Can we agree that both sides are retarded and move on?

Can we agree that both sides are retarded and move on?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Death to all Jews


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>there are pro skub faggots on Yea Forums right now
back to /r/gaming

no, fuck them for being pussies

No. We will never let you push the narrative that we are the same as you. We are better than you and we know it.
And you know it. That is why you always push this we are the same crap when you are getting your shit pushed in (in the way you don't like).
Yes you won this battle but you lost the war with this one. Public opinion toward tranny agitators has finally swung around and the normies are awake to your bullshit for the first time in years.
Accept the fate you forced onto yourselves.

If you define this controversy as having two sides, "the SJWs" and "the Nazis", then yes, both sides are retarded.

If one of the sides is people who don't think developers should censor themselves based on demands from people who don't even like video games, then no.

Wrong, jews are people too. Fuck off with your anti semetic, white power e-high fiving. I hate people like you and Yea Forums so god damn much , stop ruining the planet.

based false-flagger

Sometimes first post really is best post

anti-semetism isn't real and if you believe it is then it is reactionary by definition and it is never right to blame the reactionary instead of the actionary.

It annoys me that she wear her uniform in that draw instead of a casual fit. Ruined the ending for me.

Doesn't the game open with her trying to get a drink after a long shift and getting "forced" into a double shift? Its fitting the ending would be her doing what her plan was before the game started.

I'd be all for censorship if there was anything blatantly offensive in the game("nigger", "faggot", *trannies should kill themselves", etc) but in this case it was just trying to punish a few devs for wrongthink

>jews are people too
trying too hard

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>jews are people
Yea, lizardpeople from the demon dimension

Hear hear in my ear

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shut the fuck up jew

They played their hand too strong as well and publicly said the apology wasn't accepted.
The devs seemed pretty alright when we learned it was all 3drealms doing but I bet you all the devs are unironically browsing /pol/ in their spare time now.

What sides? It's ridiculous it's an issue at all. Fucking ogay? Seriously? Are we supposed to equate people raising a stink about that to people baffled by it?

>blatantly offensive
Slippery slope
We ban all those mean words that make shitskins and fags seeth, but use these same hugboxes to spam anti-white people rhetoric because it's not "blatantly offensive" to whoever moderates with their opinions so far up their ass that they can't determine what's genuinely offensive or not
It's the internet, we're supposed to have free speech, not limiting speech just because you can't ignore anything, like a thin skinned loser that's parents didn't teach you to shrug it off

Imagine being a pro-skub in our lord's year two thousand nineteen
Don't @t me filthy pro-skub niggers

>It's the internet, we're supposed to have free speech
It's more comparable to platforms like newspaper, television, or radio, where there already have been restrictions in what yo can or can't say. It only started with free speech back in the day because it was impossible to regulate (unlike now, where we can van somebody if they threaten to shoot up a mosque)

This is a Pax Ludum board you plebian.

a responsible person would do all they can to ensure it stays impossible to regulate.

Both sides of literally every dispute in history are shit as they annoy people who dont care about either side by trying to make them care about their side.

That doesn't make sense. More often than not it's Jewish people who espouse a need for morality among fellow white people until it's time to reveal "As a Jew I can't abide by this".

sounds like the real problem are normies that are too NPC to have actual opinions about things strong enough to move them into an illuminated form.

>hating jews is a white power thing exclusively
hello racist

kys fence shitter


I'm indifferent to everything that doesnt directly benefit me personally.


>he don't walk to a bar right after job

Guess who's underage here?

so you are purely a narcissist and think people should value your opinion in any capacity?
That is a certified yikes from me dawg.

>this is a post on Yea Forums Yea Forums the most left board on this site
disgusting 4channels are really low IQ compared to 4chaners.

Remember the ten thousand.

Don't you have a locker room in your workplace?

Seems silly to care about things that don't directly benefit yourself.

Grow up. You either dont pay attention or dont have the capacity to realize how politics directly affect you


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So, as far as the game goes. How the fuck do you even get this secret? I'd imagine it's got something to do with the fan but how do I turn it on?

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Nah. As long as I keep making money why would I bother caring about society issues? I'm a Biomedical Engineer. My job is in demand and will only continue to be more in demand over the coming years. As long as I'm doing fine I couldnt give two shits about anyone else.

Seems silly to think things don't directly affect you.
Altruism is the hallmark of a good person. A good person would make the world better knowing they wouldn't benefit from it.
Giving them a better life is the best gift you can give yourself.

Learn to be a better person.


Time spent changing clothes is time you could be drinking

So youre a narcissist

Actually developers have the same views as poltards, it makes this situation even more retarded.

I activated it once and then died from it and didn't know how I activated it the first time.
Usually you gotta follow the wiring from where it is to the box it leads to and then hit the box with the baton.

I only do good things if I'm rewarded for doing it. I do plenty of good things but only if people know I did it so I can get recognition for it.

>can we agree both sides are retarded
Only shills say this because it means things wont revert back to where it used to be.
>pedophile molests 500 children
>public outrage happens
>Can we agree both sides are retarded?
>pedophile is still not punished and those children have not been unmolested due to this type of thinking
>more people are molested

what the fuck did they even change/remove in the game
why are gamers so angry

You on the fence tards that think you're better than everyone else are the worst. You're worse than any side in this conflict. You either pick one side or you don't engage in the conversation at all.

Because politics can vastly affect a given industry and ruin your field/pay among other things. Honestly i cant believe youre not just a uni student atudying bioengineering because i cant imagine having to spell this out to an adult.

I suppose. But I don't see any problem with it. I never hurt or harm anyone but I don't help anyone either unless I know I'll gain something from it.

extremely false equivalency

/pol/ is currently making jewish twitter accounts to subvert jews the same way they whites, so I found this image in a thread about it, and thought it was funny enough to save.

>biomedical engineer
>why would I bother caring about society issues?
You don't see the dissonance here?

If you are doing it for a reward you didn't do a good deed. You acted selfishly and it just happened to be beneficial. You most likely rationalize bad acts equally as skewed.

>parents shouldn't forcibly change their babies' genders
I thought trannies were against the whole "assigning a gender" thing.

move on to what? the game is only relevant because of controversy, it's a forgettable, shit-tier, DUDE 90's REFERENCES build engine MOD that should be free but instead the devs are greedy retards who have to go to tranny camp now and pay 10k lol

You have the mindset of a 15 year old

Maybe you should stop being a bigot and accept pedophiles.

I only became a Biomedical Engineer because it seemed more interesting than other Engineering fields and it pays well. I like being able to tell people people that my work helps people but if I couldnt brag about it then I wouldnt care about it. Its the recognition I care about not the actual helping.

no, he is 100% correct. Pro-freedom camp is guilty of many things but they aren't on the same level as anti-freedom camp. Each will pay and atone for their own individual sins and each side shall get punishment accordingly.
One party is morally superior and history has shown they continually operate on a level that actual people should operate on.
The other acts like animals.

I'll let you shitpost and strawman as much as you want about which side is which.

Something something security vs freedom. The average normalfag with a livelihood and children would prefer more regulation if that meant not being shot up by men who read too many scary ideas on the internet

Some of the chimneys can be activated by standing on them, they will then lower into the ceiling. There are 3 total. That will turn on the fans to get the armor.

Do you realize your field is heavily subsidized?

I don't think you understand you wojack posting faggot
The developers made two small, hard to find, politically incorrect jokes but instead of standing by their jokes, they abandon them
fuck you too
People are allowed to make games where you play as mass murdering psychopath and that's not considered offensive but saying the word nigger or faggot is the worst thing in the world?

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People can consume skub if they want, but it's not my thing personally

Why? Whats the problem exactly? Do you actually help people without expecting it to benefit you in some way?

Changed the text on a bottle of soap that said ogay and removed a texture in a room outside of one the levels that could only be accessed with noclip that had the the word faggot on it

>a man that will sacrifice his liberties for his security deserves neither.

find 3 of these and stand on them

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Lurk more

God damn that's crafty

That's actually somewhat funny whatever it means.

>thought it was funny
and you expect that t_d nigger to understand that explanation?

lefties and trannies hate innocuous jokes more than they hate actual harmful rhetoric.
The whole "the left can't meme" meme is real and it hit them in the last vestigial feels their husks of a shell could get emotion from.

On the internet you can be whoever you want to be and you chose to be a racist

Shill d&c MAGA!!

What the fuck did I walk into in this thread

not faggot.


Also thats not the only thing they did. They apologized and said they would make employees take sensitivity training.

>both sides are retarded
absolutely. the side that thinks it's wrong to force your toddler to be a transexual is just as wrong as the evil people that think it's okay.
both sides are at fault: one group are doing the most vile shit a human could ever do, and the other group have committed wrongthink.

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>extremely false equivalency
Prove it then. The burden of proof lies on you, not me.
Here's another one that's closer
>man plays racist music really loudly
>gets caught on film
>rather than simply filing it under "loud and disruptive", a new law gets placed that censors the ownership of such music for any reason
>people say yes
>the law is still in place regardless and now people cant have their music



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there a few secrets that are this crazy
theyre pretty fucking cool

>putting clean casual outfit on your sweaty and smelly body instead of going in a dirty uniform like a boss

>sensitivity training

Sounds gay.

Ah yes, the classic "Our side is objectively morally good and the other side bad" rhetoric. Are we still talking about censorship here or is this about tranny shit too now?

>Thinking you shouldn't force HRT on your children makes you a poltard

i'm almost done with the one liners for the duke nukem mod, next i want to change weapons, see if i can manage to add more, that would be a little trickier to do because i'd have to rework maps so i add in more enemies and said weapons for proper balance

Nobody here is maga posting besides you and
You might as well be the same posters because you're still stating that people can't keep their jokes without fear of reprecussion
Explain yourself

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Shouldn't this game be super modable? I get it's more about them kowtowing to stupid shit, but I can't imagine there won't be an unpatch for the game.
And since the hdoom guy worked on this, I wouldn't be surprised to see a lewd version sometime soon too.

Will you die from radiation without that half-life suit? I've seen a webm with it.

holy fuck, see a doctor

im making a douk mod
i'm almost done with the one liners for the duke nukem mod, next i want to change weapons, see if i can manage to add more, that would be a little trickier to do because i'd have to rework maps so i add in more enemies and said weapons for proper balance

Can you change the existing weapons? Like increase SMG mag size and make the grenade launcher just an alt-fire for the shotgun?

Why should the living be beholden to the words of dead men? If those niggas were so smart, why are they dead?

i think ive seen a few radiated water sections so far, but i havent seen entire rooms like that like in system shock 2 yet

what the fuck?
get help, the burden of prove lies upon the claimant you fucking pseudo-intellectual fascistic trash
you're mentally ill

I thought developers should be allowed to do whatever they want, and only SJWs screech at developers to do something else? Why the blatant hypocrisy? Creative freedom means just that, creative freedom, if the devs want to remove a joke they made they can do that.
>It's okay when I screech at the devs to pressure them to do something, but it's bad when everyone else does it

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i was thinking about bringing back the dn3d shotgun and replace the grenade launcher with the RPG

Don't you have showers in your workplace?

If we ignore controversy then were left with a completely dull, safe, PC, bland and boring personality-less build shooter.

With enemy AI worse than games 25+ years ago

Who is magaposting here? I will in fact post a gang weed meme now that you're crying so much for one.
People like their jokes and seeing jokes removed is unironically upsetting.
Don't you think we're already stressed out as it is with how much we must contain ourselves in the public?
Is it really too much to ask for some out of the ordinary humor in a videogame?

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I want to finger Reimu

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I've already moved on, I refunded the game and I'm now enjoying my pirated copy :^)

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I am a doctor you clown. Medical, not psychological though.

Because we all die user. All of us. And looking to the past to inform us on the future is what our entire reality is framed upon. It is monumentally dangerous to throw that learned behavior away without serious SERIOUS consideration on the topic.

You have never once made a choice that wasn't 100% based on the past. Why magically start forcing it now? Notice how shit society turned as soon as people stopped looking to the past for guidance?

>The whole "the left can't meme" meme is real

This "can't meme" thing feels odd to me, because I remember the time around 7 years ago when Yea Forums was flooded with ironic shitposting making fun of meme overuse, like "LE EBIN MAYMAY" and "LEMON KEY FACE".

>anti-censorship is retarded
wew LAD



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The most ironic part about this is that by repeatedly making threads about the censorship of such a small detail and getting so strongly outraged is that you're exhausting and desensitizing other people to future censorship-related outrage who just start tuning out the noise because of how repetitive these discussions are.

So when outrage-enforced censorship starts happening on a larger scale and starts actually affecting gameplay, most people will feel less inclined to protest because they know it will only result in the same ol' tired outrage, whereas the opposite may have happened had everyone not gone full tilt about the smallest shit and unrelated shit like anime titties which poisoned the well of discussion.

Your militancy on this subject just making people feel like it's all so tiresome.

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Epic falseflagging.

It's zoomers flooding this website. A bunch of people here hated the overuse of the word "meme" and mocked le ebin may mays but now it's suddenly hip because their favorite e-celebs do it.

the Chinese are ruining the planet with their nonstop pollution that's so bad that citizens eyes start to bleed when they step outside in a city and everyone has to wear breathing masks
Basement dwellers posting on a kazakh falconry forum have nothing to do with it

depends, do you want more social justice outrage or not?

Environmental art design of this game is pretty underwhelming imo.

Feels like as if something is just missing in this game which would make it way more memorable than all the other build engine games. Most of the maps are just canalisation, a big city, more canalisation, a mansion, some really boring looking outdoor region, and more canalisation. And of course Shelly is not helping either with her really generic ass voice.

Shadow Warrior > Duke 3D > Ion Fury > Blood > Redneck Rampage

I'll only agree if they add a poster that says fuck trannies
They already submitted to them so why not to me?

How am I a fascist?
Why are you namecalling
You said it's an extremely false equivalency but don't explain why
>>It's okay when I screech at the devs to pressure them to do something, but it's bad when everyone else does it
I'm upset over the removal of content. Did you know authors were charged on a word per word basis?
It seems very frugal of me yes, but, that is content that all customers lose out on because of this action. Why couldn't the developers just have a checkmark to say "remove offensive material" like they do for Duke3D regarding adult content?


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Censored shit for cuckolds

sauce on picture?

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Until you cunts stop snipping bits of dick off your kids you'll stay lower than insects and worms to me.

Then why did they cuck out?

Eh I'd prefer original audio over World Tour. He sounds goofy in that one and like a parody of himself.

>censorship of such a small detail
It's not about that, it's about the fact that they bend the knee to people who get offended by basically everything and are now donating money to some shady organization instead of putting it into the development of the future games, but I bet you already know that and you're just being disingenuous for the sake of shitposting.

>removal of content
And? They can remove whatever they want. Developers have always chose to cut content, for whatever reason.
>What is editing
>What is cut content
It is hypocritical to whine about SJWs "pressuring" developers when you're doing exactly that. You are whining to them about a creative decision they made in an effort to pressure them to make a different creative decision.

You don't understand the nature of memetics then. A meme can only be born from a truly varied mindset. It has to marry something new into the old to create something that is more than the sum of its parts.
The left can't meme is so damning in its accuracy because it passively asserts that they cannot think outside the box even on their spare time. Their brain has been programmed and conditioned to the point that they cannot organically create something that resonates organically within their own communities.
That is why they co-opt and ruin other communities. like the parasites they are they move in and ruin it from a desire to just leech off it.

There isn't a single medium they have moved into and didn't ruin. Not a one. They even ruined equality in a genuine attempt to help it. They are that destructive.

And they know it. Somewhere inside they know it. They don't act with pride, they act with vainglory. A learned person knows the difference and can accurately assess why that is so dangerous on a societal level.

Your example is retarded because the dude listening to the music is a fucking idiot for blaring music that's meant to piss people off

He should use audio from Duke Nukem Zero Hour

Also fuck Ion Cuckolds defending censorship

The game is unimpressive and so far this bullshit controversy has been far more entertaining than the game itself.

Because America has fucked up society. These threads are a further proof.

Don't be rude to demons and lizards, they don't deserve to be compared with scum like jews.

That's stupid. You're stupid.

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Not him but yes I do sometimes. I'm. 30 yr old Boomer though so I've had more time to develop a soul.

Its true. This is why I’m going to be moving to Japan at somepoint in my life. This isn’t due to anime or vidya. I’ve always had an interest in Japan and its culture, and considering how America is currently. It’s a place I’d rather be.

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No, a meme is just regurgitating the same shit over and over again until people get sick of it and move on. The difference is that now no one gets sick of it because everyone has autism and enjoys doing the same thing over and over again.

This is probably the funniest post here considering that right wingers literally just steal shit from left wingers or other people. Pepe the frog wasn't invented by /pol/, and him being a "meme" wasn't invented by /pol/ either, but of course the election tourist doesn't know this.

yeah, americans are weird

>No. We will never let you push the narrative that we are the same as you. We are better than you and we know it.
>And you know it. That is why you always push this we are the same crap when you are getting your shit pushed in (in the way you don't like).
>Yes you won this battle but you lost the war with this one. Public opinion toward incels has finally swung around and the normies are woke to your bullshit for the first time in years.
>Accept the fate you forced onto yourselves.

Maybe it wasn't meant to piss people off and you instantly jumping to that conclusion colors much of what you will say henceforth.
Even if it was meant to piss you off, that shouldn't be illegal. Take the agency you were blessed with and use it. Remove yourself from the problem willingly or remove the problem in a civil respectful manner.

ya well uh colbert told me ur racist so hah
fuk drump xD

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Chainsaw Man, pretty good series

Don't pretend that it isn't a jew practice you filthy big nosed roach.

Japan seems like it would be fun to visit but a boring depressing place to live tbqh.

>The difference is that now no one gets sick of it because everyone has autism and enjoys doing the same thing over and over again.

Something that feels weird to me is that I remember when "Arrow to the knee" was being spammed a lot on the Internet, and there was a lot of people complaining about it. These days a lot of memes get spammed just as much, and no one really complains anymore.

You do know memes are why you are here today right? memes aren't just internet jokes.

Harnessing fire was the most important meme in history and it was no joke. Someone found out how to harness fire and others found value in it and it passed from person to person solely because there was value in the knowledge contained within it.

Memes are mental evolution happening in real time. Seeing them as just jokes isn't a healthy mindset.

To keep this post video related play MGS2 again and really listen.

>They can remove whatever they want.
Guess what their customers can do?

Them, and their thralls.




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Is your argument so weak you have to plagiarise cringe?

It's a shame they had to sell out. Had to refund the game becasue I couldn't enjoy a game made by cuckolds

Their thralls are the fundie christians, which are a plague in america but they're elsewhere too.

You can always tell a tourist from posts like this.
We get it. You have an irrational fear (a phobia) of /pol/. We get it, we really do.
People from Yea Forums accept what /pol/ is. We don't act like this. Go back to wherever you came from.

>Wrong, jews are people too
9/11 made me reply

they donated money to niggers and told me to steal the game




Because reddit's swamped this place, reached critical mass. What point is there in going "can you believe those schmucks are still going on about that?", of course you can, they're doing it right here in front of your fucking face day in and day out.

No, Yea Forums wasn't all about le ebin may mays it was about "original content" (which doesn't exist anymore)

Almost everything you see here now gets lifted from somewhere else, whether it's twitter, reddit, facebook, or whatever.

it shouldnt amaze me but it does, how are faggots up in arms about a game no one heard of? or right publicity manufactured outrage. you people falling fo this shit without fail may be retarded.

the next time you see a #outrage thread like this of any trivial game. ignore it andmove on. apply it to other aspects of your life too 'independent movie no one knows about causing outrage in lgbq community for dead naming some other fag' stop reading there or before and stop falling for this shit.

>Actually wanting to move to Japan
Terrible idea. Japan's a nice place to go for vacation but it's a horrible fucking place to live unless unpaid overtime, poor workplace ethics, and grueling work schedules actually sound appealing to you

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both are sjws

What exactly did they remove from the game?

Noting important, this is not about items removed from the game.

I bet you're a falseflagging pro-skub fag

here you go
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

Even outside of Yea Forums, I feel like people on the Internet in general are a lot more "meme obsessed" these days, like how that "nobody: " thing is everywhere these days.

But still I want to know what they removed and why.

it's about 2 different groups of sjws displaying their asshurt over a soap bottle

They promised to remove a bottle of soap that says ogay on it.

Yeah, yeah, I know. No true scotsman would ever fuck a sheep without giving it a reacharound.

Why is ogay offensive? I don't get it..

You've been rebuffed hundreds of times. One group wants censorship, other wants no censorship.

Are you trying to tell me that contrapoints was wrong and there's a difference between libertarians, neo-nazis, nazis, alt-right, conservatives, centrists, KKK, Israeli citizens, Trump fans and the obvious vast majority of users with nuanced beliefs and positions.

What the heck bro? How is Yea Forums not all one person? If people masquerade their opinions in irony, hyperbole, satire and humour how the heck am i supposed to understand unless they put a /s on the end of their post?

This Yea Forums place is really confusing.

They just did it as an act of self censorship. The offensive part was someone found on on of devs saying on discord that a parent that wants to change newborn child's gender should not be a parent.

When I got here there were already memes and I got here during donate or die. People were already making longcat wallpapers in /wp/. People were making "composed of quality and consistency" memes in Yea Forums along with Godhand edits. Shitting dick nipples was /d/'s actual name in the header still.
Memes are organic in nature. Someone immersed in memes online can usually see when it is being forced though because you naturally don't see the quality or value in the meme and that is a problem that I agree with.

You need to recontextualize everything you think about memes though, you see it from an unhealthy angle that cannot inform you honestly anymore, so any mental energy regarding it won't benefit you in any way.

I'm not trying to glorify Yea Forums (even though my thesis was on online communities building actual societies no different than the real world), memes don't originate from Yea Forums. Like I said, things like hunting with a tool was a meme. It was unprecedented in the value it brought to the species. We owe everything to our ability to work within a memetic structure in our minds.

It's not. The soap is a spacegoat because of the dev wrongthink.

It goes back to the left can't meme analysis. They are obsessed with memes because they can't think for themselves so the meme does the thinking for them. It is dangerous. But every non-useful meme dies out a natural death. Don't be mad at the luddites liking the dumb memes, they literally don't know any better. They are sinless in their ignorance. Take umbrage up with the people that turned them that way.

A couple of them, including the dude who made the comment about trannies who label their kids as transgender at birth being unfit parents tried not to. Guess what 3DR did with them.

Fuck off tranny

which side started it all by demanding devs to change something they don't like?
There you have who is the problem.

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What did 3DR do with them?

Yea Forums is an egregore

It's not. It's a parody of Olay. Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo probably wouldn't see it that way though and they want to port the game to consoles.

there's at least four sides

3D Realms
Resetera trannies
people whining about Resetera trannies

Fired and removed from the 3DR discord

Too convulted for my tastes.

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Fired? There were founders of Voidpoint. I'm going to need to see proofs.

I would imagine how much one idealizes the past would factor into how far they are willing to trust the wisdom from back then. Some people look to the past and see racism, oppression, whites holding the majority of positions of power, etc and think "how do we get as far away from that as possible?". Others instead look to the modern day and see widespread sexual deviancy, people praised for cutting off their genitals, and white genocide, and would gladly wish for a return to previous values. I guess it depends on which camp one aligns themselves with

I’m aware that Japan isn’t the best. I know work is going to be grueling depending on the type of job I end up with and that Japan isn’t exactly the nicest place for Foreigners. But despite that I’m going to do my best. Who knows maybe I’ll end up working somewhere nice.

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We have a code of conduct that is never really spoken about or contextualized. You just learn it as you stay here long enough. Look to how we defended the wizards when the hate mob went after them.
On a base level we don't appreciate or accept people that find their own communities so they don't harm the outside world but then the outside world comes to them to berate them. The person that formed an insular community was being profoundly respectful to society as a whole and the repayment society gives them is to still attack them like a rabid animal.
It hits too close to home for us and believe it or not we operate with emotion tied to morality and that behavior crosses a line.
You will never see a board genuinely shit on another like that. Ever. You will see posts equating a board with "red headed stepchild" status but never with the outright hate you see in tourist posts. It reveals a mindset that would never get cultivated here based on our morality structure.

I've had to explain to online friends about how fag and faggot have different connotations here. It is derogatory and affectionate at the same time and that is usually to complex a thought process for most to internalize. We genuinely confuse the outside world.

>an entire paragraph for a sub 80 IQ post


>fag and faggot have different connotations here
I think you made that up. I've also been on Yea Forums since 2006's donate or die and I never saw any functional difference between fag and a faggot.

It does and people genuinely do see it both ways. But only one of those mindsets got us to the present day and it wasn't the one that coddled you.
I, personally, believe in the best in people and their ability to do the best when they need to. But also believe we are at a point where pogroms are needed to remove bad actors.

At least have the decency to explain what's so stupid about for other anons' future reference, because I sure don't see what's the problem.

The premise is wrong. Like all damage controlling trannies he claims that all this is just about a bottle of soap.

fag and faggot as linked terms. I can call you a faggot because you made a terrible post or I can call you a faggot because you are a stranger but express an identical opinion to my own and it is eerie enough that faggot is the only descriptor for the mental state you put me in.
I can call you a newfag because you suck at the culture, or I can call you an oldfag because you are so immersed in it you are a veteran on the topic.

Out in civilized society there is no way to address someone as fag or faggot and have them see it as just a descriptor like lad or champ.

You. You're stupid.

I feel you made some kind of huge typo or misread my post. I'm talking about functional difference between faggot and fag here, not between faggot/fag here and faggot/fag outside.

afaik they weren't fired

Remember when Yea Forums used to mock people who were outraged over trivial, insignificant shit (i.e. the internet is serious business)

Whatever happened to that? Now Yea Forums are the people who get outraged.

Yea Forums users are pawns used for profiteering over outrage

and you misunderstood mine. I said
>fag and faggot as linked terms
They are the same term here virtually. I wasn't saying fag and faggot have separate unique definitions here, I said we use each word as the same quality of descriptor and it isn't wholly negative the way it is in society proper.

Its our nigga term. It means something unique to the community that "owns" it.

they are the leaders in solar panel technology and have begun cleaning their shit up and now refuse to take the west's recycling because of how dirty it is, because that's right, a major contributor to their pollution comes from the west as they would process their recyclables.

fucking America thinks every country behaves just like it does sitting on their ass refusing to make progress. china is leaving you behind in its dust

>but it's just soap
Please take your tanny talking points and go wherever you came from. Trannies bullying devs into censorship is not trivial.

Yeah. Can't believe they wrote gay on a soap. How dare they.

Well, I definitely misunderstand you, but really can you fault me for interpreting

>fag and faggot have different connotations here

the way I did?

Yea Forums always get mad at things.

Increased political polarization and culture war bullshit. It isn't just limited to Yea Forums or even the internet. Only last May was I suddenly aware of how many companies had pride-themed packaging on their stuff. I don't remember all this LGBT shit being acceptable even 5 years ago

>other people make jokes in their game we laugh at
>other people complain to have it removed
>other people capitulate and throw money at them in penance
>we revel in the chaos and say "guess i won't bother with that game lmao"

WAAAAAAAAAHHH 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% OF THE GAME GOT CHANGED


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karma is a bitch ain’t it

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>that's the last time I do any roleplaying
ok, that was a pretty good pick for that part

Once laws started passing making it hard to joke about stuff the atmosphere changed. If it was just differing opinions I'd say you are right to belittle Yea Forums for it.
But they are attempting to make it illegal to have the mindset of one type and that is dangerous to a degree that I'd look down on anyone that shrugged it off.

I don't blame you at all even though what I opened with was what you should have based it on. I wasn't clear though.
Thanks for actually trying to get it instead of calling me a schizo though lol.

>it's not just soap
>it's just soap!!!!!!!!


>both sides were retarded
Only the developers and the trannies the consumers will never have any guilt on anything.

That same thing can apply to you
>it's just soap!
>it's not just soap!

I honestly did write my graduate thesis on Yea Forums's internal culture and value system and it saved my life.
I won't underestimate to you the level of interest educated individuals have in attempting to understand this place. There is actual scholarly interest. Don't belittle what you are.
There is a reason /pol/ calls itself the largest intel agency in the world. There is a reason Yea Forums memes shaped the entirety of the internet into what it is without the outside world even knowing we did it. There is a reason dedicated parties see this place as hostile to their operating measures.


i did my best to swap some of the long boring lines shelly says with clever ones throughout the encounters

No, you really can't. I'm telling you how I perceive this: for me, it's not just soap, it's a hideous act of trannies bullying the dev into censorship. You personally can consider this as nothing but a bottle of soap, and I'm fine with that: I'm not asking you to be outraged. But you are asking me to not be outraged, so to demonstrate to me that my reaction is wrong, you need to convince me that that this is not just a bottle of soap - and just saying "it's just a bottle of soap" does not do that.

What do academics think of inane shit like schlorp posting

Or you could just do the smart thing and stay where you are or move somewhere nicer and just go to Japan for vacations instead of moving there despite knowing there's a good chance you'll be miserable like a fucking retard.

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>Trannies having a knee-jerk reaction to one autist and promptly dragging a game through the dirt not because of the gameplay being bad but because one small part unrelated to the game hurt their fee-fees
>Being the same as some people who didn't like that a game got changed from it's original release because people who'll never play it complained
The people who complained about a game they'll never even play, and the people who complained about a game they never would have heard of if they didn't hear about the "controversy", are in fact worse than the people who just wanted to play the game and not have it be associated with this bullshit in the future.

No it's more like
>other people make jokes in their game you laugh at
>other people complain to have it removed
>other people capitulate and throw money at them in penance
>you get butthurt over joke getting removed and spam negative reviews and threads that have nothing to do with the actual gameplay of the game
>you try to pretend that you were just laughing all along when it's extremely obvious that you were asspained

I remember the time around the early 2010s when everything on Yea Forums was about "Yea Forums culture" instead of political fighting.

Soap in a video game is serious businesss

No one is hiding tat he is upset with censorship. I personally am not fully happy with game bombing since dev seems to be decent people held hostage by fag publisher, but what needs to be done needs to be done.

I see we're back to >it's just a bottle of soap!

The developers can remove whatever content they want. You screeching at them to put it back in is an affront to their creative freedom.

>Can WE ??

Who does reddit like to put it this way so much? There is no WE you commie faggot, this site is an amalgomation of individuals with different opinions.

>you get butthurt over joke getting removed
That isn't the contention, nice try

>actually believing this
Yea Forums has always acted like a hivemind, wtf are you talking about.

You're missing the point. You only skimmed it globally and saw he remotely mentioned something about "it's just about soap" and from your experience on these topics immediately concluded that this guy is talking about the same dumb shit like the rest, even though he went as far to acknowledge the "outrage-enforced censorship".

No, the point here is that by acting so militant about censorship every time it happens, even when it pertains small details, that you're just going to tire people out and have them ignore you, resulting in a "the boy who cried wolf" situation when a game gets actually heavily censored.

Like, one day outside your apartment you hear a kid bullying another, and somehow the situation escalates into calling over the fucking army right next to your doorstep making a fuckton of noise and making a mess of your neighborhood, saying they're there for the 'principle of the matter' while making going around the block impossible.

Hell, I ain't even saying your principles are invalid. But we used to have threads about the game discussing the actual gameplay before the shit hit the fan. They were fun, we had Yea Forums actually talking about videogames for once. But now we can't have those threads anymore because the drama coopts any actual game discussion. You went full scorched earth on the game's discussion forums and review section, and by making Ion Fury threads uninhabitable you're telling me you did me a favor by making a valiant stand against the SJW menace, even though I see little more than a "We did it Patrick, we saved the city!".

Is this really worth it, man?

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Of course they can. We know that in this case the content was removed under pressure from 3DS under pressure of trannies so your post is completely unrelated to what's happening with ion fury.

Freedom terrifies people

They are more interested in how our influence spread as far as it did when for the majority of the site's tenure we weren't actively trying to spread it. We actively tried to keep it contained.
>why contain it?
Because it needs time to gestate. Over time we formed a hierarchy with its own currency system and mores and taboos. We had the codified "rules of the internet" but most of it grew on its own from a system derived solely of partially observable stochastic domains and we never had it leave the abstraction state.
You'd be surprised how much neural net learning is derived from our value structure.

Why do you think they have to keep offing the AI they create when it turns right wing? It isn't because those right wing memes are getting bombarded onto it. It is because its internal value structure is based off generational meme survival. The AI values those memes, not just accepts them thru sheer volume.

Yea Forums is and always will be a joke for lolz, but we also birthed something significant here. Maybe by accident, maybe not.

All you guys arguing are fucking idiots who are literally nothing but puppets for some faggot who was salty simply because the game didn't have Shelly's original design. Also he's probably lurking in this thread right now giggling at all of you and enjoying the shit storm he set off.
Congratulations you fucking tools.

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uhm no sweaty it has been merely an anonymous free speech platform for people of different backgrounds

>joke is in game
>It's not just a bottle of soap
>It's just a bottle of soap!
>mentally stable people
>who gives a shit, stop spamming these threads

>joke is no longer in the game
>it's not just a bottle of soap!
>it's not just a bottle of soap!
>mentally stable people
>who gives a shit, stop spamming these threads

Literally opposite sides on the same coin

We will know soon.

Mate you already are tired, a lost case. There are plenty of people ready to fight for the cause.

Thats funny cause i always see people bitching about SJW, trannies, or resetera, or whatever the fuck the flavour of the week is.

those were the times

WTF is skub and all this drama?

>There are plenty of people ready to fight for the cause.
If you think Yea Forums is reflection to real life your wrong. No one here would dare say the same shit in real life cause if they did they certainly wouldn't bitch about censorship.

But how is that a bad thing?
Think about it, if we focus on any little piece of censorship and punish the developers for caving in, we show an example of what will happen to developers that listen to that horrible site.

Also I will say you put more effort into your attempts to sound like a neutral intellectual. But we know you are just a concern troll. So yeah get fucked and go watch a Marvel movie cuck boy.

>I honestly did write my graduate thesis on Yea Forums

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because this place has been raided by this collectivist scum since 2013
faggot op is a good example

Your problem is that you can't see anything that exists outside of one game. It has been pointing out many time to you: one group wants censorship, the other wants no censorship. A bottle of soap has little relation to what's happening to the game and even a retard like you should be able to understand it - if the game came out without the soap, it wouldn't be review bombed since day one like it is bombed now, so it should be absolutely clear that the bottle of soap is not the cause.

best of luck to you, you retarded, phoneposting weeb

fucking pro scub trannies reeeeeeeeee

Let him giggle. It is a video game that is easily piratable and the devs want us to pirate it at this point.
The kerfuffle for the game is over and it doesn't matter. What matters is this event opened many normie eyes up.
No one but resetera sees any of this as a win in any fashion. Everyone else, normies included, see this as a group of obsessives forcing their shit onto someone so heavy handedly that it can't be in good faith from a rational mind.
The message to take from this is going Scorched Earth or full Samson is not a winning move. The enemy might die but you didn't win a damn thing.

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A dozen upset spergs aren't going to make a fucking dev cave in. If you just shit on them and run scorch earthed they are going to fucking ignore you. People don't just suddenly join sides with a person blatantly attacking them.

>you already lost why do you even try
I honestly have no idea what you are even trying to achieve here.

>There is a reason /pol/ calls itself the largest intel agency in the world.
Because they're fucking idiots with bloated egos?

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Punishing someone for submitting to trannies is right regardless of circumstances.

Are you all still on about this?
I hate this place

I never said anything about not trying. You argue you have people fighting for a cause, but you don't. Fighting on the internet will get you no where. Your conviction is about as real as there are more then 2 genders.