Meanwhile in 2006 Yea Forums.....
Meanwhile in 2006 Yea Forums
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>fucking middle school girls on top of their cutesy edgy bed sheets with MLP stickers on the ceiling
Her room looks like a Hot Topic store
shouldn't be surprising seeing as 90% of the shit there probably came from Hot Topic
remind me again why invader Zim was popular among the edgy crowd
Not sure but edgy/moody girls loved that fucking shitty show. Overrated as fuck.
>tfw never experience 2006-2009 Yea Forums
why even live
Boy am I glad I'm a teen girl who just got off watching Foamy the Squirrel on, while signing a bring back Invader zim petition, wearing a Jack Skellington hoodie and Happy Tree Friends tube socks, purchased from Hot Topic during an Emily the Strange Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off sale. Where she discovered Serenity Rose from Slave Labor Graphic Comics while her over-bearing but loving father restricts her from going to the My Chemical Romance/Limp Bizkit concert with a 5 years older than her boyfriend that constanly IMs unsourced stolen Pon and Zi comic art over 56k modem American Online trial discs on with a top 8 consisting of Tim Burton, Jack Sparrow, Eminem, Jesus Christ, and any angsty band as the new thing on Disney Adventures magazine. And spends all day filling out 'What Kingdom Hearts character are you?' quizzes only to complain she didnt get Riku and is unable to watch the 2003 MTV music awards because her deadbeat older brother is always hogging the living room TV playing Tony Hawk's Underground on his Halo Edition Transparent green Xbox using a third-party MadCatz airflow controller with a busted analog stick that is constantly leaning to the right making anti semetic remarks on how Eric stole his Wicked McTwist over the helicopter in Hawaii footage.
It's funny, random, and edgy, which is the perfect mix and baffling why more companies don't take advantage of it.
Aw yeah because le random taco unicorn humor was so much better than your bogeyman politics and soi posting
So exactly the same as 2019 Yea Forums?
Have you never seen the show?
It was random, it was crude humor and the setting was a dystopian future where everyone's either too retarded or too busy to give a shit.
Shut the fuck up Pan
*holds up spork*
>old fart thread
>I post nothing
>It dies with 2 images
almost like I’m the only old fag here.
is the new movie any good?
It's pretty good, but the tone is closer to the comics that came after the original series rather than the original series' tone.
I enjoyed it.
>fucking middle school girls
To jail?
there's some eh parts but overall it's great
no it's fucking terrible
it's like sponge out of water where it's like 10 minutes of material dragged out over 1 and a half hours.
Yeah, the show had a lot of stuff like this. I remember the episode where Zim stole everybody's organs being pretty dark.
shut the fuck up you've never watched it or you're so obssessed with le post ironic unironic unfunny modern meme shit you can't watch something that's not constantly being meta or refrencing things