Will this mark the end of Sony's dominance on the console market?

Will this mark the end of Sony's dominance on the console market?

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Not a chance in hell

what controversy?

It's just capecucks mad that that Spider-Man isn't going to be in future MCU movies anymore.

Disney wanted 50% of the cut for the Sony-funded movies instead of just 5% and all the merchendising money because Disney literally wants to control everything. Since Sony wouldnt budge Disney's decided "fuck it" and pulled Spiderman out of the Marvel Cinematic universe so that the obsessed capeshit fans would seethe and scream at Sony until Sony inevitably surrenders. I hate Sony as much as the next guy but holy shit why do people think fucking Disney is their fucking friend, its shit like this that will lead to a Disney-controlled cyberpunk dystopia.

What, why?

because sony said so

Sony tried to offer 25% but Disney refused.

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>Disney asks for at least 30%
>mfw Sony gave them 25%
>mfw Disney still said no

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>went from 5% to fucking 50%
Sony made a good call standing up to the omega corporation. What is making Disney want EVEN MORE money when they already have a shit ton?

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>Disney asks for at least 30%
They wanted a 50/50 split on the movies.

Why should Disney get anything? Jew bastards.

No fucking shit. The 30% offer was just the other day, slow poke.

My guess is they mostly want to cut into Sony's overall income. They're slowly pushing out all other film studios by making sure they have a movie in theatres at all times that's either capeshit or a nostalgiabait remake that people go to see instead of the other films. This means less money goes to the competition and they basically slowly starve to death. Disney probably has extra interest in starving Sony so that they can turn around and nab it or its Spiderman rights for cheap.

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They deserved it. Fuck Sony and fuck California.


When you have enough of it, money corrupts the mind and prevents you from thinking logically.
>I have so much money I won't be able to spend it in 5 lifetimes.
>I better get some more.

Agree, I side with Sony on this matter. Disney are authoritarian fuckheads.

Why do corporate kikes want all the money all the time?

Wait so it's Sony's character that they bought, Sony let Marvel use the character in their own films, Sony is funding the films, and Sony has been giving Disney a cut in exchange for their expertise and tie in potential?

And people think Sony is at fault here because Disney suddenly wants more money from Sony's movies about Sony's character?

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Capeshit is absolute cancer and it amazes me that braindead manchildren, utter retards and chinks will go to see the same movie over and over again for fucking years with no end in sight.

Disney's good at manipulating the public

>They deserved it

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Sony is easy to hate on because they've been making nothing but bad deals for years. Spiderman in the MCU was the only good one they had and then this happened.

Go dilate fucking snoy shill.

Pure greed aside, its the inevitable consequence of having shareholders. For shareholders to not make a loss on their investment, a company has to constantly be growing. That's why companies like EA and what not keep trying to find new ways to jew more and more money out of their customers. Because they need to grow because of their shareholders but have already got basically the entire world as their customers, they cant get many more customers then they already do. So only solution is to get more money from the customers they already do have.

This, people are stupid. I am really disappointed in my generation. They're the ones that started the obsession with capeshit, sjw culture and in general really stupid shit that only kids should be so concerned with.

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To boost their ego and literally nothing else. Not like they could spend it all anyway.

As bad as Sony is, Disney is fucking worse.

Disney would have made Spiderman a nigger, so meh.

God, capeshitters are so fucking pathetic

>Disney is fucking worse.

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Only a retard would think everything sony does is bad. And yet here you are going:
>I better prove this right

>What is making Disney want EVEN MORE money when they already have a shit ton?
They're bleeding money with their parks, Edge of Galaxy bombed hard and is a ghost town.

On the other hand. I'm kind if glad that spiderman won't be in the mcu. I disliked the way they were handling him.

by the time the game gets announced people will forget

The bigger the numbers the less important the money is. Once you hit the level of seven figure annual salary it is less about the pay and instead it is just a giant dick measuring contest. For this reason THE CEOs are so petty most of the time.

Leave it to Disney to weaponize soiboys. Watch them all side with the even bigger shitty corporation in this argument out of their addiction to their shitty capeshit movie universe.

That's dumb. So everyone else gets to eat shit because there's no money in the economy anymore, since the CEOs keep hoarding it and not spending it so it can be reintroduced into the economy, and it's all because they want to see who can have the biggest dick? Is that evil or stupidity?

Not really, no, as soon as Sony shines their new toy (PS5) these "fans" will forget about this and present their ass-wallets for Sony to fuck

Miles Morales has been a fixture in Spiderman canon for years now.

how do you like the new star wars films?

>lol look ma I posted that tofu may may online again

>Leave it to Disney to weaponize soiboys
Considering they're all-in on diversity, I wouldn't be surprised

Not that guy but I want Kylo and Rey to have hatesex

who would've foreseen that capeshit would spell Sony's doom, not their salvation.

>Be the CEO of Sony
>Tell Disney you'll give them 75% of the profit if they 100% finance your Spiderman Spin-off movie
>Make the Spiderman Spin-Off have the highest budget of all time
>Also make it the worst most unwatchable movie ever
>Disney loses all their money

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What exactly are they going to boycott?

Not buying their games? Cancelling the PSN membership? Not seeing Sony made movies?

Seriously, what is this shit gonna accomplish.

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They effectively killed off Star Wars franchise and drove away all the goodwill the few fans had with The Farce Awakens.
They pretty much turned him into Tony Stark's sidekick, which goes against Stan Lee's entire point of the character.

>still better than the entirety of the MCU

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Not only that but Sony has a 5 movie deal signed with marvel and their only two movies in to the deal (home coming and far from home). They get to use Marvel director Fiege but they might pull him now.

Lol, have people forgotten about this already? How much lead is there in the waterpipes?


You wish, bitch

>What exactly are they going to boycott?

Spiderverse counts as one too.

that'd redeem them a little...

why does her blouse bust open during the announcement

Sony still paid to produce the movies. That's like a €320 million investment. Sony doesn't get any merchandise money for any spider man characters toy, comic, tv-show - anything. They don't see any money from the avengers films either. So they saw €0 from infinity war and end games €4.5b profits. So they paid to make spider-man movies, and made money, which they would have done without Disney anyway.
So Disney are just being greedy assholes. If they didn't like the deal, they shouldn't have made it 3 years ago. Instead, they made it, and felt they could change it when the time was right, and they fucked up.

Disney has a loyal fanbase and a grip over many media sites.

The 5 movie deal included Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame. Far From Home was the end of the initial deal.

I thought it was only co-produced solo movies.

Fuck sony their Spider-man movies was trash tier until MCU and their spider-man games was trash tier until disney was involved on last game

It will, they already pissed off the Japanese, now they've pissed off us the US, it will only have Europoors and third worlders helping them and it's already looking like they're going to fuck that up with a high ass price.

Regardless of your opinion on the movie, Sony made more money with Venom than most MCU Spider-Man. This disagreement has not helped fuel the fires that Sony doesn’t need Disney.

>their spider-man games was trash tier until disney was involved on last game
The fuck are you talking about. The last game was the first Spiderman game made by sony.

>Raimi movies

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It's just business. They're currently in the process of offer and counter-offer and retards don't understand what's happening, all they think is NOOOOO SPIDEY NEEDS TO BE IN THE MCU MR STARK MR STARK
no chance in hell Marvel is going to allow Spider-Man to slip through the cracks. It's all just the deal-making process.


I can't say this applied to everyone, but Amy Pascal kept hinting that maybe Venom was a MCU movie, maybe not. They were using the MCU's pull to get people to watch Venom.

>Zoomers are in full soivercharge rage
>They start trashing on the OG trilogy
>They lack any argument besides "He looks old tee hee"
MCUcks are fucking cancer

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Yes, I think you're right. It's only when Spiderman shows up in the MCU.

>50/50 split
The thing is that this is just the box office revenue, Disney also wanted all merchandise and all profit made on the Disney+ release
Anyone with half a brain would had said no

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nah, people love sonys dumb story games. itll float around for a while but its already known that Sony (and MS) flub their sales numbers and buy their own stock.

The spider-man game sucked but for some reason everyone circle jerks it as the best game ever created. its no different than the garbage activision movie tie-ins from the early 2000s.

Sony Movies will get bought out buy disney or something along those lines. Sony doesnt have a tent-pole franchise keeping it alive and Disney is a super juggernaut.

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They evacuated actually good character from the universe that about to give title of Captain AMERICA to a fucking monkey nigger

is there any reason why people went strait to blaming sony on this when the majority of the problem was from disney?

and im talking about normies, not you guys since everyone here just hates sony in general.

As long as it kills Sony and the PlayStation brand as a whole, I'm happy. Sony, the PlayStation brand, and the Sony tranny Europoor third world fanbase needs to die off.

Thank fucking god.
They ruined spider with those movies character.


>he thinks this is gonna kill Sony and Playstation
Dumb Nintenpig.

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You have to understand, both the Millennial and Z generations have so many fucking soibois that are fucking obsessed with the MCU like a fucking cult, they are fine with Disney having a fucking monopoly control of the market if it means getting their fucking superhero movies, it's pathetic and disturbing

it's easy to hate sony

>is there any reason why people went strait to blaming sony on this when the majority of the problem was from disney?
a full decade of the MCU dominating American culture has indoctrinated millions of manchildren into thinking that Disney can do no wrong.

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Sony is a foreign company (kind of) and Disney has been pushing their propaganda platform for decades.

Same reason they shit on DC movies so hard (they arent good, but not as bad as people act), its just like with video game industry with console war shit. People for some reason decide a corporation is their close personal friend or substitute it for a father figure or something and then decide they need to defend it like their life depended on it and shit on all competition.

user it won't kill sony it's gonna empower them and people will seethe over it forever

Me too. I wanted to see Spider-MAN in the MCU, not Iron-BOY.

for who should I root here?

>they arent good, but not as bad as people act
At least Aquaman was decent and Captain Marvel (the real one) was pretty good. But DC should keep their focus on animated movies because they're way better than the MCU.

It's the reason leftists make Twitter campaigns to boycott billion dollar corporations because the CEOs are republican. All that matters is FEELING like they accomplished something.

It is, normies are pissed, people will now just buy an Xbox and Switch since the PS5 won't be worth buying. I predicted that Sony's arrogance was going to screw them up next gen, glad I still haven't been proven wrong. I advise you Sony faggots to be prepared for what's to come, we Nintendo fans and Xbox fans will not let you off until you're phased out of existence for how much you shitted up every single Nintendo and Xbox thread, this is a long time coming for you annoying bastards.

It's a pity both sides can't lose

The saddest thing to come of this is all the people who have come to the defense of either side of these two mega corporations, with Disney obviously being the more egregious of the two to be defending.

None. Both Sony and Disney are corporations who would sooner shoot you in the head than
give over any amount of their money for your life. Welcome to capitalism.

>Made a new deal not even a day ago
Unless they fuck up like the PS3 era again, they won't lose their strangle hold on normalfags
Sony always wins
People dickride the mouse and its products hard, even though they're just moneygrubbers. Plus in regards to spidey, only good thing in the last 10 or so years was Into the Spiderverse, people are more apprehensive due to venom and Amazing

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>disney cocksleeves seethe about company trying to protect their IP from being cannibalized by the most soulless corporation that tries to monopolize the entire entertainment industry

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*last 10 years of sony spidey


Sure user, sure. You said the same during the PS3 era "hurr durr there's no gonna be a PS4 because Sony is dead durr durr".

>haha Sony Pictures' dealings with Disney is going to kill Playstation
How are people this retarded?

the mcu movies were terrible.

How did Disney conqueror the consciousness of normies? The MCU is becoming a religion to these people. Are comic book movies THAT good?

Okay dude you can believe what you want people like you have been saying the same crap for nearly 0 years
Good luck coping and seething over sony winning

>Disney aggressively takes over Sony in the next decade
>they end up owning Aniplex too
>will be feuding with Netflix over fateshit and shit art online within 15 years
What a time to be alive

Now it's cool to hate on Sony, so the journos will do so.
See Konami, literally anything good they did was overlooked and bad things overblown out of proportions.

I hope, maybe that would force them to stop censoring games as well

>Are comic book movies THAT good?
Compared to most of them prior to Avengers, pretty much.
PLus they had a plan for it anyway, plan worked in the case of making this multiverse people loved.
Hell it pretty much popularised heroes who people didn't really know or give a fuck prior to the MCU versions

The MCU has jumped the shark at this point. Phase 4 will be an uphill battle like Phase 1 was, they retired all their good characters. Maybe they'll pull it off again but it's not certain like it was for the previous phase.

>Defendig Sony Pictures


They're like the LJN of the movie industry. 100% pure fucking shit.

Feiges vision sucks.

MCU Spiderman is more faithful to the comics than any other film adaptation

>Hasn't watched spiderverse
Good job

It's against Japanese law for Japanese companies to be bought by American companies. Microsoft came really close to owning Nintendo in the Gamecube days.
If Disney could buy Japanese properties they would have bought Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon years ago.

>watching cucktrash

X-Men and F4 are still coming up so they will be fine.

the only thing worse than capeshit are the people that like capeshit

Probably not, but it hurts Sony, and anything that hurts Sony is good even if their opponent is something as despicable as the Mouse.


Disney doesn't have enough money to buy sony retard
Buying spider-man back alone would cost them at least 15 billion plus it's extremely hard for non japanese companies to buy japanese companies

Here's a clip of the Guardians of the Galaxy appearing, set to the lovely tune Rubberband Man.


Pretty sweet. Now watch it again.


>nintentoddlers unironically siding with Disney

NOBODY likes the Fantastic Four.

>2 people said they will boycot Playstation means "FANS" as a collective
fuck you meg

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>oh sorry you can't buy us with your billions of dollars it's against Japanese law
stop believing things you read on the internet

Imagine having an army of rabid autists as leverage when making bussiness deals. Ones who DEMAND Disney simply purchase another company just so they can have capeshit movie #1835632

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I don't think anyone wants to, but the alternative is Disney, who is basically Sony but a billion times worse, a billion times richer, and with control over 50% of all entertainment. The best you can do in this kind of situation is be neutral, but I don't know how much that'll help.

am I the only one here who's never watched a Disney movie in his life? and I'm talking both old and new Disney movies, even as a kid I thought movies like Bambi and The Lion King were gay shit.

>15 billion
where the fuck you gettin this

They won't be in phase 4 will they? And audiences are sick of xmen.

Oh boy, I'm so excited for the fourth fucking Spiderman reboot.

the MCU succeeded by making a series of movie that are written by committee to appeal to as many people as possible. None of them are great but they all managed to be good enough that they attract normie fans, and those normies have become hostages to disney via sunk cost fallacy

Yes, as in any spider comic he sucks Starks dick all the time and Mary Jane is black.
And May is a 35 year old aunt.

Venom was kino. A bit raw and cheap, but better than MCU's Spider-Zoomer.
Raimi > 90s cartoons > Venom > Nigger-Verse > MCU > Amazing

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People like Dr. Doom the same way they do Magneto though

Venom is TAM2 iter shit.

Onionponys suck, but disneydrones are really retarded.
Disney is 100% to blame for that.

>Microsoft came really close to owning Nintendo in the Gamecube days.
That's actually wrong mircosoft didn't even get to talk to noj before they got shutdown by noa almost immediately

You can't have Doom in every movie.

>And May is a 35 year old aunt.
This one was good though.

I can name seven good Disney movies. Can you name three good SP movies?

Snoy is fucked, we all know the iron clad strangle hold gamers have over the industry.

A boycott means the death of a company.

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I'm gonna split your wig, cunt.

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Doom will be in the movies he sees fit to appear in

>Can you name three good SP movies?
Spider-Man 1 and 2, Spider-Verse and Spider-Man vs El Santo.

I never said shit during the 360/Wii era, Microsoft and Nintendo fucked up and led to Sony making a comeback. You guys also said this shit at the end of tthe PS2 gen and look what happened at the start of 7th gen. I hate both Disney and Sony and you know what I would have sided with Sony if it wasn't for the fact that they are just as bad and if their fanbase wasn't a pile of tranny ass corporate dick-suckers so to me, Sony dropping out of gaming completely and not even becoming third party would be the greatest thing to happe to gaming. Sony hasn't done anything relevant in years, it's better if they fucked off and take you reddit niggers with them, this place has been shit ever since you invaded it along with your resetera/neogaf buddies.

MCU fanboys only see it as
Disney = Source of MCU films
Sony = Problem that takes away Spiderman from MCU films
Really they should be licking sonys asshole for being so gracious to let them use Spiderman in the first place.

Damn son. How does spidercum taste?

Turning Spider-man into an /ss/ fantasy is the only good thing the MCU did. Marisa Tomei is a milf

Black Panther got a fucking Oscar nomination for god's sake. How the hell did that happen? Have our standards dropped so much that capeshit is now Oscar worthy entertainment?

Yeah it totally worked when people wanted to boycott sony Nf mircosoft and nintendo

Not trying to sound like an elitist faggot, but have these niggas watched a good fucking film in their entire lives?

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I don't know, can you tell me how does THE MOUSE cum taste?

>I can name seven good Disney movies.
No you can't.

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Nah, welcome to the Age of Capeshit

>Tony's sidekick
Tbf he was a Tony fanboy for many of the large events. He was sucking Tony's dick during civil war long before Disney came around.

>I can name seven good disney movies
Enjoy them before they become live action remakes and Disney hikes up the price of the originals to about 500 dollars a film.

I fucking hate Mickey Mouse though.

Did you get cancer from spider-man's cum like in the comics?

Reminder that Sony wanted to sell Spiderman a few years back and Disney said no.

>but holy shit why do people think fucking Disney is their fucking friend
Same reason why Sony fanboys treats Sony as their friend. They don't have any real ones

I wouldn't know i don't suck disney cock like you

The ratings for the Oscars have been terrible the last few years. They were desperate to get millennials watching again. Also the Academy was being scrutinized for not having enough diversity in their nominations.

>defends the MCU
>b-b-but I hate Mickey
Sure Minnie, sure.

Muh black pandering.
The movie was medium at best.

This, if you don't hate both companies, you're a retarded cuck.

Were you given a choice by the devil to either stop sucking spider-man's fetid cock for one more day or give up your future and you chose the latter because you're that much of a faggot for spidershit?

>shitty big corporation in feud with shitty big corporation
who cares, fuck them both and fuck fanboys

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It had niggers in it

Rampant jealousy is not a virtue.

>so buttblased he started to mumble dumb shit

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I'm not the one defending disney and their spider-shit movies user but keep on projecting it's good entertainment

You don't even have to change genre, Spider-verse is a fucking diamond compared to any MCU shit film

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wrong, because Disney said so.
don't be brainwashed by Disney the Jewish mouse, they've been pushing a bot campaign to have Sony accept their shitty terms.
Sony may be a shit company but Disney is the one causing this, not Sony.

Mate next time you're in a capeshit movie watch how the light of the movie reflects off the nearby walls on and off like a light switch, they've figured out some kind of subliminal messaging with how each shot is lit and the pacing of said lighting.

Yep, but is anything but faithful.

>Sony let Disney use Spiderman
>Sony is paying for all movies
>Disney only work in a support role
>still get 5% despite doing pretty much nothing

>now want a 50% cut while paying for half the production which is nothing considering how much money those movies make
>Sony refuse that offer and now have to deal with butthurt capeshit fags crying over Spiderman not being part of the MCU anymore all because business suits got too greedy

What Playstation should have done is try again with the Portable line. The only reason the Vita failed is because Sony had no idea how to market it and got overly greedy with the memory cards. If they just took notes of what didn't work with the Vita and what didn't they could have another hit on their hands. "But noooOOOooo" says Sony. "we have to chase the MCU audience and pander to every possible shitty trend in gaming." "We don't have time to fiddle with silly portable potatoes as we in our infinite knowledge are going to release a stupidly over priced piece of crap that has no games and expect people to buy it in droves at launch while alienating every one of our long time fans in the process, it's going to be great!"
And people wonder why the potato is kicking Sony's ass in Japan right now.

>Sonyshitter OK with watching a movie running at 7 fps


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I bet they would start breadcrumbing them in phase 4, then full blown action in phase 5.


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>Marvel: Creates Spider-Man
>Marvel: "Hey can we do something with Spider-Man?"
>Everyone: "OMFG DIDNEY!!!"

And still they are soulless pieces of crap with less cheesiness and more faggy "Quirky" comedy than any other flick before

Fundamentally Disney owns the character and controls it for everything but movies and video games, and normally one of the most frustrating things about modern capitalist entertainment is rights splitting money hatting bullshit so it's kind of automatic to think of Sony as the bad guy in this sort of scenario. But of course it's different, because Disney is actually the bigger, kikier company and its both fully possible and wildly profitable for them to play ball.

Mind you by being involved in these movies Sony is still fundamentally exploiting the favourable licensing terms they got from Marvel when they were broke ass to turn a profit based on the popularity of the MCU they didn't make.

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As a Nintendo guy Spiderverse was the fucking best.

Fucking easy to boycott a console that didn't get a single fucking worthwhile game since March tho.

Back in the days Sony bought Spidermans movie rights for 7 million USD.

They also got the offer to buy ALL of Marvels character movie rights for 25 million USD.
Imagine being the Sony executives who refused that offer back in the days.

Wasn’t it 50%, but they would also pay for 50%?

Still a shit deal though since they’d still have merchandising on top of that

Gacha also killed the Vita. They're free and keep you in a dopamine feedback loop.

>sells Spider-Man for a few bucks to Sony
>Marvel: can we have it back?
>Sony: no

>Disney wanted 50% of the cut for the Sony-funded movies instead of just 5% and all the merchendising money because Disney literally wants to control everything.
Disney already has the merchandise rights. Sony only makes money from box office returns from the franchise

Don't make me say it
I'm gonna say it

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>Capeshitters actually protest because The Jew CEO at Disney isn’t the one ruler of the world
You know, I think I understand why young socialists suck off big corporations like Disney.
This is very much like the communist revolution in Russia, but replace the Soviet Union with Disney.

>Imagine being the Sony executives who refused that offer back in the days.
it's not like marvel was going anywhere
under sony it wouldn't have boomed the way it did

>"Me eyes hurt Mr Mickey"

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Prior to the MCU these characters were worth less than trash.
Ironman was one of the most hated characters in comic book history next to Gambit.
Captain America was a literal walking joke.

lol Marvel created Miles way before Sony had any hands on it

You realize that if Sony goes down to Disney, Nintendo or Microsoft could be next on the chopping block?
what's stopping them from investing in the industry? What's stopping them from taking over every single bit of fucking media? Look at FOX, man, look at Hulu, they're pushing further and further into the mediasphere and anyone that tries to make fan shit or whatever of their product gets shat on by copyright because it's exceedingly in Disney's favor.
It may be Yea Forums shit, but Jesus Christ, The man himself would be rolling in his grave fast enough to power a city block if he saw what that corporation has become.

>Sony’s reign might actually end
>it isn’t even over video games
fuck this industry

haha dissney pls fuck x-men more haha

>Spiderman will now be part of Sonys VENOMVERSE

Audiences are sick of xmen the same (but not as bad) as they are sick of fantastic 4. They are tired of seeing terrible movies and sick of seeing the same shit over and over again. That's why no one wanted to see another spiderman origin story movie.
They are good, some great, but not worth making a cult over.
15 billion is a little high, iirc Sony tried selling Spiderman for 1.5billion before the movies started being made and Marvel/Disney no way fag'd Sony.

Hey its all good for me.
I guess we will be getting animated Spiderman 2099 instead which is cool.

>Ok you can have it for a while, but don't be a faggot
>We need more MUHNEEEy
>Fucking hell mouse


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spiderverse was an excellent spiderman origin movie and audiences adored it

it simply wasn't the same origin everyone was used to, it actually had a unique twist

>MCUfags bitch at SWfags when they complain that Disney Wars is fucked and tells them to deal
>now that the MCU is fucked suddenly it's ok to complain and everyone should care
Hmm. I'm searching for a fuck to give but I'm not finding one.

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Disney is also the main culprit of everything that's fucked in copyright laws.

good, let them both fight and tear each other apart.

They are shitting on the biggest evil, they are now ok in my book
>yfw Sony Pictures went from the emoji movie and bankrupcy to fucking up with Disney in just two years

>People were mad that the MCU spidey films would end prematurely due to this deal
>meanwhile Spectacular spider-man died for a MCU shilling TV show

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Bet you said there wouldn't be a PS4

Disney specializing in easy to watch, easy to digest content that doesn't ask anything of its viewers. They largely produce safe palatable movies that have just enough superficial differences between them that your average film goer doesn't get bored.
The sad reality is that most people actively chase the familiar. They don't want to gamble their time or money on things they're not sure they'll like. They don't want to explore complex ideas or be confronted with realities that don't mesh with their preexisting world view. They just want their clippable, quipable, colourful action romp that they can talk about with their co-workers on breaks about.

It's not subliminal messaging. Disney has just figured out a formula that works and they're using it to make bank off of peoples dependency on familiarity. Capshit is to cinema what hooks in modern pop songs are to music.

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noooo nintendobros sony is taking away our capeshit boycott them reeeeeeeee

>Warner Brothers
>Sony Pictures

Stand back, Donald. Looks I need to teach these upstarts a lesson.

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>Sony becomes the anti hero
I love this timeline

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>Sonyfags hate Mickey Mouse now


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How desperate for clicks must you be to write an article over 2 tweets and a fucking Instagram post?

Microsoft would eat Disney for breakfast and make them their personal slave bitch, they can't touch Nintendo, I'm fine with Sony's shitty gaming devision going down.

>meanwhile Spectacular spider-man died for a MCU shilling TV show

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Venom 2 - CARNAGE will make more money than Far From Home

its a mcutard what did you expect from a Disney corp worshipper

you in couple of years sony cant be winning again capeshit fans cant do shit and you know it

I didn't, I knew they would be since they made a comeback, I was questioning whether there would be another Nintendo console or Xbox after the Wii U and Xbox One released since Microsoft and Nintendo became retarded during that gen.

Why is Dinsey making everyone mad now?

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Yeah but it was way different. It wasn't peter parker seeing uncle ben die for the fifth time. It was also a good movie that had good word of mouth so people didn't see "spider man origin story" and roll their eyes.
Venom was great, easily one of the best capeshit movies.
Logan > Venom > Spiderverse > power gap > almost everything else > every F4 movie.
Has Carnage actually been confirmed?

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>it's another "everybody turned on Raimi-Man for no reason" episode

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Fuck Sony. Fuck them for ruining Japanese games.

I honestly didn't like spectacular spider-man even though it was a good show
Teenage peter and highschool drama just doesn't appeal to me

Is spider-man a racist!?

Sony is finished


damn how many times have I heard this sony is truly finished this time you guys

I can understand that as I think Peter is best as an adult but the show was so good that I didn't really care too much. It still has the best version of the Venom Arc as well.

Thus threadis full of sony fanboys lmao. Gtfo Ichikyo57 you fucking pedo.

Normies don't care about this shit. No one cares when the nerds get outraged. No one ever has.

For the 90th time this hour

>The fucked up frame rate
>That god awful filter they put on everything not in immediate focus
>Doc Ock
>Acknowledging Miles Morales' existence
>The pacing
>The fucking story itself
>Lol fat depressed classic super hero
I can't believe people thought this movie was outstanding. It's mediocre at best, like most capshit movies, but fucking headache inducing at worst.

>they can't touch Nintendo
Too bad Miyamoto is a fucking Disney fanboy

>sony's dominance on the console market

lmao, they lost last gen and lost this gen after xbox one x release, did you smoke weed before posting that shit?

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They mean LARPing PCJews trying to play divide and conquer as usual. Sony is fine and the fans are more loyal than ever.

Sony isn't winning shit, they've been too many bullshit things this gen that will lead to their fall next gen, this is small compared to what will really kill them next gen.

holy shit the delusion


Hating popular things doesn't make you interesting. Hipsters are not the final evolution of man. And most importantly; it's OK to unironically enjoy things sometimes.

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Had a friend on Facebook post how Sony should go to hell for not giving in to Disney’s ridiculous demands because it’s “disrespectful to Stan Lee”, and only some zoomer faggot retard would think a big company should put a dead man’s feelings before business.

noooooooo bros sony cant be winning again stfu pussyboy

I think you may have come from a parallel dimension. Check your Bearenstien/Bearenstain situation.

How can people like MCU Spider-Man? Spider-Man is best in his own films sort of like X-men. The rest of the marvel characters are literal whos nobody cares about and they have to rely on the entire Marvel universe to carry them.


I only like characters that are popular: The post

>thinking a notable number of "fans" boycott sony because they don't give in to disney wanting to monopolize and absorb everything
Only idiots would boycott Sony of this.

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>piss off weebs with censorship
>piss off normalfags with Spiderman
I'd love to see this bite them in the ass, but who knows what'll happen when the PS5 rolls around.

I grew up in a house hold with Disney vhses and bible vhses and star wars.

If I have to hear another sing along song of Disney I'll go mad.

I want Sony to keep all of the spiderman stuff

Hopefully spider-man (ps5) still comes out. Hopefully Insomniac wasn't bought just to do nothing!

don't respond to obvious bait

Didn’t Nintendo have to make two consoles for this generation?

idk, but i know that i'm playing on the console with the best graphics, best online services, best resolution, best sound, and very good games(will not say "best games" cuz i'm not hypocrite sonygro)

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This whole thread is bait. Fuck it.

This literally has zero impact on the games in any way.

I don't think it will have Disney+.

weebs and capeshit fans are literally the lowest denominator of fans they are cucks through and through and don't matter for a consoles success

>it's OK to unironically enjoy things sometimes
That's why I enjoy Sony shitting on Disney, fuck the MCU, I hope they pull off a The Last Jedi to make Marvel irrelevant

>What is making Disney want EVEN MORE money when they already have a shit ton?
Rich people and companies ALWAYS want more money. ALWAYS.
It's not enough that they're in the plus, they have to make more money this year than they did last year. This is why companies like EA, ActivisionBlizzard, etc. are pushing harder and harder with their microtransaction, lootbox, etc. shit

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200 dolla lightsabers

i hate this boyfriend beating cunt don't ever post her again

No one is going to waste $600-$800 for a PS5 especially when the Xbox Scarlett cost $400-$500. Price wins the generation.

Weebs don't matter. Japanese games fans do, which includes games like P5, exclusive to playstation.


If that was after Fox bought X-Men and Fantastic 4 and whoever the fuck had Hulk the rights to the rest of the Marvel catalog were pretty garbage at the time. The X-Men and Spider-Man were the only of their 90s cartoons to be successful and early 2000s X-Men and Spider-Man movies were what made Marvel capeshit movies even seem viable. Before that they'd all been massive flops.

It was only by committing a bazillion dollars to making a pile of movies simultaneously that MCU was able make Iron Man and Captain America into Marvel's top billers instead of needing Wolverine and Spidey for anyone to give a fuck.

Fuck Sony and Fuck Nu-Disney.

Disney is extremely petty. Are you forgetting about the whole sabotaging of Marvel Vs capcom infinite?

Xbox's brand is royally fucked by that shitty Xbone reveal. Sales should indicate that.

As a PC/Xbot, fuck Disney.
I stand with Sony.

Disney made the 80-90s movies they're nostalgic for so they ignore all the bad that Disney does now.

Plus the fact that despite being one of the longest generations out of any console yet they've barely got any games to their current consoles and now expect people to shell out money just for the chance of games in the far future on their new money sink box.

MCU fanboys are mentally ill.

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>Disney is the one who is fucking Sony over
>Fans boycott Sony games
uhmmm, what

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>doc ock bad

Attached: god i wish that were me.webm (1920x796, 2.82M)

What am I reading?

she's in the middle of her shinobi tenshin

Dumb toddler, stick to bing bing wahoo

>Are you forgetting about the whole sabotaging of Marvel Vs capcom infinite?
Fuck Ike "the kike" Perlmutter and Combofied.

Based as fuck. Thank fuck I hate Sony, Disney, AND Marvel.

Propaganda worked, now they'll just wait for Sony to bend over.

Except what he said is true. Spider-Man has his own world with characters and shit that just about everyone is familiar with, even without the help of the movies. No one knows any hulk villains, or black widow villains or Dr. Stranges villains or spouse or whatever. But everyone knows Venom, Green Goblin, Mary Jane, Daily Bugle. That’s why there are so many Spider-Man games but no Iron-Man games or Thor games or anything. There’s world recognition with Spider-Man. The MCU movies have changed things a little bit but the overall truth still stands.

Capeshit not even once. And what does this have to do with PlayStation anyway?

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They're not fans. It's paid Disney shills. This is all viral marketing to pressure Sony to budge.

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Everyone should watch this to see HOW DISNEY WAS IN THE 90S.


I went to one of these back then too

Will you watch Pixar's new movie?

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They were bad though.
Tobey Maguire was such a shit choice for Spidey. Should have gotten Topher Grace who actually would have fit much more with the character unlike this whiny baby.


>its ok when Disney buys marvel characters but not when Sony does it

figure it out retard, "marvel" doesn't exist anymore. Those are all Disney employees.

This. Evidence was even posted on Yea Forums of the same post calling out Sony, posted by account after account. So either it's a viral thing, or the NPC meme is legit real. Both possible I suppose.

has anyone actually beaten Disney or did they all bendover in the end? Feel like Sony is going to be forced into the 50% deal

>Boycotting Playstation games

How do you boycott that which doesn't exist?

Oh wait, are they boycotting netflix by not getting a netflixstation? But netflix compete against Disney.

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But Mysterio died

Even if you don't like them, they're still better than Disney's trash

It was similar to Nolan Batman, it's just the third movie was way worse than Rises.

>titled soul
>is actually soulless


Nobodies defending them. They're just the anti-hero of this story.

Well I don't consider Disney's size, wealth, or power to mean they have to act morally different. Fair is fair, they don't get a free pass, but they also don't get judged harder.

Marvel sold those rights for less when desperate, but they did desperately need that money. They made that choice, it wasn't forced on them. Disney bought Marvel rights too. Disney didn't make and popularize those Marvel characters either.

The MCU became successful and that has helped Spider-man movies now, but the MCU was helped by superhero movies that were successful before Iron man and the MCU in 2008. Superman, Batman, X-Men, Batman, Spider-man, the Incredibles, Megamind, and more movies were successful a few years before Iron Man showed up. These other successful superheros helped popularize super hero movies and show how to they could be done. It's a two way street, Disney got help and learned from others as well.

Would you watch a Raimi Spiderman starring Holland since Tobey is 44 years old now and Holland is still contracted?

Never, even the US gov have the balls to object them.

>Nintendo siding with Disney

Its pc or xbox or bust for disney games now

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>I fucking hate Mickey Mouse though.

The irony in all those jokes over the years of Walt Disney hating the Jews, now it turns out his company has become that very thing, it even swallowed up the network that has a cartoon known for making fun of the Jewish every now and then.


No because Raimi-Man 4 was supposed to be about Mysterio, Vulture and Black Cat.

They're still considered more valuable than Sony right now.
Turns out there's more to this business than selling plastic toys. Not that anyone here would understand that.

lmao motherfucker

>How does spidercum taste?
It gave me cancer.

What did they do?

Nintendo and Disney fans are basically the same thing. Blind loyalty from childhood nostalgia.

When will you learn it's never the jews the goal is no world religions

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Budget was reportedly less than SFV's DLC budget

some guy asked insomniac to put a marriage proposal to his gf in the game, by the time the game comes out she'd left him and got with his brother.

When somebody told her about it she said it was a dumb way to propose and she was glad she ditched him.


That as well.

Microsoft turned themselves around since the 2013 reveal.

I hate both so it'd be nice to see Sony die while weakening Disney.
If our fucking President would do something about Disney that'd be great, but I guess he's too busy fucking up our economy and sucking off Israel.

jesus christ reterd keep it short next time.

I'm a Donald Duck guy.

Who the fuck likes Mickey? Like actually like the character?

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Why have Pixars character models become so goddamn plastic-looking and generic.
Maybe plastic isn't the right word, but they all look like blobs. First time I noticed this happening was inside out.

No shit because its microsoft. Doesn't change the fact that they pushed out a shit product that consumers didn't buy

As if Snoy trannies don't suffer from the same thing.

>Disney owns the character and controls it for everything but movies and video games

No Marvel still owns the rights to Spider-Man for video games they've only ever sold characters for film use.

They cut X-men for MCU synergy.

Underrated response.

I used to be the biggest nintendo fan.
Their modern stuff sucks ass just like modern disney sucks ass.

Nintendo going to universal will make disney look like shit though.

It is the same with wwe but now wwe has aew to change them up finally.

These assholes need competition head to head for their entertainment.

Disney is bout to have this entertainment competition we are waiting on Nintendo

>bleeding money with their parks
being this retarded

>pushed the MCU versions of their characters
>no X-Men
>no Super Skrull
>no Shuma Gorath even when he's a Doc Strange villain
>more characters in the Marvel side than having 50/50

MvC 1-3 was basically the continuation of Street Fighter vs X-Men, and Disney decided to remove the X-Men and F4 from the equation because of the Fox thing and it pissed everyone off.

They don’t, there’s a reason why the playstation Classic flopped while the NES/SNES Mini were sold out and it isn’t because of the game selection.

They don’t. That’s why there are plenty of people that shit on the bad shit they do.

Oh, I'm not surprised now that I think of it. This one Marvel editor has a hate boner for X-Men because he's butthurt 20th Century Fox owns the film rights.

Or did he?

Because it’s meant to be used by faggoty weeb losers. It works.

Away with you Yea Forums, you're not welcome here.


Pixar hasn't been good in over a decade. Up was the last good movie they made, with Toy Story 3 being fine as a finale/send off to where they started.

>As long as it kills Sony and the PlayStation brand as a whole, I'm happy. Sony, the PlayStation brand, and the Sony tranny Europoor third world fanbase needs to die off.
Imagine being this anally devastated by Sony.
Sony has singlehandedly carried the Singleplayer huge AAA genre on its back this gen.

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No. Just give us a middle aged Spider-Man set a decade or so after Spider-Man 3.

They have?

Kind of looks like they've been shitting up the medium, and if unchecked would completely ruin it.

Sounds like Nintendo desu

They also became so Jewish with their property that EVO couldn't even get the game in their lineup (McRibs saying the game is dead is just a BS reason they gave)

>friend who's a huge capeshit fan asks me about my opinion regarding this deal
>tell him that sony was absolutely right to decline a deal that wouldn't benefit them in the slightest
>he throws a fit, acting like it was Sony's decision to cut Spiderman out of capeshit universe

Sheeple are actually real


Sony pissed me off this generation but you're a retard if you're actually defending Disney of all companies.

>being racist unironically
Seethe wh*te boi

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I never watched the new movies.
1994 Spiderman cartoon ftw. Fuck the rest.

Nolan Batman sucked and ruined Batman forever.
Batman TAS had the right idea, it tooks itself seriously but not too seriously if you know what I mean. It still was aware that it took place in a fantastic universe somewhat.
It was about the stories and the storytelling itself and not too much about the characters. The balance was much better

Now it's all
>"Muh dead parents waaaaaaaaah"

Even Joker not being able to kill was a blessing in disguise unlike today where people complain about how if Batman killed the Joker(and other villains) then he would save so many human lives.

Even Adam West Batman(which is really the only original Batman compared to the rest of the shit which is a rip-off of The Shadow) is better than this cringey Modern Batman we have now.

Compared to what, retard? Look at what Microsoft was doing with the Killer Instinct. Paid characters. Is that what is acceptable these days?

Western Mickey Mouse sucks. But Japanese Mickey Mouse is based. Funny how that works.

Attached: They'll pay for this.jpg (1920x1080, 183K)

Beats buying a whole new game just to play as the bosses, like Champion Edition.

Killer Instinct was very soulful. Especially the music. I've yet to hear one good song from a Sony exclusive. They don't care.

>The fucked up frame rate
This is how I know you are full-on retarded.

who gives a shit about low iq mongrel mouthbreathers who unironically watch marvel movies on purpose

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>Sony has singlehandedly carried the Singleplayer huge AAA genre on its back this gen
And this is a good thing? How about making single player video games instead of single player movies.

You should watch this movie user, it even has Adam West as Batman.

I like Mickey. I prefer his earlier incarnations before they made him too goody goody though.
Donald Duck is cool. Goofy was always my favorite though...before they ruined him in the 90s with Goof Troop and A Goofy Movie that is. Max was a little shit.

The Mickey-Donald-Goofy trio cartoons were KINO.


At least it's fucking fun, Sony is bending over for gaming Journalist to completely remove fun from games.

That one was about Miles mainly. I meant a continuation of Tobey's Spider-Man, so Spider-Man 4.

Oh fuck no. KH Mickey sucks.
KH fucking always treated Disney characters like shit.
I hate what they did to Donald and Goofy in particular.

the guy was just buttering up to Marvel Games as best he could. He worked on the Spider-Man game now so obviously it worked.

The biggest issue is that Sony never makes good movies, where as Disney at least makes good movies.

If Vemon was a GOAT movie instead of absolute ass, people would care a whole lot less.

>Goofy was always my favorite

We all go a little Goofy some times.

Fuck off back to r.eddit

>yes, paid characters is the future
>why yes, i buy games so i can hear the music in it thank you
The mind of the Zoomer. I sight to behold.

>Not noticing how Miles got substantially smoother as the film went on
>Not noticing how Peter was animated consistently smoother than miles
>Not noticing how he was animated at a higher frame-rate when he became spiderman
Brainlet and faggot

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>muh zoomer boogeyman

Good fuck Snoy. If the capeshit fans want to boycott those Cali faggots then by all means let them

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>Iron Boy cgi shit

I hate superhero movies but I put on Spiderverse while banging a chick and it was hard to not watch the movie lmao

That was the quote from one man. At least he's a developer but what has Reggie ever developed?

Is it con-troversy or contro-versy?

>PS5 is DOA

sony is going down. hard.

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Disney owns Marvel, user.

>Gravity Rush 2
>God of War
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Last of Us
>Persona 5
>Gran Turismo Sport
All of these games have way better soundtracks than literally any game you can name.

Anything that isn’t open world is a movie to you retards.

Noir movie when?

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>Buddy comedy action movies made for a general audience
>Booty ass films made for people who drink shit

Granted I've only seen Guardians and the Thor Movies

Disney didn't hate Jews. He hated communists.
He opposed Herbert Sorrell and his (((Unionists))).

Jews took over his company after he died. It sucks.

It's always the Jews.

It's true but don't let them hear you say that.
Because quality is waved off as nostalgia these days.

Peni dating sim when?

Season Passes are unironically the best thing to happen in fighting games though.

It's a powerful quote that Sony should learn from, a game that isn't fun is worthless.

Champion Edition is older than you and you're calling me the zoomer, zoomer?

No they don't. Your impersonal hatred, sheepish adherence to corporations and poor taste in music leads me to the conclusion that you are a very boring person.

Good fuck sony I'll never be able to play cybersluts or Royal because I don't want to buy a PS4.

>4 bitches crying about it on twitter
Jesus christ . Whats wrong with gayming journos

It’s okay. The Guardians of the Galaxy movies are the only good movies in the MCU.

I can only count 5 good movies Pixar ever made
Toy Story 1
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Monsters Inc.

That's it

>Disney's decided "fuck it" and pulled Spiderman out of the Marvel Cinematic universe
i thought it was sony pulling Spider-Man out of the MCU,

Sony only seems to know how to make one type of game now.

Even Meet the Robinsons was better than fucking Cars.

There's like only three games on this list that are good and they're all Japanese, also GTS sucks.

user I just lost a little bit of respect for you.

>here i present the zoomer generation with the first ever dragon ball fighter gacha

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Not soon enough, that's for sure.

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It's a quote niggers like you misuse. "We don't use fun, we want it to be engaging".

>Your impersonal hatred
For what?
>sheepish adherence to corporations
I don't.
>and poor taste in music
Post some big boy.
>leads me to the conclusion that you are a very boring person.
Nah, I tend to be the center of attention so quite the contrary. You, on the other hand, seem like you dislike everything like a true contrarian so I believe you are just projecting yourself onto others.

>He has a fantasy of being a girl who gets fucked by a BBC

Animation looks like shit.
It looks like an annoying retroploitation.

Cant Disney just buy sony

Then why are Nintendo and Microsoft's games fun and Sony's isn't?

That would be you. I have zero cuckold porn on my computer.

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It's hilarious that Disney is objectively the bad guy here, but capefags are to retarded to realize that, so they blame Sony.

>Meet the Robinsons
Meh it wasn't

Cars was a good movie. Don't give a fuck what anyone thinks.
I'll watch Cars anyday before ever touching that garbage The Incredibles.

Sony is what made capeshit popular with the Spider man movies. Without Sony there would be no MCU. Learn your place, zoomer.

>aunt May is a Milf
>Daddy Stark
>black MJ
>his best friend is a fat chink
>no spider-sense
>his AI does everything for him instead of him coming with the smart solutions
>no mocking over villians
MCU spider is terrible.

This will last for all of a week before people forget about it.

100 of what? Dollars? There's no fucking way.

Because you're a nigger. Funny how games Yea Forums once shit on are must plays if they leave sony exclusivity.

Nu-DC animation feel so uncanny in general, the art was there, but the animation feels janky.

What the fuck is wrong with disney

>mother and son relationship

lmao this is exactly what I've always thought everytime I've seen one of those reddit manbabies who try to force their girlfriends into video games and keep making video game themed proposals, video game themed parties, video game themed everyfuckingthing.

N-no! Sony is broke, only Nintendo has money!

Yeah ok I don't buy that Disney is worth that little for a minute.
They're giving false numbers to pay smaller taxes.

uhhhhhhhh, user how do transactions happen? one party offers money and the other says yes or no. sony can just say no.

Well at least you stand up for what you believe in. A little respect gained back. Good day user.

are there people actually boycotting sony? i don't see it

Sony will buy Disney.

Attached: 1566263491715.png (922x809, 1.05M)

I swear you dumb zoomers have no idea how this shit works.

I think they'll notice something is missing when the next Avengers movie comes out. kek

>Two companies I absolutely hate with all that's left of my blackened and lacerated soul fighting each other
>Hopefully to the death

Attached: source.gif (496x360, 545K)

If Sony's games weren't exclusive they would sill be shit. The only two games I liked from them this gen were Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2, I doubt either will get sequels.

holy shit, my brain broke trying to figure out how any of that worked - only to realize I overlooked the trillion under Sony
I need to do something about that

>This will last for all of a week before people forget about it.
The saddest post ITT. A heartbreaking commentary on our societies attention spans.

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DOes it only apply to US companies? Because China owns SNK.

>Nolan Batman sucked and ruined Batman forever.
Batman survived Batman and Robin, it'll survive this.

It'll take a while to recover from WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME, though.

Aren’t you forgetting about the raid MCU fans are planning?

Seethe bitch. I will play MS games on PS5 with gamepass.

>TFW Bandai/Namco could've bought Marvel when it's brankrupt for 100 Million
>they easily had the money for it but passed it
>Disney now shitting out marvel garbage like no tomorrow
It would've been great for us and them but whoever passed it were retarded. So many opportunities and potential, gone. And Bamco is trying to secure as much Japanese licenses as they can

>a bunch of overweight nu-males who've never lifted anything above 5kg and cry over movie trailers
Oh no I'm sure Sony is shaking in their boots.

>they've been pushing a bot campaign to have Sony accept their shitty terms.
The fuck are you even talking about? Sony is asking for 10 times the money while trying to weasel their way out of production costs. There's been absolutely no indication that Disney is being shitty this time, which is rare and shows just how fucking retarded and desperate Sony is.

>playing streamed games on a $600-$800 console
>thinking Sony will say yes to Game Pass when PSNow exists

>Sony is asking for 10 times the money while trying to weasel their way out of production costs.
What twitter timeline do you get your fake news from?

>black MJ

Who gives a fuck about MJ though? Seriously most continuities had her as a trash tier girlfriend.

The only thing annoying about MCU spiderman is daddy stark because they keep beating the dead horse.

Are Sonyfags trying to change the narrative again like they always do?

Once MS promises to go third party they will.

>Who gives a fuck about MJ though
a lot of people
why do you think people bitch about OMD so much

>Compared to most of them prior to Avengers, pretty much.
let's be real: marvel's capeshit is equally as cringeworthy as schumacher's batnipples movies were. the only difference is that nu-males didn't exist yet in the '90s, so those movies were universally ridiculed.

At least Disney is an American company, I will support them over racist chinks any day.


>marvel's capeshit is equally as cringeworthy as schumacher's batnipples movies were. the only difference is that nu-males didn't exist yet in the '90s, so those movies were universally ridiculed.
no they fucking weren't, have you actually watched Batman and Robin?

according to a quick google search it doesn't apply at all. there are certain sectors related to national security that require foreign companies to undergo investigation before acquiring more than 10% of a japanese company.

Jesus, I side with Sony on this one. Also, fuck cape shit.

They're not, they already confirmed no more games are being made on other consoles except the Xbox, you can only play Xbox games natively on Xbox and PC. when it comes to Game Pass, Microsoft wants to merge it with their streaming service so if that does appear on other consoles it will be streamed.

/toy/ here, fuck Disney. They literally fuck every toy company in the ass with their licensing and royalties model; which basically puts every toy maker in the red. The reason toy makers take the bait is because they need to stay relevant and end up doing stupid shit like the Star Wars licensing deal.

Sony a shit but I'm not touching or supporting anything with that rodent's jevv infested carcass

>nu-males didn't exist yet in the '90s,
The 90s is where they were birthed though.

I honestly didn't know what to think about Cars back in the day and I found it kinda annoying how much it was marketed and shit.
But then one day I watched it on TV when I had nothing else to do and I found it to be a pretty good movie.

I like how most of the movie takes place in this remote rural town. I especially like the comfy night atmosphere when Lightning McQueen first arrives in said town. The characters are funny and likeable. It's just a relaxing movie.

And I really liked the ending how Lightning does the right thing and helps the former champion in need instead of trying to win the race. That was pretty cool.

Funny thing is majority of my top 5 were directed by John Lasseter himself and the rest I don't like were usually directed by other people.
I haven't watched all Pixar movies though. I never watched A Bug's Life and I stopped watching Pixar movies after Cars except for Toy Story 3(which I liked it ok) and Monsters University(which was disappointing).

So that means no Ratatouille, no Up, no Inside Out etc.(I did play the Ratatouille game for PS2 though and I remember enjoying that quite a bit)

>"""Fans""" AKA Capeshit movietards boycotting a game system probably only half of them own because Disney is a greedy monopoly and Sony wasn't having any of it
Yeah I'm with Sony on this one, fuck capeshit and fuck Disney

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Based. Fuck Sony and FUCK capeshit

The Jews fear the samurai

Sony made capeshit popular while Marvel was an inch away from death and DIsney didn't give a fuck.

>Supporting stuff based on country of origin
Die for Israel then faggot. That's all your country is worth anyway

This MJ is great and their romance is "awkward first teenage love" and it's fucking adorable. Just don't think about how you will never experience that haha and you'll be fine.

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Batman has survived for 80 years now.
It's not a matter of surival.

Admittedly I don't keep up too much with Batman or capeshit anymore so you'll have to explain this to me

Because we thought things wouldn't get more retarded than Gwen Stacy cuckolding Peter with the Green Goblin and having his children, who grow up and attempt to kill Peter because REASONS.

I hope spiderman ps4 releases soon

Both companies suck, but Sony just sucks. Disney is actually the worst thing humans have ever created just below Tencent.

A Bug's Life, WALL-E and Up were good, not as good as their earlier movies but I consider them the last good ones Pixar made. Everything after is forgettable and boring.

Batman vs Superman.
Batman doesn't know that both his and Superman's mom have the same name, leading to much autistic yelling.

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I would absolutely waifu Toni Stark.

Fantastic. Everyone on all sides deserve to lose. Sony, Disney, and their retarded fans. It's rare to find such a perfect storm of schadenfreude.

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All these years of seeing Yea Forums shit themselves saying Sony would die any second now and then this. The Playstation just like the Xbox doesn't ever have to go anywhere. The stupid will only rub off on you if you stay here for too long. You people are a bunch of fucking clowns goddman.

>America: Then & Now

>MS said
lol, they say a lot of things. Observe their actions.

>I hate Sony as much as the next guy but holy shit why do people think fucking Disney is their fucking friend
for the same reason nu-males also think nintendo is their friend. childhood nostalgia matters more to them than quality, facts, logic, or what's best for them as a consumer.

Face it tiger, you just hit the blackpot.

What they said makes sense.

Feels good not giving a single shit about capeshit.

capeshitters deserve the rope, imagine seething over this shit
it's not like the Spider-twink movies were good or anything
based Sony, please do not cave in, let these faggots drown in their own tears

> fans

hahaha, more like a bunch of shitty twitterfaggots that pretend to be fans.

Disney should get the Marvel guys to make a live action Dragonball movie

>Disney is an American company
Not anymore.

Name one time sony wasn't the good guy in the story. You can't

The Chad Disney vs the Virgin Sony

>Batman doesn't know that both his and Superman's mom have the same name
Wait what?
Even I didn't know this. But then again I don't know any of their parents names.


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>now sony gets 100% and disney gets 0%

>live action Dragonball movie
Nigger don't you remember what happened last time?

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>They lost last gen
Didn't the PS3 end up outselling the 360 by the end of the generation?
>lost this gen
PS4 is still outselling Xbox 4-1 and Switch like 2-1
Also, the biggest, most successful games this generation have either been Sony exclusives are Multi-Plats that sold majority on PS4

There's shitposting, and then there's just being retarded.

Just wait till sony gives in Disney will come ahead in this one.

Yeah it was terrible, beyond terrible but that doesn't mean it can't be done.

>Use the source material as a framework, not an absolute
>Expand side characters and the total dragonball universe
>build a cinematic universe around that framework

You wouldn't want to even mention Goku at first. Youd want to have the first movie show that, while yes it's based on Dragonball, no it's not the exact same shit but live action.

Maybe they could make a Yamcha movie, based around his time as a thief in the desert. Introduce some smaller characters from the show and keep the story original. Have a kid Goku post credit scene

>Didn't the PS3 end up outselling the 360 by the end of the generation?
Means jackshit. PS3 only did so after the generation was over.

>but that doesn't mean it can't be done.
Trust me, it CANNOT BE DONE.
It's bad enough that we're plagued with this recent deviantart-tier fanfiction sequel that is DB Super.

DB should just stop for the love of God. Fucking Mexishits and Burgers are such shit-eaters.
DB stopped being good after Freeza.

Just let the franchise die in peace.

You're already using sales as an arbitrary yardstick to define which console "won" (which would be the wii btw, 360 came last), now you're putting arbitrary time limits on it as well? top kek

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Retards thinking that PlayStation has anything to do with Sony Pictures.

What? are you fucking retarded. The current Split is 90/10 for the movies favoring Sony. In exchange Disney gets 100% of ALL MERCH and their fucking theme park sales at the spiderman shit. They wanted to keep all of that AND make the movie 50/50. They then would've sued Sony and gotten control of Spiderman since the have room to argue they own more of the franchise and continue the monopolization of media they have already built.

fucking idiot

>Animation looks like shit.
It looks like one of those straight-to-VOD Scooby Doo movies that they keep pumping out.

this is Yea Forums so what do you expect?

Probably not, considdering that the PS3 being a $500 paper weight and then the censorship fiasco didn't really hurt them at all...

They could go on social media and call all their fans a bunch of niggers, and their profits would still go up.

>Maybe they could make a Yamcha movie, based around his time as a thief in the desert. Introduce some smaller characters from the show and keep the story original. Have a kid Goku post credit scene
so, in other words, slow the pace of the story to a crawl and trap people into an endless treadmill of mediocre movies instead of just making one really good movie? sounds about right for disney and marvel.

Dragonball should have ended with Vegeta killing himself to kill buu

It's crazy that people love these Marvel movies and Disney so much that they completely ignored how it's mostly Disney's fault anyway.