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Other urls found in this thread:


>Yea Forums - Twitter and e-celebs

Go die alone retard. Not video games.

fuck not this nigger again

>join it
>just epic doxxers
I sleep

Cope. e-celebs are officially part of Yea Forums and will be pinned if they like nintendo.

good chuckle, but shouldnt be on this board

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It's ok when the e-celeb is a nintendo fag

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Mods are retarded, and water is wet.

>those assblasted replies
lol but who's the chucklefuck

it's just some hackers. apparently they hacked shane dawsons twitter too and said germany should have won ww2


>Whoever hacked his account gets a bullet when the leftist revolution happens
>That one kike that straight up doxxed the guy
Why do eceleb zoomers get so many fucking ants in their pants.

I fucking hate normalfags

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based as fuck


I mean, they’re not wrong.


Attached: All he wanted was SA3 goddamit SEGA.jpg (1080x666, 190K)

some reaction video guy that jumped off the goldengayt bridge then a bunch of fans left nintendo switchs and such at his memorial then it all got stolen and kicked over and the seething commenced


Its apart of Yea Forums. Better off accepting it.

>linking a deleted tweet


Already deleted...anybody get a screen snatch?

Never seen someone hack a dead person's account.
I wonder what will happen since Etika isn't there too take the account back. Does this guy just own it now?

>then a bunch of fans left nintendo switchs and such at his memorial then it all got stolen and kicked over and the seething commenced
Are you serious? No way zoomers can be this fucking retarded

it just got deleted

based. he couldn't live without another Sonic Adventure game and decided life wasn't worth it.

Did the user you were replying to said anything negative about your new discussions? he just admitted for what is Yea Forums is made for nowadays. you people are insecure and newfags. get a job fags

they even started having "memorial guards"


>etika is a weeb now
what happened

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Absolutley nobody:
Not even a single soul:
Some shitbag who hacked a dead person's twitter account: Lol IM so FunNY GUis RoIGHt?

>I'm currently drowning


>Absolutley nobody:
>Not even a single soul:
What is the purpose of these lines?

I'd kill myself too if I was a 3D Sonicfag

I have a quick question. How is this NOT Video Games? If this shit wasn’t video games Etikas death wouldn’t have gotten a sticky right? As such since ETIKA is at the very least Video Games. People say it doesn’t belong on Yea Forums are factually incorrect. It belongs here since the discussion was not only allowed hut given a sticky upon his death.

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>someone posts an old doxx

Holy shit Twitter people are such low intelligence fags, if this was 2004 they would be the people clicking on pop ups.

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reddit faggotry

>Many people are reporting that those who join the hacker’s discord get DDOSed, so please do not join for any reason.
>Also, while this situation is very fustersting, please do not attempt to dox the hackers. This issue will be resolved by Twitter.

He's letting you know that he's a retarded zoomer and possibly also a discord transcel.

Want to know how I know you came from reddit?

faggot nigger lover


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Hello l*ddit

I hate this meme and I hate that normalfaggots like you see fit to spam it fucking everywhere and think thats acceptable.

Thats fucking gay. If they DDOS you, (YOU) should do the same.


A faggot with mod powers doesn't make e-celebs videogames.

>normalfags laughed when he was having spasms before
>he finally kills himself
>normalfags now saying rip and how they always loved him
Really makes you think

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I love how much this meme gets Yea Forums's panties in a bunch
Keep it up user

>m-muh disrespect!
>better submit the tweet to reddit right now for easy karma!

xD upvoted!

literally not a single person:
not one lonely soul:
user: I hate this meme and I hate that normalfaggots like you see fit to spam it fucking everywhere and think thats acceptable.


Attached: lol.jpg (599x165, 15K)

Then tell me something. Why is shit like this allowed constantly but CUNNY isn’t?


Poster number 475335120: "I'm a nigger faggot."

Again, cause mods are fags.

This meme has never made any actual sense. It should be 'Everybody' not 'Nobody'

Based and Jaredpilled

with what gun?

etikas videos where nice

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Etika talked about videogames or so I heard. This person is not Etika, nor is he discussing videogames on Etika's twitter. End result: No videogames involved. But that's just my opinion, I don't really care that much.

>Will get a bullet when the leftist revolution happens
But I thought these thinskinned communist trannies wanted all guns to be destroyed?

based user, look how much these faggots are seething, keep it up

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>normalfags only caring about people with mental problems or depression after they've killed themselves and they can use their deaths for virtue points
checks out

ngl that was pretty funny


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>Be retarded
>People call you retarded
>Wow look how angry I made people by being retarded
He sure succeeded.

this is such perfectly crafted bait, it's fucking beautiful

Shut up you stupid darkie lover

Literally no excuse.
Delete the thread then.

>copypaste a tweet
>instant (yous)
trolling used to be a art

Well, artists do copy each other all the time...

not my fred

user: stop stealing our memes! make your own!
people: make own memes
user: NOOOO STOP THIS *gets triggerd* *post new epic wojak*

>I BROWSE Yea Forums

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If you want the thread deleted post shit that WOULD get it deleted....Like cunny.

the ones they ship from china.

What if his account wasn't hacked? Let me believe it's really him from heaven, damn it.

subscribe to pewdiepie xD

Here's what most likely happened:
>ProJared drama happens.
>Mod puts up a sticky telling everyone to take it to Yea Forums
>Behind the scenes, the mod is reprimanded, and told to take less extreme measures in the future.
>Time passes.
>Etika drama happens.
>Mod has to deal with spam somehow
>Makes containment sticky.

It wasn't so much accepted, as it was contained. However, because containment NEVER works, people assumed the sticky meant their e-celeb garbage is acceptable now.

He's gone guys, just let it be...Let him rest & don't attack him, it's cowardly because he can't reply. And don't praise him like he was an angel too.

>"Makes" own "meme"
oH sHiT my CaPS lOcK buTTon is bROkEN gUYs

why would they allow garbage like twitter in heaven

keep seething :3

fucking retarded illiterate faggot
kill yourself

Literally who?!

>These replies.
This is golden.

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The meme makes sense when it's used properly. The issue is that 99.9999999% of the time it's either pointlessly slapped into something that doesn't necessarily need it, or it's extended too long to the point where it gets to be one of those dumb "lengthy setup to a bland punchline" jokes.
The only way the format should be used is when making fun of someone doing something reactionary or as a response to something that would otherwise be considered extreme, but in the context of the joke, it is implied they would do it even if not a soul made a peep in their environment.

Based Zoomer



Didn't they delete his YouTube account after he died? I wonder why they didn't do the same for his Twitter account.

It's more black twitter shit. Black people sometimes say nobody, when they mean everybody.

t. tranny communist

Fuck off back to >>>r/eddit faggot. You belong. You don’t fucking belong here. Now fuck OFF

>It takes someone with a twisted mind to do something like this, honestly ruins faith in humanity

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Keep being retarded and calling it a meme.

I thought it was a zoomer "meme", though.

rent free

Do they mean doxed or what exactly is the goal of DDOSing some random retard that joins their Discord?

I have no clue. I haven’t joined their discord and honestly I see no need to.