Dark Souls 1 is balanced and fai-

>Dark Souls 1 is balanced and fai-

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das1 is piss easy, it's only difficult in the first few areas


hahaha nigga how the fuck are hollows real hahaha nigga just hit them like nigga just run away hahaha

I know it's bait but whatever. These enemies die in one hit. It's the most basic type of mob encounter. It's not a Dark Souls 2 situation where you have to circle a mob of powerful enemies begging for a single opening

but you have to have more than 10 IQ


What if we do...EIGHT Capra Demons at once!

Classic response

"This is different because...... Dark souls 2 is bad because....."

Yes it's bullshit. The only way to beat that ambush is to fight them 1-2 at a time, slowly and methodically (which does not make for fun videogames)

No one defends Demon Ruins.

Fuck it, lets buff em too so only a couple have to stunlock to kill the player.

>Dark Souls does low-tier enemy ganksquads
>fair® and balanced™

>Dark Souls 2 does low-tier enemy ganksquads

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What the fuck are you complaing about? That part is super fun. Go two-handed and rip and tear with ease.

I am playing this for the first time now and I am fucking terrible and the only times I had trouble in that room were when I tried to run past them and got caught

Lol just zweihander bro

Fuck off troll.

Lets spam with enemies that can hit through the walls before the collision lets you attack them!

Make em invincible without an item too...

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>just git g-

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DS2 hitboxes are shi-

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>Dark Souls does low-tier enemy ganksquads sparingly and in areas where you can avoid them if you're careful
>Dark Souls 2 does low-tier enemy ganksquads everywhere

Won't you get blasted by the channeler if you try to rush in swinging like Guts?

awwww did the bad scary man hurt your feeweeings? do you need mommy to give a kiss for the bad man to go away?

Attached: best in the series.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>turn around without rolling backwards
Your own fault

well done proving what he said

no one ever said this
souls games are fun because they're unfair

How's the Switch version?

>Dark Souls 1 does the most of "throw a huge horde of enemies at the player"
>Dark Souls 2 takes the credit

For me it's almost unplayable after playing the game on PC at 60fps.

How do you do that without breaking the game?

>DSP, a man who plays the Souls game by tanking and spamming attack until he runs out of stamina, decided, for no reason at all, to stop attacking while he still had half a bar of stamina left and show his back to the enemy
Dude, the game glitched. Get over it.

>what is looking around a corner
>what is hearing that mage nigger
>what is not being a dumb fucking faggot who can retreat successfully
I can't believe anyone has an actual issue with this part. The only "bullshit" part in DS1 were the skeleton archers on the cliffside in Tomb of the Giants, which - even then - can still be managed if you have a shield.

Pretty good. No dips whatsoever for me playing mostly handheld. Looks about the same as the original.

you install dsfix.

Dark Souls is unironically the best game ever made.

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The horses in DS1 are small and manageable for the most part (like DS2 which uses it for 2 boss fights)

It's optional but the mob guarding Large Divine Ember is complete bullshit. It's manageable but still mostly a complete crapshoot.





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>>Dark Souls 1 does the most of "throw a huge horde of enemies at the player"
Forget that. Fucking Demon's Souls was full of gank squads too. How this became a "Dark Souls 2 only" thing I cannot fathom.

This game is easy you stupid twat

except the environment literally forces the enemies into 1 on 1 situations for you, so you don't get overwhelmed

In both DeS and DaS1 your tiny small shield at 12 endurance will block the shit out of anything that tries to touch you and getting a spear will let you kill anything without getting hit. Later games nerfed shields into oblivion and the only viable strategy is to dodge away and hit one at a time.

>Play all Souls games
>Enjoy all of them
Feels great not being an obsessed tier list faggot.

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>low level shitty mobs that are funnelled one at a time
>every single area being a mobs of strong enemies
I know you're a reddittard who couldnt manage dark souls if you tried but come on

Imagine having such shit taste that you like Hallway Rolls 3.

This, and that is why Sens Fortress is the best area in the series.

Fucking this, they're all good on their own aspects. Even Sekiro and BB are fucking great.
Are any other From games like that? I noticed they have a huge catalog of PS1/2 games.

okay whos lying

r with absolutely no exploits

>rolling is OP
That's true for every souls game. Not just DaS2. Sure, there's some enemies in DaS2 you can't handle easily blocking unless you have a large shield. Guess what? That's true for DaS1 and DeS as well.

There's a reason no one cared about them until Souls.

You install dsfix for the original.
The remastered already supports 60fps.

Remaster balance changes with mostly the original graphics/lighting. Take that as you will, I view that as a good thing.

There are no strong enemies in Dark Souls 2 except for the DLC.
Sen's is disappointing because after six thousand traps actually getting to kill you, the boss dies when you touch his knees funny.

>Are any other From games like that? I noticed they have a huge catalog of PS1/2 games.
The majority of From's library is cheap and lazy imitation shovelware that, at best, has "charm". A lot of them are just outright crap games.

Neither you fucking retard. Its a consistent 30 fps. As long as you're not a sperg, 30fps is fine

It's capped at 30 fps like the original without mods. Only once I tried to play it with fps unlocked on PC and fell to my death on stairs and other wonky collisions so I wouldn't recommend that.
30fps with no dips even in Blighttown is preferable to bugs.

>kings field
>that mech game

Rolling in earlier games is clunkier and the tiny platforms you're often at make it more risky than blocking most of the time.
In 3 it's the only viable defense you have.

>hehehe yeah.. i'll shit one the one area every DaS fanboy hates
>that will show i'm the intellectual around here ehehe

King's Field is fucking awful.

I'm just not bipolar. Dark Souls 3 might not be as good as Dark Souls, but that doesn't make it a bad game. I'm not sure how people can so highly praise one game and find another unplayable. They are not so different that it should be a problem.

King's Field is crap. Armored Core might be more impressive if they hadn't churned out more than dozen of them at a rate of more than one a year.

>the tiny platforms you're often at make it more risky than blocking most of the time
That might be true if you actually had to physically dodge attacks but the game uses i-frames so you can just roll right at the enemy and he'll block you from moving but you still don't get hit. If it weren't actually true the game always put you on tiny platforms. Which it isn't.

It’s the vocal contrarian minority of Yea Forums all ds games are good including 3

>including 3

Attached: Roll roll roll roll roll R1 R1 R1 R1.webm (960x540, 2.82M)

It is true if the enemies are moving and your lock-on changes directions and you fall to your death because when you pressed left dodge you were in an angle where left had ground in it but after the enemy moves your camera goes backwards and left means bottomless pit.

Who cares about rolling? That suddenly makes it unplayable? That's exactly what I mean by 'bipolar'

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>pressed left dodge
As I already said, there's no reason to push left dodge. Forward dodge has exactly the same outcome because i-frames are a shit tier design crutch.

>you can't beat every souls game this way

ok retard

>getting assblasted over the weakest mobs in the game
never gonna make it

Just because you think one game is better than another and that one game is trash in comparison, doesn't mean that game is trash in comparison to your average game. Souls games are just in a tier of their own compared to your average AAA and indie shit.

>implying this isnt how all 3 souls games AND bloodborne play

>fall to your death because when you pressed left dodge
I died so many times to the gold skeletons on the cliffs in 4-2.

Only if there isn't another guy behind the first or you're sure he won't do a second/third hit afterwards.
You also have what, 9~15 iframes on dodge depending on equip load while blocking is endless. Even parrying is more reliable depending on your location, such as in Anor Londo against the black knights.

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I'm just here to remind to accept Sekiro as your lord and saviour.