Buy expensive VR headset

>Buy expensive VR headset
>Use it to play original DOOM, Quake, Half-life and Metroid Prime. All with motion control aiming
You fags are missing out

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This except they all work 100% on my Quest, tethercuck

>Motion controls
Sorry, that shit got old with the Wii

Cute coming from a Facebook botnet shill

>This except Mark the zuck has to approve of every app I run and I can't run porn or steam games
Nah faggot. Motion aiming is amazing. I guess you think arcade rail shooters are bad too right?

>Nah faggot. Motion aiming is amazing.
>I guess you think arcade rail shooters are bad too right?
They were decent fun that had a place, but I wouldn't want one in my house, no.

>except Mark the zuck has to approve of every app
people are sideloading these games

I lost my left eye, will I ever be able to play VR?

I could literally play DOOM just fine 20 years ago without VR
I could literally play Half-Life just fine 20 years ago without VR
I could literally play Metroid Prime just fine 20 years ago without VR
VR is such a fucking meme gimmick fad.

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What a fucking gay faggot you are. I bet you aim with a controller.

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for now

Of course you could faggot. You could also play a game without a 4k monitor. VR makes the games feel new again. You have no idea how fucking amazing of an experience it is to feel like you are actually walking around Black Mesa. Your brain is literally telling you you are there. It's insane.

Yes. Even with one eye closed VR feels pretty good thanks to the head tracking. It might not be as amazing as experiencing the real 3D effect VR gives you but you can't experience that anyways in real life so it would look real to you.
>People actually spend $1k dollar to play shitty VR exclusives when they could be play vid related in VR instead

The Quake II mod has shitty mouse cursor emulation aiming, so I played it with M+K and it was still pretty comfy.

>Quake 2
Play the VR Quakespasm mod. It's far better just like how Quake 1 is a better game.


Can this work with gmod? Looks based

>doesn't know what sideloading is

>when they could be play vid related in VR instead
But they literally cant because that mod was never finished or released you nigger

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Oh yeah, I played that too, and agreed, Quake I is way better. Still have some nostalgia for Quake II though because it was the first 3d accelerated game I played, and I played the crap out of multiplayer mods.

I did play Quake when it was released, and playing it in VR is one of the most amazing things ever. I kept thinking how this would have blown my mind if I had it back then and now it's fucking HERE. It's like a whole new game. Stop being such a faggot and go have some fun.

>the only Quake VR and Half Life VR ports with effort put into them are Quest exclusive

oh no no no no no

Attached: half life vr.webm (720x720, 2.06M)

>I can't run porn
wow wow wow stop right there...
no porn? I was going to buy one just for that
Is this real?

>aka gimped by shitdragon mobile
oh no no no no no indeed

Tetherless VR is more important than graphics

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You can play the gmod VR mod.

Of course you can watch porn, and you can sideload things. But if you want VR for porn you should probably get PC VR. As 3D games won't look or run as great on Quest. But honestly 3D porn games suck, it's just 3d videos that are good imo.

in what way?

Attached: quakequest.webm (800x800, 2.91M)

>haha yeah I'm so glad my $2k paperweight can't play these awesome games
Sour grapes. Cope harder

>When you see pic related for the first time in VR

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Have you used the Quest? It honestly looks really good. It's a great device, even though I barely use mine because I prefer my Rift S.

It's amazing for normies though.

What's a good 3d videos site that doesn't suck ass? Preferably with furshit please

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False. Quake 1 on steam vr is great. Also you can just emulate Quest i'm pretty sure.

how do you play doom in vr? with a neck brace?

I prefer playing the games available on the quest on the quest, simply because being wireless is invalueable once you have tried it.

I would love a Rift S but the lack of IPD adjustment is idiotic

Attached: Pavlov Quest.webm (600x600, 2.78M)

>I guess you think arcade rail shooters are bad too right?
I love arcade rail shooters. But you know what they have? On-rails movement. You're just playing a shooting gallery, and usually with a peripheral that feels a lot better than a VR controller. Hell, Time Crisis had decent recoil back in 95 or so, that's still lacking in VR.

Not to mention how shit iron-sights are in VR. They're usable, but not great.

It fills me with disgust to see people wasting their time porting shit like DOOM to VR when they could be porting Virtua Cop. Doom doesn't fucking work in VR. You can't go fast, and if you do go fast, you slam into walls because trackpads and thumbsticks are awful for speedy movement. Give me WASD any day of the week.

You aim with your hands

>that frame-rate drop
quest ftw

>Iron sights are in VR
>Using iron sights ever

You can go fast, and you can use M+KB.

thats a devs twitter clip, the game itself runs flawless

keep seething

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You need a gamepad currently. Although in the future Brutal Doom will be in VR with better controls

Yes, rail shooters suck ass. Just make them an fps.

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Point shooting is fine if you're playing little baby games where every enemy is 2 feet away, not so much when they're 50 feet away. Although, saying that, HMD resolution isn't even good enough to resolve people at that distance anyway.

But aiming "IRL" is the whole point. The problem is that WASD doesn't work with aiming, because what are you going to do, awkwardly turn around 180 while your hand is still on the keyboard? Maybe if you had some kind of wireless thing, but even then, VR devs still haven't realized that "true north" movement headings are the only sensible way to design movement systems, because no VR systems come with a pelvis tracker.

I'm not seething, I have a real VR headset.

Financial projection system?

Learn how to aim faggot. I am playing Quake just fine

Maybe you should just try it? It works just like on a flat monitor but you're viewing it in VR. Mouse aiming works the exact same way. You could argue it doesn't exploit the full potential in VR and yadda yadda, but I think if people were more open to augmenting traditional experiences with it, we'd have more higher quality titles. It's still great.

>paying thousands for a paperweight
>b-but I paid a lot for this!

I don't want to play Quake "fine". I want to jump around like a sick cunt.

Then I'm getting sweaty and hot with no benefit. VR without motion controls has absolutely zero appeal to me, because I could play the game on a real monitor with an order of magnitude higher resolution and be free to pause and quit without having to go through a whole song and dance.

Learn how to aim then

Too many devs for VR games are overly and unnecessarily concerned about the movement aspect when most people willing to spend $400-$1000 on their shitty devkit are the kind of people who would be happy sitting on their fatasses playing pikmin VR.

are you gonna wear an eyepatch, or roll with the lazy glass eye?

>playing Pikmin vr
You can literally do that using Dolphin vr.

Did you literally just see two words at the end of my entire post and have a few neurons light up?

>tetherless VR
>games cant support any mods

have fun with barebones beat saber

I bet this is how most Yea Forums arguments start.

I'm letting anons in this thread know that if they want, they can play Pikmin vr.

Not if I have anything to say about it

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What are you talking about? All the mods and custom tracks are easily ported over. You're just making stuff up now

>rift is shit
>vive is shit
>these are the only two that don't cost $600+ and the only two normalfags know about
And just like that VR is dead again

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Outside of Metroid what other wii first person games should I play in VR?

You are a fucking idiot
educate yourself

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>Vive has a ton of software problems and pajeet IT support
>Oculus has shitty sound and you have to basically rice it in order to play non-Zuck approved games
>everyone complaining about massive problems with screen-dooring and light leaking in for both

Which is less likely to lag whatsoever at all even a little? Which looks like actual VR and not like I'm just looking at a monitor?

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Half Life, bit it's only on Quest so far..

Also Wolfenstein 3D on PCVR. I remember playing it back in 1995, so stepping inside it was a cool experience

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Valve index is the best VR device even though it's $1k

But those games suck ass

Not paying over $500 for something that'll definitely be outdated in 2 years tops.

If all the headsets are shit and all the games are shit i guess i'm not going to buy any of them. Fuck you all console warring shitters.

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I mean, there's the Rift S, which isn't hard to Sideload shit into and is cheaper than even an old Vive.

>no HDMI
>uses "displayport"

There is no perfect solution out there honestly.

bro you forgot to increase the 72 fps cap
fps_max 120

If fucking retarded devs just stopped shitting their pants while trying to make it then we wouldn't have a problem.
>runs on high-end PC
>doesn't use retarded ports
>allows use of personal headset/headphones for sound instead of built-in literal garbage
>doesn't cost $50,000 only to be antiquated and worth $20 in a year

dude needs to rock a big boss eye patch

what headset are you using fren? I wanna do this too.

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Most of the modern headsets besides maybe the Index literally have an audio jack port built into them to attach whatever headphones or earbuds or whatever you desire. I believe this includes the Rift S, and I know the Vive does it.

Index but it works with pretty much any of them. Index has the widest FOV so I like it.

People are saying the Rift Quest and Rift S block most headphones and headsets with some stupid crap in the way.

u da best

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From what i'm looking up it sounds like they're either configured poorly or simply don't have enough power going into them. Headphones that sound fine in a USB or audio jack connection to your PC may not work or sound way lower or underpowered connected to a Rift S.

Is the power draw a hardware limit for the headset itself? Shitty sound and shitty performance are my two biggest deal-breakers for me.

What wrong with dankplaces?

The Quest has a 72hz refresh rate. Upping the FPS wouldn't do anything

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I recently tried VR and what surprised me as the biggest problem for me is locomotion, I got motionsick really fast with joystick movement so I had to use teleportation but that sucks ass.

fuck VR

>Locomotion sickness

You want the Rift S, ignore the indexers justifying their 1k purchase.
No idea what you mean by "rice it" in order to play non-oculus exclusive games, literally zero issues here playing any steam VR game. You just double click it (or click it in VR, it auto adds it to your oculus library, you can also load steam VR if you want..) and play
The sound is actually not bad after a recent update. It's actually really good in certain scenarios, but one of them is not music. Music is the one area it is bad in. However, it has an audio jack, and you have your PC, so you're free to use any high quality audio you want. True, it'd be preferable if you didnt have to do this. But another benefit is you can hear the audio of real world around you. Which is actually nice. Honestly it grew on me.
Also zero issues with light leak, and that's a solvable problem anyway. Rift S also has very small screen door, I never notice it unless I look for it. And it's 399$. Go Rift S bro. Do it.

can you post the link

you gene line is useless for the future, sorry bro

>But another benefit is you can hear the audio of real world around you.
Great can't wait to hear my air conditioner blowing on me, sounds like a great benefit. I knew getting a noise-cancelling beryllium headset was just a meme.

I have literally never gotten sick from VR, even starting off with roller coasters and flight sims. You're just a gigantic pussy

That's actually pretty hot

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>you're a pussy if you have a functioning brain
Sim sickness is a real thing, and no level of "lol just turn ur brain off bro" is going to help with the teething issues.

Sure, plenty of people can eventually get to a state where they're comfortable with locomotion. The problem is those first 20 hours or so, the hours in which people are most likely to just put the bulky piece of shit that just made them throw up into a closet.

I've played quake 1 and doom 3 in vr it's so amazing

Headphones fixes the sound, and the ricing thing is BS. Index is better, but not $600 better. Almost no games take advantage of the Knuckles yet, and you need a monster PC to take advantage of the high refresh. Just get a Rift S until the Index drops or something better comes out.

RTS work really good in VR. You feel like a god commanding units and being able to crouch down and see units is really cool.

*index drops in price

There are multiple options to help you.
Now most games have the options to create borders around your eyes when you move to reduce sickness. Also you will eventually start to get used to VR just like how kids often get car sick but not adults.

My etymotics work without issue. The amp is really loud and distorts if you have the windows volume too high. It's plenty loud at 50% and sounds fine.

No. If you get a gen 1 vr kit you will feel bad in a year when gen 2 rolls around. Gen 2 VR (Index being the first) has wider FOV and far better lenses completely stopping the screen door effect. Either buy an index or wait for prices to fall because trust me, after using the index the vive and rift feel like fucking nothing.

Index is not Gen 2. It has slightly larger FOV (which varies according to IPD). No evidence that index lenses are any way better than the Rift S's, in fact, they seem to produce worse god rays. You're also underestimating how much better the Rift S's panels and optics are compared to the CV1. I switched and it was a big difference in my flight sims. Res bump + pentile display with high fill factor = big improvement in quality.

I'd call Index a Gen 1.5. It's got all the steps for advancing the market, but hasn't quite perfected or honed them down and there were a host of issues in first shipments like the joysticks not clicking properly, blue tints on numerous screens, and so forth. The res and refresh rate (theoretically) are great, but actually honing shit down is what we need right now rather than higher specs, on top of figuring out wireless functionality that doesn't strap a battery set to scald the back of your scalp.

Fuck I mean RGB stripe display. Anyways, the index is like a Vive Pro+. We need much higher fov and pd which will probably require eye tracking and foveated rendering for gen 2.

No, retard, people just have different sensitivities. Apparently mine is low, and yours is extreme. Therefore you are a pussy with no situational awareness and motor control/balance. £10 says you're a shitskin mutt

Knowing my luck I'll get a Rift and the Index will go on sale a month after. Thanks though.

I'm a pure Brit, by the true definition, you dumb sack of shit. A functioning brain should cause you to feel ill if you have a disconnect between perceived and true motion, because in the fucking wild, VR doesn't exist.

Sim sickness isn't a big deal if you're into games, but if you can't see casuals giving up on the concept wholesale because they get sick once, you're nuts. Think about how many asians have given up on FPS for good because of motion sickness. There's a reason Japan hasn't made an FPS that wasn't a Wizardry clone in forever.

Just because you CAN overcome this stuff, doesn't mean everyone will.

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Why would anyone not wear an eyepatch.

Post nipple. If it isn't pink and your skin isn't white, you aren't a real brit. Go ahead, post it, you liar

I couldn't play anything in VR for more than 30 mins when I first got it, then had to put it down for a few hours to recover from the motion sickness. It just takes some getting used to, no more than a week or two of light play. I don't feel a thing now unless I'm trying to play something with a very choppy framerate while on an empty stomach, otherwise I can use it as long as I want.

stem cells if you got 'em.


gonna go vrbecue with the zuck?

Mate, you're going to make me get my shirt off at this time of night? It's pink, I'm probably paler than you, sim sickness isn't a nigger thing anyway. It's a functioning poisoning response thing.

I refuse to buy anything VR related until we get AAA quality loli games.

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>Claims to be a brit
>Cant even handle motion sickness
You are a fucking subhuman cunt, the British are an island people adapted to seafaring, WE HAVE ONE OF THE LOWEST RATES OF MOTION SICKNESSES ON THE PLANET.
Your mick mother fucked a nigger.

Motion sickness isn't sim sickness, you peanut brained northerner cunt.

>let me keep making baseless claims
Yeah, and I'm a 6'14" buff demigod. Can't prove me wrong
Excellent argument, you pussy. You're posting from your phone anyway, and your phone has a camera. Nice try, shitskin

Its the exact same thing, your brain cannot handle the information its being fed, you are like a fucking ape and it disgusts me that you would even dare communicate with me. I live in devon you worthless little parasite.

anecdotes are meaningless

Imagine being this retarded
Must be an Am*rican

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Calling me a nigger is one thing, but a fucking phoneposter? Now I'm actually insulted.

It was a 50/50 mate, come on. Devon's a nice place, shame it's filled with numpties like yourself.

I've never had even the slightest bit of motion sickness before VR. Sim sickness isn't the same as motion sickness.

You're a shitskin. Keep trying to deflect

>Simulator sickness is a subset of motion sickness that is typically experienced by pilots who undergo training for extended periods of time in flight simulators.
Holy shit I had to do a little digging, Sim sickness is what hapens when a pilot does ten fucking barrel rolls while rocking around a shitty little simulator, the kind of shit where the flashing lights would make anyone feel a bit ill.
And here you are claiming that you are not a pussy for suffering the same thing when you go for a little walk in a headset.
Oh and its the same fucking thing as motion sickness just like sea sickness is motion sickness.

Don't bother, furries can't get their dick out of their hands for two seconds to make any VR stuff worth a shit.

I doubt that, furries are rich fuckers and if anyone was going to fund a vr porn game my money would be on them, weebs eat shit and love it so anything they fund is automatically worthless.

Well I'm sure something amazing will come out eventually but I've been looking for stuff since I first got my rift and I have yet to find anything good.
Yiffalicious is ugly and everything else gets stuck in patreon dev limbo with half broken mechanics.

Why is it that people have to mod this shit in instead of companies adding it? I would pay $10 to play a VR supported version of Half-life. I would also do it for many other FPS and RTS games. It wouldn't even be hard to implement.

It takes a while for the industry to adjust to new trends, I expect we will see VR support added to all the remakes we are seeing and True VR support for new games in about 2 years or so.

Valve in particular will never add this stuff, focus testing has told them that motion sickness is possible and they don't want to be the reason anyone quits VR. This is why every Valve experience is teleporter trash.

>Multiple ways to reduce motion sickness have been researched and found
VR will always be a meme until most regular games have VR support. People wont buy VR games for the low quality trash VR exclusives.

VR will always be a meme while people expect ports to save the concept.

The only decent VR game I've played, H3VR, couldn't be done without VR. That's the future of VR, experiences tailor made for it.

You wouldn't want to play Half Life on a Time Crisis cabinet, so why the fuck do you want to play HL in VR? If the experience isn't designed for it, like Boneworks, it's worthless.

>Experienced tailor made for it
You mean a very small percentage of games. Basically casual gimmick shit that people will get bored of in an hour.
Ports are literally why people were hyped for VR in the first place. Playing their favorite games but now in VR is the entire appeal. Just like the appeal of 4k monitors are to play games in high def.

>Playing their favorite games but now in VR is the entire appeal
And these people are retarded. Playing your favorite game, but now in VR, is a fucking chore.

Well, not for me. My favorite game is Virtua Cop 2, which is perfect for VR. Shame nobody will ever port it, because they're too busy messing around with dumb shit like Half Life that plays like hot garbage.

>Is a chore
If you are a fat fuck that can't stand getting up. Playing good games in VR enhances the experience of those good games. The same thing that made those games great remains except with added immersion.

Jesus christ, that looks like mobile trash. So this is the power of Quest™

There's no added immersion. You have to deal with awkward controls the game clearly wasn't designed for, and now you're wearing a bulky screen on your face for no good reason.

Is it neat to aim down the barrel of a gun? Absolutely. Does it make me want to replay Half Life? Not at all.

Try that on a tethercuck headset, you'd have tripped at least three times during that


does r2ck support it?

>all these huge faggots argueing which VR gay headset is better

Nope, he's still working on the rest of the features first before working on VR support

>awkward controls
VR controls are 100% more natural than flat gaming

But they aren't. Doom and Quake don't feel awkward at all in VR.

mod skyrim

Sure, if you live in a fucking warehouse and can run for miles without hitting anything. For everyone else, they're hot garbage.

so when are you picking up your headset?

are you that lonely that you have to bait for replies by spouting retarded bullshit?

>skyrim is 100 years old
>not looking like a mobile game

>when u picking up headset
show me VR that doesn't look SHIT and doesnt have mobile game tier gameplay


nigga use a joystick for movement
or are you one of those "oh no my inner ear is scared" pansies that throws up with any kind of VR that isn't warping?

>lives in cuckshed
>Cries about people who live in human sized homes.

>TFW Skywind and Skyblivion will support VR on release

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>Sorry, that shit got old with the Wii
it's not the same, Wii just interpreted some waggle motions, VR actually tracks the position of your hands in space perfectly , you can pick up objects and manually reload a gun

Anyone tried watching porn on the PSVR?

How is ti?

No one cares, fag. Don't enjoy VR then.

how're space games on quest?
come to think of it, what's with this VRwarfaggotry? What are the objective pros and cons between the different top headsets?

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>spoofeed me!
No, newfag. Lurk moar

You could just tell him and maybe have an interesting discussion rather than being an Yea Forumsutist about it.

I was lurking when I came across this thread of VRwarfaggotry in which y'all throw acronyms and jargon at each other. I already grew up learning the technical details of graphics cards, I'm not about to study the field when it's still rapidly-changing, I was just hoping someone would be bored enough to give me a run-down of what criteria each set fulfills. you'd get to bump this thread while you're at it.

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How about you suck a cock you fragile faggot? I don't give a fuck about you or your opinion

what's got your panties up in a bunch user?

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VR is a shitty gimmick that makes you look like a jackass. Wake me when they sell holodeck.

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your welcome

I sure hope that's not your screenshot OP, it has eyes swapped incorrectly

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How do I play Quake 1 in VR?
Everything I google is an obtuse/unreliable mod that seems it won't work :(

Found the fag

>Metroid Prime
Does playing it in VR make for a better experience?

How good is VR JAV?

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I'm not paying to paw off

Just as stupid since the genitals are censored.

Bad, Alain’s are ugly

cool shoop

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wtf with the monster skins? this looks terrible