Scarlett isn't going to sell more than 20m units next-gen. This is the last Xbox console

Scarlett isn't going to sell more than 20m units next-gen. This is the last Xbox console.

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He looks buffed

he's built like a dad

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Phil looks good for his age.

hes like 5 feet tall. It's easy for manlets to look buff

Console sales don't really matter. Xbox is more than a box now. Casuals can go to PS5

Neither will Playstation

I'll still get it over the PS5 for Outer Worlds 2

20m is optimistic. It won't even reach WiiU numbers. The only consistent message Microsoft has had since 2016 is "You don't need to buy an xbox" and then they expect the next xbox to sell well?

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I conquer, being a Nintendie watching from the sidelines. History is gonna repeat itself as the winner of the previous gen will be fucked by getting too cocky and jewish with their customers.

>Sony won the PS2 generation and made the PS3 a piece of shit to develop for coming out with some of the worst third party ports like Bayonetta thus ended up with the PS3 selling the least out of the three next gen

>Nintendo sold the most during the wii generation despite the weaker hardware but fucked up their grasp with a shitty next gen console and 0 third party support past launch.

Xbox was kinda in a weird spot during the 360 but the One's launch showed they clearly fucked up going after the causal audience Nintendo brought in with the Wii and abandoning their playerbase. Like Nintendo winning people back with the sales of the Switch, and the amount of studios they been buying I feel Microsoft could pull through this upcoming generation.

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>obsidian game selling well enough for a sequel

>going to be on gamepass

10m downloads eazy

>The only consistent message Microsoft has had since 2016
Well there's that but also "Consistent 60s on metacritic, our promise to you"

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>gamepass equates to sales

M$ has been buying a ton of new studios. They gave up on the Xbone years ago but I'm certain they'll release much better games next gen

I'm looking more forward to the Scarlett than the PS5.

eh, it'll sell well enough
it's not a AAA game, so it doesn't need to sell an enormous amount of copies to be successful

Game devs have said gamepass quadrupled their sales.

The problem with that is for every decent studio they get (Ninja Theory, Playground) they get two that are washed-up or were never good to begin with (Compulsion, Double Fine, Obsidian)

I'm not a fan of either game but damn you the user reviews on there are complete shit

you vastly underestimate the power of gamepass. Do you have any idea how much more DLC a gamepass title will sell. More players + the illusion of a "good deal" (I got the base game for free, a few bucks for DLC seems fine) is big money

The issue with Game Pass is sustainability. Once the big publishers try to shill their own subscription service all their games will leave Game Pass, leaving Microsoft with their crappy first party line-up and a bunch of indie games. Literally what happened to Netflix

Xbox is going to go the way of Sega, and produce only games.

name one reason to buy Xbox

Pedophiles use it to talk to children. If you're into that kind of thing.

>Xbox is so starved for big-name franchises that they're forced to promote Solitaire of all things

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You underestimate Mexicans.

I meant games

Is Phil the most overrated figure in the industry now?

>Age of Empires
>Flight Simulator
>State of Decay
>biggest game franchises in history

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Minecraft actually is one of the biggest franchises in history, but nothing else in that list is even remotely close

Time will tell but gamepass has been solid so far with lots of value. Microsoft is definitely committed and doubling down on the video games.

The future of xbox is an icon on a Windows 10 desktop, thats their future, no hardware.


after xbox one x, playstation is simply done

At least we have a future, weeaboo.

The way they state it in that picture makes it seems like they created Minecraft, instead of just buying Mojang years after Minecraft became popular.

remember when they announced the xbone their "top 5 lineup" included a game that never came out and a fucking timed exclusive


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He's done a lot of good for the Xbox brand, but that doesn't say a whole lot given where it was 5 years ago. Too much focus on hardware, too much dancing around the grim reality that their games suck. For years people have been asking him for new IP and each time he says it's coming only to go on stage at E3 to show off Gears/Halo/Forza with a bunch of indie games. It's getting beyond stale at this point


Why did it take you so long to reply? Couldn't reach the keyboard?

Remember when they rebranded their Vancouver studio to make "the next great Xbox IP" only to bump the brakes and buy Gears from Epic so they could saddle them with it and rename them again?

>xbox is dead top kek
Great so why does it make people here seethe still? I'm okay with it being dead but still use it more than my ps4. I know its dead but I never have a problem finding anyone online to play. 40 million is apparently nothing.

Gamepass is 5$, so 20$ vs the usual 60 lmao

Gears 5 is gonna be great

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Huh no people are buying the actual game more. Gamepass is like free advertising

>remember when they announced the xbone their "top 5 lineup" included a game that never came out and a fucking timed exclusive
What was the cancelled game anyway?

Check other ratings of those who rates those games with 0s.

SoD2 is pretty accurate, at least on release. That game was a fucking mess of bugs, many of which were game breaking.


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>Everyone who replies to my reply is the same person
>Everyone just sits in the same Yea Forums thread focused on posting all day like me
Have sex

Only took 5 min this time, I see you got your step stool.

Anything xbox related gets slammed with fake reviews. Something about Microsoft triggering mentally ill

This DUDE benches.

Xbox hueg

Crackdown 1 & 2 only sold because of the Halo demos.

hello normalfag, had sex like 2 minutes ago i assume?


Thats still Kojima

Crackdown 2 didn't even have a Halo demo. Crackdown 3 was one of the few times i've actually agreed with journalists in that each game is more or less the same as the previous one. 5 years in development for a game like that is a testament to Microsoft's incompetence

I don't have an xbox, but Phil seems like a nice guy

I play my PS4 for singleplayer games
I play my Xbox for multiplayer games
I play my PC for Strategy games and H-Games
And my Switch is just a smash machine.

I am pretty confident that if scarlet fails they'll pivot gamepass to multiplatforms

It will be up to sony and nintendo to say yes or no

>Paying for Xbox Live when you have a PC

Xbox games are not marketed enough or doesn't have has excessive production values. Sony can make a bunch of Ubisoft tower clone games and get GOTY nominations because they are easy for journalists to play even though they are just Ubisoft games with all the interesting mechanics stripped out and more story hammered in.

Phil is like 50. Looks younger desu.

It'll prob be the last console gen full stop if streaming services actually take off and broadband services improve over the next 5-10 years

Either way im done with consoles nearly every series i care about and developer i love have transitioned to pc

People just want them to make a bunch of Sony-esque single-player games

>Xbox 360 dead on arrival
>PS4 is doomed
>Scarlet is the last Xbox console
How many times will Yea Forums get BTFO before they notice the pattern?

I think it's disgusting when middle-aged men have huge titties.

The Wii U, Xbox one and PS3 failing is just the third console curse striking.
The Wii U is Nintendo’s second third console.


Both consoles have the same audience but the difference is where casuals play.


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Man i want that Fable reboot rumor to be true so bad

>Fable reboot
>Phantom Dust reboot
>Scalebound (starring Donte 2.0)
Is there anything Microsoft hasn't canceled?

Crackdown 3

Name 1 (one) Halo/gears/forza game that Microsoft has cancelled.

They need new AAA IPs badly, even Norris’s are tired of Halo/Gears/Forza. What was the last exclusive AAA IP they had? Sunset overdrive? An IP which is now owned by Sony.

>Halo Chronicles
>Halo Online
>Gears of War: Exile

I think it was Quantum Break or ReCore

The playstation 3 the sales ended up surpassing the wii sales, that console cycle lasted longer than usual. Hundreds of developers jumped on the Wii, covering game stores with white boxes the majority of which where terrible quality. The general age group converted all the sales to the cheapened ps3s as the library was expanded against the "ps3 has no games" hate.

>Sony won the PS2 generation and made the PS3 a piece of shit to develop for
From what I've read the PS2 was also a POS to develop for, devs just made do since it's competition either shit the bed (Dreamcast, less the console and more Sega themselves shitting the bed) or was late (GC. Xbawx)

I don't disagree with what you're saying though you're right. I just think the PS3 being a bitch to use wouldn't have been as noticeable if sony didn't shit it's self with the price shit, but since devs had another easier to dev on console that was selling more to top if off they were able to afford phoning in PS3 ports more often.

Oof that's harsh

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A lot of developers were actually bullied by Sony to put their games on PS2. Sega planned on skipping the PS2 for sonic heroes but Sony told them if they don’t release a PS2 version day and date with the other versions they would block Sega from publishing any games on the PS2 so sega had to delay sonic heroes to make the PS2 version.


So the answer is yes?

maybe xbox should try pandering to their old audience again and make games for them instead of going for the none existent woke crowed over and over again

There is nothing Microsoft and Nintendo can do to catch up with Sony in terms of game console profitability.

They’ve reached over 100 million console sales, whereas both the Switch and Xbone haven’t even hit half of that and we’re already at the end of the generation.

Microsoft should quit the console industry all together. The only competition Sony has is with PC gaming at this point.

It's not just AAA, they need quality control. Even their lower-budget games have had either sparse content or terrible technical problems. Look at the new Battletoads for example. It's slow, clunky, and makes one question how it can stand out against River City Girls or Streets of Rage 4. It's a real shame that Microsoft has variety but no quality, while Sony has no variety but relatively decent quality.

switch is still pretty new and is set to overtake the xbone in sales. switch is doing really well.

I'm late 20s and have had them since I was a kid. I'm not fat either. I'm 5'10 and 160 pounds. Probably too much female hormones or some shit. I have man boobs and wide hips and weak muscles and small dick

They'll win if they get loli games on gamepass.

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Keep telling yourself that, Sony nigger, with all the bullshit Sony is getting themselves in, next gen is a guaranteed win for Nintendo and Microsoft.

That's Sony if they even aven a game division left after next gen.

name one reason to buy a PlayStation

I can buy that as well.

These zoomers are too fucking stupid, when a company becomes an arrogant prick that's the company that is going to fail, why Yea Forums never sees this pattern is beyond me.

I can't speak for others but unless they drop the games-as-service bullshit and get some Japanese AA games then I am not buying it.

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Literally any thread about the PS5 mention sony’s arrogance

Yeah, this gen, next gen is a different story. Sony is fucking up so badly that I don't expect that there will be a PS6.

>The playstation 3 the sales ended up surpassing the wii sales
Imagine just going onto the internet to lie.

I'm at least glad Phil's not afraid to show weebshit at E3. He even took a few minutes to talk about how he loved Phantasy Star at this year's E3, and they showed Tales of Arise (I especially loved how they showed Vesperia Remastered last year with Ring a Bell blasting through the speakers and livestreams while not giving a fuck). Sony has some weird aversion to showing anything that might even slightly confuse normalfags at their E3 briefings.

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Most women find "dad bods" hot, but that's not even a dad bod. Dad bods are usually more "fat looking" but muscular due to a blue collar job. They're like thick. Not so much ripped/toned.

Nope, was too busy fucking your mother to care about replying to your retarded stereotypical response to a man's height.


Not sure if you retards realise this but Microsoft sells Windows, they couldn't give less of a shit if you buy the new Ori game on Scarlett, the Xbox store, Steam or even the Epic games store, it all comes back to Microsofts pocket eventually. The entire purpose of things like the game pass is to get more people playing games, not to sell consoles, why? Well because also sell the ONLY operating system that anyone uses to game. More people playing games equals more money for Microsoft.

That analogy doesn't quite work, it's not like Netflix also sold you the TV you use to watch the shows, and made it so that you can only use the TV for shows on Netflix, because that's the situation gamepass is in.

I'm not a consolefag but there are exclusives worth playing on piss4

PS4 has nothing worth playing.

I'd play BB and god of war, but I ain't spending few hundred bucks just to play two fucking games

You mean BB and Gravity Rush 2, God of Boy was shit that only normies like. I'll stick with Xbox and Switch.

Do they own the Outer Worlds IP?