Yea Forums, you said the Dragon Quest demo was 10 hours...

Yea Forums, you said the Dragon Quest demo was 10 hours. It just told me I reached the end of the demo's story and my time was a little over 5 hours. What did I not do? Grind?

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A better question, is that sweat running down her legs or something else...?

I did some grinding and ended it in 7 hours. I also had the classic battle mode on and faster battles. People hitting 10 must have different settings.

>People hitting 10 must have different settings.
A lot of articles mentioned 10 hours too, but I assume journalists just suck ass at anything that isn't western and wandered around getting lost.

Its 10 hours for normalfags who never played JRPGs before, or if you're playing with hard settings

that poor girl has a fever :(

You played on easy mode

>waaah this demo is ONLY 5 houra long!
Entitled much?

W-Why is she blushing?

No, I didn't.

where does it end?

After you get Veronica and Serena

Hard settings and finding most chests and pick ups got me to 10 hours

Cute and funny

Probably die a lot and walk around without any idea of where to go

I want to satisfy a little girl

>Getting to Veronica and Serena in 5 hours
Holy fuck user, do you just railroad your way through RPGs?

By giving her sweets, right?

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>Being told that the demo ends when you get around to Veronica and Serena
>Made it to both already
I don't want it to be over yet, I was getting so into it.

Is harder monsters really that much better of an experience?

The 10 hour thing is probably journos reading from a script or someone took 10 hours and other journos just repeat that cause you bet your ass most of em did not play the demo. The Demo is around 6-7 hours if you took your time exploring everything but there is barely any need to grind playing on default and as someone who is used to the grind that is Dragon Quest I grinded a bit more than necessary but barely hit 7 hours.

It took me 8 and a half hours. I felt like I was going pretty fast and missed stuff, sounds like you rushed the demo whether you knew it or not.

I want all pedos to be tortured to death

That's the idea. The game really begins when you get the sisters cause now you have a full party.

How is that related to Dragon Quest?

She's a fully grown woman in a child's body so it's okay.

What'd he miss?

>tfw I'm tempted to buy it on PC after playing the Demo on the Switch
What should I do bros, I mean I can easily get back to where the demo ends but while the PC version probably has much better visuals the Switch version will have even more shit. Idk if I can wait an entire month though.

It's RNG for 2/3 of the game until you unlock the potential to actually have enough skill points and unlockable skills to have any sort of pattern resembling a "build"
So do you want a quote unquote game that takes the piss, or a game that hates your existence as a sentient being capable of cognitive thought?
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Luckily there's a third option: Play an actual fucking video game instead of this zero effort trash developed by cockroaches

I want all little girls to be rubbed to climax

The PC version is at $60 which IMO is a bit expensive when the Switch version which will have more features is the same price. If you see a price drop get it on PC but I recommend you wait for the Switch version.

I know but I don't know if I'm going to be able to get the game day one to continue it right away. Either way I just want to play more.

all pedos should hang out with little girls!


I don't know how, but some people manage to waste a huge amount of time by just walking around in the world or maybe they are just super slow at reading or fight every monster multiple times.
As soon as a game has a slightly more open world you will always get people like that take a lot of time with the game and still assume people with less time "rushed" through it. I never figured out what exactly takes them longer.

No, I played with it on for 7 hours and, while it was fun for 5, it started to get really boring. You'll need to grind for at least half an hour before bosses, you can get wiped at any moment since the game is super RNG focused, you'll always need to stock up on medicine, run to camp and shop often etc.

It would be a great experience for a 20-30 hour JRPG but in DQ11 you're just making a 100 hour long game much longer.

Why did you play on normal (easy)? You should have started on hard.

Nigga all the bosses in the Demo do not need to be grinded unless you are a literal retard. As long as you are fighting a couple of battles along the way you wont have any issues.

Tons of items, more than 5 mini medals, probably didn't try hard mode, didn't defeat every enemy etc.

You can definitely play through this demo in even less than 3 hours, but if you want to see everything it will take you around 10.

Both versions are free to me.

Reminded me of a questionable old man in Dragon Quest 3 saying to the player, "I want to be a little girl." I think that old man is located in the class changing area.

Nah, I tried the griffins at level 10 and they wiped me.


You must be fast as fuck I just finished it at 9 hours
Did you play on easy mode?

I would grind her if you know what I mean

You beat them at level 10?

another faggot playing on easy mode lmao
If you didnt make the draconian options and turned strong monsters on you are a casual

Anything new added for the Switch version?

Cunny mode

here's a list of additions

Attached: 1566318449549.jpg (640x9109, 1.95M)

But you do know that the Draconian mode initially wasn't even included in the game. It's basically just DQ's autistic equivalent to Pokemon's Nutzlocke challenge.

2D mode from the 3DS version
Party members following you
Everyone marriageable
Character's backstory to see what happened to them (and to stop Martina doujinshi from becoming canon)
Jap Dub

What's wrong with that? Much like DQ, Pokemon is piss-fucking-easy and needs something to kick it up a notch after you pass puberty

I haven't started it yet but does it end only after you get the sisters? What if I wanted to take my time grinding, would it end before that after I hit 10 hours?

>Everyone marriageable
Does Veronica stay cute and funny? Also Jade is a goblin slut.

There's no time limit. I think you just can't enter a certain town to progress further in the story.

I sure hope so.

I'm personally not a huge collectathon fan. Bestiaries are nice, but I'd be willing to bet there are a lot of palette swaps, so it seems unlikely I'll miss seeing at least one variation of every monster.

Thank god i played the demo first, wtf is this garbage ass combat.

Do people unironically enjoy this?

so Spell of Restoration is NG+?

You can play as long as you like.

Dragon Quest games are max comfy, but the combat has always been shallow and barbones. There's nothing wrong with an RPG that doesn't focus on combat of course though. Go away SMTfags.

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guys, should I play
>in 2D mode
>3D mode with jap dub
already played through the game on PS4 and PC

I haven't seen a palette swap except the blue/orange slime. I'm not a collectathon fan either, I just liked exploring and stuff. Those mini medals can be used later to get some good equipment and a costume from what I've heard.

I also found a bunch of seeds that permanently increase my stats which was useful in hard mode.

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JRPGs aren't for you. You're probably playing it wrong anyway.

Personally, I thought the 2D mode (played it on my 3DS) to be boring. Cutscenes are a direct 1:1 transfer from the 3DS 3D mode cutscenes, but obviously lack all facial expressions and body movements, so a lot of information is lost.
It also looks rather cheap.

>There's nothing wrong with an RPG that doesn't focus on combat of course though
If there are other major mechanics/gameplay elements, but there aren't, so here you have an RPG you can't RP in, (via narrative OR interactivity with the world) a story with the most generic cast possible accompanied by dialogue so predictable the subtitles leap off the screen and slap you, and the aforementioned shit-for-brains gameplay (combat) that doesn't even open up completely until the end of the fucking game.
How about you stop defending shit design with flawed logic? You've got more holes in your head than this game has in its design.

I guess 2D if you like random encounters. You'll only lose out on seeing those new character episodes in 3D but I guess you can switch for that. You'll be forced into 2D anyway for the 3DS content.

Who are JRPGs for?

yes. it makes it actually fun. don't listen to those retards

Please don't lewd my daughter

Pretty sure I beat them with both characters at lvl 9 and got to 10 after the fight.
I guess there can be a bit of RNG involved into it, but I don't remember having too much trouble. I was using a 2H with MC and not a shield, I guess that could make things go smoother.

>It's basically just DQ's autistic equivalent to Pokemon's Nutzlocke challenge.
no it's not you fucking nigger

The characters and dialogue is very good. Yes, it's a traditional shonen story but so what? It's like watching the Ten commandments or LotR. It's still really good, even if the structure is familiar.

People who like to go on an adventure with a group of friends and defeat an evil guy.

It's weird because i didn't mind it in Kotor, Legend of Dragoon or FFVIII, it just bores me to death now. Sucks because i know Dragon quest has alot of content but the combat just doesn't do it for me.

It makes it so you actually require to put attention to monster elements, use the proper spells on your party / enemies and CC properly.
It basically changes the roles of a party, Erik becomes your sleeper hit bot for the early game for example, and you if you want to have Veronica out against shit like Cactiballs, you will need to cast Buff on her with Serena or else she will pretty much go down on 2 hits.

I like to go on adventures with a group of friends and defeat an evil guy.
What does that incredibly simple setup for a story have to do with the combat being ass?
Try to stay on topic.

That's on you, user

I was 9/10 first time and 10/10 second. Using sword and shield. I took one down each time but once both focused on Erik and did 3 attacks (probably due to decelerate) he died. But my problem isn't the bosses, it's the fact that I'll have to be super careful in every battle and that's not how I want to spend a 100 hour long JRPG. I'd rather just keep myself underleveled and hope for some challenge in the boss fights.

Try hard mode for a while. The thing is, in DQ11 you don't reach a boss for a very long time and the regular enemies are not a threat at all. Hard mode makes early game a challenge

Combat isn't ass. It's a great JRPG combat system. If you dislike it, fine. Which JRPG combat systems do you like?

You do you bud.
Honestly, hard mode only seems to actually matter in specific parts of the game, where the gear provided does not power spike properly according to some mobs/bosses. Also requires to know/look for every single fucking recipe, and that's pretty much one of the things I hated most about the game. Looking in every bookshelf is really dumb.

>Grinding half and hour
Nigga, thats's fucking nothing and totally normal for DQ.

Sure, sure.
but this is a video game, bruv, and like shitty acting is to a film, shitty gameplay ruins a video game, unless you're a film reject sympathizer like Kojima or something.
Try to imagine reading Fellowship of the Ring except Frodo never speaks and Gandalf is secretly a pervert lol haven't seen that before.
I have no problem with the overarching storyline, every story has been told or so some random asshole once said, it's the personal additions you make that give the story an original flair and make it memorable, along with the potential to make more technical achievements with the way you write certain character archetypes.
To that end, what does Dragon Quest, not just XI, attempt to do in that regard? What did they do to these particular characters in a story we've seen a thousand times that really spoke to you in a way you've never seen it before?
An example of this done competently (in my personal opinion) would be Dragon's Dogma. It's the age-old story of a knight "taking up arms" against a dragon, but it's the twists and characterization of The Dragon that really sell the whole experience, and compliments the fluid and memorable combat that is always giving you new toys that genuinely change the flow of the real-time, action combat.
It's unfortunately lacking in the RP department, but it compensates with its ARPG tag and focus on combat.
in the case of Enix, Square, and Square-Enix, I'm not seeing where the light is shining through on one or two aspects in compensation for the lackluster elements present everywhere else?
You get low effort across the board no matter what, and for the life of me I can't imagine anybody working at this studio to work on this project (DQXI) having any passion or creative spark.
It's like there's nothing there.

Just got to Hotto in like 7 hrs. How much longer I got?

I never, ever fucking grinded for a boss, even on Hard mode, especially because how fucking good Erik is at enabling stalling during the early stages of the game.

You're actually autistic aren't you? As a passerby to this thread that's the only take I can possibly come up with from your posts. Settle down and go do something you enjoy, christ

Yeah, but I don't want to spend such a long RPG grinding. There are a ton of games coming out that I'm interested in.

those panties are giving me some massive deja vu

From the score, to the gameplay, to the atrocious concept/key artwork, to the character designs, to the gameplay, to the storyline, to the world design, it all just seems lost in a blur. Like it's just an amalgam of a subgenre that has lost its identity and is trying to reclaim its former glory.
Glory that was won for no other reason than because video games weren't as good as they are now, but developers got better.
Why didn't JRPG developers get better? Why are they fundamentally incapable of designing a video game that has more depth, balancing, and attention to detail?
I don't know.
All I know is I'm not interested in developers who have been stuck making the same game for thirty years, unable to create a game that calls itself an RPG that has less RP elements and gameplay than Manager Mode in FIFA.
Let that sink in.
Dragon Quest has less gameplay and depth than a game designed by Electronic Arts.

and hour or two, dungeon, hotto, desert, demo over

I enjoy discussing video games.
What do you enjoy?
Taking the piss?
You seem great at it.
Fuck off, passionless loserboy. Keep passing by, because that's all you are. A page 1 lurker, day and night.

I enjoyed the games back then and I still enjoy them now.

I enjoy discussing video games too but not in the convoluted autistic manner you do. You're sperging out paragraphs of bullshit to a short post.
You're not going to change someones opinion on something simply because you don't like it.

You didn't actually say what the twist in Dragons Dogma was that made it so interesting to you. I don't particularly need twists here since I don't consume that many shonen stories, but I still felt like the story took me interesting places. I think the characterization of Erik has been well done and I enjoyed going on a quest with him and I enjoyed the flashback scenario where we actually meet the young protagonist and his guardian.

There aren't many JRPGs that do even the simple stories right. Octopath Traveler, Final Fantasy XV, Persona 5 etc. All poorly written games that try and have an interesting concept while not getting even the basics right. It's just a breath of fresh air to play a game that has the writing, cutscene animation and characterization quality of an actual film/anime.

Please tell me I can improve the steal rate

Probably the deftness stat but just guessing

Seems like you're doing everything possible to avoid discussing video games.
Why don't you go lobby Hiro to reduce the comment length to 140 characters like your twitter feed?
Oh fuck, I used a paragraph break, don't hurt your pretty little head trying to comprehend the concept that kids learn in grade school.

Yeah just an angry autist. Y'know you can be in multiple threads at once?
Too scared to address my last sentence? Can't wrap your pretty little head around it? No-one cares about what you think faggot. Go get a blog.


The characterization of the Dragon, I mentioned it.
I didn't want to get too specific seeing as its a spoiler, but I suppose the game has been out for almost a decade now and released on more systems than Doom.
Other than that the entire relation between the actors, for lack of a better term. The story itself really feels like early renditions of stage plays, where you had roles rather than specific, named characters (e.g. The Arisen, The Dragon, The Dragonforged). Rather than being a character drama, like most RPGs tend to be, it's more about the mythos and the morality of the men caught in the cycle and the consequences of choice that each "chosen" chooses. The symbolic tie-in with Ouroboros was also pretty clever, to say the least.
It was one of those games that lured me in with the gameplay trailer, that was predominantly raw gameplay (as opposed to CGI mini-movies that Square is notorious for, speaking of compensation), and ended up keeping me around for the mythology.




she is pregnant

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with my child

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>Reached the end of the demo
Now what?

farm bunny tails or just wait for the full game

Is cunny the path to enlightenment?

going to prison isn't enlighten


Why is the cunny meme so popular? Has Yea Forums always been so full of pedogiles?

it's the final redpill

Or they explored and took in the atmosphere instead of rushing straight from objective to objective.

Who said that the path to enlightenment is easy and with no risks?

wake me up after pc version update

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short answer: yes
long answer: google search candydoll and you'll find an article explaining why

Default difficulty is easy mode.

The extra stuff is switch exclusive.

is the pc version even getting updated?

>she doesn't have a single lewd outfit

sure sure whatever, wake me up when it will come out on pc, an update with switch features i mean

Nintendo published the definitive edition so the new content is not coming to PC

They better not wimp out with the "marry" Veronica option. I heard that you can get a ending with every character but only some of them are actual marriage/romance options.

Why can't you people stay on Yea Forums?


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Dragon Quest is a video game so I'll stay here

Nintendo is publishing the game

I said already!

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Absolutely. Don't listen to people saying it makes fights RNG they're idiots

It's the way the game is meant to be played and makes for super satisfying boss battles

Is there any way to get Serena back with all of Veronica's spells in the final chapter? Because combining those two together saves a slot in the party and that would be nice to stick someone else there.

ok moralfag

Was any of this in the PS4 version?
I'll buy day one if so.

All of those costumes are in that version.

>all these people saying combat is shallow

You guys realise characters gain abilities/spells both as you unlock them AND as they level up right? There is so many of both to unlock + pep power combos that I just can't understand how people genuinely think the combat is shallow unless they are playing both without harder battles and believe that the skill panels are the only way to gain new abilities/spells

Oh and another thing the skill panel also more than doubles in size for each character after a certain point in the game and is probably triple by act 3

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People that don't cast spells on overworld battles and just use the attack commands probably are the ones complaining about "shallow-ness." Using spells and abilities is the most fun part of the game.

Christ dude, did you just go straight from objective to objective without any exploration?
Speaking from my experience playing the PS4 version, 10 hours sounds about right for getting to the twins, I'm pretty sure it took me about 12 hours.

That's what I think too. Game starts slow in terms of combat/story which is why they made the demo for Switch as long as they did but if people think that first 5-10 hours they've unlocked even a fraction of the abilities/spells there are they are completely oblivious to how much content this game offers

Will we ever get a singleplayer mainline game with subhuman party members or are we permanently stuck with humans because muh tradition the same way we are stuck with awful music?

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Just finished the demo. Why the fuck can't you change the difficulty? I'm going to have to restart because the game is piss easy on the normal settings and I didn't realise, so that's 7 hours wasted

Only needed to play like 2 hours of the demo to know i wanted to buy it.
Going to delete the save now because no way im going to waste the first few comfy hours of a grand rpg.

Draconian mode is like a Pokemon Nutzlocke. Part of the difficulty is to finish the entire game that way.
Though you can "give up" and go back to the normal difficulty mode.

You can transfer your save to the full game when it comes out and just start from where you left out.