>RTS is dea-
RTS is dea-
You'll see
2nd bump
Is there a gameplay trailer now or something?
>reskinned coh
So glad I refunded my pledge. Cool idea, but coh gameplay isn't my thing.
There has been gameplay for a while
I prefer it to the gookclick approach
>get excited
>new info comes out
>turns out to be a shitty company of heorrs clone instead of c&c
>D R O P P E D
so when is it going epic exclusive ?
It reminds me alot of ring of red aesthetics wise
I'm looking forward to it
It's on steam so never?
base building rts is dead yes :(
I was kinda excited about this new Settlers game but then they should how limited the combat and unit variety is and I lost interested.
Would it have been really so hard to add siege engines and cavalry to the game?
Never devs stated that its on steam at gamescom
Game looks cool, will probably get it.
Is it free?
Okay. Great thread. Thanks for the links.
Christ user is it really that difficult to type two words into YouTube?
>plays like COH2
No thanks.
Maybe I'm just an old faggot, but I just hate this modern trend of making threads that are basically just "Talk about this game!" and then they give nothing to actually kick off discussion and anyone who tries to ask about something is basically just told to google it. Why the fuck even have a thread? I might as well just surf some wikipedia article about upcoming games.
>Please be interested in this game! Please respond to my thread!
>Hey, I'm interested, got any videos I could watch and talk about?
>Fucking google it, kid. God.
Fuck off
>console rts
yeah... great...
what the fuck is wrong with you
Fuck. If this is true, I have no interest. COH gameplay/engine/UI should only be for COH. The game Ancestors Legacy is proof of that, it felt like a shitty COH mod.
Autism most likely. A terminal case if so.