Luminous Avenger iX is getting a western physical release via Limited Run Games, are you fags getting it...

Luminous Avenger iX is getting a western physical release via Limited Run Games, are you fags getting it? Also Gunvolt thread I guess.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Limited Run

why would I buy a version of a game that I can't play until weeks (AT BEST) after launch

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Wait a sec its coming to ps4?

Shiny plastic occupying shelf space.

Switch, PS4 and Steam.

>look up GV2 backstories
>Tenjian and Zonda living on the streets with the other adept orphans after their orphanage closed down, and then nearly dying (and seeing all the other orphans die) when a human gave them food doused with rat poison. This broke them and turned them into antihuman fanatics
>Gibril; first kill was her abusive father using the blood of her dead mother that he'd beaten to death after said mother threw herself in front of the drunk to protect Gibril. Afterwards, she was forced to work as a hitman for various adept criminals, eventually learning to enjoy killing.
>Asroc, whose dreams of becoming a baker were crushed when his family were burned at the stake by anti-adept fanatics. Most of these characters aren't even adults yet either when you meet and kill them.

How much edge are we getting in Luminous Avenger? So far, I doubt they can top Gunvolt 2. I mean, the adepts in LA are sympathetic, but they aren't literal abused and familyless children lashing out at the world. Some of them even looked like they had good childhoods/lives until Sumeragi entered the picture.

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>he's one of the last humans
>the only humans he's protecting are actually cunnies

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Gunvolt 2 was the edge high-point. Not only because of who you're fighting (even if their masterplan was retardedly evil), but because it showed that all the people you killed and all the sacrifices you made in Gunvolt 1 was for nothing, and even made the world worse off. I don't think that Luminous Avenger is going to surpass that. It's probably going to be about as edgy as the first game.

Also, when are we getting a Steam page for this?

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So is the DLC they're referring to those jap retailer specific alt costumes for the new bitch?

Do I need to play the other games?
Is it actually good or do people just like the cute girls?

Rebellio is the most tragic character they have, and he doesn't hold a candle to GunVolt 2's cast.

>Do I need to play the other games?
Probably not.

>Is it actually good or do people just like the cute girls?
People like it DESPITE the cute girls. The cute girls are actually a point of rage and angst for the community.

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>The cute girls are actually a point of rage and angst for the community.
Why is that?

They don't die, they get fucking MURDERED.

No, I am sick of this edgy story and cute girls dying left the right.

Because they die, being bad or good, cute girls in GV jeep DYING ALL THE FUCKING TIME!

Hey guys! Why are you enduring the torment of an emo, an edgyfag and every pretty girl you meet dying a pointless death when you could come with me and enjoy saving everyone?

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Okay, so spoilers then. Zonda (little girl on the left) is one of the most powerful adepts in the setting. She's the final boss of the second game and she's like 10 or 11 years old. Her brother (ice dude) wants to wipe out regular humans and make a world for magic users like himself because happened. Since she looks up to him, she comes to see the extinction of the human race as necessity too.

Elise, the shy one to her right, was abused her whole life because of her powers. She was one of the nicest people in the series until she was kidnapped and experimented on. To turn her into a more effective soldier (because Sumeragi is retarded and wants to turn the most OP healer in the setting into a front line soldier), the tried to wipe her personality and implant a more agressive one in her. They failed, and now she has multiple personality disorder, with the more psychotic personality establishing dominance over the wallflower one.

Big boobed one to Elise's right is Desna. She's the only one who had a normal upbringing and a family which loved her. She ends up running away from home though because her visions told her too (and her parents were keeping her cloistered since they were lynching adepts in the streets of her home town). She traveled the world, trying to help other adepts, and her visions eventually took her to Eden where she became Zonda's guardian/caretaker. She's the only character who tries to offer mercy to your character and does not want to battle (if playing Copen).

Rightmost one is Gibril, who outlined pretty well.

You kill all of them. You don't try to talk them down or redeem them, you kill them. Your character is not sympathetic or regretful at all, seeing it as a necessary evil, like lets say X or Zero would be about it. In fact, Copen enjoys killing them. Canonically, you kill them in pretty brutal ways too (like Copen using Shred Storm on Desna). That's why people get upset.

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>make cute girls
>kill them all

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Oh yeah, none of them are older than 17, which is another big stickler for people. You're literally killing 10-14 year olds mostly (common theme of the game's story is people being given too much power before they can responsibly use them).

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Don't forget that the little on you side also dies, then revives with amnesia but that is equally bullshit. The girl with copen is 90% sure of dying in the game.

Wonder if the Limited Run physical release for BMZ will include all of the DLC. I'm not entirely certain because two of them don't belong to either Sunsoft or Inti Creates, so there'd be some licence fuckery.

Who is this guy and why someone always post him in GV's threads?

X doesn't like to do it and is much more sympathetic just for that. Zero is a broken reploid who had to kill his waifu and that literally changed him from cocky and bash to emo and serious, Copen is just a fucking asshole.

Not even being a cute girl will save you on that game.

Gerbil has one hell of a sobstory, but she's probably one of the most evil adepts in the game. Girl is so screwed up that she thinks murder-suiciding with you is the highest form of love, not to mention that she drained entire towns of innocents of their blood. Still likable for some reason though.

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>For some reason.
The reason is this: Gunvolt and Copen aren't likeable.

literally who

Thats Jason from Blaster Master Zero, the only Inti Creates MC that successfully saves his waifu, twice even.
So much that a character resents him for being blessed in the sequel.

Wait what, dont tell me its Dragon Marked for Death all over again

>Copen is just a fucking asshole.
His father was an asshole too. Guy took children, experimented on them, and turned them into monsters (in his own words). That Copen wants to avenge him by wiping out all adepts is the height of irony, especially when his sister is a part of the group he wants to massacre. Additionally, it's a losing battle, as regular humans give birth to adepts, and adepts are projected to become the dominant population in a couple of decades. But the thing that ties it all together is the religious bullshit he spews about being God's avenger. Even Inti acknowledged that they kinda screwed up with him. They wanted a cool, but unlikable character. They made him so unlikable that any of his coolness is lost.

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You can't be cool and unlikeable! Is a paradox! If people find you "cool" that means they like you in a sense!

What would Zero say to Copen?

Well if you had such a polarizing upbringing that ended in you violently reacting to the accidental death of your mom, then you too would be pretty screwed up.

He would give him a very cold stare, then beat him up and tell him that everything he's done is one big delusion.

They probably meant badass, but Copen just comes off as a whiny bitch. I can think of a few games where the idea was to have a douchebag character than everyone kinda liked because he was so badass. Like you wouldn't want to be friends with him, but you can certainly respect his balls.

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Guys, the megachads were making fun of us.

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Except for Iris and Leviathan (completely off screen because crapcom was RETARDED) none of their girls get killed. Hell, they even pulled massive billshit to revive one of their girls (Luna), although I wish she remained death, she is a bitch.

>Spiral Power.
>Wonderful Rush.
Inti sure does know them anime.

>So much that a character resents him for being blessed in the sequel.

Yeah, you gotta have balance. That most of Copen's antagonists have been people the audience really wanted to see survive or redeemed only hurts his standing more. It's okay to have likable and sympathetic villains, you just gotta make sure that the protagonists are more likable and sympathetic.

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Bass is an asshole, but he is cool. Yeah, he has the balance Copen is missing.

Cause I'm still waiting for BMZ2 to come out on PC even though I have a Switch

This is a semen demon,
and also *a robosexual*

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Bigger pic. Dem thighs though.

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Beating up on a rich CEO (who's in her 20s) is also new ground for the franchise.

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And here's her special. Mecha girls are so hot.

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This artist doesn't feel depressed that all the girls he create DIE? I would tell the producer to stop or I quit.

>Inti Creates is going in a slightly different direction with the Gunvolt series. After a pair of Azure Striker Gunvolt titles, we’re now getting Luminous Avenger IX – a project starring Copen. What does that mean for the future of the overall franchise?

>Inti Creates CEO Takuya Aizu clarified the situation in a recent interview with Nintendo Everything. Aizu indicated that there are essentially different series with Azure Striker Gunvolt and Luminous Avenger IX, both of which have different directors leading them.

>Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 should also happen at some point. Yoshihisa Tsuda is committed to making it at some point, but he hasn’t had a chance to move forward with the project just yet.

>Aizu had this to say when we asked about the future of the series and Azure Striker Gunvolt:

>“For the future of the Gunvolt series as a whole, the main Gunvolt series – 1, 2, and now we have Luminous Avenger IX – they’re separate series, so they can indeed continue to exist on their own. If you look at the series themselves, Luminous Avenger IX or the IX series or whatever you want to call it, the director for the IX series is a guy named Toshiaki Tai, who was the scenario writer and planner on the main Gunvolt series, and of course the main Gunvolt series is directed by Yoshihisa Tsuda, so they’re now each in charge of their own series. You basically have IX – the one Tai’s directing – and the main series Tsuda is directing. Of course, with Gunvolt 3, we don’t have anything at this point in time because Yoshida-san hasn’t gotten able to make anything yet. He keeps saying he’s going to make it, but we’re not quite there just yet with Gunvolt 3. But he said he’s going to do it though.”


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someone post her husbando

aw yeah

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Is this worth playing? It seems you just fire your homing weapon and then jump around until the boss die.

Peak depression would have been Gunvolt 2. These new characters have been forced into pretty shit situations (3 of them are being forced to fight because Sumeragi has their loved ones, and another one is likely brainwashed), but they still don't have anything on Zonda, Gerbil, or Elise.

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>no physical PC editon
I wasn't expecting one, but it's still a shame.

Man is this just another shill thread? I don't see any gameplay or webms here at all.

How would you guys feel if they had kept the original death animations for weaponized adepts in GunVolt 2?

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>you just gotta make sure that the protagonists are more likable and sympathetic.
I don't think that is quite the right phrasing. That is a balance that can work, but you can balance it between any number of actions. They can be less sympathetic, yet more justified in their actions or a tragic figure. But the key thing I would put forward is the idiot factor, not many people can write a character who makes questionable decisions without it becoming too frustrating for the viewer. Even good ones tend to annoy people.

European pre-order when?

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This is Lola.
Say something nice to her.

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Someone said over in the Megaman thread that Nova was the X of the series, and your Zero (GV) killed him, which is why things get so much worse in GV2.

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Enjoy the little time you have left.

Lola will make it through. it's his sister I'd be more concerned about.

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I like her design it looks nice.
here you go user.

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They knew it would have caused too much butthurt.

If only Nova got over his inferiority complex and GV wasn't being raised by the Sigma of the series.

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How's this? Left or right for breeding?

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probably would have scared me the first time I saw it. Otherwise I think it looks coo.

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You can breed with corpses (zombies are a different category).


Childbearing HIPS!

I would pick the Stella but Isola is a good one too.

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She's the only adept I can think of who's regular form is cuter than her weaponized form. Still though, neither her or Stella really hold a candle to the girls in the previous games.

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Is this serie worth getting into? The boss battle seems to lack punch.

I like it primarily because of the boss battles desu

>even made the world worse off.
I think the big one, apart from taking apart the anti-adept task force, was QUILL uncovering Sumeragi's experiments and activities to the world. This really angered the adept community and caused a lot of conflict/rioting since many governments had looked the other way or even cooperated with Sumeragi. It also led to Eden becoming much more of a threat as it played into their racewar propaganda.

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Why is every adept an 11/10 hottie?

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Do you have weapons other than the homing ones?

Fucking brutal.

Yes. Gunvolt 2 even has a new character with a whole separate playstyle.

Probably won't be a Europe specific physical release, but Limited Run does ship to Europe and cover customs fees as well, though it suck that you can't redeem Gold Points for your European Switch account.

Is that why the physical version came out like a month or two later?

Why was she so popular?

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>both switch versions out of stock

Gee, thanks limited run games! You sure do supply those scalpers well. Faggots.


It's not even up for order yet.

It says “out of stock” for me.

So if you search it on any sort of engine, it will come up with an “out of stock” on the result. Got so used to being burned by LR quiet releases I assumed the worst.

Where the hell are you looking? All I see is COMING SOON and a fucking timer on when its going up for pre-order.

They're using it in the new game. The adept turns back into a human, than disintegrates, but you can't make out much since the scene whites out.

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Why does the English translation change so many names? Esper/psychic works so much better than adept.

I'll try the first one then

>Player: I actually feel sorry for some of these bosses.
Seriously I'd like to see how he'd react if he got turned into an Adept. And yes, implanting Septima into people is a thing and after some time it can become permanent.

If they'd gone with esper, people would have been calling it grimdark Toaru instead.

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What the fuck are you guys going to think if Copen actually spares most of the bosses by the end since they're victims too?

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And that's why he's based. Day of the bullit is coming, Adept scum.

Problem is he won't. Not even the girls.

Problem is that daily more and more Adepts are born and it's a matter of decades before that happens. And if he wants to permanently remove them, he'd have to kill off humanity.

The right is definitely hotter, but can you imagine how stretched out it is after having a metal pipe shoved in?

She's fine. Adepts are supposed to be superhumanely fit and attractive on average anyways.

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There's nothing more pure than the love between a woman and her robotic husbando.

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So what's sex with an adept like?

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Why is gunvolt so fucking trash?
>Ping targets with literal darts to tag them
>Flashfield to basically poke them to death which takes fucking forever
I played the first on hard mode, entirely for the stronger attack. Even though you cant get hit more than once and live, atleast whatever is in front of you dies in 2 seconds
>Emulate gv2 on citra
>No hard mode
>No stronger flashfield (the ring boosts are pathetic)
>The fucking ice stage
Meanwhile copen
>gets shield construct with which you can easily finish the game, needing little else
>Incredible aerial mobility you can actually increase the duration of
>You can choose to overload the suit for a very minimal penalty
Am I glad the new game is about copen, gunvolt just fucking sucks

The only downside is that you gotta put up with Copen being Copen.

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Where's the issue here?

Gunvolt isn't exactly likable either.

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How much shit would X and Zero stomp if they replaced Gunvolt amd Copen respectively?

>Implying that's a bad thing
Take it easy on the siscon, its not like the cunts he killed didnt have it coming
>The eden seven have canonically killed large numbers of innocent humans
>They try to ram an airship into a fucking building in the prologue
>Teseo digitized an entire building and presumably killed everyone inside
>Gibril and all those zombies
>Ghauri destroyed a highway, you can see burning carwrecks everywhere
>Tenjian froze over an entire city and likely killed everyone inside given how much he hates humans
Asroc, Desna and Milas are the only ones i can feel sorry for, if only because I have no idea of what crimes they committed. Its very likely that Asroc atleast has a huge body count
And canonically, the sumeragi falcons make a living by hunting down and killing humans like rats. Yes, even fucking rebellio. Sure they all have sympathetic backstories, but that doesnt change the fact that they are bastards

X would stomp so much shit, dead adepts everywhere. Game would've ended with Gunvolt 1 because he'd have iced everyone like the cold-blooded murderer he is.

This honestly. I enjoy killing them. There's a reason why GV isn't having none of their shit.

X spared Weil. He's spare the adepts too. He'd just stun and capture them, kinda like his dumbass copycat does in Mighty Gunvolt. Zero is the one who might kill, and only if he felt he didn't have a choice.

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Tenijan froze the city in a violent outburst of power after seeing all of the other orphans die from poisoned food some sick fuck gave them (guy even stuck around to laugh, which was what put him over the edge). The city freezing is bad, but understandable. I could see myself just lashing out after something like that, especially as a child. I just wouldn't have the superpowers to actually do damage.

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Is the Gunvolt pack on Switch worth it? It's kinda cheap and I loved Megaman X and ZX.
Also what is Gunvolt Burst compared to it?

That's the best part though

>user going on about how sad Elise's backstory is
>not even mentioning Stratos who got the roughest deal out of all the adepts
I guess sympathy only extends to anime girls
I think he was talking about the stage you fight Tenjian at.

I was referring to his stage. He froze over an entire city in icebound

>and I loved Megaman X and ZX.
As someone who also loves those games, I'd say yeah, especially since its cheap.

>Also what is Gunvolt Burst compared to it?
Classic Mega Man clone with a retardedly robust weapon creation system, and also what Mighty No. 9 should've been in the first place. Great game that I would recommend even in a post-the real Mega Man is back world.

greenhaired nepu

Also if you do end up getting Mighty Gunvolt Burst do NOT buy the Ekoro DLC, because you can unlock her in the full game for free if you transfer save data from the demo.

>Leviathan (completely off screen
Partly retconned in a non-Zero MM complete works book Q&A part. The fate of the guardians is considered ambiguous.

>post yfw lola dies

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What do they mean by DLC?

Cosplay outfits for the (human) loli

I think it's Kohaku's lewd costumes. I remember seeing something about that.

I don't get the sympathy either. Sure, the bosses were pretty hot, but they were monsters. Copen is pretty much right about 99% of the adepts. Gunvolt, Joule, and Mytyl are basically the only good adepts in the game. Every other adept is presented as a sadistic, petty, or insane serial killer that seeks to do nothing more than destroy.

>a whole month away
>Still no steam page
For fucks sake, what is taking so long?

Eh, Elise and Stratos were nice people before they got experemented on, but killing them is a mercy at this point.

That makes sense. I wonder if it's all of them or just one.

I never got why Desna went for Eden. Sure, "her visions led her there" and all, but she doesn't strike me as the type to join up with them. From her background, she actually had a nonadept family who cared a great deal about her, and she ran away from home to help other adepts. Even in her boss fight with Copen, she doesn't come off as evil.

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Dude, your sister is an advent.

During the second fight, her copy admits that it is fighting for a better world and future for adepts. I dont know why all humans need to die for this to happen. Its likely that Desna sees her good human family as the exception, not the norm. Like copen and mytyl

Seriously, how Copen....cope....with the fact his own sister is a adept?

The second fight, she was just Zonda's illusion. You killed her permanently during the first fight.

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I...I guess that is better.

he will wipe her out too. she will be the last one.

He disowned himself and left his family

Both Gunvolt, Toaru, and other Japanese series all use the same term for the archetype. 能力者 Nōryoku-sha, which seems to translate as simply "ability person", although in some lores it's treated as an advanced form of psychic powers.

>Just zonda's illusion
>When you beat her she turns into a mirror and breaks
>Illusions that can somehow affect reality
>Combined with the muse, can confer power over the very nature of reality itself
I do not understand how zonda's power works

Then either two things will haopen: Copen kills himself out of despair or he goes completely insane and decides to wipe up ALL humanity because "adepts will just keep being born as long humanity exists, if there is not humanity then there won't be adepts!".

While Nova’s plan was pretty fucked, he was the only character to have a long term solution to the human-adept crisis that didn’t involve genocide

You remind me there will never be a game explaining how the first conflict with model W was. All we know is that, Ciel and her mooks found model W, only Ciel escaped and she created the biometals (starting with model Z) to counter it. But how was Model W contained the first time? Did Ciel use model Z on herself and defeated model W with her own hands?

As shitty it was, the rockman X remake showed that X did try his best to talk the first mavericks down, but none of them gave in, specially Storm Eagle who just when "...I am sorry".

>Official art spoiler tbe fact she will turn evil.

The big issue with adepts is that they develop their powers when they're too young to use them responsibly. Superpowered children leads to hysteria, which then leads to all sorts of insane discrimination (seriously, who feeds children, some of them as young as 6, poison just because of their powers). You figure how to stop them from using their powers until they're adults, then register them, and you solve some of the big issues with adepts.

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It's a gameplay mechanic you dolt.

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>Implying this won't totally end badly.

I don't think any of the adepts would give in either, but it would have been worth a shot.

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Basically the same situation as the MC, except his waifu died and became an edgelord.

Probably depends on the player's actions.
Officially it's called Darkness Mode or Darkness Trigger. Its "good counterpart" is Awakening Mode, the Lola with six wings that we've occasionally seen.

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X is pretty good with kids/teenagers though.

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So does lola's singing at 1000 kudos actually have an effect now other than activating od subroutines?

Awakening is used for Anthem and Copen's SP skill Twin Shredder.

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Weren't many of them mindraped?

So does she have an actual physical body? I always thought that her human form was just a projection of some sort

While darkness seems to be mechanically related to his boss weapons. Before she transforms in the gif, you can see her with a unique pod form like for the other weapons.

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user, this may surprise you but both X and Zero are "teenagers" too.

Hell, during PxZ2, the hot teacher with red hair said that X and Zero are "adorable!", Cue Zero pointing up that they aren't kids despite looking like ones.

Do adepts deserve redemption or death?

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Taurus looking fabulous as fuck

Oh no... She's gone maverick!
Robots with supernatural powers. Humanity is doomed. (Ignore Dystnine, he's already scrap metal)

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Copen needs someone like this guy after his ass, but because Copen DID kill his adept waifu and no "chad vs virgin's insanity".

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They didn't deserve the shit that turned them evil, but they certainly didn't deserve any redemption after they decided to act on their evil desires. I would like to have redeemed a few of them (because their lives really did suck), but that doesn't change the fact that killing them was justice. They were evil. It doesn't matter that they're teenagers or children, they killed thousands. Even the ones being forced to hunt minos in the newest game don't deserve mercy.

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Cioen, shut the fuck up you fucking hypocritical edgyfag.


He's not wrong you fucking fag, see

His own dad, normal human, was equally monstrous and he doesn't admit it.

>he doesn't admit it
Does copen know that to begin with?
Also how does that change anything?

I thought he knew about his father's research but just didn't care.

Copen didnt even know his father excised mytyl's septima, he doesnt know his father was killed by an adept that likely was one of his experiments, the fucking retard doesnt know anything about dad's work other than he worked at sumeragi

Nova did nothing wrong

Courtesy of the Megaman thread.

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Wonder red?

He knew, his whole world would come down and he would break down in despair. That or become a denialfag.

*If he knew...

There you go, the plot of iX. You dont really think blade's powers have nothing to do with the gunvolt project, do you?

I fucking love gunvolt the gameplay is just so tight.
T. My fav mega an game is zero 2

Phoneposters need to be shredded

Think about how f****** good the world is that I'm literally typing on Yea Forums town by my favourite game in the bathtub that's f****** awesome

While using shity Google Voice to Text that doesn't get all of the things I say f****** thing sucks f****** monkey balls f*** this Niger country f***

They deserve to be bred.

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X would do nothing he cannot harm humans under any circumstance, Zero would pass judgment so Dresna would survive and the rest would be just as death as ever

Zonda has a slight chance of survival too, depending on whether he feels she's actually the leader or just a figurehead led on by the others.

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So what is all this about? Are these people infected with something and you murder innocent people? Or do they come back?

Why do people feel such sympathy for them?

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GV's world is an insanely shitty place to live. From the side material, the appearance of psychic/paranormal abilities has destabilized the world

Sad backstories + unlikeable protagonists.

Have they stopped selling physics of the switch physical of the striker pack? I was gonna buy it off Amazon officially but it hasn't been stocked again in a while

GV's world is an insanely shitty place to live. From the side material, the appearance of psychic/paranormal abilities has destabilized the world. There's pretty much a lowkey mutual genocidal war taking place between those who have these abilities (the adepts or espers) and those who don't. Basically, people being shit to each other turning other people into shit. Almost all of the adepts you fight in GV2 were kids who'd been abused, seen their families and friends die, been tortured, and just generally treated horribly for what they were born with and ended up lashing out in the worst ways imaginable. So yeah, they're infected by something; hate. And no, you kill them.

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You know you mess up when you players un-ironically think that you could change your MC personality and ethics whit Rance and it would be an improvement.
On that line of though let’s say GV spared and stuffed one of the bad girls, which one would create a better MC for the next game?

I would change them with Jason, I am sure he would find a non killing solution.

Out of print, have fun with the second hand market.

I think I'll just bite the bullet and get one of the few copies remaining at FUCKING Gamestop in my area.

lol out of stock
what is even the point

based time traveling poster

oh my bad google search tricks you into thinking they are out of stock, you cant pre order it yet

Jason one hand if the adept girls can barely contain their lady juices when GV is around can you even imagine how they would react to Jason Prime-Chad? Especially Gibril
At least Julie would be alive that’s a given but she would have to learn how to share…fast

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Knowing Jason, maybe he can weaponize that to his advantage to make them surrender after boss fight instead of dying. Even better if is Eve's idea.

So what are adepts supposed to be? People who have psychic powers or have affinity towards some creatures and can merge with them?

People with psychic/magic powers. It's kinda like grimdark X-men/Toaru, I guess.

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Would copen go "REEEEE!" On these Adepts too? If you think about it, they aren't different from GV's adepts, they just use their powers specifically in combination with the 4 basic elements.

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Anybody would go Copen on this piece of shit.

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So how are they going to make Gunvolt suffer this time?

By not being the MC and not being in the game at all.

Stratos never got a drama CD to further characterize him.

You know, I think the espers (+ Touma) from Toaru would flourish in GV's world.

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Elise had a pretty huge crush on Gunvolt if her crazy side dialogue is anything to go off of.

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Stop making me depressed.

Should've bought it earlier....guess I'll just get it off ebay

I'll pirate the switch version.

Just think that GV may have been the very first person in her life who was nice to her.

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I bet Blade will somehow turn out to be Nova, because:
1. We're missing a purple boss/weaponized form.
2. Nova's Japanese name, Shiden, means both "purple lightning" and "sword glint".
3. Although it had to be removed due to backlash, he was implanted with and briefly used the Azure Striker after Sumeragi's system determined he would be very compatible with it.
4. He's voiced by a girl while Nova's original voice was kind of effeminate.

It sounds crazy, but it's one of the more plausible twists for Blade that I can think of.

i cant be the only one that likes Copen and his racism to adepts right? im sure even if he would be turned into an adept he would keep murdering them until he is the last one and then die

That doesn't help at all!!!

>Limited Run

So there are going to be only 100 physical copies of the game?

So what makes them look so different from other people? Just their magic power?



Actually no, LRG is publishing it but it's not a limited run.

Limited Run produces as many copies as are pre-ordered.
So as long as you don't site on your ass, you'll get a copy.

>Just their magic power?
Yep, though the strong ones can transform into weaponized forms (think magic armor). People joke about how adepts are stronger since Gunvolt and other adepts can tank crazy shit and are super agile. Adepts also tend to have the hottest and most eye catching character designs (nonadept designs tend to be more down to Earth), so people joke about how they're all 10/10s.

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that won't prevent Copen from fucking adepts

>weaponize that to his advantage
Dude they would fall over their knees yelling that they suddenly have a stomachache upon the mere sight of the Jason, Zonda would just explode then and there
Wanna hear something even sadder? one of the Director said that He was originally thinking Elize being GV new hub girl instead of Quinn

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You have no idea how much your pic hurts.

>one of the Director said that He was originally thinking Elize being GV new hub girl instead of Quinn
I never heard of that. I mean, if anyone would have a chance of coming back, it'd be her, but Elise would trivialize a lot of the tragedy because "~RESURRECTION".

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>So what makes them look so different from other people?
A megacorp named Sumeragi developed magitek devices called glaives which could seal superpowers and only release them if permission is granted.
Unlocking the glaive does more than just release their superpowers. It also triggers a process called weaponization (armed phenomenon in Jap) which alters the adept's body, boosts their power level beyond what it was before being sealed, and is implied to mildly fuck with their emotions similar to a drug. All the designs with armor and black sclera are weaponized forms.
There are other versions of this technology, such as grimoires and falcon quills, made by other(?) groups which focus solely on enhancing the adept with weaponization, no power sealing.

Henshin devices, basically.

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Why don't you guys like him?

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Was Zonda evil, or just mislead?

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>on sale august 27th
So it's out then or it's available for preorder then?

>You have no idea how much your pic hurts.
Believe me my friend, I do.
He forgot to mention another aspect the glaives have.
See sometimes the Septima powers too much for the human body to take so some of the deathliest adepts need to use a glaive to be able to use their powers to their true potential.
Sometimes a second or even a third glaive is needed to allow some of the strongest adepts to be able to show their true powers without being turn into dust from the energy overload, Zonda was able to use two and Nova 3 Viper nearly two, and raises the question if GV is able to kill people using glaives when his gear is a Chinese knockoff of a glaive what would he be able to do if he was wearing 3 glaives?

He’s kind of a prick

>hurt my Joule
>proceeded to mock GV and leaving joule feel helpless and just a waste of space
>Joule's spirit dies because of her, removing the last trace of her. Joule is gone.
Evil. No quarter.

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The reason why she taunted him over Joule was that he'd just killed her adopted family. Yeah, she was feeling malicious. She's weird and kinda crazy, but at the end of the day, she's just an 11 year old. Gunvolt kinda responds the same way when people hurt his loved ones, never mind Copen.

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Are you drunk?
The only one who ever used more than one glaive was Nova, and that's because the higher ups shit bricks when they discovered he could still use a decent portion of his powers despite being sealed. Enough to curbstomp base Viper, who himself was a high tier adept.

The only case of an adept's body being unable to handle their own power was a literal infant.

>X would do nothing he cannot harm humans under any circumstance
That's OG Megaman, X has none of that shit.

based Copen killing all them thottie adepts.

X would still not kill a bunch of kids unless he had no choice.

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So GV's world is what happens when the American conservative party runs everything?

The Chad Sumeragi banquet.

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One wonders what would have happened if Asimov hadn't "rescued" GV and he'd remained with Sumeragi.

The Virgin Eden lunch.

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Look characters like Zero, Bass and even Leybizt, they have a sympathetic background and Copen doesn't, he is just an asshole.

These images only make me headcanon that it's all just a play and they're all just acting.
But I know it's not.

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>classy corporate military police led by an X-expy and all around cool dude vs ragtag international terrorist organization of orphans run by a loli who themes her followers after fairy tails

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I want Blade to be an incredible hottie underneath that mask just for all the butthurt when you kill her.

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Probably not a girl, but we can hope for it, right?

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His (?) VA is a girls, so who knows?

Now that Copen’s jumped timelines and got his own series, who’s going to be GV’s rival now?

Does Copen have a sex drive?

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Desna was hotter and sympathetic to him, and he sliced her into chunks of meat.

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He’s got a murder boner

>185cm goddess
Why did she have to die?

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Do you even have to ask? Lola is shaking her ass in front of his head all day and not even a blink from Coppens part

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Just consider that she was canonically killed by shred storm. You know what shred storm does to an attractive 11/10 body like that?

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>Canonically killed by shred storm
Got a link?

Blade seriously better be playable. I want to go mmz with nothing but melee and fucking up special inputs mid battle.

One of those was meant for GV and the other for Coppen…
Those inti guys really know how to rub salt on the wound
Sigh if the alternate timeline theory is true that may be a lumen who absorbed GV instead of the other way around

gunvolt isn't anywhere as good as megaman zx or zx advent
the gameplay is a step down
I don't see why they can't just used charged busters and swords again, crapcom just hired some chink this year who made a Chinese megaman game with PROPER loading screens unlike megaman 11

Game looks fun but I've never played one before. Does it play well with Joycons? Otherwise I'll get PS4.

Guess it cant hurt to get it worst case I sell it for triple on ebay in a few years.

I wish physical games weren't like this.

>Armed Phenomenon

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Cute girls dying get me so depressed that I wish an adept with time powers appears and fucks up the timeline Kamen Rider Z-io style just to get everyone back.

I think people say that just because it makes the most sense. What better power to cut through Rapunzel's hair? Also, it's pretty cruel and messy, which is what one of the nicer Eden members deserves.

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A couple of them look forward to dying though (like Elise and Gibril). Their lives fucking suck.

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Is there a drama cd.or manga panel or something of him shredding Desna? If its canon, there must be and I need to see that

Although to be honest, I think it resembles the transformations of the Eight Gentle Judges more than anything.
Although Nova's final form was worthy of being called Armed Phenomenon. Zonda's as well, although to a lesser extent.

>Asimov drinking all that alcohol

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They deserve it. Even the loli.

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>you will never get a hairjob from those luscious locks

I don't play the games but c'mon whatever they did can't be that bad.

Attempted mass genocide of non-adepts.

What did the non-adapts do to them?

>Remembering being the teenage waif son of two illegal immigrants in Japan
>Remembering being abducted by Sumeragi's hunters because nobody will notice or care you're gone (well, not like being a citizen ever stopped them anyway)
>Remembering being subjected to all their painful experiments as part of Project Gunvolt
>Remembering being completely immobilized as the man who turned you into an adept constantly demonized you and no longer considered you human
>Remembering your powers going berserk and killing him, his assistant, and everyone else in the facility as it was burnt to the ground
Good times.

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They've been through some shit, I'm not going to pretend otherwise, but they'd also be killing uncountable number of innocents who'd be experiencing prejudice just like they did.

I want to get into this game and gunvolt.
is the switch collection superior to the games on 3ds?
I like Blaster Master, Metroid, and classicvanias, buts for some reason have never been into the original Mega Mans or the X series. I did like what little I played of Zero and ZX though.

Except, he’s just a prick

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*Except for Teseo

I loved that shitposting fag. He gave some needed laughs.
>let me b ur wingz, gv

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>ordered from Limited Run Games for the first time
>took almost 2 months for the game to arrive

What the fuck? I don't even live in the middle of nowhere, either.

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>is the switch collection superior to the games on 3ds?
It runs at 60 fps and has all DLC built-in, so presumably yes (haven't played the Switch version myself).

And people think Hitman is the game that treats women the worst…
Dresna never ever having a Doujin EVER! Is one mankind’s greatest mistakes


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Never noticed his zonda-tier dick spike.

>is such a prick that he meme'd himself into the mighty gunvolt game as the villain

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>And people think Hitman is the game that treats women the worst…
Hey now buddy, the Gunvolt series promotes equal opportunity suffering

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Dr. www

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She tried to create a new Eden for adepts by murdering everyone who was not one. Many people don't blame her to hard for this one, as she came off as wanting to do it mostly because her (adopted) older brother wanted her to, and she's 11 years old. Like her last words after being mortally wounded was crying about how she failed her brother. If people do hate her, it's because she comes off as spiteful to GV and taunts him about killing his GF. To be fair though, GV just slaughtered his way through everyone and everything she loved, so a lot of people wave that too.

It's really fucked up. She grew up in some shithole country (most nations aren't quite apocalyptic anarchies, but they're nearly there thanks to all the race wars). Either her parents died or abandoned her (both cases are common for adepts) and she found her way to an adept orphanage as an infant. The place was underfunded, but the orphans were a tight nit family under the oldest orphan, Tenjian. At some point, the orphanage was attacked by human supremecists and closed down. The oprhans were on the street now, but Tenjian kept them together. They were harassed and beaten. One day, some asshole who'd gained their trusts betrayed them by giving them poisoned food. Everyone buy Zonda and Tenjian died, and Tenjian froze the city in an outburst of anger and despair. From that point on, Tenijian made it his mission to wipe out mankind and make an Earth where adepts were not discriminated against, and it seeped into Zonda. The sad thing is, is that at the end of her short life, not one nonadept had ever been kind to her or Tenijian, and she died full of regrets and despair as she saw her second family and everything she worked for come crumbling down.

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What if this was a full anime instead of a vidya? Can you imagine how the Yea Forumsssholes would have taken all of this?

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They'd probably just write it off as edgelord FOTM trash trying to get shock value in the same vein as Akame ga Kill or something.

The reason it takes so long is because you're pre-ordering the game.
Once the pre-order window ends they then order the carts and parts from Nintendo who ships it to them and they then assemble everything, where they'll send it out. Collectors editions take longer because they contain more parts.
That's why it takes so long to get LRGs, they take the order first, then make have the games manufactured.

The only time the wait time got out of control was the Tribute games collector's edition. And they included an apology card with that.

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>apology card

top kek

SOWWEEEEEE about the delay, here's a card.

The dick spike's an edit
How do you have the game already? The release date is a month away

Better than nothing and no updates.

I don't know, Yea Forums loves good loli abuse.

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>Waifu wars
>Constant power level faggotry
>”Insert name here” did nothing wrong and was based and redpilled
>Shitposts from MHAfags due to both series featuring teenagers with superpowers
>Shitposts from HxHfags because they hate any anime that isn’t currently on hiatus
In other words, it’d be awful

>Based and redpilled
Granted the world of gunvolt is something straight out of a /pol/ and Trump wet dream, let's not kid ourselves and pretend Yea Forums is like that.

Oh jesus.

>never heard of gunvolt
>look up gameplay
>find a gameplay trailer
>player is so bad I have no idea what the games actually like
So is it megaman but you trade gameplay for waifus?

>>Shitposts from HxHfags because they hate any anime that isn’t currently on hiatus
Those are false flaggers.
Actual HxHfags are one with the hiatus and just discuss other things while Togashi plays Dragon Quest.

Base Gunvolt plays pretty boring in all honesty. The reason why it gets attention as a niche game is the drama it has, particularly suffering.
2 fixed this by letting us play as both Gunvolt or Copen, an enemy from 1 who is much more freeform in playstyle.

Having played both, I've enjoyed Copen in 2's gameplay more than Gunvolt

Have you guys considered that maybe your sympathy for the bad adepts is misplaced? GV and Copen pretty much hate them and would say that they don't deserve any.

Whats the average processing time? I plan to get the switch ce but i might have to pirate it if i have to wait a month for my copy.
I have no sympathy for any of them barring the split personality girl.
They knew their job and died doing them and being kawaii doesnt mean anything in that regard.

GV is a whiny emo, Copen is an hypocritical asshole.

I kinda feel sympathetic for Zonda too, since you know, little girl and all.

>Zoomers can't comprehend the idea of ownership.

I know you've only streamed shit your whole life, but some people actually want to be able to own something they can share with others.

Pirates have an easier time sharing than digital purchasing cucks

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Piracy is theft, don't do it.

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I have to agree whit this dude here, having something in your hand means something, it means that they can’t take it from you on a whim, That is the reason why consoles like the stadia will never take off they want you to pay to borrow something you could own whit a little more money, hell deserving a physical is an statement for any Indie game a way to say I am worth a damn
GV tries to make up his life again for the 3rd time, the Copen part its true

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I feel embarrassed that while I could never do a completely hitless perfection protocol run, I did finish that level with heaven or hell x and got s+ as well

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all the designs look good, how do this faggots do it?

Since it seems like Copen and GV are getting their own separate games now, what new toys do you think GV should have in his future game? I'm thinking different Flashfield types, more 0 SP skills, and new gun types.

>Limited Run
Can this company please just die already? All they do is shovel out overpriced physical editions of games with intentionally limited quantities to falsely increase demand in order to appeal to "collectors" who will buy anything if it comes in a switch or vita box.

>Stop something that milks extra money out of retards!
For gv, just make the flashfield stronger, holy shit. Hard mode in tge first game was the right idea
Copen is fun enough as he is, if they could give previous game weapons as post-game content or something, Id be happy. Oh, also more specials. The bastard has 3 specials but we can only use one and a heal. Fucking retarded

They won't die because of the law of supply and demand you idjit.
If the fucking developers bothered to actually publish their fucking games instead of leaving them digital only, then scummy companies like Limited Run and Strictly Limited Jews wouldn't exist, scalperfags would stay fuck, and everyone would get what they want - access to vidya for the long run.

So are these all the good guys?

I thought the damage for the Flashfield was decent against regular enemies. If you're talking bosses though, you're gonna want to spam Cerberus/Naga, or use the 1/2 tag clips in the second game.

I just remembered that I posted some skill ideas from another site, so I'll just copy paste 'em here:

- Electrical Code (2 SP?): If this skill hits a "mech" type enemy, GV transforms himself into a ball of electricity and takes control over the enemy.

- Surge Bomb (0 SP): GV chucks an electrical ball in an arc, and bursts upon impacting an enemy or object. No skill transition/pause to flow better with gameplay.

- Static Cling (1 SP): Allows GV to cling to and slide down walls for 30 seconds.

- Tesla Surge (1 SP): Enemies caught between lightning bolts from shocked enemies will take damage as well. Lasts 15-20 seconds.

- Dragon's Wrath (0 SP): GV slams his palm on the ground, resulting in bolts of lightning bursting in 5 directions. 20 second cooldown.

- Dragon's Flight (1 SP): GV's jumps higher and falls slower, almost as if gravity has been reduced. Air Hops and Air Dashes are affected. Lasts 20-30 seconds.

- Dispersing Scales (2 SP?): Allows GV to block energy projectiles with the Flashfield. Lasts 20 seconds.

- Expand Field (1 SP?): Increases the size of the Flashfield for 10 seconds.

- Dart Charge (1 SP?): Electrifies GV's darts, causing them to do more damage upon impact.

- Shield Field (1 SP?): Creates a barrier around GV about the size of the Flashfield, causing all attacks to bounce off and increases the potency of healing skills/items. However, GV cannot use the Flashfield to attack. Lasts 10-15 seconds.

Astrashield (0 SP): A variant of the Astrasphere, which surrounds GV with spheres that last until they get hit by a projectile or enemy. Cool-down is 20 seconds.

The flashfield is crap. In games like this one, you need to shoot and move, and keep moving. In the megaman, x and zero games, you could kill shit quickly from afar using charged shots, or with a sword at close range, thus not only do mooks die quickly, you progress faster. With GV, you have to wait while using your flashfield power for everything to die because your bullets only do scratch damage, while dodging enemy bullets and shit. Using your power slows your aerial movement. And if you overuse your power and burn out, you have to wait for it to recharge on its own. So much waiting adds up when you have to wait for each enemy to die, its also why copen is so much fun, because the game rewards you for constantly moving

Yet he's not as bad as Copen.

You got it wrong. The kids died from taking insanely dangerous work. It's Tenjian and Zonda that nearly died from food poisoning. Both by some miracle survived and this caused the former to ice-age his home city in a violent outburst over all the bullshit he had to endure. And earlier Tenjian's parents abandoned him the moment they discovered he's an Adept.

Well there were a lot of anti-adept movements in Russia, so her family locked her in her room for her sake and good.

Society is to blame. Their hearts and those of their pawns became twisted due to the bullshit they endured. This is what humans do with Adepts. In China they are hunted for sport, in Korea they aren't allowed to even have their own websites and in Japan they are turned into Sumeragi's thralls and guinea pigs. Considering that they also went evil due to their loved ones dying to humans then it's pretty understandable why they want to REMOVE HUMANS. This fosters a cycle of revenge. Humans discriminate Adepts due to their powers (nevermind a crushing majority of them have weakass powers like plant growth acceleration) to the point people murder them or do wicked things to them. Action causes reaction and Adepts too start to go extremist over it since their patience over these things wears off, causing them to lash out on the people that wrong them. This in turn strengthens the anti-Adept moves who do even more bullshit to Adepts and causes them to go more extremist.

Actually they turn weaponized only with the help of a glaive, a grimmoire or a falcon quill. In this form their powers skyrocket and any adept can have these things. Though only the strongest ones get them.

>Wanna hear something even sadder? one of the Director said that He was originally thinking Elize being GV new hub girl instead of Quinn
Wow. How would they make it that the other personalities wouldn't go full murderboner? Betting by fusing original Elise and dominant Elise while deleting psycho Elise. Or making the three personalities somehow live in a truce...

Man. No wonder he became an ass. He was Eden before Eden.

>“Right now, we have of course the Dragon Marked for Death updates that we just mentioned. Of course we’ve got IX. In addition to that, we have like two other titles that we are currently working on, one of which is shaping up to be a multiplatform release, and one I would say at this point the most likely situation would be a Switch exclusive. And then of course as we mentioned before, we have – although he hasn’t really done anything on it yet – we of course have Gunvolt 3 that Tsuda-san is thinking about in his head, so I guess that would technically make three other things that we are working on in addition to the Dragon updates and IX of course.”

is this release date correct? the game is stated for release a month later on amazon jp

If I wanted to get a physical copy I would just buy the jp release from playasia like I did with VA-11 hall A, limited scalpers can choke on my dick.

The latter.

>The only time the wait time got out of control was the Tribute games collector's edition. And they included an apology card with that.
Skullgirls too way too fucking long too, but that was partly because the devs struggled to get the game's final patch out, which they wanted on disc/cart. For like the one year delay they did include a pencil board for free as an extra.

That multiplat better be curse of the moon 2

That's the pre-order date, you'll have until next Friday to place your order.

Hoping that at one point they'll finally reconsider doing a Steam port of Gunvolt 2 if iX sells well.

That would be pretty cool but I'm not sure if Iga wants to work with them again.

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>Gunvolt 2
No need, retroarch can play it fine with a citra module

How much is it on eShop+DLC? Glad they aren't going 40 for this

He certainly shouldn't get them to do anything 2.5D, it's well established at this point that inti can't into 3D games. That said, I'm pretty sure Curse sold pretty well, it was highly polished and I can't imagine it was that expensive or time consuming to produce. It just makes sense to do a sequel.

>3DS version

Attached: 1474645744324.png (551x491, 261K)

you can easily emulate a striker pack rom, faggot. It's actually not as bad as you think

>like spritework
>want to get into it
>remember how unsatisfying the 1st game's gameplay was even when i tried it back then on 3DS
i dunno, this probably aint for me, liked megaman and zero games, hell, even zx games but this one just doesnt do it for me

>3DS version

Copen plays differently from Gunvolt and he's widely agreed to be a fuck ton more fun.

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Unironically play GV1 on hard mode. It's really good
Also copen is nothing like gunvolt. For a start, GV is a passive fag, copen isnt

I dunno, finished copen by emulating GV2 and didnt notice anything off
I did play GV1 on steam though

>“Right now, we have of course the Dragon Marked for Death updates that we just mentioned. Of course we’ve got IX. In addition to that, we have like two other titles that we are currently working on, one of which is shaping up to be a multiplatform release, and one I would say at this point the most likely situation would be a Switch exclusive. And then of course as we mentioned before, we have – although he hasn’t really done anything on it yet – we of course have Gunvolt 3 that Tsuda-san is thinking about in his head, so I guess that would technically make three other things that we are working on in addition to the Dragon updates and IX of course.”

What games do you think they're going to be/what do you want to see next from Inti?

>no DLC
>low res UI
3DS version is dog shit, no idea how I managed to stomach that garbage before the Switch version.

Curse of the Moon 2 and Mighty Gunvolt Burst 2.

>Unironically play GV1 on hard mode
Call me a casual shitter but part of what I didn't like was the score mechanic. And you're telling me to do hard mode where its gonna be even harder to maintain that.

>even harder to maintain that
you really are a casual shitter
In hard mode, you can only take a single hit. The next one will kill you. Under circumstances like that, you are motivated to get to the next checkpoint without getting hit at all
I played on hard mode, touched every checkpoint I saw, and didnt do many doubles/triples or other fancy bullshit, and I S+ all the levels with very little trouble. It was actually really fun

Fair points. Then again, as a pcfag, I have to take what I can get. At least I have copen's playstyle down, cant wait for his game on steam

Sounds extremely unfun then. I don't need that kinda difficulty, already got my challenge fix from FGs.

>what do you want to see next
A run and gun. Or maybe something like Strider, IIRC Osman was one of ASG infuences.

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>sounds extremely unfun
It would be, if your flashfield didnt kill everything in sight near instantly. Yeah, If you triple tag an enemy in hard mode, it will die almost right after you activate your flashfield. With naga, you can clear the screen very easily. It does need some practice and finesse though
What game? I havent heard of it

I meant fighting games in general. Its actually becoming a big problem because after 15 years of them, I just cant get motivated for other genres to the point other people do.

Thanks for reading my blog. Might try GV again on steam after seeing this thread, not on hard though.

So is this thread kill?

3DS has DLC, you just have to buy it separately

That's what I meant, no DLC in by default. Also can you even get the DLC while emulating?

Striker pack has all DLC included in it, so yes you can, if you emulate a striker pack rom

Oh right, forgot that was also on 3DS. But its still missing the other benefits.

Actually, only the Switch version of the Striker Pack has the DLC included.

I'd already preordered the LE and this tapestry, but it's good that this one is getting a physical overseas release too; I can't wait to hear the music, considering how GV2 nailed every piece.

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How the fuck does Lola have a physical body?

Power of the muse.


This release is not a part of the Limited Run Games Collection and is not a numbered release. We are distributing this title on behalf of Inti Creates for the Western market. Missing out on this release will not compromise a complete Limited Run set.

Best Buy may be receiving a small number of copies of this game with alternate cover art. Best Buy has the ability to not move forward with their order, as it has not been finalized yet. Wait at your own risk.

Power of the lust.

But she's still a robot, right? Isnt that female form supposed to be a holographic projection or some shit?

Yeah. I'm doing it for her.

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Who's lust? Copen?

Also, can someone link me to that art of copen and lola sleeping on a park bench?

Hers, Copen is murdersexual.

How's she so cute, bros?

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BMZ3 wen

You can load DLC on Citra; it just has to be decrypted like the roms.

Wait. So Azure Striker is supposed to be one of the most powerful Septima, right?

How tho. Comparing this to Nova or Teseo's ability.

Well, GV does defeat both of them. Twice.

I think it was said to be powerful specifically in the futuristic setting because it can interact with electronic devices. Sumeragi was also mainly looking to use septima as a power source.

It's pretty busted. Infinite energy, nigh invulnerability, can control eletronic devices and it's very, very efficient at killing things.

Well it seems to be basically be able to do anything.
Plus, it can be used as a power source.

about to get into the series
is the main guy still censored?

Attached: azure_striker_gunvolt1.jpg (854x947, 138K)

His midriff is covered up in the digital 3DS version of the first game. Otherwise, no

Well thanks for letting me know that I should never bother to engage with this series or invest any emotion into it.

scan when

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short sadomasochist with a napoleon complex.

>A little girl is an antagonist
What did they mean on this?

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that would be build the harem
jason is very loyal to his waifu though

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That children shouldn't have superpowers they are not ready to use.

Meh. Girls in Luminous Avenger don't have the charm of GV1 and GV2 girls.

This game looks interesting but I haven’t played anything from the series, where should I start? Which games are good?

Play the Switch version.

So is it explained how adepts came to control the world in Luminous Avenger? I'm guessing that it's going to be something like they were successful in purging most of the regular non-adept population at some point rather than alternate timelines. Basically, someone else managed to do what Eden wanted to do.

Do what says. The Switch Striker Pack has the first two games and all the DLC. Luminous Avenger isn't out until next month and the Mighty Gunvolt games are non-canon spinoffs with different gameplay.
The game's not out yet so nobody knows, but the popular theory is that it's timeline shenanigans. Xiao has a mysterious septima, wears a lot of watches, has the Muse's glaive, Copen is looking for something called the "butterfly effect" and Sumeragi is back despite being all but destroyed in the last two games.

>Copen is an asshole
>kills all the qts
>believes in his wackjob father
>believes he's in the right
>cucks gv out of a sequel

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Based Copen, not even letting adepts have their own video games

Attached: ASG to LAiX.jpg (1500x578, 309K)

You forgot
>has a more fun gameplay style than cuckvolt
>built his own waifu
>his suit and subs can break the game any which way
There's a virgin GV vs a chad Copen meme here somewhere

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No has done that in at least 15 years may as well do it ourselves
How jealous would be Eve when suddenly she has another 5 girls going for the Jason genes?
Julie/Lumen did not take it kind when her MC was being surrounded by adept or human pussy

>Ooh wow daddy, rare games, whoopty doo

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If it's an alternate timeline, I'd hoped that at least some of the characters from GV1 and 2 would return.

>they like zonda
>they like cute girls
>Oh, let's make zonda a cute traumatized girl, have her be the main villian, and kill her off permanently!
Fuck these fags

For real tho isn’t the fact that every single adept girls is a 10 out of 10 excepting Dresna who was a 11 means that nature want this things to procreate and multiply?

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So the "DLC on disc" doesn't refer to the costumes after all

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what does it refer to then? bonus levels? Extra game modes?

Mentally, all these adept chicks are complete nutjobs and are far more likely to kill you and their unborn babies than they are to raise stable families

Mentally, it's established in game that adepts are no different than regular humans. There's even adepts who were former humans who can confirm it.

somewhat. but not too bad
eve should know she has him for her own by now

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Should Elise have died?

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Seems like he wouldn’t hesitate to kill them seeing as they want to kill humans

>elise has 3 personalities-a coward, a murderous dom and a completely batshit insane psychopath
>Gibril is a sociopath who cares little about other humans and killed them slowly and painfully by draining their blood and if you mention her height, she'll gladly do the same to you
>Zonda is a 11 year old cult leader and adept extremist who believes that all humans need to be purged and even considers herself a god
>Joule and lumen are incomplete pieces of mytyl, who is very likely a brocon
>Desna can apparently see the future, and yet was stupid enough to go up against Copen
Dude, none of these adepts are standing examples of waifu material

quick reminder that jason and his doll are SHIT

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Yeah, and he didn't kill Weil. He'd try to stun them first (his blaster does have a stun setting for organics) and only swap over to lethal force if everything else has failed.

Literally the humans are fighting evolution especially Copen. They're coping that they didn't get the superpowers the new generation has. And it'll be hilarious once Copen has to face this truth.

>last few humans he fights for become adepts
>he himself starts showing hints of powers
time to lose it all

Most of the adept insanity we see are the results of humans doing shit to them. Being experimented on by Sumeragi and/or going through or multiple traumatic incidents as a child really fucks someone up. The only one who is kinda crazy thanks to being her powers is Desna, but she's one of the nicer adepts anyways. Also, most of them aren't even adults yet, so you can throw immaturity/puberty onto the pile of psychological issues + superpowers.

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No, he won't. X only ever kills when there's no more point for talking. He even tried to talk fucking sigma of all people. And he doesn't care if its humans or reploids or even adepts, he just wants peace

All of those excepting Dresna where mentally and physically tortured the fact that none of those has even a scratch on their Bodies further proves the made for breeding theory…
Now if Dresna where to go into mother mode whoever the lucky bastard end up being he would have a hard time getting out of bed and into work, it would require Spartan willpower, Imagine her using her foresight powers to have dinner ready exactly at the time you are getting home or to protect and guide her children, she is more than perfect mother material.
Julie was also tortured and shattered and even then she looked like a more than decent wife material.

Theyre cute therefore waifu material despite how mentally deranged all these people are.
Sure theyd kill you in a heartbeat but theyre cute!

>2 more days

That's just when the preoders start, the game doesn't come out for another month

Knowing Copen he would do some serious mental gymnastics and arrive at the same conclusion than Frank Castle “kill them all and them myself”
X is a retard look at how he dealt whit Wail, he punished genocide whit immortality,Not even Copy X could kill humans his plans for Ciel where capture her then nuke that base to the ground and let a human council decide what the fate of this girl will be

brb killing myself

>preorders start in 2 days
So does that mean a steam page for this game will finally go online?

It's not fair bros, why did he have to die? He should've been the main character.

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Assuming that a toaru esper = GV esper:

Accelerator would be an absolute monster, especially if weaponized, and would quickly become the most powerful adept/esper around. Dark Matter and Misaki would also be broken as hell. The others would be about on, or slightly lower than, the level of the bosses you fight, so powerful, but not unbeatable. And Touma would be the absolute most broken thing ever when up against adepts, but get fucked hard by powerful humans like Copen.

Attached: zondas.png (1280x923, 918K)

why is there so much Nova faggotry in these threads? The fag literally appears for the final level, as a final game boss with no build up, uses 3 glaives, proclaims himself god-emperor, and wanted complete control over every living adept in the world
Not to mention his actions in sumeragi such as keeping joule imprisoned, actively hunting adepts to send them to experimentation labs, etc

Like most of the fawning over characters, it's from background/side material, where he's painted as the "X" of the series (if GV was the "Zero").

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Okay so I looked into the details for the physical releases for Luminous Avenger iX.

Play-asia is selling the physical multi-language Asia release.
This release includes a download code for a "Kohaku DLC Outfit: Lolawear"
It will ship September 24th 2019.

Limited Run Games are taking open pre-orders for the North American release, from August 27th until September 27th, including the collector's edition, so no limited stock instantly selling out bullshit.
This release includes the DLC on the disc/cart, and is estimated to ship in October. It's Limited Run Games, so that's definitely not a guarantee.
Best Buy will apparently receive 2500 units of the Switch game only. It will probably have an alternate cover that will probably go on sale as a box without game later through LRG's site.

The LRG release looks to be better for just having the DLC on cart instead of from download code. I might even go for the collector's edition since there's no limit on them.

>The game's not out yet so nobody knows, but the popular theory is that it's timeline shenanigans
It's already been confirmed that some of the new characters from this game will appear in the inevitable GV3, so this is just a side story in the same universe as the first two games.

Because he was completely right about adepts. As soon as he dies, Joule dies to an adept supremacist and the entire country gets invaded by adept supremacists not much later. Not to mention the rest of the world being in chaos due to adepts. His was the most sensible approach, Gunvolt naivety led to millions of deaths at the hands of Eden. Also, the audio dramas confirm that he's not in charge of Stratos's and Elise's experimentation.

Where has this been confirmed?

Anime Expo:

Starts at 12:37

I'm still surprised they had the balls to have you kill an 11 year old girl. Also, I thought she was a better butterfly muse design-wise than Joule.

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I see, thanks.

So does Luminous Avenger prove Copen was right?

Copen has been right from the beginning

So how quick do you have to check out on LR games to avoid it selling out? How much of an issue are scalpers?

No, it proves that humans (which adepts are) are stupid.

>which adepts are
Found the adept sympathizer. White knighting for monsters won't make them fuck you, user. Enjoy getting massacred out in the streets.

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God i fucking hate limited run

>Meet Leibniz, he was also a tank driver who also had a waifu support droid, she died due to circumstances. Cue him autistically seething at the fact that Jason and Eve are successful together and wants Jason dead for that reason.

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They'll print as many copies as the orders they get. You have from August 27th to the 30th to place an order. You need to pay up front.

Reminder blade is actually zangetsu

Elaborate, at least from my perspective they're a necessary evil at worst, since if it's not from them then there's no physical version at all.

I bet it was copen who killed her after some dimensional bullshit sent him to the blast master universe and thought his waifu was an adept.

Okay, that’s not so bad. Still wish they were a little louder with their announcements, but at least they aren’t shady as fuck like Amazon can be with their limited product.

Guess I’ll set an alarm for the 27th, and in the mean time, I’m gonna knock off MMZ and Gunvolt from my backlog before this comes out.

Thanks for the heads up.

The problem with GV and girls is that they tend to load all the interesting girls on the badguys side. Like if the heroines were as weird, damaged, and fun as the evil girls, people would feel a lot less angst.

Attached: Ouka.png (1484x2759, 930K)

>Still wish they were a little louder with their announcements
I can agree with that, I'm the OP and even I found out about this by complete accident because I just so happened to randomly check Inti Create's Twitter account yesterday.

Well I’m glad you did. I thought this was going to get a normal store release and would have been pissed if I would have missed it. It’s one of the few games I was planning on buying this year.

No, it proved that humans are no different than the dodos. Kicking and screaming while evolution wipes em all out via genetics

Which villain character would have had the most interesting dynamic with GV if reformed?

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Nova = Pantera/Zonda > Gibril > Elise >

wait is the digital release out on the 27th too?

pretty much

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September 27th

Anyone know how much they charge for shipping in NA? I can’t find an actual price anywhere but a common complaint is that they are super pricey on shipping

It's $5 for orders outside of the USA, no way is it more than that within it.

Viper by far they could be the new X and Zero duo, next up would be Zonda having a good role model at last, followed up by Gibril because she wants GV to hit her and GV cannot understand why a girl thinks being hit is an act of love

Gotcha, dunno why I’ve seen $15 thrown around so much when it comes to their shipping.

Viper would be good bro/rival, better than Copen at least. Zonda would be a troll and cynic, but at the same time, a vulnerable and impressionable powerhouse.

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No, I'm actually retarded. Just checked and it is $15 to get it sent to the UK, no idea how much US customers have to pay, but I imagine it's less than that.

Viper is a good boy.

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Did a mock checkout, thankfully for the US it’s 5 bucks. Feel bad for euro’s though. 40 dollars is already pushing it considering the game releases digitally for 15. I don’t 50 euro bucks is worth it.

>actively hunting adepts to send them to experimentation labs
That's actually something he wanted to avoid. In drama CDs he laments Stratos's fate and says he wants to protect adepts like Jota from Sumeragi's other departments. In the Merak/Elise drama CD it's also sort of implied Elise would have had a less unpleasant fate if Merak had reported her to Nova first instead of the lab boys.

I think Viper might have been spared if he didn't spill spaghetti and reveal his inner /d/ in the fight. It had to have made GV's view of him switch from "misguided enemy" to "deranged pervert enemy".

retard my friend has my switch account bound to his console and its been like that for 2 years, he's played splatoon for way longer than i have using my account, and the only downside is that i gotta be connected to the internet to launch my shit (after which you can promptly disconnect)

Calling it now, at the end Xiao just puts all of the memories/powers back into Copen's sister, cue GV3: Suffer harder

It works for me. I've seen so much art, official and otherwise, of MM palling around with defeated RMs that I can easily accept the 'day job' slant in almost anything I play.
The drama CD of Merak and Elise playing an MMO helps strengthen the position.

The Switch version does away with the karaoke part of the 3DS release, so that's worth considering.

The powers will come back on their own. Glaives are unreliable pieces of shit, to say the least. Nova and Zonda could proficiently use their powers while sealed, Merak could use a small portion of his, and Stratos could not only use a moderate portion, but his glaive had a mind of its own and activated for him despite not receiving a release signal.
Sealed Mytyl is inevitably going to redevelop a portion of her powers, which will perfectly explain why Anthem continues to be unreliable.
GV1: Joule isn't physically present.
GV2: Joule has been reduced to a loli fraction of herself.
GV3: The majority of Mytyl's powers are sealed by the pendant glaive.

the question really just is how fucked up the ending of IX is, since this stuff has to be back there from the near start of GV3

Why? Can't handle the edge?

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I just want the vocal disk fuck limited run and inti for making it a "limited edition" thing

quite a few ways

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Is Quinn a good character compared to the other girls?

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>Limited Run
After missing out on Toejam and Earl, I'll never buy another game from any company that supports this bullshit.

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you kinda forget she exists sometimes

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She's not bad, but she's not as good as pic related.

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>Is she good for GV?
Yes. She's probably the best girl for him. Kid needs some normalcy and stability in his life.

>Is she good as a character?
She's boring and the story would do better with a crazier love interest. A lot of the girls are broken and have pretty dark and tragic backstories, which enhances their moe appeal in comparison to her; and really, seeing two broken people clinging to one another and overcoming their circumstances makes for more interesting (if not realistic) writing.

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>(if not realistic) writing.
Meant to say that it's unrealistic, as in, unrealistic for broken people to become better by clinging to each other.

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How much rage would there be if Copen is the one who ends up with a girl (a hot, yet tragic adept at that) while GV gets nothing at the end of the overall story?

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The new designs just aren't as good as the stuff from a few years back.

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I can't imagine Copen mellowing out enough to have any sort of positive relationship with an Adept, but I'm fully prepared for GV to keep suffering and have a really bad end,

do prefer the previous ones so far

Attached: chara0202.jpg (1440x840, 338K)

Other than Copen, nonadepts have always looked kinda boring in GunVolt compared to adepts. I think it's a design choice. 9/10 times, if a character has crazy hair and eye colors or looks brilliantly attractive, it's going to be an adept. Adepts just have this ethereal air to them, which works with their larger than life personalities and tragedies. Like Zonda is likely around the same age as these Mino kids, and look at her in comparison.

Attached: Zonda-Tenjian.jpg (1200x835, 607K)

>limited run
Oh hell yeah I cant wait to vigorously smash F5 in hopes that I will be able to pay three times the amount the game normally costs before scalpers get them and list them for SIX times as much on ebay, and then wait another month or so for it to arrive!

they just can't compare to adepts

Attached: chara0204.jpg (1440x840, 374K)

>before scalpers get them
The only limited thing with them is the window to place an order, they'll print as many copies as the orders they get.

Yeah. Zonda is the cutest kid, no doubt.

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Check Best Buy

I'm gonna have to throw Cyan in as well, because her GV2 design is exceptionally beautiful, ponytail especially.

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I don't have a Switch.

Get one

Zonda was sexualized, you mean. What 11 year old wears a sleaveless blouse and pink legging like that? Would rather be protecting her though. Just add some more elements to make her look more down on her luck. Minos kids look like background characters.

Attached: GV Muses.jpg (1280x668, 301K)

Waiting for a price-drop. Or one without the handheld gimmick.

Price drop

Get it, it's a good system

I know he hated her for what she did to Joule, but I wonder if GV ever felt bad for having to kill a little girl.

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So is this their shitty attempt at trying the Zero series, or is it their shitty attempt at the X series?

It doesn't help that Copen himself is not even that powerful the canon final battle had his sister talking Gunvolt because Copen is a complete retard whose brain stops working when an adept is in front of him

>t. someone who has never played copen
As anyone this this thread can attest to, copen has a really fun and fast gameplay and is miles above gunvolt, and arguably better than X and zero as well

Bass had a justified reason for being an asshole, Copen picks and chooses bits of his past to try justify his bullshit

So according to canon, copen beat anthem gunvolt? That is fucking badass

X then
Gunvolt fucking sucks

GV never feels regret for people he kills. It's one of the big criticism with his character. He goes to middle school during the day, and murders hundreds by the night, even some pretty sympathetic (but still justifiably murdered) characters, and isn't really effected by it. The only things that emotionally effect him are things that happen directly to him or his friends. The lack of remorse for his enemies is why people sometimes call him a sociopath, even though he isn't (he's just a very stone cold and professional soldier when on the job).

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No, his sister talked GV down from just outright frying Copen, he arrived after GV had dealt with Zonda and when he saw his sister down with GV trying to see what had happened to her he chimped out and tried to fight him, getting slapped in the process

I'm pretty sure he felt bad about Elise and Stratos, it's just that killing them is probably a mercy anyways.

People forget that the people he worked for were literal terrorists and he does feel pity for some of the adepts he kills, like with Elise

Thank you sharing