Honestly this is going to be the coolest game concept ever made
I hope it holds in story and gameplay
The game will split from a post apocalyptic chilled ambience postman simulator where you enjoy cool mountain side views, avoiding bandit postman’s and ghost thingies into a sudden split to a world war gameplay in death (ala metal gear ) to further restore yourself back to postman gameplay mode
Honestly that sounds pretty comfy to me
Other urls found in this thread:
NO! Don't shake the baby!!
Ignore that post mention
Something I autisticly accidentally copy pasted
imagine listening to some cool in game soundtrack while walking through the mossy hills, peak comfy
You see that mountain? You can crimb it...
>Giving a fuck what Notch thinks.
Also, Kagina is still a hack.
>reedus is ocelot
>mads is sorrow
left = soulful eyes
right = soulless eyes
Does Notch really think burning the amazon is a good idea
there's some truth to it, natural fires are considered to be part of a healthy forest/jungle ecosystem, although this is disputed.
I don't know if I'd call fires healthy but they are pretty natural. Lightning exists. Hell I think there's a bird of prey that has evolved to start fires so they can catch the escaping animals. Environmentalism is probably going to cause wars as funny as that sounds, the Philippines dictator already threatened and strong armed Canada's government over some garbage companies left there.
I'm not happy about forest fires, but I just want to point out the existence of non-white people who breed unchecked is a bigger ecological disaster than a forest fire.
you were so close to making sense, user
I really hope that the moon portion is not just some quick sequence but instead more like the trekking we've seen but in lower gravity. It would be cool to visit past moon landing sites and climb around in the craters and mountains. I wonder how the moon even ties into everything.
the fires are natural but because of man made climate change the forest is more dry allowing more than normal amounts of fires which in turn heats up our planet even more from the burning of the trees
pretty basic science but conservatards/russians will argue with you for decades because they never too basic science classes, which not to mention they voted for Trump which explains already how retarded they are lol
go burn down a cattle ranch or something, retard
I know I’m dumb, but Caramel’s got me hooked. I think it’s a ruse now (or at least I’ve been thinking so for the past 3 months).
It’s just lining up to look that way:
>used to be EXECUTIVE Vice President of Konami.
>says to “betray your fans”.
>has rused us before with fake game companies.
>says if he fucks up he might have to leave the business.
>there’s still a count going on for V’s nuke count headed by J (most likely Joakim Mogren).
>same J on the bridge of the second teaser trailer for death stranding.
>the initials for Death Stranding are DS, which flipped over can be fit with PT to make PTSD.
>has all of the same team on the job.
>Konami after firing him said “we’re already demons” knowing full well how their fans thought of the company.
>204863 is a location of the black sand beach that was in the teaser (I think, could be wrong on that one).
I’m starting to think that since we solved Kojima’s puzzle too early in PT he said “Hory shitto, wre havu to maku a new puzzer.” And now here we are.
TLDR; I’m retarded and I think Kojima is falseflagging us.
I like games about travelling. Obviously the game's map of the USA won't be to scale but I do hope it's gonna be large enough to rely make the game feel like a journey that spans the entire country. I really like the melancholy atmosphere the world conveys in the trailers. Just a single guy trekking through rocky terrain, trying to rebuild society by building a communication network by connecting the remaining few pockets if civilization in a hostile environment.
Game looks pretty boring so far. I will still buy it tho, cause it's a kojima game, and with that waful never ending ps4 game drought there isn't anything else to play anyway.
Death Stranding:
>Extremely massive map with varied terrain
>Your objective is to travel to the west coast of America, while delivering packages and making allies for Bridges
>You must safely travel across rough terrain while managing things like keeping your BB safe so you can maneuver around BTs safely, your health (which is measured in ml, so you can bleed out possibly?), and the durability of your packages and boots
>You can use various tools such as ladders and climbing rope (and more i've seen in menus, but can't identify) to maneuver around the terrain, and you have a limited amount of them, so if you get distracted by BTs or human enemies, you might have to leave something behind, which will hinder your travelling capabilities. There are going to be various exoskeletons that you can use, probably with different benefits and different cargo capacities. We only know of the "speed" exoskeleton, which judging by game logic is probably going to move faster than normal speeds but can only hold less items. The Ludens armor might be an end-game or secret exoskeleton/equipment
>Extremely varied locations like easy to traverse plains with small hills, rocky plateaus with claustrophobic crevices that you have to traverse past, and probably in, ruined cities, areas with lots of small mossy mountains and rivers, mars-like wastelands, massive mountains peaked with snow, snowy mountains, dense forests/swamp forests, and most likely more. According to leaks and speculation, possibly even the moon will be an end-game area. I wouldn't be surprised if there's even caves
>Various types of BTs, like the floating umbilical cord ones, based on cutscenes some that appear to be quadrupeds, when BTs catch you they can bring you to various miniboss-esque enemies that are dangerous
>When you die, you get transported to an ocean-like realm where you search for your body and items in first person, to come back to life
riddle me this batman, why does kotaku death stranding teaser trailer has fragment from apocalyptica music video.
>When BTs eat a corpse, a voidout happens and leaves behind a crater. Possibly an aspect of gameplay as it is shown you can also deliver corpses and there was a cutscene showing a corpse being cremated, so you might also have to bag up and cremate any corpse you find to prevent craters that could interfere with travel.
>There is also Hades, the WW1 realm, which others also say you go when you die. Though with the confirmed ocean realm, that doesn't make much sense. If you fail to find your body and come back to life in time in the ocean realm, then perhaps a voidout happens at your corpse, you lose all the packages you were delivering, and you get sent to Hades where you have to fight/find a way out to restore your disintegrated body and come back to life. In the TGA 2016 trailer, Deadman is in an area with enemies resembling WW2 soldiers and tanks/planes as well, and in the release trailer Cliff appears to be in a jungle area, possibly in Vietnam. Hades might be a realm of all wars, and not just WW1
>There is crafting, along with various materials you can find to craft with such as the golden chiralium or mushroom.
>Judging by how MGSV was and how there is crafting, there is a good possibility that there will be a lot more tech and tools than what we've seen so far, for example those hovercraft that carry packages for you.
>There will be unique multiplayer, the details we don't know of, but we know you can share items with other players, find and deliver cargo that other players lost, and leave cargo behind at checkpoints that players can deliver for you.
>A part of one of the trailers shows you breaking open a case for your rifle, and in the menu when pulling out a ladder in the release trailer, there was a rifle, so it is possible that the rifle is something you have to opt in to bring along if you think your path is going to be especially dangerous, and it will add onto your weight so you don't always want to bring it, but your handgun will always be with you
I hope all of it burns down.
>There are multiple delivery companies, the hazmat looking people probably one of them because they were trying to steal the player's packages. Will most likely also have to watch out for other rival delivery companies trying to hijack your packages, and they will probably also have varying equipment to attack you, but most will most likely not use guns because they don't want to damage the packages. You most likely will also be able to steal their packages and deliver them
>Along with the previous minibosses mentioned, you will also encounter various boss enemies like Higgs' pet that he sends after you, and hinted at in the release trailer is a giant monster that appears to be a quadruped based on the appearance of its foot, which is also bigger than a truck
>You might get to temporarily use superpower things like the golden mask later in the game
>Mama milkies
Either this is going to be a mediocre game with extreme potential that gets underutilized, or it's going to be one of the greatest games ever made. I think the scale leans towards the latter , but nothing is set in stone, anything can happen. I like how in the past few days, the "walking simulator" bullshit has dissapeared as well, now people are just grasping at straws to hate a game that they know nothing about and hasn't released yet, and have already lost the "movie game" excuse a few days before they lost the walking sim one.
english version where?
With one extremely simple query.
>death stranding release date trailer
>pretty basic science
Science is the act of discovering and recording data. You are pretty obviously not a scientist or anything like one.
this one is not released yet, nowhere to find
not natural. farmers burn their fields after harvest dumbo. rainforests and humid, and rainfall is quite common, so a natural fire developing is not likely
>man made climate change
>Basic science
>Yet there is still nothing to even prove this basic science
Lol ok NPC
lmao white people aren't people
thanks famalam
The Japanese one has a few additional scenes in it.
What did he mean by this?
>look at me and my pretentious taste in movies and music haha am I special yet?
MCR isn't even some unknown indie band you dumbfuck.
I said pretentious, not unknown. there is more to being pretentious than just being a hipster.
MCR is kino, though.
I lost my virginity listening to it.
>if you enjoy music, you're pretentious
Nigger, it was the type of band girls listened to because they wanted to fuck the singer.
Get the fuck out of here and back to listening to Kendrick Lamar, you stupid zoomer.
>it was the type of band girls listened to because they wanted to fuck the singer.
exactly, and some old ass jap retard who wanks to hollywood flaunting it going "hurr I listen to the same shit teen girls listen to" is pretentious
So, you don't know what the word "pretentious" means.
Nigger, you don't know what pretentiousness is and you didn't know My Chemical Romance existed 5 minutes ago, get the fuck out of here.
being pretentious needs context. if liking a certain band is normal if you're a teen girl, doesn't mean it's normal for an old man to advertise that he likes the same band as the teen girls. it's pretentious.
>being pretentious needs context
No it doesn't, you are either pretentious or not.
Once again, you prove that you don't know what the word pretentious is.
You don't know what being pretentious is, you are always in these threads and everytime someone posts a tweet of him you say is pretentious, you could post that tweet of him saying
>look, this food looks like boobies lol
and you'd say it's pretentious too.
Being pretentious is when you pretend you are smarter than you really are.
So, ironically, the only one being pretentious here is you.
>No it doesn't, you are either pretentious or not.
yes, hideo is pretentious, but the context is for example the band in context of an old jap man instead of a teen girl.
kojima confirmed for megalomaniacal faggot
Do tell us, how is liking a band that normally only teenage girls listen to pretentious?
notch is still a beta neckbeard brainlet even though he's rich as fuck. it's extra pathetic.
>i will never lost my virginity with an emo girl while some rock music plays in the backround
why even live?
Pff, that pic predates emos, those were the times of skater girls, all of them trying to be Avril Lavigne.
It directly led to emos though, they both had tomboyish personalities.
Kill yourself, tranny.
I'm not a man who enjoys the basic idea of chaos for my own amusement but I would love to see a world where Death Stranding fails so hard that Kojima gets laughed out of the industry and the whole industry's hype culture shrivels up and dies in the wake of this shit.
Post yfw it's shit.
It's coming from a homophobe, of course it's going to be shit. Kojima has been described by some friends and colleagues as racist. Colleague David Hayter described him as "Nazi-esque", saying: "Every once in a while there'd be something about Jews and I'd be, 'But Hideo, I'm Jewish,' and he was like 'Yes, yes, I don't mean you.' He had a definite racialist streak, [the belief] that he was physically, spiritually and creatively superior", a view he appears to have continued to maintain throughout his later years. According to Konami executives, Kojima once attacked a mixed-race woman in a restaurant with a smashed wineglass, saying "I hate black people". During a conference at the 1998 Tokyo Game Show, the audience rioted after the trailer for Metal Gear Solid included the German national anthem "Deutschlandlied", including a verse omitted since 1945 for its nationalist associations.
it's a good song though
you are confusing emo with scene. emo has been around since the nineties.
that wouldn't be chaos it'd be justice, kojima's gone full george lucas
Aren't scene girls just emos who don't cut themselves?
It means he has good taste. DS is pretty similar to the imagery and and lyrics of that album too.
eh kind of. emo is more tame than people make it out to be. scene is pretty much just a more colorful version of goth. also scene girls tend to listen to shitty pop punk whereas goths and emos tend to have more patrician tastes in music.
Fake you dumb faggot
who the fuck is mads? why does he seem to have knowledge of the BB system more than our character?
why does he seem to have a connection through the BB system to the BTs? why does he also wear a Bridges necklace?
why do deadman and Sam seem to discuss the BB and bridges technologies as if they existed before even them, and they're just trying to figure out what the fuck it is and how it all works?
who are Ludens/the floating men in the sky?
are we really thousands of years in the future past the collapse of civilization, rediscovering ancient advanced human technology or something?
is mads someone ancient that's since become a BT controller or something?
how does the terrorist group work into this?
what the FUCK is going on i cannot wait
its not MGS you absolute retard stop fucking fooling yourself
fuck me notch just gets dumber and dumber every year
The Death Stranding has only happened at least 10 years before the game starts based on the amount of times Heartman has died. The reason America looks so different is because of the timefall that speeds up anything it touches.
Cliff appears to be a scientist, perhaps inventor of the BBs.
BBs seem like they're a relatively new technology, perhaps involved with the cause of the Death Stranding, at the very least it's new enough for people studying it like Deadman to not know too much about it.
The terrorists don't seem to want the world to get reconnected, for some reason. They just go around killing people for fun and causing voidouts if I recall.
My guess is that Higgs's "connection to the other side" is something like a pact between him and malevolent BTs/something dead where he causes more death and is in turn granted more power. Hard to say with all we've got though.