Game deals with manly concepts

>game deals with manly concepts
>protagonist is a woman

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>Game deals with human concepts
>Protagonist is an animal.

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i hate women
women ruin video games
trannies ruin video games

I'm going to need you guys to stop posting animal closeups.

Women ruin everything

>game attempts to handle deep philosophical concepts but is made by females and basedboys

>1. The most conveniently politically-correct and vanilla solution possible the offends nobody and can't possibly make the player feel conflicted.
>2. Kill/rape/enslave a lot of innocent people for no reason.
Looking at you, Bioware.

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>game attempts to handle deep philosophical concepts but is made by opinionated pseudo-intellectuals
>game winds up being nothing more but the devs on a soapbox strawmanning opposing view points and stroking their own egos
Looking at you, Obsidian.

Excuse me?

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>game deals with demonic rituals where virgins get raped by demons and then sacrificed
>lets you carry their decomposing bodies in your inventory

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but why

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every japanese game

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>game has children in it
>doesn't let you kill them

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>villain hinted at since beginning of the game is actually a harmless idiot

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> board deals with video game
> OP is a faggot



>mobilefag calling anyone a faggot

Raccoons are so cute.

how can you tell?

>Manly concepts
Such as..?

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rip rat :(

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