another far better doujin shmup series done by 1 man that far outclasses touhou? It's not trouble witches although that's also better.
Check this out, even the girls look cuter.
What do you think faggot?
I agree, ZUN is good at coming out with simple but iconic characters while most professional anime artists overdesign the shit out of their characters.
Unfortunately none of the newhous outside of maybe Seija and Clown Piece managed to be as memorable or interesting as the classic 'hous.
The attacks are named. The attacks are aesthetically pleasing. That's what sets Spell Cards aside. Not every bullet hell has to be designed by the "suck quarters" mentality. It also makes them a good introduction to the genre.
The patterns in Galuda and Mushihime are also aesthetically interesting they just don't do the rainbow skittles bullet thing.
Those patterns look like seizures and don't have the same flair.
Is Reisen the best girl yet?
Those look and sound like fucking garbage, jesus christ.
Anti touhou fags truly are the worst.
The games are good, yeah.
Having over two colors isn't rainbow skittles, user.
maybe that wasn't what you really mean, but didn't he update his game engine like three times?
>Purple cave bullets
The 3D backgrounds look laughable but so does the ones in touhou. Don't forget this came out in like 2005 made by one man.
Trouble Witches NEO was also made by one man and completely humiliates ZUN.
Don't bother trying to argue with asshurt /shmup/fags. They hate anything that doesn't fall under their incredibly limited scope.
Once in Moutain of Faith to enable framebuffer effects and once in Ten Desires to allow higher resolutions. Technically he updates the engine each new game to allow more bullets.
But what I meant is that he very obviously uses a custom script when coming out with patterns.
Not even a shmupfag more of a touhou fan that grew disillusioned.
Nostalgiafag who's mad that ZUN doesn't shill the SDM anymore, got it.
The games are good. Obviously, something with bigger budget is going to have better production value and more content, but production value hardly matters in a shmup, and it's not like you are paying for the games and have to think about the amount of content you get per dollar.
Just addressing the elephant in the room, Primaries like to pretend that they are in it for the gameplay and the fan content is cancer but it's actually the other way around. The games are completely mediocre, the fan arranges and porn are the only interesting thing about touhou. Now that most doujin circles have moved on, there's nothing else left.
>women in charge of chess
Another sad case of whores posing in front of something they do not know how works
Not until she gets into top 10 in the popularity poll.
Except for the fighting games, those are always fun. They just need to fix the netcode.
>I'm a real touhou fan
>But I think the games are mediocre
Getting mixed messages here shitposterkun.
>fan arranges
>better than the actual soundtrack
>implying it's not in character for them to do that shit to look smart
>implying they wouldn't play some crazy variant of chess with made up rules that would justify that board
He's a dumb cunt who's obviously trying to stir shit, but there's some legit good arranges.
I like Halozy's stuff because it introduced me to macaroom.
Touhou is 100% gameplay, kinda basic but addicting nevertheless
Also the music is sex, the characters and setting are great, and overall it's 100% soul
Only the spin-off games by other devs are actually good.
>tfw you'll never play a game of Calvin Chess with Remilia that ends in the two of you throwing pieces at each other.
I have lots of respect for zun but this
does sounds better than this
I have lots of respect for zun but this
does sound better than this
>I have a lot of respect for ZUN but he can SUCK MY BALLS
why are you still trying.
>comparing vocals to BGM
Jesus fucking Christ
Part of the reason I can't stomach arranges is precisely the vocals. Something about japanese singing is a massive turnoff for me.
Would that count as a spell card duel?
I do love chiptune music and ZUN trumpets but yes, I'm saying fan arranges are much fucking better. Like, no contest there.
I dislike this cosplay because they're the only outright non-Asian characters
If you know a bit of japanese and translate those lyrics, shit. It encapsulates touhou so damn well.
The dresses look nice but their faces are too uncanny valley. Otherwise a good cosplay.
You're a tohoufag and you're the one calling others narrow minded? Play some shooters with actual production values and love put in and you'll understand just how barebones the tohou games are. It's like they're all mass-produced products shat out from a conveyor belt with how similar they all are. Step out of your bubble.
One of my all time favorite arranges of this
Plus the rest of Cafe de Touhou is just absolute bliss
Don't worry, modern medicine has come a long way.
Yes, these people are way better musicians by creatively dedicating themselves to remixes. Such original melodies they continue to put out after twenty years with no apparent musical formation.
Whoops that's not Poohou.
Here, here, you can resume seething now.
There's some stuff with good vocals.
Absolutely, yes.
Chess 2hu when, ZUN?
There's no need to get so defensive.
I have. I played Devil Engine pretty recently. It was fun.
That said, Touhou is my favorite shmup series. Sorry if you can't understand why, piss-baby user.
I agree with that. The musicians eventually ran out of material, you can only remix bloom nobly cherry blossoms of sumizone so many times until it grew stale. That's part of the reason why I stopped following new touhou releases.
Touhou was a late 2000s thing that will never happen again, it had its time in the sun now it's better to just die than continue reclining.
You play games because they are fun, not out of some obligation to finish the series retard.
Hard to tell, but it looks like remi just blundered her queen. Flan has a piece and pawn advantage, easy win.
The most fun I remember having, I shit you not, Great Fairy Wars.
What was the best spell card in WBaWC, Yea Forums?
zunpet is soul but fan arranges are better, yes
I wanna have children with this twisted youkai
I agree. The instant I hear singing is when I stop listening for fan arranges. Adding vocals to video game music that originally doesn't have them sounds awful. No exception
>generic space ship shooters with eye cancer effects
clearing games in general is a waste of time, you'll never play them all and a lot of them are samey so just shitpost on Yea Forums instead
I forgot the name but the one where Keiki brings out the Haniwas who start dropping loads of swords, arrows and bullets down on you
The fruit loops
Saki’s hihg speed
I'd rather ZUN just wrapped the series up than see its corpse continue to be desecrated like this. It's sad.
Yeah they were pretty satisfying.
Space ships are objectively way cooler than uguu anime girls shooting friendship beams. And don't pretend Touhou's effects aren't vomit-inducing.
It's not a waste of time if you are having fun. These days I'm enjoying taking up drawing lessons more than arcade games and I use a lot of the psychology I learned with shmups to get better.
not until we wrap up with TH20 all-star phantasmagoria
This one?
>all-star phantasmagoria
>Star Sapphire
>Yuugi Hoshiguma
>Shou Toramaru
>Mima and Marisa to round out the roster
Did I miss any stars?
And Mima will be playable, i feel in my bones. Even the jokes grew stale. But seriously, touhou should have ended years ago.
Now I truly understand what a cursed image is.
Good. Now keep playing more non-Touhou shmups and eventually it won't be your favorite series anymore. Then you'll be saved.
then why bring up that someone will never finish the series as a point against it if someone has fun with a few of the games?
Embarrassing post
I guess toss in Sunny Milk for good measure.
they are actually fun, because they look entertaining, compared to all the boring spaceship shooting games and CAVEshit
Shame the games aren't fun and look like garbage. Also, lag is not a game mechanic.
I remember in 2010 when UFO was new and clearing all games used to be my personal goal, then more kept coming out and I just stopped caring. I think this will eventually happen to everyone, you need some form of context to stay interested.
Mushihime has punchy pacing that's quick and keeps you in your toes. Touhou feels like long stretches of boredom followed by cheap patterns.
i remember some anons are scared of this
>waahh I need to think to actually avoid the attacks
quality criticism
I legit think touhou has worse pacing than Cave games even with all the slowdown. Glad I'm not the only one that noticed.
Stop Please! There is no proof that the image in question has a spiritual curse on it, as there is no such things as the spiritual!
>accidentally uploaded the wrong gif because of the thumbnail
I'll play whatever the fuck I want, and that's not going to be generic spaceship shooter #23574
Keep trying to convert people like some retarded missionary, maybe one day you'll actually succeed
I tried playing the newest Touhou game as my first one and all I was doing was holding z and nothing else. I've never felt so profoundly bored in my entire life. I actually just stopped moving and deleted the game. Shoot em ups where you have to mash the shoot button are automatically way more fun to play.
It somewhat annoys me when /jp/ see it as betrayal when a "touhou artist" starts doing other content. Any good fanwork is the result of its creator expressing their creative vision through Touhou, and you can only do that so many times.
However, I definitely do not agree that Touhou would be better off dead. There are still new people discovering it, new games being released, and creators who continue to find new ways to use Touhou.
I can't explain but Cave keeps things interesting even with popcorn waves while Touhou is all over the place with constant pauses. The stages in Touhou are definitely the worst part.
Puppet Dance Performance: Shard of Dreams is the best Touhou game.
>The stages in Touhou are definitely the worst part.
LoLK stage 5
>Keep trying to convert people like some retarded missionary
Nigger, that's exactly what you've been doing.
I don't even know the characters in the new games.
its both, but if you care for the shoot em ups, play them. If you want to play the fightans, do that also. Mangas are fun to read even when most are ending sadly.
because cute anime girls
how? turn up the difficulty if it's too easy
I love the Remilia
Why always with the fandom wars, Yea Forums? It's okay to like different things, and it's okay to like more than one thing.
Then you'll just get rammed with pink bukkake
If Touhou died I'm certain something equally awful would take its place. And then people will grow to hate that new thing too. It doesn't really matter if Touhou dies or not.
>game is either too easy or too hard
the worst feeling, huh?
Can someone explain to me the creepy Marisa and crying Hecatia shit
Fairy manga artist will probably keep drawing the fairies 'till he dies, ZUN or no ZUN.
I honestly can't really bring myself to care about anything outside of the gameplay. Characters are mildy amusing, but aren't very interesting with their 2 or 3 quips per level, fan arrangements get old after the 500th remix of beloved tomboyish daughter, don't give a fuck about fighting games, all this results in not much desire to bother reading the manga or anything like that. I can get way cuter girls in many other places.
This spell card reminds me of Sanae's walls of bullets. I really enjoyed her fight in MoF as well: not too many stray bullets, but you always gotta move fast and be on the lookout for the best path to not get walled.
When the switch to drawing about soulless gacha trash I’d say anger is justified.
Even inside the community there's a civil war going on between secondaries and primaries.
I feel worse when its an artist like yoruny basically getting fucked over for a "NSFW" piece of art, than a trend of a week artist who just wants to make wankbucks.
You're insane. It's either one or the other and I'll defend to the death my thing that I like and had no part whatsoever in creating.
there's not a single serious post in this thread, it's all AI simulations creating slightly to very controversial expressions in order to monitor other AI's responses
It is a vector of great music
How is the gameplay better than Battle Garegga? Daioujou? I seriously doubt you don't masturbate to the lolis or else you'd be playing Strikers 1945.
You got what you wanted since no one is interested in drawing Poohou anymore.
Bored Japs spent well over a year mutating ZUN's LOLK Marisa because of her weird stare
I can’t answer why she’s always bullying Hecatia though
Don't worry I'm the same way. Eventually I just started completely skipping all dialogue in the games and started calling characters by their shot types instead of the actual names. Never bothered with the manga or "lore" either. I think It's better this way.
we already have plenty of gacha franchises taking over the doujin scene
Eh, for the artists I like I'd hope they keep drawing something even if it's not a series I'm into. There's so many old artists with twitters and pixivs and whatever that haven't updated in years. That's the worst.
It’s fun
Scoring in touhou is about milking patterns until almost time out.
If you gonna go full autist why not play a game with proper score mechanics.
>nobody is interested
huh? theres always people who will draw 2hu's and the franchise keeps getting new blood. This game imo got a LOT of people interested, especially with the cast memes aside
Hell family.
I don't think shmups will stop getting made since they're easy enough to program.
Isn't that what you wanted, purge all the normalfags out. Now you can have the games all for yourself.
I'm not good enough to play for score anyway. All bullet hells I just play until I get bored or quit out of frustration.
>there will never be a second expansion with all the newhus
Even the few artists left refuse to draw newhous.
>replying to attention whores
Looks like a Sakuya or Kanako nonspell (which is to say it looks nice)
I'm amazed there isn't a touhou gacha yet.
The Taoists (especially Seiga and Miyako), Shimyoumaru, Sekibanki, Red Yuuka, Byakuren, Junko, Sagume, Hecatia are all also super memorable. Admittedly HSiFS was weaker on the characters, but it still had Aunn and Okina. It also was the most fun I've had with with touhou in years.
Saying that there's no memorable or interesting characters is simply not true.
And the classic touhous are awful, because nobody actually cares about their personality and just memes up some shit. Yuuka is probably the worst victim of this.
Bullets and patterns and spellcards are prettier and more colorful.
Check out Garegga, read up on rank mechanics. I think you'll like it.
very soon
Why are you lying?
the only time I'd care for a 2hu gacha is if they collab with girls frontline, which is impossible because of china. cannonball shouldnt be bad but its from aniplex so expect terrible roll rates
Touhou is reclining
That's what I meant when I said it'd be better if it ended. Poohou was only relevant because of the nicodouga community, now that site's gone there's no point in continuing.
i don't want to be rude but you sound like a massive fag.
I really want this figure.
Most in Japan respect ZUN's anti-spoiler wishes, and hold back art until the game is easily available outside of comiket. They'll be a surge of art within a week of Sept. 5th.
That's pretty good. Bu I still don't care, I guess the games haven't changed, it's me that is done with this garbage.
it's nice that despite all the complaining gay people do here ZUN will not stop making touhou games until he finally gets bored of it or dies
why are gooks so respectful
He's slowed down, only a game every two years and mostly spin offs.
I think the lesson to be had here was that Poohou wasn't reclining, it actually was never good all along.
you still hold a lot of anger over the past, let it go user, go post in a thread about something you like
No 2hu has it as bad as Momiji.
I live in the third world, I have all the right to be angry. Let the rage flow within you or else it might turn into a tumor.
momiji is just cursed now
>entry level shit
>the awoo girl XD
>tarnished even further by the election fags
>used by philadelphian faggots on Yea Forums
>boss fight is just a paltry midstage fight
>no text at all
Mainline games come out every 2 years, if we count the spinoffs (fighters included) there is still one game coming out every year
There, happy? You can quit spamming now.
I saw there's some sort of remastered version on PS4. How's that one? It's $35 so I'll have to save up for a month but I'll look into it. I can't into emulation.
pouting cake is cute as fuck
You can't filter who you are.
>no text at all
Momiji is the midboss with most text after Tewi
Zun is creatively bankrupt, even the spinoffs are really boring.
It is fine. Everything has its time, then you have to move on. Just don't be too bitter, and let the young ones have their fun.
Join All-Out!
I have it and love every second of ownership
The games haven't changed. What I really want is to go back to 2009 when the series was interesting and nicodouga retards was a thing. I don't think it was ever good.
You've been shitposting for the entire thread you loser.
It was certainly more fun than playing UFO for survival. Thank you for sparring with me again, user. Touhou is still garbage.
If it's not good and not interesting why are you wasting your time in this thread?
Cake is just generally cute; please don't provoke Cake to make her pout.
Trolling you has been fun and interesting, and the reason I'm here is because I am right. Mushihime > P00hou.
I'm jealous. Can't find it for sale anywhere.
Let's admit we're far more addicted to shitposting than playing games.
I still don't understand cookie. Like okay, some fag made a shitty 2hu fan video and got a bunch of underage girls on board for voice work and scandals happened, but what part of this motivated the creation of the MAD/YTP hellspawn that cookie is today and what's with the esoteric terminology?
well she can craft idols like mayumi
It's okay to be rude, we're on Yea Forums. I'm not going to judge you for worshipping rhymeless, ininteligible squealing.
if you think cookie is bad, try easter. its the same premise but with english VA's and its all ironic. Cookie is just "voice drama based on a shitty porn", but it at least has some good voices and samples to make nice NND videos
That's just (You), if you want to truly enjoy weebshit try learning even basic Japanese. Don't give me that "it's too hard" shit, the wiki has lyrics.
I lucked out basically, was browsing Amiami for shits and giggles a few years ago with the specific purpose of lamenting that there are basically no easily available 2hu figures that look like ZUNart and lo and behold, my prayers were answered and they had that fig in stock.
I wasn't trolling though, I genuinely think arcade games, platine dispositif, eden's aegis and trouble witches are way better games than touhou could ever hope to be. Even the girls are sexier.
>Even the girls are sexier.
Well that's a low bar with ZUN drawing them.
>hurrrrr i like move and dodge bullet heheh funne colors
>no backstory
>no in-game plot
>no interesting characters, only waifubait with the same three personalities
>no graphics besides funne anime hehe bright bullet
Thing is, I don't enjoy weebshit. Idols, fanservice, JoJo-styled bullshit shounen fights. I don't get the hype for any of it and while I definitely submerge in waifushit all of those things I just mentioned I cannot stand. Also I have zero interest in learning japanese. I don't care about lyrics. I'm listening to music for, well, the music.
who quote?
>big budgeted made by team of professionals release has better production than indie release with no budget by one drunk guy
Pointing out something as obvious as that is now considered trolling. The state of deluded fanboys.
to whom the quote quotes?
Their doujin culture is built on mutual respect and patience with each other. If people were freaking out there like they do it here when an artist does something "incorrect" and rallied against each other taking political sides, the whole of it would have completely collapsed. The doujin culture holds up on the goodwill and desire of people to create exclusively. It's not backed or financed by some big-ass corporations that can throw enough money at shit until it sticks, most of the artists except for those that make big bank due to their work being top selling, are entirely self funded.
SOUL=/=well drawn
Also I like his style bc it's funny to look at not bc it's actually good.
what are you talking about
which side are you fighting against
I can't even tell if this is ironic
Vocals are still music, the voice takes the melody.
Just tried recreating your miracle and
>order closed
I guess you were the chosen one. This stupid Reimu Nendoroid isn't nearly as good.
All the more reason to play a masculine game like Garegga, Bakraid, Strikers, Under Defeat.
Whomst doth quoteth?
Yes, but if the voice is completely unappealing to me, there's not much point in listening, is there?
Touhou soundtrack is without vocals though. It's an excellent soundtrack too, one of the best probably on PC-98.
>seething newfags dont understand greentext
based waifufags!
If even a children can draw soul then soul is essentially worthless. If you pick up drawing now you can surpass ZUN in 2 years.
baiting retard is a baiting retard
what are you talking about?
are you defending touhou?
sir or madam, what is the nature of the game for which you seek competition?
But if you're the guy throwing out all songs with vocals simply because they have vocals then you're doing something wrong.
Pixiv says otherwise.
I'm talking about fan arranges specifically.
Love Doujin culture so much. Like you said, it's all built on mutual respect and patience.
I recently got the privilege to go to Japan for this month's comiket. Some friends who are Touhou doujin artists invited me to come out and gave me a circle ticket (its what sellers get to set up before Comiket opens). Seeing my friend exchange their doujins with other sellers before the market opened was so special. They even gave me their stuff, and I wasn't even seller. I was just kindly invited as a friend. Something about it was just extremely wholesome.
If FGO had music arranges I'd bandwagon jump like your mother rides niggers.
Don't worry user. It got so succesfull they had to make video games adapations of the anime.
No, I'm just listening to stuff I like. That's something people do. I'm allowed to have different tastes and music with japanese vocals hardly ever suits those tastes.
Many of the fan arranges are rather high quality from musical and vocal standpoints though. If you don't like the sound of japanese language, then it's on you I suppose.
you gotta respect somebody who has balls to have characters show their hands when he has no idea how to draw them
it's quite a power move
Aight, you sound pretty reasonable.
Either that or the effect of alcoholism.
A lot of it reminds me of what we used to have here in the west with the varying modding communities for games, like the Bethesda modding community. Before it was destroyed by a concerted effort of two financial giants.
It's pretty entertaining to watch him come up with ways to avoid drawing hands. Satori's t-rex arms are probably because he went "fuck it I'm not drawing any more hands today"
I just realized primaries are just obnoxious fanboys. No different from secondaries.
user, we're talking about video games, not movies with no gameplay
We're all one race. The weeabo race. Kumbaya.
The biggest weeabos think they are above other weeabos.
I know Japanese. Of course I'm above other weeaboos.
>considering to jump ship for the complete piece of manure that is FGO
please do it and never return
why do they not simply eat the other weeabos?
When I lived into a heroin den I knew people like that. Thinking they were intellectually above other junkies when they were just as brain damaged.
Yes, that's pretty much it. I would actually describe japanese as "embarrassing" to listen to. But then again, any game with voice acting in-game (as in, grunting, lines preceding certain actions, etc.) are always mildly irritating to me, no matter the language.
Back on track, I just don't really see what's so great about vocal arranges. I have no problem with instrumental arranges, but it's not something I listen often.
How's that manure any different from this manure? It's really all the same shit.
You're wearing headphones while sitting all alone yet still feel cringe? Sound like you worry too much about peer approval.
Everything Cake touches becomes sweet. Also, thanks for sharing all these images.
And yet those games don't even have a fraction of the popularity
It's almost like people value originality over the same thing regurgitated over and over again
Peer approval? I'm alone most of the day, there's no one to judge me. There's just something about japanese that, most of the time, just makes me feel shame. Same with engrish, though that's probably more reasonable on my part.
>describe japanese as "embarrassing" to listen to
what does that mean?
>Famous historical/mythological male character but he's actually a GIRL and she has BIG TIDDIES or she's a HALF NAKED LOLI XDXDXD
>Le DARK and EDGY version of the characters
>Over the top battles with laser beams and explosions everywhere, it looks like an edgy parody of DBZ
>Not even going to mention the cancerous gacha system
>Fanservice up the ass, whorish looking characters to get the retarded otaku audience
i just made a parsee fumo to go along with my yuugis
Cake is literally a shit
Ever just felt like a shiver that indicated you really didn't like something? Somethng like that.
fuck off normalfag
FGO probably has the shittiest character designs among gacha, should've stayed a VN with less characters
Fuck cirnofags
I actually do like stuff like the cheesy lines that go along chains in Puyo Puyo, so it's not like I hate every single thing in japanese.
I think Kek is deserves more recognition, but she’s no match for Howdy in terms of universal appeal
Still, she’s got a hell of a final battle imo
Then why do you care about not looking like a weeabo? You sound like a closeted faggot in deep denial.
Is that why the popular thing is always the most original and high quality thing out there? The popular thing is just what appeals to the lowest common denominator you fool.
but why? it sounds like you shy away from it just because you associate it with people you don't like
Puyo Tetris is genuinely one game that I felt was made worse by the american dubbing. I had no problems with the 3DS voices but the switch made me cringe so bad.
Very nice. The Yuugis were Flans or something?
Back to your containment board
yes, the yuugis were flans and the parsee was a alice who's eyes i colored green with fabric paint
Thanks for reminding /v4c/ still exists.
both the series and the genre are full of samey generic shit, now pick up your toys and go home early today, both of you
Most of what you just described applies perfectly to Touhou. At least Fate's designs are appealing, unlike Touhou's.
Friendly reminder that there are people that are ACTUALLY ass blasted over pic related.
You just may be right. Ever since I was young I had a pretty big aversion to anime. Of course I kinda got over it, but not really.
I just feel it's not quite my kind of thing, you know? There's something in there I like, sure, but the whole package is actually kind of revolting.
This probably is mighty rich coming from someone who loves Rabi-Ribi, right?
Only one of those things applies to Touhou, user.
>popular thing bad
fuck off, if your precious high quality games weren't all the same unoriginal shit they wouldn't have lost to a series without budget
i still don't get what the point of /bant/ is when Yea Forums exists
Play Strikers, Garegga, Raiden Jet Fighters, Dangun Feveron, Mars Matrix. You'll never be able to go back to P00 - h03
The word's normalfag.
Your games would be more popular if there were things worth discussing about them, like lore, characters, music ontop of the gameplay and spinoffs.
DBZ fights, loli versions of things that aren't originally loli, fanservice. That's 3 things.
That fucking word meant the complete opposite in 2007 than it does now.
>>Famous historical/mythological male character but he's actually a GIRL and she has BIG TIDDIES or she's a HALF NAKED LOLI XDXDXD
Literally Miko except she looks like a Vocaloid
Shut the fuck up, I have plenty of stuff to actually play and I doubt your quarter suckers will be worth my shitter skills.
Garegga has a pretty good stage 1 theme, though.
I don't really see the appeal of Howdy, but I will hold of my judgement until I've actually cleared extra.
She is good shit.
Touhou has the decency to make the characters just BASED on their inspiration
Also the only thing FGO has is the quality of the drawings, the designs suck dick and they're full of fanservice
If you want little girl porn there's Deathsmiles
Something I learned very quick is that stuff that should have no plot at all ends up having pretty deep lore. It's likely those games don't give anything to talk about because nobody could be assed to research and translate that stuff.
I didn't ask for porn, user.
Mokou is cool!
It's been used like five fucking times total by the babyspeak obsessed shitcunts from /r9k/, it's still fine.
It's a garbage dump for /int/ and /pol/, s4sperges just love hopping onto other Yea Forums clones.
It boggles my mind that in the last 9 years I've switched platforms and tried out many different games while you fags have been stuck playing the same reskinned game rehashed each year over and over.
The vast majority of Touhou characters aren't just modifications of myth or history, user. Could probably count the number of the ones that are on one hand.
There's no gacha, the games are danmaku, not mobage.
The character designs are rather reserved, any fanservice you see is doujin content.
I'll give you dumb DBZ fights, though, but it's a danmaku game so it's more or less what one would expect.
Now mind you that's pretty judgamental towards a guy who simply doesn't consider Japan as the overlords of entertainment who can do no wrong.
But I do like Touhou and Dangun Feveron.
>There's no gacha
not out yet :^)
Because there's a lot to the series. It's not like everyone is constantly playing the SHMUPs. It's a fan-created multi-media franchise.
You think that hearing music is going to turn you into a strawman? Lay off the internet, user, it's fucking your brain.
blue mokou
its as official as the ps4 games
as in, not at all
Certainly not the games, then. Those have been the same stale shit for a decade. Admit you're hooked to porn.
She looks more hot to me.
>Urban Legend in Limbo
>not official
I'm more interested in the manga and the fightans, occasionally play the shooters
Flan should be locked up in her room why is Rem talking to her
What's the best arrange album and why is it Magico Catastrofe
>t-the games not count
You're one sad, sad little man.
Gonna need someone to explain the "Cirno is a great programmer" meme to me.
>"you can easily emulate (...) Dreamcast and Xbox 360"
It doesn’t actually have cute girls. That was just made up by fan art. The actual character portraits in game look like they were drawn by a 7 year old in MS paint. The gameplay is good and the music is excellent. Download one and play for yourself.
>Lay off the internet, user, it's fucking your brain.
Too little, too late.
But seriously, I did explain japanese vocals (that being the keyword here) are not my style. I don't mind Touhou, Yousuke Yasui's music or anything like that. I just really can't enjoy japanese singing. Or at least most of the time I don't. It's one of those things I can't explain. I don't mind Cirno's Perfect Math Class but I just cannot stand
Are you actually under the impression that the song you just linked represents a majority of Japanese vocals?
Old /prog/ stuff.
I've always digged the way their music sounds.
>english """""VA's"""""
>le irony
no thanks
No, I actually struggled to bring up something. But since I'm now being judged for not giving japanese stuff a chance: All shounen manga that do the whole strategy battles with plenty of bullshit are terrible, and this includes JoJo.
>I have a physical edition of this I grabbed from Comiket 2 years ago
It's my pride
she’s a cowgirl with wings and an ability that ensures she gets a lot of leg appeal by fan artists
>she’s a cowgirl with wings
you mean shes a pegasus with a cowboy hat
I like the gameplay but I can understand if other people don't, bullet hells aren't for everyone
its okay because kofji and maru are gems.
Has anyone done Saint Seiya fanart with Saki, anyway? Even the fight itself does that joke.
As long as you don't bitch and moan about it being artificial difficulty or something along those lines, it's fine.
So basically /g/ going "i like coding, i like cirno, cirno starts with a c, so wouldn't it be cute and funny if she's secretly a great programmer in c"?
Yes, yes, very good, however
I tried to think of a better Shibayan album to mention as the last in the list but there honestly isn't one
because being a good C++ programmer is very hard and Cirno is dumb. it's not a complicated joke.
>But seriously, I did explain japanese vocals
Yes, unprompted, like a dozen fucking times already, so please shut the fuck up about it already. Nobody cares.
(You) care enough to keep replying, and I'm willing to milk it for all it's worth. Not my fault you can't understand the idea of people not liking vocals.
>Cirno is dumb
Take that back.
Oh, right, my bad.
Cirno is a baka.
+TEK. Thanks i was looking for somthing new.
It's a good thing you all love your waifus, but deep inside, we all know the Yakumo family is the best, right?
We have a whole sub set of chen memes because of a single webcomic. I didn't know if this cirno one was something as oddly specific and obscure as well or not.
You see, you think I come to Yea Forums for your bullshit armchair psychology. I do not take kindly to that.
are you just typing random words now, or does that actually make any form of sense to you?
You know it doesn't.
I was hoping it didn't.
I'm not that much of a retard. But I can assure you I'm probably not the sharpest tool in the shed. You could probably tell already, though.
I need to listen to more of her again, her voice is great.
Touhou is a completely difference experience than the same shooty boomer spaceship games purists have been replaying since the 90s since their genre is dead
You may or may not like the games, but they're not really comparable to non-danmaku titles.
This thread is horrid, I'm gonna go listen to Unlocated Hell.
All the Touhou games are good but CtC is better than literally every Zun-made 2hu and nobody can prove me wrong
user, that's not HSoB.
gameplay is trash but if you want some actual good touhou game you can play Luna Nights
yea, I could see how it's pretty non-sensical if you aren't into programming. But if you're familiar with the C++ memes it's a pretty obvious joke.
git gud
Just play Rabi-Ribi for superior gameplay and cute girls.
I just fucking love 2hu lads.
That's all
But what if Rabi-Ribi is what got me into Touhou to begin with?
Please link the best Mokou remix
You mean this one?
Yeah, there was also this pic and a couple others too that I wish I had saved so I thought it was something deep within the lore that I missed.
>Gradius is cancer
Let's not be hasty
Get back out and wait for the sequel.
Honestly though, Extend Ash is one of those tracks where I feel the original can't be beat
I'm already pretty excited for Love Bunny, yeah. It'll surely be a step up in every way. Maybe even writing.
I'm just kinda afraid it ends up being too samey.
That being said, the Cocoa DLC will probably be pretty great.
You mean /idols and vtubers/
It's 75% touhou with idols and vtubers mixed in.
Gradius IS cancer purely by virtue of having a rank system. The powerup system sucks dick, too.
Not as bad as Parodius's rank system, to be fair.
I remember learning about Gradius and it's rank system, where the players recommended not getting more than two options, and not selecting lasers, and how some would strategically die at a boss fight to lower the difficulty. Clearly Konami thought this was a bad idea, as Gradius II didn't have this system, and that game came out in 1988. I guess there are masochists out there who love being punished for doing good.
I like this one.
Violin sounds really nice.
MS is good though, since rank barely exists
>the porn is the main reason why this series stayed afloat
Top zozzle, this what newfag jizzbrains actually believe
found each track to be too drawn out without sufficient development, making them highly repetitive. but if you really feel the grooves then i suppose it'd be decent.
i dug shibayan but that was by far his weakest album to that point. gotta go with
also rip 831, we hardly knew ye
>CAVEnigger makes a shmup
You misunderstand from the very beginning.
Ok that gyate is rather cute.
I’m jealous
>y-you are a CAVEtard
>y-you are a porn addict
So this is the power of the shmup fanbase
Not that there's much of a shmup fanbase anymore, and new releases have been only indies for years.
Haw many games does your favorite 2hu have?
Why are you lying to yourself and to us? I think you need to see a doctor.
all of them
Nothing wrong with repetition when what you have is good
So after clearing 1cc PCB Normal I went in Hard mode and got completely obliterated by literally fucking everything (fucking Youmu transforms into a fucking nightmare in Hard).
Now I'm playing IN, I got a Normal Ending but I still don't get half a shit
Is getting the Final Spells from bosses useful? Or getting the -30minutes discount? I want to 1cc IN too
Regarding slaves or how they're called, are bosses' ones indestructible? Should I try to destroy them? Some of Marisa' spells look like they're undodgeable
touhou is declining
>Is getting the Final Spells from bosses useful? Or getting the -30minutes discount?
No, they're just unlockables for you to enjoy if you want to. And scoring autism if you care about it. The -30 minutes discount allows you to go through all of the final boss' final spells, but unlike PCB they're not mandatory to clear.
>Regarding slaves or how they're called, are bosses' ones indestructible?
They aren't, but they take a lot of hits to destroy, so it's probably a shitty strategy trying to destroy them.
PCB is one of the easiest games.
The "time limit" in IN gives you an early gameover if you hit, like, 5 or 6am. I forget which.
The Final Spells aren't useful, but they're fun.
The summon things are destructible with certain characters.
Someone thinks that the new art style looks like shit?
Not /g/, /prog/.
The old programming textboard /g/ used to have.
Most of /g/ stuff comes from there, like SICP posting.
Art style was much better when it was drawn by hand
different strokes. i like it when music is a journey, not just a few loops around the block. even stuff like 18 musicians is constantly evolving. but yeah, opinions and assholes, i guess.
unrelated jazz rock
Yeah, his old stuff was amazing.
...But it is a journey. I'm not sure what you mean. Repetition works as a buildup, and then there's a climax. And if there isn't any payoff then you get garbage like these two vidya tracks.
Good End
You're right it is a different experience. Much more watered-down, much easier, less inspired. You can't really compare Touhou to actual great games.
Keiki making stronger, cuter haniwa based on the girls who slam-dunked her previous best?
That was like 3 years earlier
In my canon. Letting the time run out and beating the games with continues are the real endings. So it's not a game over.
Like three years ago Joon didn't exist.
Congratlations on your 1CC!
Whether you should destroy slaves or not depends on the spell card: it definitely helps on some cards, even when the slaves have a lot of health. Keine's last spell is one example, where you can greatly reduce the number of slow lasers by destroying the durable slaves. I used the Malice cannon, though, which may have made it easier to destroy the slaves.
You can destroy slaves with humans/unfocus. Sitting on them in youkai/focus prevent them from shooting too.
The stars don’t have hitbox on the edges so there’s more gaps than you think
> based on the girls who slam-dunked her previous best?
More like "out of" the girls who slam-dunked her previous best.
This stuff look good, much better than the game art. Is Zun just terrible at color?
There's just a lot to be appreciated, that's why Touhou's great. There's nothing quite like it. Even something as mundane & specific as, say, the craftsmanship behind character origins & how it translates into a challenging raw of bullets to avoid is just nice. I haven't played a lot of other shmups but i've always appreciated the flair Touhou had with its patterns, along with everything else there is to enjoy about the games, and fanworks. There's something for everyone.
Ah, you're one of those "the characters are actually parasitic hats" weirdos.
Alphes colored for him in PoFV and it doesn't help one bit. Then again you could say Alphes has always been kinda shit with colors
What's the story behind Alphes working on PoFV, ZUN gets other people in on his games so rarely. GFW is the other one, right?
If you think about it, you will find that this is the only thing that makes sense.
Terrible at digital art
These are probably the 2 best character portraits of that game excluding the playable cast.
I find the coloring of EOSD weirdly charming, especially Reimu. Don't know what it is but I just like it.
Have a Remilia.
>best character portraits of that game
smugkuya would like a smug with you
I don't know how ZUN looked at Sakuya and thought "yeah this is good, this is the image I want in the score screen"
To me, it doesn't matter much. Most of the artists are secondary trash who never really played the game and only went in for the doujin bucks.
Still, I do still follow some of them if I really like their art style but as said, I'd rather not be looking at soulless corporate garbage.
I remember back in the days when some people unironically said that kancolle would be taking Touhou's place. Well look at where we are now.
hes also done promo art
to think, this autistic looking meido would become one of the most popular 2hus
KanColle's the second one there by the way.
>Detective Conan above Azure Lane
Jesus. Fujos, huh?
It birthed a top tier waifu so I can't hate to much on it.
I do miss that alphes guy even after Hopeless Masquerade.
Why is the Three Fairies of Light manga so good?
>comfy slice of life shenanigans made to have fun reading
>the three fairies are actually amusing to follow
>develops Reimu and Marisa in the sideline so well, Marisa is a cool big sister for the fairies and it even makes Reimu really likeable considering she's usually a huge cunt in the games and other media
>adds even more development to other characters such as Mystia, Cirno and Eternity Larva
>latest part of the manga has Clownpiece being an adorable troublemaker really curious about life outside of Hell
>canonizes Cirno as the one who defeated Okina in HSiFF
>preludes WBaWC, the power struggle in Hell and a whole new saga involving it
And it ends in a really good cliffhanger involving a dying Gensokyo, blackmail from Hecatia and the surviving faries going against Okina. Why does it have to update so slowly? The last chapter was four months ago and I'm so hooked right now.
Alphes is kind of the unofficial second guy on Shanghai Alice until HM
I thought he was from Tasogare Frontier?
It's not, kill yourself secondary pedo
>The last chapter was four months ago and I'm so hooked right now.
not only that, but the ACTUAL last chapter is about to drop too
Next chapter's Sept 26th or something, set your fucking alarm.
>reads the canon works
please off yourself, phoneposter
>reads shitty pedo bait manga instead of playing the games
>not a secondary
It's the official manga, you pantspissing moron.
he didnt mention anything about not playing the games, in fact, based off of his post its implied he played wbawc
i have such a big backlog i think i will never be able to finish Castlevania challenge and start to playing Touhou games, shit sucks
It's okay you've thrown your favorite buzzword around now go to bed
Manga is not the primary material of a video game series you stupid brainlet retard
He doesn;'t play the games
You're missing hours of resetting the run over and over.
Riddle me this /jp/
If 2hu is so good, how come theres no 3hu?
Manga is not the primary material of a video game series you stupid brainlet retard
He doesn;'t play the games
Cope harder redditard
>He doesn;'t play the games
that is projection if ive ever seen it, go back to
2hu is so good that there is no need for 3hu
you can't improve perfection
I did play WBaWC, already 1CC'd with Youmu Wolf, so I'm actually excited to see all the development related to the current incidents involving Hell.
It exists, and it's called Seihou.
It sucks.
Kill yourself retard
Ah, more buzzwords. The asshurt underage newfag further embarrasses himself, how interesting.
struck a nerve, didnt i
>canonizes Cirno as the one who defeated Okina in HSiFF
Bullshit, the language is vague, and kill yourself fairyfucker.
>those fate numbers
Wow, is FGO actually good or is it simply gamer material? Because as far as I remember, FSN was fucking garbage.
Bring back Vivit-99
touhou is for boomer weebs
struck a nerve, didnt i
Please keep it up, you're just amusing me.
Please think before you post stupid words next time. Anyways FGO is stupid popular.
It looks like it's there just to mock you after you either die or get a shit score.
No, but looks like I did :^)
You need to go back, this is not a place for underages like you
struck a nerve, didnt i
So it's popular because it's compulsive masturbation material? It's shit.
It is literally Sony's biggest cashcow
>s-st-truck a n-never
Ah, shifting to the "no u" tactic. Classic.
can't you peoples just ignore the bait?
It's the screeching, isn't it?
Some can be good, but the screech usually kills it for me.
struck a nerve, didnt i
Looks like you ran out of reddit insults, it's okay, I accept your humiliating defeat
Let's start with (You)
Everything Fate related is trash.
struck a nerve, didnt i, prove me wrong by ceasing your replies :)
It's too late user, the spergs are eating each other. threads done.
You expect too much of Yea Forums.
just let the autists bicker, once one of them gets bored theyll all leave
"oh, so that was a wr, was it? that's nice."
>s-struck a n-nerve
Dude, are you okay? You sound absolutely traumatized after gettting BTFO by me
I couldn't give less of a shit about the cute girls shit but I loved playing touhou games, addictive as fuck
I liked their super robot wars game, even if it had all the type-moon characters.
How do you like Fantasy Maiden Wars?
His art style is better when he's not creating a game, only time hes patience to draw it right
It's great! I finished it back after most of the bug correcting patches dropped for yume.
Now I'm waiting for the bug correcting patches so that I can finally play the new release.
SRW is coming to steam.
I'll have to do a new one soon now that we have newhus to throw in.
>Moonslut that high
>Why is the Three Fairies of Light manga so good?
It doesn't advertise itself as something more ambitious than what it actually is. From start to finish it is all about that cute fairy SOL with the occasional lewd page.
I'm a sucker for her design more than anything.
Hes actually fairly good at drawing and coloring but only when he's not drawing it for a game
I've been listening to this on Jewtube a lot but can't find a download link
>Using this trash when the 2husorter exists.
Save tier maker for shitposts like "2hu Sluttiness Tier List" or something like that.
2husorter is trash, takes too long and it's worse for reading
That one's a doujin but I think there was a similar page in the actual manga.
Counterpoint, 2husorter has the PC98 hus.
>2husorter is trash, takes too long and it's worse for reading
qualify your statements
>splitting up the backup dancers
It's not an official work and it's not gatcha.
Pretty sure it's from the manga. I have separate folders for 2hu manga pages.
On the topic, you can tell how hard the artist is holding back with the sexualization.
Honestly I regret touching Touhou on the internet. Just looking up anything related to it and im bombard with JP Diaperfags, both traps and girls.
They're both pages from doujins by the manga artist. He's so addicted to drawing fairies that ZUN can't write enough for him.
I just read the whole manga and none of those two pages appear, unless mangadex is missing something which I doubt. The farthest the artist has gone has been Sunny using her nightgown and the fairies, Piece and Marisa in one piece swimsuits.
Ok I am gonna need to ask for sauce now, because I am pretty sure the shit I saved was official.
So does this tier maker, I just choose to not waste my time rating non-canon trash
Try it yourself
Satono is just better
>nobody actually cares about their personality and just memes up some shit.
that's also what zun does so whatever
Ok, I found out what happened. The two pages I posted didn't had the same filenames as the rest of my folder so I am gonna assume I saved them from here.
>inb4 muh flac
>Chess Sign 「Queen's Gambit」
It's the same artist as the manga, that's why. He's drawn a lot of non-H fairy doujins.