Ugh... what could have been

ugh... what could have been...

Attached: grobgermaniums.jpg (1920x1080, 469K)

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Ah yes, the paintbucket tool. Very good choice.

Go back to your containment thread

>Krakow independent
>France independent
Awful attempt, not even worth a reaction pic with an 8 year old on it.

>Not genociding the Serbs and Turks
Gay ass

>United Germany, including Austria
>Not ranked 1

Attached: 1564194182450.jpg (882x439, 90K)

The eternal anglo uses the entire world as his workshop

Attached: 656.jpg (313x313, 56K)

>coalition thinks it's going to stop me
>it's just a chess move to kill the kraut

Attached: 20190824075229_1.jpg (3440x1440, 1.54M)

If only.....

Attached: v4pmtthetia01.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

I, too, long for the days of the Ottoman caliphate.

>New Mongol Empire
>it's just Mongolia

Does Yea Forums like Kaiserreich?

Attached: 1539906351640.png (382x417, 325K)


Attached: ugh.png (1920x1080, 2.46M)

Also East vs West never ever.

Attached: Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.jpg (800x1000, 207K)

No, because it means I have to play HOI4 to play it

I liked playing the Vicky2 version

Attached: v2_2 (2).jpg (1920x1080, 638K)

Just play the Darkest Hour version


>turks still existing

>china still existing


That Victoria mod has nothing at all do with the HoI Kaiserreich

Napoopan was the best thing /gsg/ ever did. It was basically halfway to being KR for Victoria. Too bad the modder bailed.

I've done literally every country in it and they stopped updating it.

>horse factories

I took over the world as Angola in superpower 2 once. The experience can be summed up as:

Attached: ugh what could have been.jpg (2000x1200, 1014K)

Attached: image.jpg (640x724, 59K)