Is this the worst game to have ever gotten a 97 on Metacritic?
Is this the worst game to have ever gotten a 97 on Metacritic?
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What a weird fucking list. I'd say it's one of only about 6 games on that list that deserves the score
>do bear hunting mission
>15 minutes 2 guys talking and talking while you ride pressing x button and nothin more
>riding, riding talking, talking
>1 second to shoot a bear
>guys talking for another 10 minutes
>end of mission
I don't understand why people shit on Sony games for being movie games. "Play" this one.
I mean, yeah it was good but nowhere near games like Witcher 3, RDR1 or Bloodborne. Maybe people had lower standards.
It's a a lot better than a fucking sports game. At least you're exploring unique environments. Sports games are just an empty field with slightly different crowds and weathers.
Tony Hawk games were fucking perfect mechanically
>I don't understand why people shit on Sony games for being movie games. "Play" this one.
They do it better than Sony first off. Remember that rumor earlier this year that they wanted Rockstar for 14 billion dollars? that's not by chance. The last 3 generation of PlayStation games all have been topped by Rockstar software sales.
Seeth Nintenkiddies
Nothing wrong with taking the few good ideas RDR2 and putting them into a game that isn't chronically boring.
Yeah and then after that you actually hunt the bear and it's pretty great. If all you want is rooty tooty shooty then go play CoD or something, or meme around in GTAO, you fucking zoomer.
>new single player dlc this fall for RDR2
>Bully 2
>GTAVI after that
Yeah, Rockstar after sleeping for 5 years prior to 2018 is back.
for you maybe
THPS2 blows those shitgames out of the water. The witcher's controls gave me cancer. If you enjoyed the game I recommend you sell every console you own and pick up a new hobby in reading amateur web fiction - some of them even have divergent storylines.
>new single player dlc this fall for RDR2
How naive.
We're either getting single player DLC soon or it's coming to PC. Otherwise the Australian board would not have recently classified a new Rockstar product called Bonaire. When classification happens that means it's something that's dropping within the next two to three months. It wouldn't be an online expansion either.
>your only other option is cawwadoody
Actual hunting games are bettet than anything RDR2 has to offer, except as a horse riding environmental sim, and even then RDR1 is the better experience and SotC is a more notable landmark.
The only people that shit in RDR2 are those thinking they're taking an interesting stance by going against the consensus, when really it's the other way around and they're being obvious and boring themselves.
>it wouldn't be an online expansion either
You might be surprised. For the sake of not getting disappointed by R* (again), I'd rather believe it's an online expansion.
I wouldnt argue from consensus. If consensus is the sole basis, then dita, fortnite, minecraft, wow, even runescape is better than RDR2
The Australian board has never classified any GTA V online expansion. Why would they do it for this?
They could be releasing it on disc bundled with the game.
it's the best sports game. i think it deserves that spot
Almost all of those had less reviews on Metacritic than other sites. GTA IV had 150 reviews in 2008 but Metacritic only counted 86 of them. Which is why it's reviewed so high. The real list looks like this.
> 99 - Ocarina of Time (98.05)
> 98 - Panzer Dragoon Saga (97.88)
> 98 - Super Mario Bros 3 (97.86)
> 98 - Super Mario Galaxy (97.54)
> 98 - Super Metroid (97.45)
> 98 - SoulCalibur (97.26)
> 97 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 (96.00)
> 97 - Breath of the Wild (96.00)
> 97 - Super Mario Odyssey
> 97 - Super Mario 64 (96.41)
> 97 - Portal (96.36)
> 97 - Metroid Prime (96.33)
> 97 - Half-Life (96.30)
> 97 - Final Fantasy VI (96.14)
> 97 - Resident Evil 4 (96.01)
> 97 - Chrono Trigger (96.00)
> 97 - Perfect Dark (96.00)
> 97 - Final Fantasy VII (96.00)
> 97 - Yoshi's Island (96.00)
> 97 - Gran Turismo (95.90)
> 97 - GoldenEye 007 (95.80)
> 97 - Tekken 3 (95.80)
> 97 - Resident Evil 2 (95.77)
> 97 - Grand Theft Auto V
> 97 - Red Dead Redemption 2
> 97 - Grand Theft Auto III (95.70)
> 97 - Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel (95.61)
> 97 - Halo: Combat Evolved (95.54)
> 97 - The Wind Waker (95.50)
> 97 - Half-Life 2 (95.48)
> 97 - Tony Hawk: Pro Skater 2 (95.40)
> 97 - Tetris (95.40)
> 97 - Metal Gear Solid 2 (95.30)
> 97 - NFL 2K1 (95.20)
> 97 - Twilight Princess (95.12)
> 97 - Bioshock (95.07)
> 97 - Majora's Mask (95.00)
> 97 - Radiant Silvergun (95.00)
zelda botw and red dead 2 are absolute fucking garbage. not even being ironic.
Forgot another one
> 97 - Chrono Cross (95.00)
All of these deserved their scores except GTA III, GTA V, RDR2, Halo, MGS1, NFL 2K, THPS2, Zelda: TP, Half-Life, G.Turismo, Tekken 3
Samefag trying to create scenarios that put negative light on Rockstar. outside of Nintendo rockstars the second most legendary developer. It's a fact you need to deal with. And if we're talkin worldwide scale, on release of each new game of theirs it creates a bigger cultural notice an impact than any other single developer.
I hope to god you were ironic when you uploaded that weebshit. You'd be a faggot otherwise.
I think Perfect Dark might be worse purely because it hasn't aged well at all.
No, they were unrealistic as fuck.
>they were unrealistic as fuck
What does that have to do with the game's mechanics? Do you also shit on Doom and Quake for being unrealistic?
you can't be serious. its a skateboard game
Yet it's more complex mechanically and engaging than a game about a massive adventure killing monsters with swords and magic?
Doom and Quake are sci-fi shooters not sports game set in realistic world.
THPS are arcade skateboard games. Go play Skate if you want shitty, even more unrealistic simulations.
>complain about lack of realism in Skate
>defend THPS
t. zoomer
THPS aren't attempts at realism, dumbass.
I'm surprised R* games are so overrated by critics. It's generic open world games
BOTW is. At least RDR2 wasn't downgraded and Rockstar didn't lie about it like Nintendo.
it is, just poorly.
generic is buzzword user. When they are doing open world games better than others it looks like they deserve the praise.
>it is, just poorly.
It's possible except elephant taking so much shit.
yes. it's generic open world shit. there's literally nothing special about it
I'm sure they were watching an elephant documentary for inspiration.
what is non generic open world?
Days gone
Fuck the hell off, zoomer
So THPS should be more realistic.
How so? I asked for definition, not example.
A world that is interesting to explore, either because it's well designed mobility wise or is a different setting than what's usually seen. There have been dozens of "le outdoors" open worlds
My bad. The zombie/horde dynamic and most things in the game trying to kill you is way different than just area to area with npcs
Motorcycle is the best movement in any of the open worlds
Its tense being out in the world, which is,different than other open worlds
>not being ironic
Go back to your basement you stupid fuck of a person.
>GTAV is rated 4 different times
Please improve this board by offing yourself. No """realistic""" game deserves a high 90s rating. In RDR2 you control a horse by massaging a plastic circle with your thumbpad.
Not same guy but that comment is shit