Fire Emblem Three Houses

Why would anyone want to marry this umarriagable girl?

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OP fully aware that not only he actually married her but this is a porn thread in disguise

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I want to light Bernie's room on fire.

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For how much grey there is in dimitri and especially Edelgard I don’t like how Claude is portrayed as such a Boy Scout who can do no wrong

I married Marriane, but I'll be damned if I didn't consider Hilda after her boobs grew twice as big post timeskip.


I mean in other routes he does just abandon his country which is kind of scummy.

Post manuela art I need more

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Bernie isn't a loli though, she's 17 pre-timeskip

i was banned the other day cause mods are Bernie fags

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She made the decision throughnher personal experiences that uprooting the false history portrayed by the church that upholds a class hierachy that devalues merit over something as chance as birthrights for the sake of control and giving humanity their sovereignty back long term would outweight the bloody 5 years long war in the short term.

It is absolutely an authoritative move, but it’s not one without some basis. Plus someone had to draw the short straw and be the primary antagonist that pushes the story forward. It would’ve been BORING if it was 24/7 kumbaya with the three nations with just constant TWSITD dickers thrown in

She is a female me

yea and sotis is a god still a loli


I'm gonna make Lysithea my dancer in my GD run so since shes got Soul Blade and I dont want ther to entirely OP, also I want to bully her for being flat.

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>gift some things to Rhea to try and get her support level up
>check support menu
>nothing, all the letters are greyed out
>literally gift everything I have to her
>still nothing
>think I have to wait or something before I can get her support up
>get to ch 12
>check Rhea's support
>"You've missed the opportunity to deepen this bond"
What the actual fuck?

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About that..

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You got to start earlier and give her gifts she really likes, and choose dialogue options in cutscenes and her support dialogue that she wants to hear from you.

Submissive and damaged girls provide the best sex

i want to hover over her virgin pusi and sniff the oestrogen laced air

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She also grows taller than Edelgard too.

And Annette is like 22 post-skip. Still a loli.

If you can handle being like the 6th wheel sure

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Unsure what this means

Everyone beside Annette and Flayn does, Edelgard is a womanlet. Wonder if the crest cancer stilted her growth.

This is the one thing that saddens me a little. I like my girls shorter than average. She's still best girl regardless though, of course.

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Sometimes the mods are alright.

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>umarriagable girl
Not if I have something to say about.

damaged girls aren't good for shit

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Scott Pilgrim's about a damage whore though, important distinction

>you will never marry Bernie, give her a happy life, and cuck her entire family out of the riches they could have had with you as their son in law
Why live?

I'm sure somewhere out there there is a Bernie for you user.


Shamir is my wife.

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>post wall roastie
Enjoy I guess

Loli is a body type not an age dipshit

Felix protects her and makes her happy.

Flowers mang.
I just started giving her every flower I had while planting more as much as possible and it showed she was ready for A rank by l0th month or so.

this faggot.

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prove me wrong ya cant faggot

imma bully her

17 is still illegal

here comes the not in *insert country here*

It took me way too long to realize that you move the sprite on the loading screen by tilting the controller

Yeah you can also jump


Try pushing buttons dumdum.