Leave GOTY to me

Leave GOTY to me

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I’m really sad that this isn’t the official box art. I wish they at least made it a reversible cover or for the deluxe edition.

yup, i have already collected my exlusive wepon

Attached: e0d48a4ee02af791d75adad4222095b3.png (1117x407, 192K)

1 - Lilith
2 - Maya
PS - Athena
3 - ?
Normally I'd just go with Siren but I think Amara's abilities look boring or just copied compared to old games. Who should I pick instead?

>Giving money to Gearbox
>Giving money to Epic
Disgusting. Shame on you retards

Attached: 5%.png (710x929, 304K)

>blunderborn cucked by overwank
>bordermemes 3 released 2 weeks after classic
randy getting a hate boner for blizzard

You forgot to say pic unrelated

That's a really good deal, no wonder steam is dying

That's why I got it on G2A

>epic exclusive
>trade secrets
>trans shit


Attached: Fr7_NlLa_400x400.jpg (364x364, 22K)

>That's a really good deal
It's a shit deal for consumers
>steam is dying
But that's wrong you retard. Pic related

Attached: steam.png (709x593, 68K)

I preffer to give more of my money to people that make the game instead of some fat faggot who does nothing. If i can help china in dominating the world while doing so even better, delaying it won't do shit anyway

>If i can help china in dominating the world while doing so even better

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PUBG? Tencent
GTA? 2k, partner of epic
R6? Ubisoft, partner of epic. tencent own some shares
Warframe? Owned by fucking chicken farmers in china(no, i'm not kidding)

Tik tok steamdrone

But the real box art triggers Christians, automatically making it better.

Too bad the game will be shit.


The robot guy.

>reddit spacing
>epic shill


You’re not even trying, Tim

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Only Reddit is backing this game. You retards stick out.

Imagine being this butthurt over people enjoying video games.

I'm pretty sure reddit is full on force against epic based on what is going on youtube. But i bet you know more about that than me

If you wanna see people being butthurt over vidya, go visit retardera

No thanks

>not on Steam
I'll sit this one out, guys

>not on Steam
>I'll sit this one out, guys
Really? THAT'S the part of this explosive shit-mess you have a problem with?
Go to bed Tim

Oh shit, I only have like 2000 epic points how can I get more?

I cant wait BROS. Feels good to be on the winning side of history, fuck Yea Forums

You really gotta explain your post, man.
I basically said it's a no buy, unless it comes to steam. And you're calling me Tim for that?

Fuxk you