ITT: Games hovering between 5 to 6/10

They're just okay.

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oh yeah, I remember that game for like two days

this is a product made to shill other products, not a proper game.
Granted, it's still better than 4.

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The entire series

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Is a game being mediocre a worse fate than being outright bad? I swear I've played some of these game but they are so forgettable.

Yes. Bad games give you something to think about, they have some kind of story to them and provoke an emotional response. Mediocre games are just a waste of time, hours of your life you will never get back and use on something more productive or at least more entertaining

Easy there tiger

but this is good user

Anonymous 08/24/19(Sat)11:03:18 No.475316945 Archived (Dead)
Lads, it's a bit of a masterpiece.
Anonymous 08/24/19(Sat)11:05:07 No.475317103 (Dead) (You)
(Dead) (OP)
It is, I wish I bought it when it came out.
Anonymous 08/24/19(Sat)11:05:37 No.475317148
Lads, its a quirky VN with puzzles for little kids.
Anonymous 08/24/19(Sat)11:07:05 No.475317273
There is no difference between buying it when it came out and buying it today.

It is still the same amazing game.

You just felt a taste of delayed gratification.

- SP

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Did you have a stroke, user?

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Mario vs donkey kong games are kino. Fight me.

1st one is great but minis sucked

That's what I was thinking too.

Mediocre in all respects.

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Oh hell fucking no. This piece of shit gets a 4 on a good day at best.

this, very well made but whoever just such a chore to actually play

This a 6/10 game

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Fuck that. Minis are kino.

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He said games in 5-6 range, not pure kino

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It's too hard to be considered 'good'

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Currently playing this and I like it but still kinda meh other than the customization.

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Extremists will disagree.

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The paid reviews aged like the finest milk.

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I went in blind to this game and dropped it as soon as I had to use cowboy vision to hunt a deer. Fuck that shit. Fuck that game.

literally the most mediocre game I've ever played, it's one of a kind. There's literally nothing bad or good or I can say about it.

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>best game in the series gets only a 6
damn, you must really hate soulsborne hames huh?

for a 6/10 game it really is kino

this was the first Xbox game i ever played but even i admit it was pretty mediocre


Your mom gargling my testicles, that's truth


Its actually pretty likely, his moms probably 35 tops. At that age she's looking to reclaim her sexuality after 16 years of nursing her faggot son.

>imagine forgetting about the frigid outskirts


Dilate, tranny

Kill yourself, faggot

Based and Minipilled

May as well add every first party Nintendo title to this thread.

>calling other people a faggot
You're the one with the fake vagina for dudes to fuck, my man.

I hate these threads because people post certain things just to get a rise out of others rather than actually contribute to the thread with shit that is actually genuinely middle of the road at best.

Fucking zoomers cant form sentences.

Have sex, virgin

Seethe harder, PTSD resetera goblina.

Are you offering your fake pussy?

Stop replying to me, I want the last word, you fucks.


No way, fag.

I agree, someone is going to post MGS, Some random mario game or silent hill just for (you)s

Your not getting the last edgy word in, stupid nigger.

these one word meme insults are so fucking weak, goddamn how pathetic


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Do my bidding


Game of the goddamned century.

thread is ruined

Nah, this game was straight up trash. Boring as fuck.

It was never good.

It's on games with gold on Xbox so I tried it out. Nothing like Castlevania, but not bad, not great either. Love the environments/atmosphere of certain levels, but it's pretty much just a hodgepodge of whatever was popular at the time in action games. I'll probably play it to the end, but it's just okay to me.

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