Halo Reach multiplayer beta invites has been sent

10,000 invites has been sent.


>Firefight Playlists
During this flight we will rotate two different Firefight playlists throughout the duration with only one available at any given time.
4-player Heroic standard Firefight
4-player Normal grab bag Firefight

>Dates & Play Sessions
August 24, 10:00 AM PT - 1:00 PM PT & 5:00 PM PT - 9:00 PM PT
August 25, 10:00 AM PT - 1:00 PM PT & 5:00 PM PT - 9:00 PM PT
August 26, 10:00 AM PT - 1:00 PM PT & 5:00 PM PT - 9:00 PM PT


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no email:(

im in im dabbin


just use your email bro

No invite, and it seems no offline play. Nevermind.

Didnt stop people from playing the last one, throw away account and VPN. ez

>tfw not in

>tfw its taking half a year to port one fucking halo game

Post yfw you got in
>ditched a girl in bed to go play halo

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you saw how mcc was treated last time and now you're asking for them to rush it?

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I got in. Feels fucking good, man.

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With this timeframe the MCC will be complete in a few years

Reach is a game they're porting to Xbox and Pc at the same time. Halo 1, 2 and 3 have already made it to PC so it will be way easier to port them

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>didn't get in

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That’s how I played it. Hopefully someone just leaks the damn thing.

If they learned from last time they've set up checks to ensure that only allowed gamertags get in

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>Implying 343 is intelligent

Has anyone got into a game yet? I'm stuck trying to contact servers.

Servers don't go live until 7pm tonight, or so I've heard.

Played a round already, so servers are up.

Damn. It just hangs up for me and the game seems to freeze.

This. Holy shit, kill yourself 343

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I got in. Feels pretty good but its still buggy as shit. Couldn't pick up weapons or grenades. No pc graphic settings beyond resolution and low-med-high toggle. At least it supports ultrawide and cant change fov. Looking forward to the finished product

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so where's the streams?

Seriously considering killing myself cuz I love Halo but forgot to ask for an invite so fuckmylife.mov

>putting that Reach trash with the Master Chief
Kill yourself, let Reach be alone in its own shit, Master Chief doesn't need that garbage.

It's still under NDA I think

Picking up weapons depends on gamemode

nah, the email they sent out said this second flight can be shared and streamed


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Now if only someone was actually streaming

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Nope. The email says that you can stream whatever you want.


>got in
>am not even an "influencer"
Cry harder, bitch niggers

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Didn't even want an invite. I'll just go and play the superior version of Halo: El Dewrito with it's less than 50 players

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>Mfw never gotten into any betas I've applied to
I guess my specs and internet speed are just too generic for testing.

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I'm probably banned anyway

>halo 1, 2 have already made it to PC
>wanting the shitty gearbox port and VISTA

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Wow, this was waaay buggier than i thought it would be.
Also that gay ass arcade mode sucks

MCC already uses those versions so it would be starting from the same point

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There is many ways to fix CE, also Custom edition is based, Project Cartographer for 2 is already perfect. Also if you think the MCC versions aren't built off those versions you are wrong

yeah and then people are gonna fix it with mods again

Thats the problem you fuck, they're downgraded from the original release and SHIT aside from online mp. They should take the time to go back and fix what RANDY BITCHFORD fucked up

I know MCC is built off the shit ports thats why I'm bitching about it.

I was watching Eyed White Shut when I got it. Is it a sign to something? I stopped watching because I began to feel terrible during the initial chanting / ritual part.

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Halo Refined has fixed all the ones that they could without engine source access. Since Kornman (aka creator of Open Sauce and many mods for Halo Custom Edition) works for 343, they just have to coordinate with them to do it (which they already are.)

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nice cant wait to play halo 1 in 6 years when its in flight

It's gonna be there sooner than you think

aight bud see you in 2022

Where’s my fucking xbone flight 343?

you CAN join people through steam 'Join Game'. You need to be in the menu just before clicking 'Firefight Arcade' to allow for the joining to work.

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>locked at 60fps
what the fuck?

>No email
And I'm dead inside.

Why is this game not out yet?
They said the entire collection would be out by the end of the year and it's September in a few days

This is 343. Look how long it took them to fix MCC to an extent on Xbone. They're useless cunts

>5 months since this shit was announced
>still in testing phase
>no clear sight of release

fucking kill meeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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>dude just release it right now who cares if it's broken lmao

>Signed up for PC Halo Insider pretty much as soon as it went up
>Didn't get a fucking email even though 10,000 people got in
What shitty criteria are they using to pick people? Why would you leave people out just because you feel like it? I'm fucking so pissed about this. Flight One I could deal with, but this is just fucking AIDS.

Hopefully some hero rips it like last time. Fuck these cunts for not including everyone. There is no one single reason they couldn't get the game into everyones hands. No one.

When you want to test things scaling in complexity, it's easier to distinguish big bugs from small ones by having less people. Also easier to distinguish which bugs are caused by having more people or less.

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I don't mind that they are taking forever, I just wish they didn't announce it until they actually had some work done and didn't keep setting dates that they can't make.

Imagine how good it would feel to wake up one day and hear reach is coming to PC in a month, instead of knowing it's been coming for half a year with no end in sight.

It never ceases to amaze me how shittily 343 handles their relationship with community.

It's already in a better state than 90% of other AAA game releases

>get announced
>hype to the max
>takes too long to release anything
>hype dies

343 literally just picks people at random. The use flights as both testing and marketing because people who didn't get in will cling to information about it and the next one in the hope they get in.
There's absolutely no reason everyone couldn't get it.

Nah, it was better announced then than now because otherwise the Halo community would be super ded

>no email
I even tracked down my old 360 account password for this shit

I wouldn't as fucking annoyed if it weren't for the fact that Firefight was probably what I was looking forward to most and they made it seem like pretty much everyone was going to get in. On top of that, 343 are taking this process so fucking slowly. At first I was a fan of their approach but at this point, I'm starting to think that they're really taking advantage of the fact that so many Halo fans are pussies that keep saying 'take your time with development'. Of course I'm not against a polished experience, but I think they need a confirmed release date that comes soonish (within the next 3 months say) to give them a kick up the ass and get Reach released fully.

I dunno about that, I'll probably turn into a skeleton before Reach comes out so it still seems pretty dead to me.

Give them a break guys, it takes time to take an old game and fill it with microtransactions.

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I think they just legitimately thought porting reach was going to be ez pz.
pairing it with an overhaul to the MCC also isn't helping I bet. someone will end up leaking it anyways.




>didn't get in

>shitty gearbox port
Having online already makes it the best version.

I got in bros. It says I have 3 invite to give away.

First 3 anons who post some top tier futa / trap doujins get invites.

keep in mind 343i have only released disasters. they can't be trusted to release anything quality and timely. curb your expectations.


Why the fuck did everyone abandon ED anyway, thousands of people already had it downloaded, who gives a fuck if Microsoft DMCA'd it? We could literally have weekly Halo nights right the fuck now and instead we're all begging 343 for console scraps.

Post proof.

Same except I ditched a girl (male)

Pic related

The game won't fucking work for me. It crashes every fucking time I try to play multiplayer.
How the fuck do I fix this?

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would you say its badass??

Trust me it baffles me. It's like people thought because they DMCA'd it, it was dead yet people just weren't allowed to download it.

Such a shame because it's probably better than anything 343 will put out.

report the bug, that's the point of this

>Imagine getting an invite and you're greeted with this game breaking bug.

LOL. Try restarting you computer lad.

Old news, shill.

this, i thought this shit was supposed to be uncapped


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>he doesn't know how to use the settings menu

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>have monster pc
>they keep sending codes out to speclets

If Halo 4 can be part of this collection, Reach definitely can.

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Is borderless supposed to uncap it or something? Because I have those exact settings besides that.

Makes sense in terms of optimizing the performance. If you know how it runs on low-end or mid-range systems then you can tweak stuff to make it as smooth as possible.


Fucking shit game.

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Halo 4's a mainline Master Chief game, this piece of shit isn't.

>shilling late night gaming
zoom zoom

You're just bottyblasted that you're not slotting jackals with the cool kids right now.

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but it's still locked at 60fps is the problem

Does the beta give any info on pc spec requirements?

But I hate Reach, so why would I want to play it? call me when Halo 3 happens.

Something's wrong, the e-mail won't show up in my inbox. I called my provider to check if something was being held up by the firewall but they could find anything. Should I mail 343 and ask them to resend it?

what game

>uncapped framerate on
>v-sync on

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Why the fuck would they assign beta keys for randos to give out?

>Get into matchmaking
>Game crashes on startup
Bravo 343

works on my machine :^)

Still can't connect to servers.


>wanting to buy the key for a temporary beta test

How much are you willing to pay for it?

$5 to $10

You're gonna have to shell out a lot more fag.

Fuck Reach Halo 3 is better. Just allow faster base movement speed and a better FOV for Halo 3 and you got the perfect fucking shooter right there if on PC with good mp servers.

I'd rather play ZBNS Reach than any version of Halo 3. Fuck BR spread.

BR spread is exaggerated and even then its only because of the netcode for H3 Xbox. Saying you prefer Reach really shows your shit taste and lack of skill bud.

They can take as long as they want. Itll still be broken when they release it officially. 343 are the most incompetent devs right now. Its amazing how many people keep giving them a chance.

If you were this awful at your job, you would’ve been fired after Halo 4 came out.

Ultimately, I'd rather play CE. Given the choice between 360 Halos, I'll pick the one that is consistent and has better user maps.

>lack of skill
fuck off mlg, your time is done.