What makes this game so much better than dark souls?

What makes this game so much better than dark souls?

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Nothing. Literally.

Focused on a single theme instead of being about a huge world with many nations and shit.
Removed the boring mechanics such as equip load and added fun things instead like Rally and weapon gems.
Every weapon has more versatility and can be used in different ways if the situation so requires so you're always adapting and changing instead of being funelled into a single strict playstyle due to your equipment.
It's also one of the most artistically pleasing games out there with lots and lots of secrets.
I'm on my sixth playthrough and still finding new things.

It's a Sony exclusive. What else do I need to decide whether a game is good or not?

Fast combat that rewards power and aggression over waiting and counting.
Doesn't rely on death-trap levels and swamps to make some areas difficult.
Chalices aside, bosses are all fun, even the shittier ones can be rushed down and gotten over with before they become too much of a pain. You can't say the same about Bed of Chaos or Yhorm the Giant.
Plot is more interesting than never-ending cycles of Dark and Fire.

That said, I wish it had more unique starting classes that give different weapons and armor. It makes starting the game for replays a fucking slog.

This. Great game but only after you take the Dlc into account
>very short base game
>chalice dungeons
Probably would have been my least favorite out of DeS/DS/BB if played on release.

Nothing really. People just really liked the setting and trick weapons.

Also it was one of the first PS4 games that wowed people with muh gwafix

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Nothing. It does certain things better and worse than Dark Souls (assuming you're talking about the first one).

Dark Souls 1? Literally almost everything. Music with real instruments and musicians instead of midi and samples. Faster combat. Better weapon movesets. Better enemies. Better bosses. Better level design. Better atmosphere. A story that actually feels conclusive. Better balance.
Dark Souls 1 has better world design and more variety, and that's it.

for me, its..

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>Better weapon movesets. Better enemies. Better bosses. Better level design. Better atmosphere.
Wrong on literally all accounts.


Did you..play the game? This sounds like something someone who hasn't played it would say.

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it's the only ok no as much cinematic exclusive on ps4

Because the game's theme is a strange mix of England, Lovecraft, Van Helsing, and also a good heaping of medicinal themes that make the game quite unlike anything that has been made before or since

game has style.

Because it has a Nick Cage parody boss. I like the idea of someone at Fromsoft watching
>not the bees aaaaaaaahhhh

The setting

Dark medieval fantasy is played out as fuck. Victorian london setting with werewolfs and ayy lmao's has much more untapped potential.

The fact that it's a playstation exclusive and snoys have something to shitpost about

It is objectively correct on all counts.
Dark Souls bosses have less moves, no phases, less health, etc.
Dark Souls enemies have less moves, a more plain design, and they're less threatening thanks to how broken the game is due to poise/shields/ranged/etc.
The movesets in Bloodborne are better as you can often expect to use it least 6 moves in 2 stances, (light, heavy charged, and trick attack), whereas Dark Souls 1 actively punishes you for using anything but essentially spamming R1 stunlock (while BB has no stunlocks).
Dark Souls atmosphere often comes off as generic and the game is often so barren and incomplete, it comes off as bad. Levels like Great Hollow, Valley of the Drakes, Izalith, and Demon ruins just come off as barren and incomplete. Things like Crystal Cave just come off as totally failed concepts. Furthermore, there is nothing in the game that comes close to levels like Hamlet, Byrgenwerth, Upper Ward, etc.
More of the same for levels design except Dark Souls 1 simply has completely fucked up levels (literally every one mentioned above) that are far worse than BB's absolute worst levels.

>It is objectively false on all counts.

Guys I started a playthrough today and I got absolutely bodied by Amelia. I've literally never struggled with her in any of my multiple previous runs, but I legit spent like 2 hours fighting her before I won. Do I have alzheimer's?

Git gud.

Attached: Bullying Amelia.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

>Only on Playstation.

No arguments? I didn't think so.
This isn't even bringing in additional Dark Souls 1-specific flaws, like absolutely dogshit mechanics such as poise and broken backstabs. Regular shit like shields and ranged just breaking the game in half. Kick literally not doing anything. Hit-stun of weapons tied to upgrade level for some stupid reason, etc.

>no variety
>no pvp
thats an oof and a yike

There's nothing to argue, when something is objective.

That's usually what happens! It's like she went fucking super saiyan I swear to god.

This is an interesting way to save face, but I guess if you mean I'm objectively correct, I guess we agree.

They cut down on the filler and focused on what From Software does best.

Same as Sekiro.

>It's also one of the most artistically pleasing games out there with lots and lots of secrets.

Playing this game for more than an hour used to give me headache and nausea

You should go see a doctor.

Bloodborne it's not Victorian idiot. It's Eastern European Neo-gothic, mixed with light cosmic-horror.

Blood Vials are good after like the Witches, Old Yharnamn and Vicar Ameila. Before then it felt really tedious to replenish your stock and farming for blood echoes wasn't even that good of an option either. The whole Estus vs Grass/Vial system goes both ways, they can balance the game around Estus or a system where between the bonfire and boss you replenish your health stock. So BB has some really unfair bullshit like those blood shooting fucks before One Reborn.

BB is also quite a big game without having truly fucking awful areas, besides lmao swamp Nightmare Frontier. BB has consistently good main and optional bosses, throwing some of the trash in Chalice dungeons. Celestial Emissary is probably the one sour spot for being not thematically cool like Divine Dragon or an actual well designed/fun boss like most others.

BB introduced the lighting changes to previous areas which actually feels fucking huge when you return to Central Yharnam for the first time, but the game doesn't give you many reasons to go back so most people don't really notice. The one mechanic BB felt like it wanted to do something with, but never really did, was Insight. Cool you can see Amygdala and you buy some stuff with Insight but I was expecting like illusory walls or straight up special rooms in every location

But you're objectively wrong.

>without having truly fucking awful areas
This is the worst Souls level.

Attached: bloodborne-unseen-village-1.jpg (1078x720, 87K)

Those fucking statues are some of the most annoying enemies ever

i fucking hate that place but demon ruins are worse

It doesn't impede your movement speed, its not poison, so it can't be. Its really fucking annoying because BB loves enemy spam and you will die to lasers a few time but eventually you just run past the packs to your target. I also pointed out the blood spewing bullshit in that area, which is truly fucking horseshit.

I think you mean best Souls level.

>danger lurking around every corner
>enemies waiting in the dark to kill you
>entire place puts you on edge the whole time