Does anyone actually want Waluigi in Smash, or is it just a meme?

Does anyone actually want Waluigi in Smash, or is it just a meme?

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As much of a meme as wanting Ridley, K. Rool, and Banjo Kazooie

Don't really care.

I’ve never really wanted him in particular but there are multiple characters that are in that I would swap out for him. I think Yea Forums is a little hard on him.

Many people want him.
You just have to realise that with this many Smashers come many backgrounds in terms of Vidya, and one that's pretty common would be the one who's enjoyed many Mario spinoffs. Waluigi matters a lot to them.

I wanted him since brawl
Need to complete the 4 plumbers

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It's a shitty meme worse than wanting to see reimu, goku, shrek or steve

Waluigifags should be gassed

I think he deserves to be in but he's not one of my most wanted.

Jimmy T would be a great addition to smash, who and Waluigi is just an act by him.

Wario needed a doubles partner, so he got his childhood friend who also happens to be an athlete, so Jimmy put on this evil luigi facade because he thought it would be funny.

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I think he would be cool, don't like the idea of a sport based moveset tho

Yep, meme picks all inevitably cut next game

Jimmy could actually work as an echo or alt for Waluigi.

>Not based

They would have to do something incredibly unique to justify his appearance. Personally i'm against it until he gets his own game or a game that expands on him as you really have to stretch to get him a real role.
Meme picks like Fawful have more to work with

poor cut fag, beg for it more

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No need to beg portnigger, cuts are inevitable

Imagine how this faggot it’s gonna look if the next game starts like this again

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It inevitably won’t, you can carry on denying it portniggers, cutfags will win next time

It's a meme. Like Geno and several others, the majority of smashfags begging for this character had never even touch the games he was in, let alone played him or got to know him before. These people are mostly fake fans that only care about riding on hot, trending memes, such as DQ's "Hoes Mad". Waluigi is just another meme hype character that people want in because "he's sad, alone, depressed etc.", and they want him in out of a false sense of empathy.

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Haven't seen a meme go down so sadly like steve posting did, now you're genuinely seething about banjo being in smash and are fantasizing about the next smash game already, just because you were so confident about the character you're too young to like

Vincent van Gogh.

It's like when people voted for Harambe in the elections. No one actually wants that, they just think they're being funny and hip. So yes, it's a meme.

So not only has Steveposting ruined genuine Steve and minecraft fans, it has also ruined cutfags???

>next game will cut a bunch of characters
>source: my ass

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You have Mario
You have Luigi
You have Wario
Why the fuck wuld you decide not to round off the perfect 2v2?

A meme that would take a slot from someone who deserves it more

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Maybe he isn't some kind of autistic patternfag that wants Waluigi in the game just because of his clothing and naming convention and despite him being far, far less significant than Mario, Luigi and Wario who all their own games and major roles in other games, unlike Waluigi who has never and will never be more than expendable filler for multiplayer games.

I unironically want him. He has so much potential for a creative whacky moveset and funny animations, but people always give me shit and lump me together with memers

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Sakurai himself says he can’t guarantee everyone is here will even happen again, I feel like this time he won’t go back on his own words and he means it, sorry, but cuts are inevitable

this is the reason why i fucking hate isaacfags

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It hasn't ruined anything, discord cucks are just humiliating themselves and are doubling down, their bit was funny for a while but as soon as banjo got announced we quickly realized that there's a lot of autistic trannies who don't know when a joke needs to end. The joke was now on them, some could accept taking the joke, and make threads like "Imagine believing that banjo trailer was real" but others aren't so self aware. I remember when someone actually begged the animator of the sfm where steve rapes banjo to replace banjo with Geno, like he desperately needed the joke to be on someone else.

>the majority of smashfags begging for this character had never even touch the games he was in, let alone played him or got to know him before.
Absolute retard to think this is the case with Waluigi.
He appears playable in top selling nintendo games every gen. This isnt remotely comparable to decades old paper mario game geno was in once.

>They won't just revamp the assets again.

They can't even decide on a new target lol. Is it Geno, Reimu, Doomguy or what? Just pick one lmao.

Think about all the hard work, the development team and Sakurai don’t wanna suffer through that again, revamping assets for 80+ characters and 100+ stages, cuts are inevitably going to happen so we get back content we didn’t get in ultimate, such as good single player and a fucking decent online, perhaps trophies will return too.

>He appears playable in top selling nintendo games every gen.
This seriously doesn't mean shit when his role in those games has never been important. You don't get to just tally up the number of appearances and call it a day, you have to take the context of all those appearances into account too.

Or "Well he's not gonna be in the NEXT smash game".

Plenty do, but most aren't the kind of people that post here.

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Steve is never getting in, dude.

>people who didn’t want banjo = Steve
Can you retards get over this already

Super Mario RPG is more popular than Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

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Well, not anymore anyway. Waluigi is just a purely fun dick of a character that is entertaining in any scenario. There are multiple layers in his character that make him fun from concept to execution. Post-nu-neo-Yea Forums have their bootlicking, meme obsessed walnut heads stuck too far up their asses to appreciate even that.

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>Steveposting has officially scared the mentally ill furfaggot Smashfags.
My sides. lol

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>posts a stevefag pic, proving them right

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waluigi is unironically my favourite mario party game character, so i think it would be neat to play as him in smash too, seeing as how that's also a party game.

I have a likeness towards him because my friend knows I love Wario, so he always picks Waluigi, we were even Wario and Waluigi for Halloween

Well you faggots just did.

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He's been my most wanted since Brawl, but since he became a shitty meme I think the chances of Waluigi entering Smash are very small.

Reminder that She’s got a gun

Im not too crazy about him but I'll still be happy if he got in.