What went wrong

what went wrong

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Nothing so far.

Their live action shit is 10/10 while their let's plays vary from boring to mediocre.

It seems like they feel obligated to be talking about the game for the sake of commentary, which I think is just the wrong way to handle it. Things would probably be less boring if they'd stop relying on bits and talking about the gameplay all the time and started talking about whatever, but then I guess they wouldn't need a podcast anymore if they did that.

>let's plays vary from boring to mediocre.
this. they're very funny, but in games they often lose their ability to do visual gags, which are really funny

My favorite let's play channel, Game Grumps got too autistic and aimed at SJW's more than anyone else.

whining about republicans every episode.

video games

Yeah they do play those, huh? Crazy.

>Dan is a pretty liberal guy himself
>Still calls Arin out for going above and beyond with SJW bullshit
Will Dan ever stop being the best thing about GG?

The problem is Matt’s anti-Semitic jokes always go way too far. He needs to cut back on that and the racism a little.

I like them. They're both very young and will get better as time goes on.

>Literally the same age as them
>They have their own place and are making the content they've always wanted to make
>Literally traveling the world and entertaining people all around the country
>Meanwhile I'm still sitting at home doing nothing and just working a dead end job every day of my life
I enjoy their content, but sometimes it just makes me feel inferior.

It's kind of sad that those are my favorite moments when Dan calls Arin out on his shit instead of being the yes man he always is.

What, don't you like Matt making Vine references every 7 seconds?

Nothing. They're the good version of Game Grumps.

>I enjoy their content, but sometimes it just makes me feel inferior.
Same here, user.

>love SuperMega's live action stuff
>check out their Let's Plays once in a while
>always get burnt out on 2015 meme references and hitler lol xD after 3 videos
why can't Matt be funnier

they've been producing content for years. you really gotta have a drive for this stuff.

Just be glad you haven't seen their Japan videos. The "SIR!" joke gets old after they do it twice but it's in each video at least 5 or 6 times.

Chester Chedder burger had me on the floor laughing





Which one is Matt? The twink that jack off to Splatoon porn or the manchild jontron with the little child laugh

The former. Truly a man of culture, that one.



The twink who thinks repeating old Vines is comedy gold.

Zoomers that don't really care about video games. Perfect for the crowd here to be honest familia.

Only Matt doesn't care about video games. Ryan actually plays video games in his free time.

what the fuck is Matt into? All he ever seems to talk about is rap music made by fat weirdos and shitty movies he didn't like.

It's hard to get a good read on him, that's for sure. He might be one of those people with no hobbies.

I literally cannot enjoy anything unless I can tell myself that somewhere there's a liberal that wouldn't approve. This is how I feel about every single thing now.

Dream daddy debacle happened. Whatever happened behind the scenes ruined Matt and Ryan's friendship. The videos that came out afterwards were really uncomfortable because Ryan was being a passive aggressive nigger towards Matt. Ryan also doubled down on politics and bitching about DRUMPF while Matt was forced to sanitize his humor for the channel.

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Imagine believing this.

Blonde Boyz is the best thing they ever made

That time where Dan gave Arin shit for him saying American Pie was harmful was amazing.

It's great. Can't wait for them to do the new animal crossing game.

they also stopped living together without telling anyone

not an argument resetranny

They became too based

Dan have his own LP channel, or at least show where he plays games with one of his friends, someone like Ross. I'm sure if they made it Arin would never remove it later for some dumb as fuck reason.

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Their podcasts are pretty fucking comfy. I'll go on long drives just to listen to their podcasts. They talk so much shit there.


What the fuck are you talking about? Are we even in the same plane of existance right now?

No way man, as much as we're giving Dan some positivity, bear in mind that after 6 years of almost full time let's playing he still maintains the facade of the "fresh faced outsider" when in reality that amount of time should make you a goddamn veteran. He knows little to nothing about videogames outside the more memorable ones Arin has played, and I'm pretty sure he's forgotten any game that isn't Zelda, Mario or Golf. The last time they did Duck Game he went on about how he loved it and then complained that he never plays it and forgot all the controls. He keeps touting a "I'm new to videogames lol" image so that Arin can act like the know-it-all veteran who shows him around, but the bit really falls apart when you recall how long he's been at it. Then it's just frustrating.

haven't released full nudes yet

>A member of the Game Grumps staff feels the nees to interrupt every fucking episode
At least that will stop soon, even though they're still going to keep sucking GG cock


He feels like a very active redditor. He's definitely an important part of the comedy though, he and Ryan improv really well together I feel. Also doesn't he touch the controller regularly? He played some Mario Maker levels.

wtf is their obsession with getting naked

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Same. Unless supermega do something to SERIOUSLY piss off the libs I'm not interested.

Imagine being this pathetic


user, that's your natural state of being. Feels pretty good not having clothes permanently touching you almost everywhere once in a while.

Hello Resetera

>Literally who
Hello electionigger